200 Best Matt Ryan Quotes

Charlie: How much of that did you hear?
Mona: Uh... nothing at all. Nothing about breaking out or hacking history. Please don't turn me into a cat.
John: Well, I didn't turn her into a cat. I returned her to being a cat, which is considerably easier, believe me.

Sara: We are headed back to the '90s to infiltrate a place called Camp Ogawa.
John: Oh, sneaking into a military facility, are we?
Sara: Actually, it's a summer camp for kids.
Ray: Oh, I loved summer camp. Everyone used to call me Kid Counselor.
John: Bet you took that as a compliment, too, didn't you, mate?

Zari: Hey, when Nora was possessed by Mallus, he seemed scared of my totem. He said that I was "one of the six."
John: And that bastard doesn't fear much. If your totem gave him the frights, maybe these trinkets are the keys to stopping him.
Ray: So much for our anti-magic nanite gun.
Amaya: I only know about five totems. There's my Spirit, your Air, Kuasa's Water. And then there's Earth, and there's Fire. But could there be more?
John: I'll do some digging. I have, uh, numerous contacts I can draw on. Well, this has been, uh, weird. Even for me. Well, I'll be on my way, then.

Zari: Were you and your mom close?
John: Just met her twenty minutes ago. Died in childbirth.
Zari: [awkwardly] Two for two.

Gideon: Mr. Constantine's body is rejecting my treatments. His odds of survival are bleak.
Ray: John, what you did out there was pretty selfless. I told you you were good.
[taking the cigarette out of his mouth]
Ray: That's not good for you.
Sara: Get some rest, John. Gideon, give him the good stuff.
John: [as he's drugged up] Oh, Gideon. That's nice, love. We should party...

Leo: I got the adrenaline, and what is this?
John: It's the Triangle of Solomon with some elder runes and Enochian script. It's a trap of my own design. Mallus will have no chance of breaking free. Now, I gotta warn you both. Things are about to get a little bit wonky in here. Anything with an electrical current, you might want to turn it off.

Sara: John. Wha-what are you doing here?
John: Oh, I heard your, uh, movie premiere was in town tonight, so I thought I'd pop in.
Sara: Well, just make yourself at home, then.
Ava: Why can't he ever just be normal?

Sara: John, you take care, you lunatic.
John: I always do, love. I always do.

John: I broke into the looney bin to perform an exorcism. And while I was at it, that demon called your name. Said you'd soon be slipping into the dark. And I figured if Emily's demon knows you on a first name basis, you might know something that can help me save you both.
Sara: I don't need saving. And I am done fighting demons.
Nate: You think this has something to do with the demon we're fighting?
Sara: [Constantine's interest is piqued] I was speaking of them metaphorically, but, yes, I did recently visit the spirit world. It's a long story, but it's probably how the demon knows my name. And the demon's name is Mallus.
John: Mallus. Smashing. Very handy, demon names. Just what I need to cast this Mallus wanker out. Now, I don't know what you and your, uh, dishy lot have gotten yourselves into, but I suggest you leave it to the experts. So, nice one for the tip. I've got a girl to save.

John: I really made a dog's dinner of that parlour game, didn't I?

Sara: What did he do to her?
John: He's preparing her. Neron must be looking for a new vessel. It only makes sense going after Ava, especially if he wants control over the Time Bureau. But when a demon possesses someone, the body has to be willing, and if it's not, the demon has to force his way in by sending the soul to purgatory. That's where the real fight begins.
Sara: How do we save her?
John: Some souls go up and some go down. But if she's been there as long as she has, then she's not coming back, Sara.
Sara: I'm not giving up on her, John. You're going to send me to purgatory to get her.
John: If I send you down there with her, there's nothing that I can do to protect you.
Sara: I'll take my chances.
John: This isn't something you can just fight your way through, love.
Sara: Please, John!

John: Hank?
Henry: [speaking through Rory] Who else would it be? Where's Nathaniel?
John: Oh, well, Nate gave you the big middle finger, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me.
Henry: Still angry, is he? Us Heywoods, we hold a good grudge.

Cardinal: I trust you're keeping a good eye on my interests?
Richard: Of course, your Grace. Like an eagle.
Cardinal: I don't want an eagle, Mr. Pace. They can soar too high. Be a pigeon - and shit on everything.

John: Oh, my, what a big, scary knife you've got. I'd sooner be filleted than do your bidding.
Neron: This knife is not for you. It's for Raymond. The human body is fascinating. Delicate, fragile. Did you know that if I cut this artery right here, it will take only a matter of minutes before Ray's body goes into shock and eventually expires?
John: Hey, big man. Come on. I know you're in there. Snap out of it, eh?
Neron: Ray's gone. I've taken over his body. We made a deal. And you of all people should know what it means to make a deal with a demon. Now, if Ray was still in here, would he do this?
[tries slitting Ray's throat with the knife, Constantine turns it into a feather]
Neron: I knew I could make you use your magic.

Doctor: Sir? Visiting hours are over.
John: [briefly chanting in Latin] You never saw me and, uh, everything is perfectly normal.

Ava: Is this safe? It doesn't sound safe.
John: It isn't. Any more questions? Good. Let's hold hands.

Masher: John, wait!
John: Masher? Masher, is that you possessing the lad?
Masher: Glad to see you escaped Hell.
John: Yeah, well, I could say the same about you, mate.
Masher: Demon's gotta have his fun.
John: Yeah, well, I could murder a pint right about now. Fancy a drink?
Masher: You're buying.
John: You've got it. Let's go.
Gary: Uh, excuse me, greatest of warlocks, but what about Edgar's mother?
John: Good thinking, G-man. We'll take the fire escape.

Calibraxis: [Nora enters the torture chamber] Who the hell are you?
Nora: [annoyed] Really? The dress doesn't sell it?
Calibraxis: You didn't tell me you had a Fairy Godmother, John.
Nora: Not his, Gary's
John: And I thought I was the one being tortured.
Calibraxis: Look, Princess, we got rules here in hell All right? You can't just lets go
[Nora poofs him away]
Calibraxis: .
John: What are you doing?
Nora: Going to find Ray, same way I found you.
John: The only difference is Ray doesn't have a body.
Nora: So let's go find his soul.
John: His soul token, that's the currency in hell While a soul is being tortured, then its token is traded around town like money, As long as you have it, then you'll always have access to the soul, But since Neron is still topside, then his token's likely locked in his vault.
Nora: Then let's go find it,
[her wand doesnt work]
Nora: Why isn't this working?
John: I'm sorry, love, you can't just go poofing yourself into the vaults of hell, we'll have to find someone to help us break in, and I think I know just the person.

John: So, how many girls has the missus made cry so far, or have you lost count?
Sara: Ava's interrogation techniques aren't going to work on them. They'd rather take their secrets to the grave than squeal. Anything with the boys?
John: Oh, those boys aren't hiding a thing. They're open books, if those books were written by hapless fools, that is.

Sara: [interrupting Mick and Constantine] Sorry to break up the bonding session, but we found our fugitive, and we think it's a real witch.
John: Well, a real witch must be off her trolley to hang around here.
Ray: Well, we just saw a woman command a murder of crows, and now I know why they call it that.

Ava: I don't understand. Who sleeps with a warlock and then turns around and starts calling me her girlfriend?
Gary: She called you her girlfriend?
Ava: Yeah. And I really wanna believe her.
Gary: But?
Ava: But I don't think that Sara's really a one-woman woman.
John: Well, if the price of admission is looking like a fool or getting your heart broken, then, well, I'd say Ms. Lance is pretty well worth it.

Ray: How are we going to make distance with five of us and a kidnapped Nixon?
Mick: [pointing to a nearby RV] There. There's our getaway.
John: [seeing it's literally called "The Getaway"] That's a bit on the nose, no?
Sara: We left subtlety back in Mexico.

John: [as the tranquilized Nixon wakes up] Hey, guys? Looks like, uh, Nixon over here is finally winning the war on drugs.

John: I'm John Constantine, and I am devious to the core.

Sara: Nate will be back soon. In the meantime, we need to go back before the monarchy goes anarchy.
John: Never thought I'd get to meet the Queen.
Sara: Not gonna happen. Too risky. And besides, she's not the one setting off Ray's magic-o-meter. The Queen's favorite new band is... the Smell.
John: The Smell? Never heard of 'em, and I know of every rubbish punk band there is in London.

John: I just love love.

