Top 50 Quotes From Captain Rip Hunter

Rip: Best case scenario, now let's assume that Mr. Tyler is wrong and we all end up not dying in 1942. What if, in endeavoring to save New York, we make things worse?
Dr. Martin Stein: What could be worse than a genocidal, fascist nuclear armed superpower?

Sara: Conglomerate?
Captain: Yeah. From the year 2080, governments began to give way to corporations.
Jefferson: More like 2008.
[Meaning that governments have already given way to corporations, circa 2008]

Rip: There I was, thinking we could go a whole week without kidnapping someone.
Cassandra: I think you'll find it would have been better to simply kill me.
Mick: I agree.
Leonard: It's a little more complicated than that. She knew who I was.
Cassandra: I know who all of you are. It's a pleasure to meet you, Gareeb.
Rip: [sardonic laugh] I see Savage has been rather chatty with his lieutenants.
Cassandra: If you think I am merely Savage's solider, you're more idiotic than he claimed. I'm not his lieutenant. I'm his daughter.

Gideon: Captain, I've detected movement 300 meters southwest of our position and closing.
Ray: Savage's army?
Gideon: Negative. I believe they are all that remains of the resistance forces.
Rip: I'm going to make contact with them. They might have information on Savage that we can use to our advantage. In the meantime, Ms. Lance, get Ms. Saunders ready. Ray.
Sara: [Rip and Ray turn to leave] How am I supposed to teach someone to fight with a piece of jewelry?
Rip: Good question.
Sara: It wasn't rhetorical.

Kendra: What happened to the meteor?
Rip: Uh, I flew it into the heart of the sun. Well, I angled the ship to eject the meteorite before impact and then, uh, time jumped away.
Jefferson: You could've been killed.
Mick: Should've been. You're a moron!

Dr. Martin Stein: What happened?
Rip: We seem to have encountered Savage's megaweapon.
Sara: And he kicked our ass.

Rip: I imagine you have some questions about what you witnessed.
Ra's: When the lady you call Sara Lance first arrived here, her skills were unmatched. As if she completed the training before. I suppose that's because you're both from the future.
Sara: When I came to your doorstep, for the second time in my life, I thought that I could find a home here, that this is where I really belong.
Ra's: But your soul is divided by your ability to kill and your desire to show mercy. And there is no place for one so conflicted within the League. Ta-er al-Sahfar, I release you. You can reclaim your previous name and your past life.

Mary: Do you remember the first day you were here?
Rip: Yes, I think I tried to steal your purse. God, I was a mean little bastard.
Mary: You were tough.
Rip: I was selfish.
Mary: Well, you were surviving.
Rip: I was home.
Mary: Which is why I know you'll be back.

Rip: Your killing people doesn't make you a monster, Sara. But having the chance to avenge your family and not taking it... that does.

Rebel: Give me one good reason why we shouldn't blow you straight to hell.
Dr. Martin Stein: Better yet, give her several good reasons.
Rip: My wife and son live in Whitechapel.
Rebel: It was hit hard.
Rip: I know. And the same fate will befall you if you don't accept our help.
Rebel: How do we know you're not with Savage?
Rip: Because if we were, you'd be dead right now. Look, feel free to shoot us, but from the looks of it, you could use all the allies you can get.

Sara: Nobody wants to address the fact that Cardinal Richelieu's men were armed with laser guns?
Dr. Martin Stein: Clearly provided to them by a time pirate or some such.
Jefferson: No, Gray's right. We need to find out who so...
Rip: You can get another chance destroying the very history that you're supposed to be protecting?
Ray: Ah, I knew I forgot something. The part where Rip tells us everything that we did wrong.
Rip: As in seducing the Queen of France just before she's supposed to conceive the country's greatest hope for the future?
Sara: She seduced me.

Jefferson: You're not ditching us again. When the mission's over, then we can all go our separate ways.
Dr. Martin Stein: And this mission is not over.
Ray: Yeah, just curious how much headway you've had tracking Savage without all of us.
Rip: None. But neither have I got myself into bar fights in 1975 and the Old West, put dwarf star technology into the hands of terrorists, or got myself turned into a scary bird monster.

Gideon: The Waverider's time drive is highly unstable. Removing it...
Rip: May very well be the only way to hold our adversary at bay.

Rip: I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what.

[last lines]
Rip: You know, a friend recently suggested to me that there is no such thing as fate. Destiny is nothing more than the sum of our own choices.
Vandal: I see. So you still think there's hope, then, for your family. Time will tell, captain. Time will tell.

Dr. Martin Stein: I figured out how Savage plans to erase time. I believe he intends to detonate each of these meteors in a different time period.
Jefferson: How can you destroy the world three times in three different times?
Rip: You can't, it would create a temporal paradox.
Dr. Martin Stein: Which would result in a timequake that would return the Earth to the point of the first chronomatic reaction, Ancient Egypt.
Jefferson: Okay, it's official. This is the craziest bad guy plan in the history of bad guy plans.

