The Best Camper Sarah Quotes

Camper: John's potion will be wearing off soon, and it's back to our normal lives, where we're only responsible for babysitting Rory and Gary.
Camper: I'd like to thank you for giving me real childhood memories. To be honest, these memories have been kind of awful, mostly awkward, but... totally awesome.
Camper: I mean, it wouldn't be childhood without all of the above.
Camper: I'm happy it was with you. And considering all the trouble those kids went through for a kiss... I'm guessing no childhood would be complete without one.

Camper: Hey, it's me, Sara. You guys still out there?
John: Sara? Potion actually worked?
Camper: You didn't know if it was going to work before you gave us the potion?
John: Well, of course I didn't. I've never tested it on humans, have I?

Chad: Look, it's not safe for you guys out here. Okay? You're coming with me.
Camper: We can take care of ourselves.
Chad: You're coming with me whether you like it or not.
[he grabs Sara's arm and knocks Ava down]
Chad: [in a demonic voice] You think you're so tough?
Camper: I don't think it. I know it.