John: You know, a unicorn is no bloody joke. You might want to get your ol' girlfriend on the blower.
John: You didn't tell Director Sharpe that you let all the monsters out to play, did you?
Sara: Ava and I are in a great place right now. Better than great. In fact, she asked me to move in with her, and I said yes. So why rock the boat unless it's absolutely necessary?
John: Because when the boat eventually tips, you'll both bloody drown.

Zari: Yeah, some great sorcerer.
John: Ooh! Some great influencer! You could barely keep him distracted for ten minutes.
Zari: Oh, I'm sorry; should I have let myself be serial killed so you would've have five more minutes to *not* find the ring?

Barry: What is it? Some kind of star map?
John: Parallel Earths spread out by vibrational frequency. We are well and truly bolloxed. So many Earths already gone, and more vanishing as we speak.
[chanting in a foreign language]
John: I give you the needle in the celestial haystack; an Earth with a functioning Lazarus Pit.
Mia: Okay. Well, now what?
John: [vanishing the map into nothing] Ah. Perhaps a thank you and a little well-earned awe for a magical job well done, eh?
Mia: How about I thank you when you bring my dad back?

John: I didn't live this specific moment, but I remember it. It's all part of my jumbled, bloody memory.
Zari: By the way, only about ten percent of what you're saying makes any sense, but by all means, continue.

Fairy: All I want is to make the world a happier place.
John: Well, you got Prudence's mother thrown in the bloody clink. And what about that bloke who had his eyes pecked out of his skull, eh?
Fairy: [hard] That man was a liar. They are all liars. And simple-minded pests like that must be taught a lesson.
John: [sarcastically] Ooo, "pests". Intriguing choice of words...
Fairy: Before Prudence, all the girls I helped were just take, take, take. "I want a new dress, godmother." "I want to go to the ball, godmother." So I gave and I gave, no matter how absurd the request. I mean, who would ever choose to wear glass slippers? Imagine the blisters! And what did I get in return? A thousand years locked away in a dank and miserable dimension.
John: So it was humans who put you away, eh? Well, it serves you right, you bitter old nag. You don't want Prudence happy. You want her raging. That's how you settle the score, by using a child's anger to rain down hellfire on those poor bastards out there

John: [at Donner Pass in the Ice Age] Okay, enough of the sightseeing. Can we go now? I'm a bit knackered, to be honest with you, mate.
Neron: We're not here as tourists, Johnny.
John: Ah, right, you're gonna get rid of me in some dramatic fashion. Get on with it, will you?
Neron: I'm not gonna kill you. Not yet, anyway.

John: Ooh, Director Sharpe. Joining us, are we?
Ava: Is that a problem?
John: Not for me, love.

John: Hey, cheers, big man. And now I am gonna go and, uh, satiate my most wonderful habit. Gonna have a smoke.
Ray: What? No, no, no. D-Don't ruin it. We just cured you.

John: Hold the bloody phone. Are you El Cura?
Sara: Oh, you know this guy?
John: Anyone who knows anything about Mexican culture knows El Cura, the legendary luchador and movie star.
Sara: No.
John: You know, I loved your monster movies, mate. Whoever wrote those gems had a better handle on magic than any of those tosspots up in Hollywood.

Neron: Captain Lance, thank for coming all this way. If you're looking for Ray, he's, uh... checked out.
Zari: Is Neron on comms?
Neron: But if you'd like to join him, I can make arrangements.
John: Sara, open fire now. This may be your only chance.
Nate: We can't fire. That's Ray.
John: Ray made a deal with a demon. He's gone. We can't lose anyone else to this bastard. Do it.
Sara: What about you?
John: Blow us both to kingdom come. I'll be happy to go to hell for the cause.

Sara: How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?
John: Well, somehow you managed to channel a demon of the highest order, and you didn't succumb.
Amaya: Sara's strong. She's the strongest person I know.

Dr. Ellen Moore: Sir! I don't know how you got in here, but I have contacted the authorities and will press charges.
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, luv. I can explain. And don't get your pearls in a twist. If you'll just look at this here coin...
Dr. Ellen Moore: I will do nothing of the...
[he tosses the coin into the air; she stares at it, entranced; when it lands, she looks around and sees he's disappeared]

Ray: How are we going to find the kids with that dangly thing?
John: You know, this ritual usually works best when someone isn't yammering in my ear hole.

Emily: [offering Rawson a bottle] Thank you.
Mick: You guys want to watch out for this one. She's gonna have a hard time getting over me.
Emily: Like kicking a virus.
Mick: You know, I could have just missed.
Emily: With your ego? Not a chance.

John: [seeing the bridge of the Waverider] Blimey! Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you've got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
John: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I am an accomplished warlock, an expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus for those of you taking notes.

Charlie: Oy, oy. Wake up, John-O.
John: Piss off, will you?

John: Sara Lance. What the bloody hell have you gotten yourself into?

Neron: Knew you'd be here.
John: Ah, so I come from a long line of bloody bastards. Big reveal.
Neron: Have you even considered what's it's really gonna be like for you in hell with all those pissed-off folks you sent there just waiting for you? Including my Tabitha.
John: Tabitha. Who is this bird, anyway? Why is she so important?
Neron: Who is she?
John: Yeah.
Neron: You're just like your ancestor. So convinced you're always right. You don't even know who you're sending away. Fitting that he's about to do the same to you. But once you see how powerful magic can be when fueled by fear, you can save yourself from being sucked to hell.
John: [laughing] Oh, you would love for me to stabilize that vortex, wouldn't you? You see, the thing is, I'm not afraid of going to hell. I've always counted on the fact that I'd end up there one day no matter what.
Neron: And what about this innocent creature beside you?
John: [glancing at the Púca] Well, I guess I'm just a bloody bastard, then, aren't I?

Ray: I can't have a ticket on my record. I can't have a ticket on my record!
John: Yeah, well, nabbing Nixon's gonna give you more than a bloody ticket, mate.
Mick: Gun it! I'm bored.

John: Yeah, we saved Sara's life. Now that should fix everything.
Charlie: The Custodians should be back to being the Legends, and Zari should no longer be a cat.
John: [seeing Zari still in her cat form] All right, this might be a crossed-wire thing in my brain, but that is still a cat sitting there, isn't it?

John: This is King Solomon's original grimoire; the oldest magical textbook in existence. Now, if there is a spell to quell our equine friend, it'll be in here.
Sara: Well, not to pressure you, but the entire fate of the sexual revolution is in the balance here.
John: Ah, it is my favorite revolution.

John: Always a pleasure to see you, Lucy. It's time.
Lucifer: Excuse me, ladies. Seems like you're not only ones who wants a piece of me. See you later. Johnny. I'd like to say it's a pleasure to see on you my Earth outside my club. It's not.
[to Mia]
Lucifer: Hello. Don't believe we've met. Lucifer Morningstar.
Mia: Lucifer Morningstar, as in...
Lucifer: The devil. Yes, exactly. So tell me. What is it you desire?
Mia: I... I, uh... I desire to get my father back.
Lucifer: Daddy issues. Why didn't you say so?
John: Look, we don't know if you have an Oliver Queen on your world, but ours has, uh, shuffled off his mortal coil.
Lucifer: A soul retrieval, blah, blah, blah, the worlds are ending. It's all very Biblical, John. Okay, okay. I'm only doing this 'cause I only owe you for Maz.
John: Yeah, you do.
Lucifer: [to Diggle] You remind me of my brother, by the way - tall, dark, annoyed by me.
John: You gonna help us our not?
Lucifer: Oh, flirt. The devil always sees through on a deal. Take this card. You have a limited time once inside Purgatory, and once the picture complete fades...
John: Our souls will be decimated, blah, blah, blah.
Lucifer: And trapped in eternity forever, so I don't recommend it. Consider us even, John Constan-tine.
John: [chuckles] Constantine.
Lucifer: Is it? I don't care. Always a pleasure doing business with mortals.

John: So, what's your story then, handsome?
Leo: I'm from another Earth, and I'm spoken for.
Mick: Yeah, his girlfriend's a guy. Anyway, this is too much for me. I'm gonna watch TV.

John: You know, there's a reason why I prefer to walk this path alone. It's, uh, so I don't have to share with anyone how lost I really am. But you're not alone, are you, Sara?
Sara: Maybe I should be.
John: She's a good one. Try not to hurt her.
Sara: That's what I'm afraid of.

