200 Best Lex Luthor Quotes

Lex: What's wrong?
Gamemnae: Supergirl. She's inside the Unity Festival. We need to hit the kill switch. Wipe out as many people as possible before she has a chance to interfere.
Lex: There aren't enough people logged in yet. We need to hit 50% saturation. What good is wiping out one-quarter of the world if the other three-quarters rise up against us?
Gamemnae: We'll worry about that problem tomorrow.
Lex: This is about tomorrow. You told me you answer to a higher power. How will she feel when you give in on the mission before it's complete? And if Supergirl is in the Unity Festival, then her physical body is vulnerable.
Gamemnae: Rama Khan, Tezumak, and Sela might be able to make it back in time.
Lex: They need to take out Supergirl's friends.
Gamemnae: Then what do you propose?
Lex: Send another assassin. Someone who won't fail you.

Lex: I told you, English. You need to keep your accent.
Snowbird: Why?
Snowbird: You want me to go to America.
Lex: Someday. You're not ready yet.
Snowbird: Yes, I am! I want to see it. I want to know more. Who is this Supergirl to me? Why does she look like me?
Lex: Put simply, your sister. She has usurped your position in the world. Taken from you.
Snowbird: Like your Lena.
Lex: Yes. Maybe you should see more.

Mar: Well done. You have succeeded in finding the Paragon of Truth. Lex Luthor played his role. He led you to him.
Kara: [entering with Kate] Yeah? How many more people did he hurt to do that? You think you're a good guy, but you're not.
Lex: I think he's kind of neat.
Kara: Okay. Well, we still only have three. Bruce Wayne wasn't the paragon of anything, so...
[seeing Earth-96 Clark]
Kara: Whoa, Ray. You are looking jacked.
Clark: No, no, no, no. This is your cousin, sort of.
Kara: [turning to look at Ray and back, her jaw dropping] Huh.

Lena: Will you truly be on your best behavior? No homicides?
Lex: No unnecessary homicides.

Nxylgsptinz: What the hell was that? Your sister? How could she imitate a totem and fool my crystal ball?
Lex: I can take a look at that for you. Make it so it can't be tricked. I don't mind.
Nxylgsptinz: Just because you waltzed in at a very convenient moment doesn't mean that you... . wait. How did you know where I was?
[off his glance, she looks in the air behind her]
Nxylgsptinz: What is that? Is that a surveillance drone? Are you stalking me? Creep.
Lex: I was protecting you. If I hadn't shown up when I did, you would be powerless in a prison right now.
Nxylgsptinz: You claim to be on my side. But I am no closer to finding my totems. So get out!
Lex: Uh, this is my home.
Nxylgsptinz: Fine.
Lex: [opening a portal, she leaves] I... I love you.

Lex: Be wary of opening with the Queen's Gambit, sis. It's such an obvious first move.
Lena: This isn't over.
Lex: It never is.

Lex: Nxyly is the love of my life.
Otis: I'm sorry, what?
Lex: I know. Me? In love? I've always shouldered this world alone. I've-I've never known what it meant to have a true partner. Who could possibly match my wit, my flair, my unfiltered genius? But when I met Nxyly, I knew. She was the one. This was supposed to be so easy. Come to this time, help Nxyly get the Love totem before the Super Friends find it, and then return to the future where my Nxyly would still be alive. I can't save her if she doesn't trust me. And she won't trust me if she doesn't even like me. And if she doesn't like me now, how will she love me in the future?
Otis: I did not understand a word of that. But if she loved you before, why don't you just do that again?
Lex: You big, beautiful idiot. That's exactly what I should do.

Lex: One hour until the Super Idiots find the Love totem for real.
Otis: You gonna crash their party again, rescue Nxyly?
Lex: No. I think this time, I'm just going to have to let the girl come to me. But that does not mean that I am just going to let her fail.
[going into another room, where he has Mitch tied up to a chair]
Lex: Hello, courier minion. I need you to deliver some highly sensitive intel to Nxyly for me. But do not tell her where you got it from.

Philippe: I see you won your war with Ms. Luthor.
[awkward silence]
Philippe: So, what's next for the man who has everything?
Lex: I go get more.