Rip: Time, the history from which your younger selves were removed, is beginning to set, as is evidenced by the change in Clarissa's memory.
Jefferson: Okay. So how long do we have 'till these changes stick?
Mick: No one knows.
Rip: Which is why we need to move swiftly to locate Vandal Savage, if any of your lives are to be restored to normal.
Kendra: So how long will it take to determine a new location for Savage?
Rip: Longer than we have. Fortunately, there is one place in time that we know Savage to be.
Mick: You said he conquered the world in 2166.
Dr. Martin Stein: You also said it was too dangerous to strike at Savage while he was at the height of his powers.
Rip: That it is. But with your younger selves removed from history, we have quite literally run out of time.

Rip: Dr. Palmer, please tell me...
Ray: I didn't leave my exosuit on the ship? Okay, but I'd be lying.

[last lines]
Rex: Is this 2016? Is this May, 2016?
Jefferson: Yeah.
Rex: You're exactly where you said you'd be. Do not get on that ship. If you do, you're all dead.
Mick: Says who?
Rex: Says you, Mr. Rory. You sent me.
Rip: I'm sorry. Who exactly are you?
Rex: My name is Rex Tyler. I am a member of the Justice Society of America.

Rip: Will you people please stop hitting me?

Rip: Replacing the Time Masters is an enormous responsibility, Sara, and one which I fear our team is ill-equipped...
[the Waverider is rocked by a sudden jolt]
Sara: Gideon, are we under attack?
Gideon: Negative. That was a shockwave generated by a time quake.
Sara: A what?
Rip: Uh... disturbance in the temporal zone caused by an unusually large aberration.
Sara: You never mentioned a time quake before.
Rip: Never experienced one before.

Rip: We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself, creating a temporal vortex.
Ray: Which sounds way cooler than it is.

Dr. Martin Stein: So, how do we find Einstein in a city of seven million people?
Ray: Well, we just look for the physicist with the crazy white hair.
[Stein looks at him indignantly]
Ray: I mean the other one.
Rip: According to Gideon, there's a cocktail party at Columbia this evening.
Mick: Cocktail party. Means booze. Where is it?
Rip: At Columbia. I just... why does no one ever listen to me?

Gideon: Another successful mission, captain?
Rip: Yes, well, it seems that I don't share our team's definition of success. But let's see if our labors came to a certain fruition, shall we?
Sara: [entering] Well, that was fun.
Rip: I'm in no mood for a lecture, Sara.
Sara: Too tired from dishin' 'em out?

Sara: Rip?
Rip: I'm a little busy at the moment, Sara.
Sara: Look, you didn't tell us that you were buying us some time with your life.
Rip: Listen carefully. This gambit will not kill Mallus. It will only delay him long enough for you to make an escape.
Sara: There has to be another way.
Rip: No, there isn't. It's all right, Sara. I should very much like to see my wife and son again. I will miss you, Captain Lance. You and the rest of the Legends. My one hope is that you all live up to that name.

Rip: What exactly do you think you were doing back there?
Leonard: Distracting Savage's pals; which worked, by the way.
Rip: Yes, well, I could've been killed.
Mick: Never said it worked perfectly.
Sara: At least it wasn't a complete bust. We found out about Kendra's bracelet.
Rip: What bracelet?

Rip: The Time Masters have this thing called the Oculus, which allows them not only to gaze into the future but to engineer it.
Ray: A future where I'm dead apparently.
Sara: And why would they want you dead?
Mick: Have you ever listened to what comes out of his mouth?

Rip: Actually, I'm in charge, in case any of you have forgotten.
Leonard: No, I remember. I just don't care.

Mick: What about the rest of us? Do we just sit?
Rip: Capital idea, Mr. Rory. You're not nearly as thick as most people say.
Mick: Thick... does that mean stupid?

Leonard: I can't imagine any kind of future where I'm a hero.
Carter: Or mine.
Rip: I know it's difficult for you to fathom, but where - when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes... You're legends.
Ray: Legends?
Dr. Martin Stein: I, um, I hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?
Jefferson: Yeah, see, uh, that's a deal breaker for me, so I'm gonna pass.

Dr. Martin Stein: [arriving in 2166] Are we over London yet?
Rip: What's left of it.
Jefferson: Why's London shooting at us?
Rip: It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting. Here in 2166, they've subjugated most of the globe.
Sara: Maybe picking up here wasn't the brightest idea.

Rip: All your posturing. All your claims about doing what's best for the timeline, about protecting history, it all comes down to cold-blooded murder.
Time: The difference between murder and execution, is only a matter of authority. I have it. You don't.
[Orders the guards]
Time: Kill them.

Rip: Well, you seem quite happy for a man behind bars.
Vandal: Why shouldn't I be happy? It seems that you have once again failed to kill me.
Rip: A momentary setback, I assure you.

Rip: We have no choice but to stop Vandal Savage in 2147... or to die trying.
Kendra: Well... I've died before.
Sara: So have I.
Rip: Gideon, plot a course for Kasnia Conglomerate... The year 2147.