John: What you're saying is that I broke time?
Zari: Yes, back in New Orleans. Sure, you don't have to live with the guilt of damning Desmond, but you also never joined the Legends.
Charlie: Without John's help with the unicorn at Woodstock, Sara died, which made the Legends into killers. Well, there's only one way to fix this.
John: We go back to Woodstock and we save Sara.
Charlie: [excited] Yeah.
Zari: No! Guys, you're not listening to me. You have to go to New Orleans and set history back on track.
Charlie: Whoa, whoa, Z. You're suggesting a total reset of the timeline. What we need is a surgical strike. Now, if we save Sara, then the Custodians of the Chronology never exist. I keep my powers, Dez is de-demoned, Bob's your uncle.
Zari: I'm sorry, guys. I have to stop you before you make this any worse.
[as she passes, Constantine pulls out a strand of her hair]
Zari: Ow!
John: [chanting a spell and turning her back into a cat] All right, then. I'm sorry, love. Until you can learn to stay out of my way, then you...
[picking her up and putting her in Charlie's backpack]
John: ...are a cat.

John: If we're lucky, Mallus hasn't cemented his control over the girl yet.
Sara: Well, if you're looking for luck, you're on the wrong time ship.

Sara: This is not just any demon, and we've been fighting it before you even knew its name. And if this girl's connected to Mallus, she might be able to help us destroy him.
John: You wanna tag along for an exorcism?
Sara: Yep.
John: That's out of the bloody question, luv.
Sara: Well, we gave you its name. So you owe us.
John: Well, I gave you your soul. So you owe me indefinitely.
Sara: Hmm. All the more reason for me to help you.

Charlie: So how does helping you make me a shapeshifter again?
John: Well, it's simple, really. If I never meet Desmond, then this demon scum that's after me doesn't hurt him, which means that my guilt-ridden ass never joins the Legends and doesn't turn up to London to give you a magical lobotomy. Now...
Charlie: Simple.
John: Yeah. Now, the me from five months ago is having a drink in there. Now, I'll recognize you as Amaya. All you have to do is play the part, all right?
Charlie: American accent, stick up my bum, and in love with Nate.

John: We need the Protection Stone of a powerful shaman.
Mick: [cut to him bumping into Jimi Hendrix] Watch it.
[revealing he lifted Jimi's necklace]
Mick: Brother.
John: And the lock of a doomed woman.
The: [cut to him taking a strand of hair from Janis Joplin] Janis, this is quite an honor.
Janis: Little robot man.
The: Hi. My mom is a huge fan.
Janis: [laughing] Your mom?
John: And for our final ingredient...
[looking at the book]
John: Quis virginem.
Sara: What?
John: A virgin.
The: A virgin at Woodstock? Ha! Good luck with that; this is the least celibate place in history.

John: I agreed to help you save history, not take part in your little role-playing adventures. Call me if you find anything.
Mick: If he's staying, I'm staying. Besides, no fun in Puritan times. The church banned burning people at the stake.
Sara: Well, they didn't actually burn people. That was the Middle Ages. The Puritans used the gallows, but, yeah, sure, stay.
Zari: You know, I actually miss having someone Nate-splain history to us.

John: Of all the way that I thought I'd go--decapitated by a demon, eviscerated by an elemental--I wouldn't have picked being at home with my mates.

John: Leo, we really need...
Leo: Yes, drugs, pronto. On it.
John: [Leo turns to leave] Nice one. Oh, and, uh, see if you can find me a light, yeah?
Leo: Got it!
John: [seeing Sara's expression] What?

Gary: [investigating a child's demonic possession] What's wrong with him?
John: His PJs, for starters. Do people really wear matching pajama sets?
Gary: Yes.

Gary: Hi, I'm, uh, Gary Green. Um, if I had to sum myself up in two words, they would be, uh, fully forgiven. A lot of things happened last year that you could misconstrue as, uh, potentially, maybe being my fault. But thankfully, everyone agrees that at worst, I was just a hapless rube who got manipulated by the forces of Hell to betray humanity. Uh, I had a fairy godmother named Nora, but, uh, we separated amicably after she granted me my heart's deepest wish.
John: [taking his coffee cup] Gary, what the hell are you doing? Come on, we got bigger fish to fry.
Gary: Nora made me Constantine's apprentice.
John: Gary!

John: Astra, love. This isn't you.
Astra: Oh, of course it is. Or would you rather I stayed that terrified little girl, crying and waiting for you to come and rescue me? I would have been waiting a long time.
John: I am so, so sorry, love, but... this place, it's twisted you.
Astra: If anything... it's made me more like you. Right, John?
John: You're not like me. You're not.
Astra: You chose wrong. You should have saved your friend.

John: Not to bother you, but we've lost the ship, drugged the President, and I'm stuck in the back of a motor home with her
[referring to Mona]
John: Now what are we gonna do?
Sara: We are going to Disney World.
Mick: Yawn. Haven't we been tortured enough?

John: A shot of pickle juice and a gin and tonic will sort that right out.
Sara: Oh, I thought this was all over. The blood lust, the fight for my soul, all the crap that I've had to endure.
John: Well, there's always more crap to endure. Take it from one who's damned his own soul to Hell. There was a... a girl, in Newcastle. Astra. I failed her.
Sara: Some might say you should forgive yourself.
John: Hmm. Well, if I could, then perhaps I wouldn't have the need to save the likes of poor Nora. What about you? Have you forgiven yourself for your sins?
Sara: I don't deserve forgiveness.

John: I've got to ask, Masher. Has she done it?
Masher: I don't know what you're talking about, John.
John: Don't be coy with me. Has Astra released the worst souls from Hell onto Earth?
Masher: What can I say? The girl's all grown up and making money moves. The question is, what are you gonna do?
John: Well, I don't need to do anything about it, all right? My life is settled right now. I'm not gonna stir up a hornet's nest of trouble because Astra Logue wants to break the glass ceiling in Hell.
Masher: Is that so?
John: You smug git.
[putting his bottle of booze down]
John: Right, then. Sorry about this.
Masher: Ah, no, at least let me have a swig.
[Constantine begins chanting in Latin]
Masher: You're a bastard, John!

John: You feel the energy in this room? It's like sitting on a keg of dynamite. You see, wakes are notorious soft spots where the supernatural meets the living world. You see Nate's aunt? That particular prayer is to ward off evil spirits. And hey... covered the mirrors, so the bad lads can't get in.
Ray: Well, that's creepy.
John: Yeah, well, "creepy" is my business.
[a lamp flickers]
John: And it looks like business is good.

Doctor: I am a scientist, not an athlete.

Sara: We can't screw this up, okay? When we bring Oliver back, I need you to promise me you can bring back his soul.
John: Yeah. One thing at a time, right, love?
Sara: I need to hear you say it.
John: I'll do it.
Sara: Thank you.
John: To the best of my abilities.

Sara: There's Mona's bike. Where is she? Where is everybody?
John: Yeah, I know this kind of quiet, and it never means anything good.
[as if on cue, a man screams as he's thrown through a glass door]

Ray: [possessed by Neron; shown on TV in Hell] Denizens of hell, for far too long, we have been forced to live like insects underneath the Earth. Soon, a door will open, Look to the sky and await my signal. With me as your king, we will make Earth hell again.
Nora: So that's been his play all along.
John: We best keep moving, loves, before all hell literally breaks loose.

John: Are you bloody kidding me? Puppets? Again?

Nora: I found it. I found it; Ray's coin.
Astra: So long, then, John boy, for now.
John: Whoa, hold on a minute. Our deal was for his soul, not a bleeding coin.
Astra: Fine. A promise is a promise.

Sara: What is that?
John: It's a little reminder that, uh, you're a survivor. Strong enough to keep even the most powerful demons at bay. A laundry room in a mental asylum in 1969 might not be the worst place to be stuck.
Sara: Are we really this damaged?
John: I certainly hope so.
[they start to make out]

Astra: What do you want, John? And please tell me you're not here to make some sad, sappy plea for me to remember who I really am.
John: I know exactly who you are. You're someone I can work with. Now, the Triumvirate, they were too short-sighted to take my deal, and now they are roasting rats for supper. But you're smarter than that, Astra. All I need is access to one measly soul, and in exchange, I'll go kill Neron, and your boys will be back on top.
Astra: This soul you're after... must be pretty special.
Nora: He is.
Astra: I was special to you, too, John, once. And yet you left me down here to rot all these years.
John: Astra, you can't...
Astra: I'm over it. I made the best of a bad situation, and guess what. I flourished. Down here, I had prospects, until Neron wiped his ass with them.
John: So, do we have a deal?
Astra: Let's go rob the king.