Kara: You did this? You brought that... poisonous snake back?
Mar: His destiny was unfulfilled. Lex Luthor still has an important role to play.
Kara: So you can revive him, but you can't bring back Oliver?
Mar: I restored Luthor long before the Crisis caused my power to wane.
Kara: And what about those innocent lives on Earth-38? Did they not have destinies to fulfill? I'm sorry, but I can't trust a man who thinks Lex Luthor is an ally.
Kate: All I got from that is that if you die again, that dude can't bring you back.
Lex: And you are?
Kate: New. And unfriendly.

Querl: Did you get the ship's location?
Lex: Indeed. But it has a nasty defense mechanism. They gave me something to protect from it.
Querl: Give it to me.
Lex: Not yet.
Querl: We've come all this way... we-we've done all those terrible things so that I can sneak aboard the Leviathan ship and upload the mortality code so that I can kill the immortals.
Lex: And we shall. But first, Rama Khan and his element-bending goons need to eliminate Supergirl's friends one by one. And when she has nothing left... they'll slay her, too. After that, you kill the gods.
Querl: You think I-I'm just going to sit back while Leviathan murders my friends?
Lex: Former friends. And yes, I think you will. Because if you get on that ship any sooner, you'll die with them.
Querl: Leviathan is the enemy, Lex. Not Supergirl, not J'onn J'onzz. Not Dreamer.
Lex: You're right. They're heroes. They would happily sacrifice themselves to save the world. Maybe they'll even thank us.

Lex: Eventful day, Director Dox?
Querl: I know. I disobeyed your direct order. I interfered with Leviathan and the Supers. I am responsible. For everything.
Lex: [laughing] Oh, Dox. Of course, I knew that you would rush in to help your little friends. You're all gooey hero on the inside. I don't have to be a genius to know that. But don't worry. Everything is right on track. Even the loss of the DEO is a tax write-off.
Querl: You wanted Rama Khan to be brought here. To get the kryptonite.
Lex: I gave Leviathan a little trinket from the Fortress that, with kryptonite, will make Supergirl's life miserable. And they were very appreciative.
Querl: You got an invite to the ship.
Lex: I told you, trust the process, save the world. Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.

Nxylgsptinz: Thank you for fixing this. But what does it matter if we find the rest of the totems? I can't build the AllStone without the Hope totem.
Lex: You mean...
[showing her a crystal]
Lex: This Hope totem?
Nxylgsptinz: I thought Supergirl destroyed that.
Lex: The thing about these totems, you can destroy the shell, but the essence flows into something new. Oh, also the Love totem... the Super Friends destroyed it.
Nxylgsptinz: So you think that one will reconstitute itself, as well?
Lex: I know it will.
[at Kelly and Alex's loft, a tattoo in the shape of rose forms on the back of Esme's neck]

Eve: We never discussed Superman. This was not the plan.
Lex: This was always the plan. I just didn't apprise you of it.
Eve: How could you not apprise me? I'm your partner.
Lex: Not partner, Ms. Tessmacher. Protégé, um... factotum, flunky. I'm the decider. Is that clear?
Eve: Our plan was to have a lifetime supply of energy. You'll waste half of that attacking Argo. Don't throw everything away over this obsession with Superman...
Lex: Superman will be destroyed by my hand. He will burn. Come on, honey. You're gonna love it. Our victory deserves fireworks.

Lex: How does my narrative suit our beloved family name now?
Lillian: Far better than your sister's.
Lex: Hmm. From mass murderer to vindicated martyr in one fell swoop, and all I needed was me.
Lex: I wasted so much time trying to buy, threaten, or brainwash people into doing what I wanted. But apparently, people love a guy who tells it like it is.
Lillian: Hmm.
Lex: The key is, if you can get them to buy it long enough, they stop being able to discern whether you're telling it like it really is or how you want them to believe it is.