Rip: Thank you, gentlemen, for accompanying me on this excursion.
Jefferson: Oh, no problem. I just love hiking through the woods in the middle of World War III.
Dr. Martin Stein: What if, instead of encountering these resistance fighters, we meet up with more of Savage's forces?
Rip: Why else do you think I brought Firestorm and the Atom?

Sara: Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?
Rip: According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms.
Mick: Now that sounds like a vacation.
Leonard: Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing.
Carter: Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep.
Mick: I'm no one's lapdog, bird-man.

Dr. Martin Stein: I'm having the strangest sensation. It's like I'm ten years old again.
Mick: You do a lot of space travel as a kid, Professor?
Dr. Martin Stein: Only in my dreams, after I read my first issue of "Rick Starr: Space Ranger."
Jefferson: Space Ranger Stein? Yeah, I don't see it.
Dr. Martin Stein: I wanted to travel through space, surviving only by my wits and laser guns. I even built a rocket out of cardboard boxes.
Rip: What stopped you?
Dr. Martin Stein: NASA has rather strict guidelines regarding nearsightedness.
Jefferson: And smoking weed.

Rip: [after Sara pulls out a knife from a holster on her left leg] Exactly how many knives do you have?

Rip: What the hell happened back there?
Sara: You know I'm a killer. That's why you put me in your little group.
Rip: I didn't witness just a killer at work, Sara. What I saw was an animal.
Sara: You are the last person on this ship to judge anyone!
Rip: This is not judgment, Sara. It is concern.
Sara: I thought you knew how I was resurrected and what it did to me.
Rip: I know you were restored by something called the Lazarus Pit.
Sara: Well, apparently there's a downside to being brought back to life. My friend, Thea, calls it a blood lust, and I think that's being too generous, and so is calling me an animal. I'm a monster.

Rip: Gideon.
Gideon: Yes, Captain.
Rip: Plot a course for Saint-Lô, France, 1944.
Dr. Martin Stein: Why then?
Rip: Because that's where Kendra is.
Jefferson: How is that possible?
Ray: She sent us a message through time. Go ahead, say it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Astonishing.

Gideon: I believe I know what you're planning. It is extremely reckless with a low likelihood of success.
Rip: Well, then it seems like I've finally learned to think like a Legend.
Gideon: The odds of survival are 0.0...
Rip: I know. I will miss you, Gideon. Truly.
Gideon: No more than I'll miss you... Rip.

Rip: Do we have a plan for stealing this bracelet?
Mick: We're on it.
Sara: Please don't tell me the plan is to walk into Savage's citadel and steal it off her wrist.
Leonard: All right, I won't tell you that.

Rip: I'll go with you.
Leonard: I already got a partner.
Rip: Who I trust even less than you.

Dr. Martin Stein: Gideon was tracking the Pilgrim's temporal wake. I didn't think it was possible to conceal one's movements through time.
Rip: Well, it is if the Time Masters are on your side.

Jefferson: Someone just blew up New York.
Sara: During World War II. I think we can all guess who that "someone" is.
Mick: Nazis. I hate Nazis.
Rip: Aided by some sort of time traveling ally, obviously.
Dr. Martin Stein: Wait. Does that mean the Allied forces lost the war?
Jefferson: In which case, why aren't we speaking German right now?
Ray: Because we're in the temporal zone.
Rip: And because it takes time for the consequences of an aberration, even one as cataclysmic as this one, to ripple throughout time.
Sara: So how much time do we have to stop it?
Rip: Isn't traveling to that particular time precisely what Rex Tyler told us not to do?
Sara: Well, what's the alternative? We let New York blow up?
Ray: It's not like there are Time Masters left to stop it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Miss Lance is right. We are history's last line of defense.
Jefferson: I like the sound of that.
Mick: I'd rather die than speak German.

Sara: Rip, we're gonna need an evac. We're in over our heads here.
Rip: If my read of the situation is correct, what you need is a miracle. I'm gonna buy you some time.

Rip: Kendra's ability to reincarnate means that it would do the Pilgrim no good to target her. And as a former Time Master, to remove me from history would be quite dangerous to the timeline.
Leonard: Well, that's convenient.
Rip: And what's that supposed to mean?
Leonard: Nothing. It just occurs to me you've never told us about your past, Rip. And I don't trust a man with secrets.

[last lines]
Gideon: Sir, I've completed my review of the timeline. I calculate a 98% likelihood that Savage reappears in 1986.
Rip: Chart a course, Gideon.
Ray: Guess we're headed to the '80s. Better break out your parachute pants.
Jefferson: What the hell are parachute pants?

Sara: I don't need to be rescued. I found peace here.
Rip: Peace with the League of Assassins? That must be the first time that sentence has ever been uttered.

Rip: Oy! Where do you think you're going?
Dr. Martin Stein: To break into my old lab and bring us back the particle tracker.
Rip: Fine, but perhaps, you should take Jefferson and Sara to as your intermediaries. Look, interacting with yourself in the past can have catastrophic effects upon the future.
Dr. Martin Stein: Fascinating.
[to Jefferson and Sara]
Dr. Martin Stein: Let's go.