John: [to Nora Darhk] Girl, listen to me, listen to me. As smart as Ray is, he doesn't understand what you're about to do. Choosing a life of magic, you're either all in or you're not. There's no half-measures. And you and I both know it never leads to a happy ending.
[shows Nora visions of a handsome black man]
John: So if you're gonna do this... you don't do it for Ray. You don't do it for me. You do it for yourself, all right? It's your choice.
[starts to lose consciousness]
John: Your choice... it's your choice.
[passes out]

Nora: You doomed the whole planet!
Ray: Look, I didn't have a choice. He was gonna kill Nate. Ii was the only way I could make sure my best friend would be safe.
John: So that was the deal you made - his life for your body. Oh, Raymondo, you sweet, dumb son of a softie.

Sara: You were right.
John: Ah. What was that, now?
Sara: You were right! There's a magical creature at Woodstock. Now let's go!
John: You know, for someone with a time traveling machine, you seem to be in an awful hurry.
Sara: John, the unicorn has already gored two hippies.
John: [interested] Ohh... a unicorn?
Sara: Yeah.
John: Well, all right, I'm in. But first, I need to know, was any of your team musked by the beast?
Sara: If that's what you're calling its sparkle sauce, then, yeah. Why?
John: Oh, they're in for... one hell of a ride.

John: Hey, Nate. How's the old toast going?
Nate: Is there one or two N's in "conniving"?

John: I'm John Constantine, love. Clever doesn't even begin to describe it.

Sara: [after taking the dog down with a somersault kick] Now what?
John: To send the demon to Hell, I need to know its true name.
Sara: Well, I'm pretty sure it's not Gary Junior.
Astra: His name is Marchosias.
Gary: Astra! You dick!

John: And what good would John Constantine be without magic?

Sara: You saved me again.
Ava: I had a little help.
John: [off the fireball Mick is holding] Well, while we're here, uh... a light?

Gary: Our sorcereress was missing, feared dead.
Ava: Gary, how does any of this help us find Sara and the Legends?
John: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let the man finish his story, all right? As you were, mate.
Gary: Zanatar the Unburnt wielded the Death Sword, one of the Six Swords of Sorrow. To defeat him, we needed...
John: Another of the Six Swords.

John: [in an ancient Celtic village] First you kill my friends, and now you bring me to this miserable era.
Neron: Oh, Johnny, quit being such a crybaby. I just did what I had to do. Can't have your friends getting in the way of us creating that door to hell.
John: There's still no way I'm helping you. Besides, the vortexes I make are strictly one-way. They suck you in. And don't you think if my magic was powerful enough to stabilize a vortex, I wouldn't have saved Desmond or Astra?
Neron: Yes, and that's why we're here. As powerful as your magic is, you can always teach an old dog new tricks. And it's more than magic that you need to learn.

Leo: So, where are we, exactly?
Sara: Well, I think the question is "when?".
John: [picking up a discarded newspaper] January 16th, 1969. She sent us back in time.
Sara: [spotting a younger version of Dr. Moore] Wait, is that Nora's doctor?
John: Apparently her taste in jewelry never changed. But yeah, this is all a bit weird. Can we get your, uh, team to come pick us up?
Sara: We can't communicate across time without special equipment.
Leo: You mean we're stuck here.
John: [seeing Sara's look as he puts a cigarette in his mouth] Well, we wouldn't want to stand out, now would we?
[he strikes a match, but it doesn't light]
John: Bollocks.

Astra: You just can't stay away, can you?
Benjamin: Careful, he's still got one bullet left.
Astra: I appreciate your concern, Benjamin, but I'm not worried about him. We're old friends, aren't we, Johnny? So, why don't you tell me what you came all the way down here for?
John: I came all the way down here to tell you...
[wavering, he lowers the Hell gun]
John: ...that I'm not giving up on you. And even if it takes me 'till the end of my days, I promise you that I will find a way.
Astra: Another meaningless promise made by the great John Constantine. You've gone soft.
[she and Bugsy laugh, and Constantine snickers sardonically]
John: Not that soft.
[shooting Bugsy]
John: This one's for Jeanie.

John: You know, people can change and not change at the same. time. I'm still a bastard, I know that. But I guess now I know what I'm missing by not being a bastard.

John: Lucha Libre wrestling is all about character and charisma; a modern-day morality play. Good versus evil, the people versus the man.
Ray: Well, according to the altered historical record, El Lobo arrived on the scene six months ago and quickly rose to the top. The mystery surrounding his true identity inspired novels, movies, and TV shows.
Charlie: Aw, bollocks. This is the one that I get sidelined for?

Sara: Admit it, this is fun working with a team.
John: Well, if ol' Gary gets eaten alive, it only goes to prove my point: people who care about us die.
Gary: What was that?
John: Oh, nothing, mate. You're golden. Carry on, yeah?

Emily: So, how does a Brit...
Mick: A handsome Brit.
Emily: How does a Brit end up in the FBI?
Mick: It's pretty simple. Cooper and I bumped into each other a few times. Ten months ago, they told him he could handpick a new team. He called, I came. Passport didn't matter.
Emily: Huh. So, is it true that no one in the British Special Forces is allowed to admit they're in it?
Mick: I don't know. I'd have to ask around about that one.
Emily: [amused laugh] You know, there's a lot of rumors about your boss.
Mick: Yeah?
Emily: One I heard was when he left the BAU, he was doing psychological ops overseas.
Mick: Well, I've never been big on rumors.
Emily: So I don't suppose you're gonna tell me just where you two "bumped into each other"?
Mick: I'll tell you I trust the man with my life. I'll tell you I'd die for the man.

Gary: This feels wrong.
Ray: Well, don't worry. We'll be watching from a short distance, and you'll be... fine.
Gary: What am I supposed to do with the pomegranate?
John: Oh, the unicorns, they can't get enough of them, mate.
Zari: [sotto, to Ray] Yeah, that and human hearts.
Gary: So the pomegranate is the bait?
Sara: Yeah, we wouldn't put an interim member of our team in jeopardy, right, guys?
Gary: I'm an interim Legend?
[they all shrug and nod half-heartedly]
Gary: Well, then. Uh, one-one more question. Are you sure that I'm a virgin, 'cause that thing we did...
John: Positive, mate.

Henry: Son, why are you holding a tiny guitar, or do I even want to know?
Nate: Oh, this... this is a lute.
Mick: [jerking out of his sleep] Someone say loot?
Nate: This is what we're gonna use to put the minotaur to sleep.
Mick: I thought you said that was loot.
Henry: I don't understand.
John: Well, I suppose it is more of a lyre.
Mick: [going back to sleep] Everyone's a liar.

John: Greetings, Satan, first of the fallen.
Satan: It's been a long time, John.
John: Belial.
Belial: We've been looking forward to hearing the bunk you're peddling.
John: And Beelzebub. Not as popular, but you were always my personal favorite.

Charlie: Ah, the usual insanity that passes for normal around here.
Sara: What is this? Why are you being so weird?
John: [Charlie and Zari both glance at him, Z patting his shoulder as they leave] Yeah, well, I, uh... I do have a little bit of a tale to tell, to be honest. You fancy a drink?
Sara: Mm, one of those stories. Let's go.

Neron: I knew you could exploit fear to make yourself even more powerful.
John: Well, it looks like you taught this old dog some new tricks after all. But now I'm gonna use those new tricks to strike you down.
Neron: You know, I do have a few tricks of my own.

Charlie: Oh, you gotta be joking. "Vandal Savage." That's a real name?
John: And here's me thinking that Damien Darhk's moniker was a touch on-the-nose.

John: So, any idea of what kind of foul beast we're up against, then?
Ava: Well, based on
[knowing look to Sara]
Ava: research Sara and I have been doing, we could be looking for a swampy monster thing.
Sara: According to the timeline, before the end of summer, several kids went missing, never to be seen again.
John: Well, I happen to know a swamp thing. But then again, Maine is way too far north for that muppet.

Nora: When Neron was at the Bureau, he and I shared a... a connection. If you can take me to Ava's place, I might be able to know where he took her.
John: Demons communicate. He'll know your past, how susceptible you are. You're a liability.
Ray: She's not a liability. She's a survivor. Unlike you, she's turned her dark experiences into a source of strength, not an excuse for alcoholism or chain smoking. She also saved your life. Sorry. Would you like to add anything?
Nora: No, that about covers it.