Lex: We pushed her too far.
Eve: Lex.
Lex: I mean, maybe the black kryptonite caused unchecked cell growth. That'd be cancer-symptomatic.
Eve: Lex.
Lex: Could be a telomere problem. We need to stabilize the sensecence...
Eve: No. Lex!
Lex: What?
[seeing her look]
Lex: Oh, right. The Harun-El. It made her. It might stabilize her. Bring it to me.
Eve: It's not ready yet. Lena's trial still has a 100% mortality rate.
Lex: Then I'll solve it.
Eve: The girl is dying.
Lex: What do you suggest I do? She is everything I have worked for. She's a... a miracle. The skies opened up and gave her to me. I... I can't lose her.

Lex: Who do you think you are? We had a plan. Leviathan kills Supergirl, and you kill Leviathan. And then together, we save this planet from the invulnerable aliens who think they know what's best for mankind. Why couldn't you just wait for Supergirl to die?
Querl: [laughing weakly] Underestimated me. My friends. I'd never let you kill them.
Lex: No, Brainiac 5. Uh, I underestimate nothing. I knew you would decide to shrink the gods instead of kill them due to your precious moral code. I planned for that. I just didn't think that you would kill yourself. Well... Supergirl lives. But, I have the ball.
Querl: No...
Lex: You gave me exactly...
[taking the stasis bottle]
Lex: ...what I needed. I'm just gonna kill Supergirl myself. It'll be fun. And you... can die alone. Just like you intended.

Lex: Did your husband enjoy those Knights tickets?
Warden: Oh, yes. Courtside? He felt like Nicholson. And uh, the other inmates, they seemed to like all that lobster you trucked in.
Lex: Lobster's 18th century peasant food, only fit for the indentured and the incarcerated.

Lex: Careful. I bruise easily. I'm not immortal anymore, remember?
J'onn: Brainy, what's taking so long with that projector?
Brainiac: The data's been wiped. I don't know if it's recoverable, and the projector itself...
Lena: No, we don't need it. I'll just open a transmat portal like I did during Crisis.
Brainiac: No, no, no. Even if that were to work, without the coordinates of where he sent her, she could be anywhere in the Phantom Zone.

Lex: I just realized, you haven't asked me why I need the black rock.
Lena: I assumed homicide.
Lex: Just the opposite. I'm dying.

Lex: Finally, you've returned. I don't know if anybody's told you this, but the feng shui of this place it a bit stale.
Mar: I brought you back because the universe will need a mind like yours.
Lex: Someone who can checkmate anyone?
Mar: Time has come for you to fulfill your destiny, Lex Luthor. You can now become the hero that you have longed to be.
Lex: I've always been the hero. Happy to help. But first, we have to discuss my sister.

Lex: Didn't we talk about flinching?
Eve: No. No, no, it's Otis. He's dead, again.
Lex: Lockwood. There's nothing I hate more than a man with the courage of his convictions.
Eve: With the superpowers to match them. Now that he's served his usefulness, we should take care of him.
Lex: Send a team to do it. Only people you trust.
Eve: [turning to leave] Yes, Mr. Luthor.
Lex: Eve?
Eve: Hmm?
Lex: This country, this planet... it's nearly ours. Can you feel it?
Eve: Ever since the moment I met you.

Lex: [loud yell:] Ms. Teschmacher!
[she rushes in]
Lex: Why is the satellite not firing?
Eve: There's an issue at Shelley Island.
Lex: [bombastic yell:] No one leaves!
[suits up, zooms off]
Eve: [as Lena gets up, aims gun at her] Don't get any ideas!
Lena: You wretched little traitor!
[grabs gun out of Eve's hand]

Lena: [finding Lex in her office] What a thoroughly unpleasant surprise.
Lex: Morning, sis. I promise this'll be quick. When I woke up this morning, I could not wait to get back to work. So I opened my computer and, wouldn't you know it, I have been locked out of all LuthorCorp accounts. Even my own Lex Foundation. Isn't that funny?
Lena: You may be a free man, Lex, but your time at LuthorCorp is over.
Lex: [sarcastic laugh] Ah-ha-ha! See, I had a feeling it was you. Uh, the firewalls were spectacular, by the way. Uh, and how did you change my bioscan? Ah, let me guess, the Coluan helped you out with that? Cute prank, sis. Now undo it.
Lena: Maybe I wasn't clear. I will do everything in my power to protect this company and the world from you. Do you think my testimony was some kind of a mistake?
Lex: Hmm. I thought you might be feeling stubborn. I had very expensive coffee this morning with my new friend ADA Matthews, uh, now District Attorney Matthews. He was freshly appointed after your friend, District Attorney Diaz, was fired for losing my case. Anyway, uh, Mr. Matthews was so grateful at his good fortune that he's willing to do me a favor. He's issuing you a court order to undo your little cyber attack within the hour. Oh, uh, and I also had a very nice chat with him about his investigation in you and Non Nocere. Just wanted to make sure he was giving it his full attention. It's now his number one priority.