John: You know? It is 1977 in London Town. I'm gonna enjoy the sights. Good luck with your magic problem.
Ray: Did you guys just make Constantine leave?
Sara: We'll get back to you, Ray.

Desmond: [freed of Neron] You saved me, Johnny. I'm grateful for that. But it doesn't change anything.
John: I know. But I can make it all go away, Des.
[holds up a memory eraser]
John: This will make you forget.
Desmond: No. You sent me to Hell. That's something we're both gonna have to live with.
[walks away to the elevator]

Doctor: Oh, I missed you.
Zari: Me too.
Doctor: [runs to pick her mobile handset] Oh.
Nate: She's talking to her phone.

Ava: ...Height of World War II.
Doctor: World War what, you say?
Ava: Two.
Doctor: You mean to tell me that that is a war after the war to end all wars?

Henry: So explain to me how this... "magic-ometer" of yours works.
Ray: Oh. Well...
Mick: [straight and to the point] Thingy goes beep, and we kick ass.
Zari: Meaning we investigate each time period.
John: Yeah, we find the creature.
Sara: We bring it to the Bureau.
Ray: And hopefully learn some life lessons along the way.
Henry: And it takes six of you to do that?
Ray: Seven, if you count Amaya.
Gideon: Eight if you count me.
Henry: Sounds a little... inefficient.

Sara: Back on your feet already, Hank.
Henry: Yeah, your gal patched me up good. I'm just running through our strategy.
John: Oh, wait, are you letting him use our D&D minatures?
Zari: No, I didn't let him touch Cyndra, Lord of the Darhk Elves.
Nate: You guys D&D without me, too?

Fairy: Where on Earth are you taking me?
John: Oh, not on Earth, love. Where I'm sending you is a touch hotter, or so I hear.
Fairy: You intend to send me to hell.
John: I could be persuaded otherwise.
Fairy: I'm listening.
John: You need a host to conduct your magic, and let's just say I'm in need of a miracle.
Fairy: You want to be my new host?
John: Tit for tat, deary.
Fairy: [snickering] John Constantine.
[seeing his surprise]
Fairy: Yes, my pet, I know exactly who you are. I know you're on the run, and I know who's coming for you, and believe me, I'd rather face hell than piss him off.
John: Well, I am happy to oblige.

Charlie: Now, you said that my shapeshifting days were over.
John: You call that abomination shapeshifting, do you?
Charlie: Well, if I can shift at all, that means that your spell is reversible.
John: You see, that's where you're wrong, sweetheart. There's no taking it back.
Charlie: Smart man like you, John-O, you can figure it out.
John: Yeah, well... mortal life is full of disappointments. Best get used to it, love.

John: Listen, mate, there's an old trick for unmasking leprechauns. You spill a bunch of grain in front of them on the floor, and they're compelled to count every kernel.
Ray: Really? That sounds bizarre. That's not true. Is that true?
Mick: That's a stupid plan.
John: Have you got a better one, big man?
Mick: I don't do magic tricks.
John: Oh, great, so the plan is no plan.

Neron: I need you for a favor.
John: Is that right?
Neron: Mm, I need you to open up a doorway to hell.
John: Oh, right. Well, why didn't you say so? I will gladly open up a vortex right here and give you the old heave-ho to the great beyond.
Neron: The door is not for me, Johnny. It's to bring someone here from the other side.
John: Tabitha. Ah, that's right. If she comes straight through the doorway, she doesn't need a human vessel. And what in that demented demon brain of yours makes you think that I'm going to open a vortex for you, eh? Unlike Gary, I've still got both my nipples, so you don't have much to bargain with.

John: And the worst part? It didn't make a bloody difference. I was a fool thinking I could outrun this fight flying around with you lot.
Sara: Yeah. We tend to fly directly into fights. But, we do it together. And we have your back.
John: Well, as long as you know what you're getting yourself into. Because a demon like Neron, he doesn't just wanna win. He wants to win to the cruelest possible way.

Mallus: You cannot save this one, Constantine. You've already failed her, just as you failed Astra.
John: Omnis legio, omnis lego, omnis congretio et secta diabolica.
Mallus: This vessel is mine. Even now, her soul slips into the dark to be joined by another, a friend of yours. Sara Lance.
John: Sara? How do you know Sara?

Astra: This is John Constantine.
Demon: [sarcastic] Oh, and me without my autograph book.
John: No worries, love. Next time, yeah?
Demon: Look, if you would like to convert his soul into cash, you need...
Astra: [pushing Constantine to his knees] Maybe you don't get it. Neron owns the marker on his soul, and Neron wants to torture him as soon as he gets here. But, hey, if you want to tell the new boss why his prized victim isn't waiting in his vault...
Demon: This way.
John: [Astra stands him up] Not so rough.
Demon: [leading them into the vault] FYI, there's no bathroom in here, and I'm not feeding him. I'm a bank teller, not a...
[she's knocked out, and Nora, having been invisible, appears]
Astra: Pretty cool for a grown woman wearing taffeta and a tiara.

John: Oh, Ray. Big man. Do us a favor, uh... give us a hand with the cargo door, will you?
Ray: It's actually apretty intuitive design mechanism. Uh, basic open/close functionality.
John: Yeah, I know how to open the damn door, mate. Now, what's this about an anti-magic gun?
Ray: Oh, uh, I was gonna put it in storage.
John: Well, don't. You keep it nearby.
Ray: You said so yourself, they key to stopping Mallus are the totems.
John: It could be. But in the meantime, you may need a more accessible solution for a more familiar target. Sara may not know it, but the demon's power, it lives inside of her. If, or more like when she succumbs to it, you're gonna need that gun.
Gideon: [he strikes a match and lights his cigarette] As always, this is a non-smoking aircraft.
John: Uh, don't worry, Gideon, sweetheart.
[patting Ray on the shoulder]
John: I'll see you around, Squire.
Ray: [couging through the smoke] That guy's cool.

John: Oh, what happened?
Zari: Ball-kick paradox. You can't kick your own dad in the junk because you'd erase yourself from the timeline, which means there would be no one to kick your dad in the junk.

Calibraxis: You're dead, demon hunter.
John: I was going to be a demon proctologist, but the pay wasn't as good.

Ava: I'm here to save Sara. She's bonded with the Death totem.
John: Oh, bollocks.
Ava: What does that mean?
Gary: Oh, it's a British expletive used to...
Ava: I know what "bollocks" means, Gary. What did you mean by it?
John: Well, about this so-called Death totem. Recently, whilst heavily influenced by ayahuasca, I came to learn why the sixth lost tribe of Zambesi was stricken from the oral record. This lost tribe, which had been entrusted to watch over the domain of the dead, sided with Mallus while the other five tribes rallied to imprison him, perhaps explaning why the Death totem is inextricably linked with our demon friend.

John: [finishing a magical barrier] There's nowhere for you to run now, you bile bladder.
Neron: Me, run? You're the one who ran. All I had to do was say "I'm coming for you, Johnny". And you left 2018 to me.

Ava: What do you mean you already have a link to Sara's soul?
John: Well, let's just say our souls have been one. Leaves a metaphysical connection, love.
Ava: Don't call me "love."
John: Oh, pardon me. Pet.
Ava: Sara and I also share a very, very strong metaphysical connection, so...
Gary: Wait. I can't believe... you both slept with Captain Lance?
Ava: Gary.
John: Did we, now? Well, then, we both have excellent taste in damaged women.
Ava: Sara's not damaged.
John: Yeah. And I'm the bloody Pope.

John: I'm an astrologer, and you need an astronomer.

John: They may take my coat, but you will never take my...
Sara: [taking the cigarette out of his mouth] Nope. And lose the tie.
John: Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
[seeing her look]
John: Fine. One time, but it's only for the kids.

John: Agent of the damned, show yourself, you fetid creature. Show yourself, you cursed beast. Reveal your hideous form!
Fairy: [appearing] Hello!
Sara: What in the Disney hell is this?

Zari: Salem, Massachusetts, 1692.
John: First day on the job and you're taking me to the bloody witch trials.

Sara: This is Damien Darhk's daughter? How is that even possible?
Zari: They changed her name. Looks like after Darhk was killed by the Green Arrow, Nora was placed in Child Protective Services.
John: Demons prey on the most vulnerable of souls. This one, she lost her name, her family.
Nate: Okay, so if we exorcise Mallus, we can stop the family business before it takes off.

Charlie: Oh, thank God.
John: Yeah, I'd rather not, love.

John: [watching Konane wrestle as a luchador] Damn, he's good.
El: He's too good. In Lucha libre, every match tells a story. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose so you can rise again. But there are rules, there is a plan. With this guy, there's no rules, there's no plan. He just wins every time.
John: Oh, so that's why you're here, eh? Drowning your sorrows rather than be up there where you belong. Listen, mate, I've had my fair share of defeats these past days, but lying on your ass is no way to get your mojo back.

Sara: We'll get to your demon, but how did you even find me?
John: Oh, simple, that. I attuned a dowsing dagger to your specific energy, I followed it from there.
Sara: And I thought time travel was weird.
John: Well, you're not wrong about that, luv.

Gary: The point of my story is even though we were defeated by Zanatar, we were able to track the mystical object he was wielding.
John: The Sword of bloody Sorrow. Ahh. Mwah!
[he kisses Gary full on the mouth]
John: You are a bloody genius, Barry.
Gary: Gary.
John: Gary, right.

Ray: Sara, I figured it out.
Sara: All right, Ray, what are we dealing with?
Ray: She's a shapeshifter. She doesn't kidnap the Queen. She becomes the Queen.
John: [entering with Zari] I knew it.
Zari: You definitely said leprechaun.

Zari: I thought that's why we had Constantine.
Sara: Yeah... about that. Constantine is...
John: [entering the bridge dragging a steamer trunk] - tired, hung over, and in need of a stiff one. Dealer's choice as to what that's a euphemism for.

Esperanza: I'm Catholic, John.
John: Yeah. Well, then you'll understand my attitude toward priests. I'd sooner rather break bread with a bloody demon.

Sara: Gary, you're, like, really bleeding.
Gary: [looking at his wound] Ah! The unicorn bit my nipple off!
Zari: Hey, maybe Gideon can make you a new one.
John: Oh, forget it, mate. Come on, it's a badge of honor. You see, my soul is heading straight to hell, but your nipple, it just got there first, that's all.
Gary: It's like we're two birds of the same, dark feather.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's right, mate. Come on, let's grab a beer. All right?
[leading him away]
John: Now, about this whole virgin situation...

John: [noticing Amaya's totem] The Anansi Totem. That belongs to...
Nate: Her granddaughter. Same totem, different Vixen. She's from 1942. You were saying about the "warlock" thing?
John: Accomplished warlock, mate. Well, I am charmed to know another who bears the family name.

Nora: How does this work? We find a coin? There are thousands.
Astra: Some of history's worst.
John: Yeah, I'd wager he's keeping it somewhere special.
[seeing Astra pocketing coins]
John: Hey, what are you doing?
Astra: What? Revolution's in the air; I've got to look out for number one. You were a golden opportunity to bankroll my future. I took it.

Mick: Why is the weasel running the show?
John: If you've got a problem with me, pie-head, why don't you just say?
Mick: I got a problem with you.

John: [kisses Gary after survivng his death] I can't believe I was about to leave my bloody house to you.

John: It's been a long time, love.
Sara: John?
John: Now, let's see, the last time we met, I saved your soul. Now there's something you can do for me.
Sara: Look, I'd love to help, but your timing is terrible.
John: Uh, this won't take long. You see, there's a demon out there. It's possessing a little girl. And that demon, he knows your name.

John: [listening to his ancestor] Oh, this bloke is right tedious. Why are we here?
Neron: Because I want you to learn that it was your ancestor that created the rift between humans and magical creatures.
John: And why would he do that?
Neron: Because fear is a powerful source of energy for magic. The more he exploits these creatures to stir up fear in his people, the more powerful his magic becomes.
John: I come from a long line of bastards, but not even we would resort to that.
Neron: Because your kin are always so right.
John: Yes. And if the king is sending this creature to hell, then surely it deserves it.
Neron: Do you really think that everyone in hell deserves to be there? What about Astra, or Raymond Palmer, or my Tabitha? This is your opportunity to make things right, starting with her.
John: You know, if your plan is to guilt me into doing what you want by showing me the sins of my forefather, it ain't working, sunshine.

Zari: Isn't that a felony?
John: No. But like most things I do, it probably should be.

John: Are you sure you wanna do this, luv?
Sara: You wanna stay here forever?
John: [pouring a protective circle around her] The ash of a slain phoenix will hold Mallus within his parameter. And we'll, uh, hasten his wake-up call by combining extract of hawk weed with the saliva of a damned man.
[he spits into the vial he's holding]
John: Which, sorry to say, luv, you'll have to ingest.
Sara: [downing the concoction without hesitation] Let's summon this demon already.

John: My dad used to call me "Killer." Never let me forget what I did.
Zari: Hmm. Father of the year.
John: Hmm. Wouldn't guess that to look at him, would you?
Zari: [glancing at his father flirting with his mother] You didn't just happen to run into your parents, did you?
John: I've ruined a lot of lives, and that bastard is just the first one to call me out on it.
Zari: Listen, if you want to wallow in self pity, the Waverider has got a lot of rooms for that. I'm partial to the kitchen myself.
John: Oh, I'm not here to wallow, love. I'm here to fix it. I'm gonna give him the old Manchester mangler.
Zari: What?
John: Back-alley vasectomy.

John: We need her alert for an exorcism.
[opening her eyes]
John: Nora. Nora, luv. Ah, they've got her knocked out cold.
Sara: [to Nate and Leo] You guys, go hit up the pharmacy. See if you can find some adrenaline.
Nate: [hearing Amaya's fight with Kuasa] Screw it. I'm gonna help Amaya. You get the drugs.
Leo: [tossing Nate his cold gun] Nate, take it.
Nate: How do I use it?
Leo: You pull the trigger.

John: Somebody can't read bloody signs. You don't know that there's a "do not disturb" sign on the bloody door?
[opening the door]
John: Sara. Yeah, uh... I can't talk right now, luv. I've got a threesome that's about to pop off in here with some contortionists.

John: Blimey. Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
Mick: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I'm an accomplished warlock, and expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus, for those of you taking notes.
[winks at Leo]

John: Whose brilliant idea was it to let an ancient demon out of his bloody cage?
Nate: Sara's.
John: Well, you opened a door, luv. And Mallus wasn't the only thing that got out.

John: You know, this has nothing to do with survival in the wild and everything to do with surviving magical creatures and those who dabble in the dark arts.
Ray: I'll have you know I am no stranger to the world of magic.
John: Yeah. Oh, don't think I haven't heard how Nora Darhk had you eating out of the palm of her wicked little hand. Oh, I bet she didn't even have to ask for the time stone, did she? No, you just gave it away like biscuits at tea time.
Ray: Nora and I have a mutual respect for each other. It's not like I was tripping over myself...
[he trips on something]

Camper: Hey, it's me, Sara. You guys still out there?
John: Sara? Potion actually worked?
Camper: You didn't know if it was going to work before you gave us the potion?
John: Well, of course I didn't. I've never tested it on humans, have I?

John: You're wasting your time, focusing on that monster. A Púca only reflects the person it's with. It's only angry because you scared the fur off it. That creature doesn't deserve to go to hell.
King: I see not why I should heed the advice of a stranger.
John: [revealing his face] Then perhaps you will heed the advice... of your kin.
King: I know not of any kin outside of this village. And yet the similarities of your features...
John: I'm a cousin from afar and a practictioner of magic like you. If you want to rid your village of a real monster, then I know of a demon in our midst that we can banish together.
King: A demon? In my village?
[Constantine nods]
King: Well, then lead the way, my kin.
[as Constantine moves to leave, Konstentyn knocks him out]
King: Put this face stealer with the other creature. Hell shall have two more guests by the end of the night.

John: Look, they still have the same paintings on the walls.
Sara: That's how we send a message.
John: The picture of the blessed virgin that fell off the wall when Nora was possessed would still be hanging now in 1969.
Sara: If we write a message on the back of the painting, then the Legends will find it in 2017.
Leo: Sure, as long as no one redecorates for the next fifty years. Fingers crossed.

Kevin: As Nate's party was about to get started, Constantine's was coming to an end.
Giant: [throwing Constantine and Edgar out] It's not right bringing a kid in here!
John: Oh, piss off, you puritan twit!