Nxylgsptinz: You really think you fixed my crystal ball without magic?
Lex: This is technology from the future. With your own future self's help, I was able to blend technology and magic.
Nxylgsptinz: I helped you build that?
Lex: I told you, we were quite a pair. We made many beautiful things together.
Nxylgsptinz: What was I like... will I be like... after I got the AllStone? Did I get my revenge?
Lex: Oh, yes. I didn't know you then, but it must have been magnificent. Every time you talked about it, you glowed. Maybe... that's why you were more responsive to befriending an arrogant man such as me. You no longer carried the weight of your unfulfilled vengeance.
Nxylgsptinz: [her crystal ball glows] I know where the Love totem is.

Lex: What, no pleading, no hopeful pontification about how I can change and learn to be a better person...
Lex: That's your problem, Kara. You, Leviathan, you're all the same. Pushing an agenda, trying to make humanity bend in ways that it just doesn't want to.
Supergirl: Yeah, like you tried to bend Lena, pitting her against me? You're a man with alien DNA coursing through him, thinking he knows what's best for this world. Sound familiar?
Lex: Sounds like someone willing to do whatever it takes to save humanity.

Lillian: Why don't we have a cup of tea while Lex tells us why he summoned us here?
Lena: He summoned us here to gloat.
Lex: You think so little of me, Lena. It hurts. I'm a sentimental guy. I didn't do all of this for me, I did it for us. I mean, look, we all know if I wanted you two dead, you wouldn't be treading on the presidential seal having a tea party. Everything I've done has been strategic to lead up to this very moment. The Luthor name cleared. Our family poised to take its rightful place in history.
Lillian: And what exactly are we poised to do?
Lex: Revolutionize energy worldwide. I'm rounding up aliens and harnessing their power to be used and sold; sort of like supercharged disposable batteries.
Lena: That's vile!
Lex: Vile and viable. As another world leader once said, "I don't see why men shouldn't be as cruel as nature."
Lillian: Try not to quote Hitler in public, dear. It'll hurt the brand.

Lex: Perhaps there's something I can do?
Lena: I don't need anyone murdered, Lex.
Lex: I have other skill sets.

Lex: You can't just tell a woman how you feel. It scares them off.

Lex: It really is a remarkable substance.
Lena: It started with mice.
Lex: Sure, a supraprimate. It's like you're running a lab out of a Wikipedia handbook. No wonder you're so behind schedule.
Lena: Are you going to taunt and provoke me the entire time?
Lex: This is how we've worked together ever since we were kids. You propose a theory, I tell you how wrong you are, and it drives you to be better.
Lena: And you call that working together?

Lex: Butterscotch sticky buns? Your favorite, as I recall.
Nxylgsptinz: I don't like sweets.
Lex: You will. Thought you might need a little pick-me-up after your ordeal passing the Truth gauntlet.
Nxylgsptinz: I told you... it was easy.
Lex: And yet, you haven't seemed like yourself since. Remember, there's nothing that I wouldn't do for you.
[getting to her feet, she puts the totem in his hand]
Lex: What are you doing?
Nxylgsptinz: Making sure of your intent.
[putting him under the totem's influence]
Nxylgsptinz: I can't risk giving my heart to a dishonest fool. But luckily I have the powers of the Truth totem, so... tell me, your poems, did you mean what you wrote?
Lex: Every word. My only desire is to rule by your side while destroying everyone who gets in our way.
Nxylgsptinz: And after we've rebuilt the AllStone, you're going to betray me.
Lex: Betray you? Betraying you is... inconceivable. I've spent my whole life believing no one was worthy of me, until you. It's why I came back to find you at this time. I want to help you achieve everything you want and deserve. And I know I can do this for you because I have. It is my only desire.
[she removes the totem's influence]
Lex: Did I pass?
Nxylgsptinz: You have performed admirably.