Sara: All right, guys, here's our chance. Somebody's gotta slip backstage and get in with the band.
John: Yeah, leave it to me. I used to play here with Mucus Membrane. I know my way around. And besides, you're all bloody Yanks.
Mick: [pulling him back] Not you.
Sara: Why not?
Mick: I don't like him.
John: Always perfidious Albion, is it? Never trust a Brit.
Mick: Something like that.

John: I need the vial from my desk, mother's tears, and my ruination stones, and from you, Ava, I'm gonna need...
Ava: Oh, please don't say it.
John: The foot.

Ray: Maybe I shouldn't intrude.
Sara: Nate needs all of our support right now.
Ray: Well, what am I supposed to say to him? "Sorry the woman I've been exchanging love letters with in prison killed your dad"?
John: They ought to put that on a condolence card.

Ava: You know what, Gary? Let's just get out of here, because Mr. Constantine has wasted enough of our time.
John: [finding a foot in his coat pocket] Oh, that's where you are.
[kissing it]
John: You beauty.
Ava: Okay, so you have a foot, but you don't have a phone? I-I just... I really don't understand how Sara could've...
John: What, shagged me in a mental institution?
Ava: [disgusted] Oh, my god!
John: Ah, you have nothing to be jealous about.
Ava: I am not jealous! I'm just...
[restraining herself from strangling him]
Ava: Ugh. Okay, maybe I'm a little bit jealous.

Mallus: [speaking through Sara] There's somebody who wants to talk to you, John.
Astra: John?
John: You glamoured your voice. That's the oldest bloody trick in the book.
Astra: You don't remember me? I know it's been a long time.
John: Astra.
Astra: Mallus will free me from hell, but you have to give him Sara. A life for a life. You know better than anybody. Magic always has a price.

John: You and I are similar; we're both survivors. But our survival comes at a terrible cost. Look, you can take it from a man who's caused nothing but misery to everyone he's ever loved. Trust me, end it with Ava before it's too late.
Sara: You ever think that you cause misery not because of some romantic "I was born to walk alone crap", but because you're an ass who doesn't know how to trust people?
John: You know, I trust that people around me get hurt, killed, or far, far worse.
Sara: You think that I'm not scared? That I don't know grief? I'm not willing to turn my back on life, because that is exactly what you're doing, John. Our friends and family, they don't make us weaker; they make us stronger. You know what you need? You need to be a part of a team.
John: [seeing the other Legends tripping out] You were saying?

Ray: If you want to find the kids, we got to do it the old-fashioned way. Study their tracks. It's a good thing I came prepared, because one step in the wrong direction here, and you'll be traveling for miles in the wrong...
John: Damn it, you nandy pandy, I said I need silence.
Ray: Oh, you meant right now. I'm sorry, I thought you meant...
[Constantine grabs and throws his compass away]
Ray: Why are you being such a jerk?
John: Because you shouldn't even be out here chasing a magical creature, all right? It's too dangerous.
Ray: Too dangerous? You're lucky you're out here with me, because I can keep us alive on bugs and berries alone.

Mick: So, the tenderloin is full of junkies, who would be easy to control but the first victim had no drugs in his system. And this geezer, he looks pretty healthy too, well, except for the whole dead thing

John: Our purgatory is designed to drive the soul to breaking point. It's tailored to drive the captive mad. Now where you're going, that's Ava's personal nightmare.
Sara: I've died, lost my soul, and escaped a demon realm. I'm pretty sure I can handle Ava's purgatory.
John: Well, prepare for the worst, Sara Lance.

John: Goodbyes are for saps. And bucket lists are for mealy-mouthed cowards who don't have the courage to carpe the bloody diem.
Ray: Well, I have a bucket list.
John: Well, thank you for proving my point, Raymond.

John: Sara, what's with the connection?
Sara: Gideon has a bug and we're trying to get buzzed. What do you want?
John: Well, listen up, all right? Some of the most evil souls in all of history have been raised from Hell.
Gary: Did you hear him? He said "Hell."
John: [pushing him away] Get... get out.

Belial: Are you really here for Raymond Palmer?
[Constantine sees them all vanish]
Belial: [out in the hallway behind him] We thought there was another. A young girl whose life you destroyed.
Satan: Astra.
John: Yeah, well, you know, I didn't want to be too greedy. But, yeah, I'll take them both.

Ray: Beautiful morning.
John: Yeah, sorry to burst your summer-loving bubble, mate, but we're missing one of our young charges. His name is Zack or something.
Ray: [sniffing] Well, are you sure you counted right? Because based on your whiskey cologne, I think you're still drunk.
Sara: [joining them] No, he's right.
Ava: Yeah, a girl is missing from our cabin, too, even after I put the fear of God in them.

John: Well, I've banished demons, slain dragons, and walked through the Fires of Hell. I'm a sneaky bastard and the greatest sorcerer that ever lived.

John: Only a bastard can vanquish a monster.

Sara: And what if we've already run into one of these encores? How do we kill it?
John: You can't, not with a chit of their souls still in Hell.
Gary: Where's Ava? Tell her I said hi.

John: What happened?
Charlie: Passed out, mate.
Zari: He didn't just pass out. His brain can't handle this wad of bandages you call a timeline.
John: Oh, I can take the pain, love.
Zari: What if you can't? What if you die, John? What happens to all the people who need you alive and... Constantine-y?

Ray: So, can you save him?
Nora: Life force is the most potent form of energy in the universe, and you're like a battery about to run out of charge. But you already knew that, didn't you?
John: Aye.
Nora: Then why didn't you say anything?
John: What? And help push you off the wagon? You're clean, Nora. It's best we keep you that way.
Ray: [pulling her away] You can recharge him, right?
Nora: You don't want me to do that, Ray.
Ray: Yes, I do. Otherwise, he's gonna die.
Nora: Ray. My power comes from my father. It's in my blood. It's always going to be calling me, wanting me to give in and be consumed, but I can't give in. I won't.

Ray: Where'd the unicorn go?
John: Ah... sent that bastard straight to hell, didn't I? Yup, folks, that is some grade "A" magic right there.
Ray: Maybe the Bureau will up our ratings. People do love the supernatural.

Mick: Welcome back, Ugly.
John: Yes, what other bright ideas are you gonna leave us with before you bugger off?
Nate: Softball team.
Zari: Oh, no, only electronic sports.
Nate: Piñata Fridays.
Sara: How many times do I have to say no to that?
Nate: Unionizing.
Sara: Ooh, don't let Hank hear you say that.

Sara: Okay, reunion's over. Time to go.
[chanting an incantation, he drops a handful of bones on the counter]
Sara: What am I looking at?
John: The knuckle bones of a martyred saint, obviously. They act as a divining rod able to detect the presence of beings not belonging to our world.
Sara: My team spent the last five months scouring the timeline for another one of your mystical creatures. You wanna know what we found? Nothing.

John: [Constantine has just extracted a magical insect from President Nixon] This is an agent of Maat, the goddess of truth in the Egyptian pantheon. You see, the creature, it feeds off lies. Whoever eats that has nothing but truth left to tell.
Sara: No wonder it found its way to Nixon. You must have been a feast

John: I'm telling you, your machine is clearly buggered. There's nothing magical about Puritan New England.
Sara: I know. I was there, but it could all be different now.
John: Oh, come on. If a creature landed there, why would it idle in the absolute worst possible place for magic? The people of Salem are paranoid and petty, and besides, every magical creature knows that if you want to get weird, you go to New York.

John: Sara's soul is likely trapped in Mallus' realm. Now, usually, I have to cast the demon into myself to rescue her, but luckily, I already have a link to Sara's soul. So I'll enlist Aken, the Eygptian ferryman of the dead.

John: [trying to fight Kaupe-Mona] Watch yourself, love. She's not in her right mind.
Sara: Oh, that's the problem. She is.

Sara: Look, Ava is missing.
Nora: Missing?
Sara: I... I should have checked on her sooner.
John: It's Neron. He has his sights set on the Time Bureau and the creatures, and if he got to Hank, then dingdongs to donuts, Ava was next.
Sara: Hey, she is not dead.

John: [his reflection talking] Your big sacrifice, it was for nothing. But instead of rolling up your sleeves and taking it to that demon bastard, you're getting rat-ass drunk in a shed.
John: I can't fight him. He's too strong.
John: Oh, this isn't about Neron. You failed Desmond. You failed Astra. And you'll fail Nate. And you know why? Because deep down, you want them all to go to Hell. You want the company.
John: You liar!
[he punches the mirror]
Desmond: [appearing] Hey, Johnny. Miss me?
John: Des.
Desmond: I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet.
John: [realizing] Neron.

Sara: Okay, the symbol that Nora drew was a time travel spell, right? So why don't we just cast the same spell and get out of here?
John: She was channelling the power of Mallus when she cast that spell. Not even I don't have that kind of juice.
Sara: I do. You said that Mallus can use me the way that he does Nora. So you summon Mallus into me, I draw the rune, the same as her, and we get to go home.
John: And what about when the demon is inside you, eh?
Sara: You said I was strong enough to hold on my own self.
John: Yeah, well, I was... trying to seduce you.
Sara: Oh, please. I was seducing you.
Leo: I hope no one was trying to seduce anyone while I was about to be lobotomized.
John: You know, this is why I like to work alone.

John: How about a light, then?
Sara: Ask Mick, if you want your face burned off.
John: I'm doomed either way.

Ray: So, I have an idea. What if I just ask her to stop impersonating the Queen? History goes back to the way it was, and we don't have to send her to hell.
Sara: Ray, so far we've learned that unicorns are homicidal maniacs and fairy godmothers are psychopaths. And they're supposed to be the nice ones.
John: And these shapeshifting bastards, they put the rest to shame. We're talking killing sprees, world wars, you name it.
Ray: Yeah, but she's not doing any of that.
John: She's manipulating you. Don't fall for it, mate.
Mick: Too late. He's got a tattoo.
Zari: Oh, please let it be a tramp stamp.

John: By the power above and below, I call on you, Nora Darhk, to return to this plane and rise reborn.
[blowing magic dust into the air]
John: Come on, love. Come back to me. Come on, love.
Nora: [gasping as she wakes up] Get Neron.
John: No, no, no, it's all right, love, it's all right. He's gone. You did it.
Nora: N... no.
John: He's gone.
Nora: He has Ray.

Mick: [flirting with Prentiss] So, what are you wearing?
Emily: A gun.

Sara: Hey, before you go, I, uh... I just wanted to say thank you. For helping me with Mallus, that is.
John: Oh, of course. Uh, helping you with Mallus was, uh, good for me, too. If you ever need me to help you with Mallus again, just give us a call. I'll be right there. Although, there are lots of people out there with very weird demons, and they all need my help.
Sara: Mm, I understand.
John: Good.
Sara: And thanks for the shag, too. That was great.

John: [capturing a rooster loose in his loft] Oh, there you are. All right, aww, nice one, lad. Oh, you're a feisty little bastard, aren't you? Are you guys from Housing co-op? Because it's perfectly legal to win an apartment in a duel.
Ava: We're here about Sara Lance.
John: [handing the chicken back] Ah. Right, well, uh, Mrs. Veras, we will have to continue the ritual tomorrow. But not to worry, luv. We'll have your son married in no time, all right?
Mrs. Veras: Gracias, Señor Constantine.
John: [closing the door behind her] It's a gig economy. I have to take the work where I can find it, you know?

John: You sure you want to do this? A Lazarus Pit's nasty business.
Mia: We're sure.
[Constantine lights two cigarettes]
Barry: We don't have a lot time, so could you please take your smoke break later, maybe just do the spell?
John: Simmer down, speedy. This is the spell.

Ray: Did someone say encore?
John: I also said no musical numbers, so please don't start.

John: Voi-bloody-la. Now, only the particular spirit we're after will be able to enter the vessel.
Mick: What vessel?
John: The vessel's you.
Mick: I'm gonna kill you, weasel.

Sara: [learning Ray let Nora escape] Look, you better not be wrong about her. But right now, we need to deal with our current captive. She cannot stay on the ship.
Zari: Yeah, especially now with Amaya's face. It's freakin' creepy.
Mick: You broke her, you fix her, weasel. Make her not Amaya again.
John: Spell doesn't work like that, Womble. I took away her power to transform. It's like clipping an angel's wings. You can't exactly unclip them.

John: Nora, what are you doing here?
Ray: Uh, I can explain.
Nora: *I* can explain. I didn't kill Hank. It was a demon.
John: Yeah, I know. His name is Neron, and he's wearing Desmond as a bleeding suit.

John: [to a comatose Nora] I would've come sooner, Nora, but... do you have any idea how difficult it is to acquire a phoenix's tail feather? I didn't.

John: What you have got on your socks there, squire?
Gary: Oh, it's Beebo. My Aunt Stacy bought them for me. Do you like Beebo?
John: Once, I was on a massive bender, I put a spell on that toy to make him talk. He told me things that'll make your toes curl.
Gary: Oh, like what?
Ava: Okay, Sara's soul is trapped in the realm of a demon and her ship and entire crew are lost in time. Who cares about Beebo?
John: Well, his Aunt Stacy does. You're wound tight as a bloody drum, aren't you, love? Pardon me. Pet. You know, you need to loosen up. And then the work just flows.
Ava: Oh, is that work you're doing? Sorry, I couldn't tell.
John: This isn't exactly a paint-by-number spell for locating a spaceship floating through a temporal stream. My business card says "master of the dark arts", not "Doctor Ruddy What's-His-Face."
Ava: Who?
Gary: Who.
John: Exactly.

John: Emily. Hey, sweetheart. It's me again. John.
Nora: I didn't think you'd find me after they locked me up in here. His voice, it's so loud. He says I can't fight him.
John: Well, let's prove the nasty git wrong, shall we?

Sara: If you thought Mallus really would've freed Astra, you would have traded me, wouldn't you?
John: In a heartbeat.
Sara: Yeah.
John: Well, what can I say? I'm a nasty piece of work.

Zari: That brooding anti-hero crap must be a real panty dropper, huh? You tell her you have four roommates who sleep on the couch?
John: No, I didn't. She's my mum.
Zari: ...I'm *really* wishing I had not said "panty dropper."
John: Yeah.

John: Oh, it's gonna take more than a musical number to stop this.

John: I'm a nasty piece of work, and I walk my path alone.

Ray: You know, there are other dabblers in the Dark Arts out there who think that I'm all right.
John: What, referring to Nora Darhk, are we? You best stay away from that witch, mate. Not even your big heart can keep you safe from someone who's wrestled with literal demons.
Ray: What about you? You're one of us now. You even dressed up, for a little while. You've wrestled with demons and you're good...
John: Listen to me, all right? You know... I had a friend like you. Someone good, someone... who trusted me. Be smarter than him, all right? Save yourself, Ray Palmer. Because people like me and Nora Darhk, we're bloody hell for people like you.

John: That Irishman there is a leprechaun.
Zari: So sorry - are you being serious or racist?
John: Both, Love.

Sara: Look, I just, I don't know how to convince everybody that everything's okay when I'm not okay. Sara: Thanks. Even if you're just lying to make me feel better.
John: Well, you know, if we were in each other's shoes right now, then you'd be giving me some rubbish speech about how "you don't have to shoulder the burden myself when I have friends around me to help me carry it". Not that I believe you for a second, but... that doesn't mean it's not true.
Sara: Thanks. Even if you're just lying to make me feel better.
John: Oh, I definitely am. Hope it worked, though.

[last lines]
Gary: [hosting his D&D friends] Fresh from a successful crusade, our team knew the fight was far from over. In fact, the true battle was only just beginning. In order to defeat the demon and his cabal of evil, we need to be at full strength, which is going to be hard given the losses we sustained on our last quest. Some wounds are so deep, they never truly heal. So the question is, are you prepared to join us on this mission most deadly?
John: [taking the die Gary offers] Well, tonight, squire, I'm all yours.

Sara: Going somewhere?
John: Spare me the sendoff, Lance. I'm leaving before you and your band of botherers can suck me into another world saving sing along.

Sara: What's happening?
John: It's Mallus' trickery. Fear, anger, he's using your darkest emotions to prime you for possession. He wants you to be afraid. I need you to fight him, Sara.
[he chants in Latin]
John: Feels like the mother of all hangovers, don't it?

Mick: You stole my diary, weasel.
John: Oh, you mean the one that you knicked from my trunk? That one, eh?
Ray: Gentlemen. Gentlemen, gentlemen. I "mustache" you both to calm down.
Mick: Get out of my way, otherwise I'll knock that fur ball off your lip.