Supergirl: Lex, a real hero? How can this be true?
Lex: If you weren't so obsessed with trying to persecute me, you might see that on this Earth, I've always been the hero. All these people say so. But I guess we're all heroes today, since I'm assuming you and your friends dealt with the big blackout. You're not gonna try and pin that on me, are you?
Supergirl: No. That was Leviathan.
Lex: The same Leviathan that I told you would be a problem months ago? Perhaps if you listened to me and tried to work with me, we could stop these dangerous organizations before they try to blot out the sun. So, do you know what they want, or where their base is?
J'onn: Not yet. But we will.
Supergirl: We're going to stop them.

Eve: I couldn't get Gamemnae to take me onto Leviathan's ship. I'm scared.
Lex: Ah. Forgive me, Eve. I... I should have eased your mind days ago. Please.
[leading her over to a computer monitor]
Lex: Now, this is a live feed. I'm sure you recognize the sweet little house you grew up in. There's your mother baking in the kitchen. But I suspect what you don't recognize is that sedan, or those other two. Those cars belong to ex-Mossad agents that I've hired to guard your mother around the clock.
Eve: How can I thank you, Mr. Luthor?
Lex: Lex, please. And you can thank me after we've found the cold-blooded killer who took your father's life. We're a team, Eve.

Lex: And now, a toast... to incinerating the Man of Steel.
[Lillian declines the offered glass]
Lex: I promise there's no Polonium-210 in it, like you put in my tea. Killing your own son with ionizing radiation, now that is on brand.
Lillian: Cancer may have aged you prematurely, but you're still as sharp as ever. So, what's stopping you from shooting me and your sister?
Lex: Call me crazy, but I'm partial to my relatives. I just can't bear killing you guys.

Lex: It's time for you to know your full truth. You are strong. You are Kaznia. But you are also something more. That green flash you saw, it's poison to your species. Made of fragments of your home planet. You are one of the last daughters of Krypton.
Snowbird: Krypton?
Lex: You will usher in a new era of peace. Equality. Nations unlike Kania who believe in greed will rise against you. And its greatest champion will stand between you and your work.

Lex: Otis, my good man, forcing a woman into loving you is the underpinning of a toxic relationship.
Otis: But you love toxic relationships.

Lex: You don't wanna give up your research. It's cozy, the comfort of obssession.
Lena: I'm not like you. I wanna help people.
Lex: I'm people. And you're using the black rock to make supersoldiers. Who is that helping? I've had some time, done some thinking, some leaf-turning-over.
Lena: It's a big leaf.
Lex: Don't do what I did. Don't harm when you can heal.

Clark: Hmm. You're not Lex.
Lex: Maybe not the Lex you know. The multiverse has a way of aligning fates.
Clark: What'd you do to those people?
Lex: Sent them back to their flying tin can in the sky. Let's hope they learn from this teachable moment. Now I'm here for you, not them.
Clark: Whoever you are, I'm just a guy working on this farm.
Lex: You will always be my greatest enemy on any Earth. It's written in the stars and in this book or I wouldn't know that on this Earth Clark Kent is Superman. Where I come from, that would be ridiculous. He can't see past his glasses.
Clark: Hmm. So what do you want?
Lex: Why, to kill you of course and every version of you across the multiverse so that if the, uh, super friends somehow find a way save existence there won't be a single Superman stand in my way.
[Lex brings out Kryptonite on Clark and he's unfazed, Clark takes it and throws it away]
Lex: That's Kryptonite.
Clark: Which has no effect on me ever since I gave up my powers.
Lex: You gave up your powers?
Clark: Can't say I miss these chats.
Lex: You were basically a God. You could fly. You could see through walls. You had super strength.
[steps on a toy tractor]
Lex: You're kidding me.
Clark: That is worth more than any superpower.
Lois: Hey, Clark. The girls want to show you what they've made.
Clark: [looking away] I think it's time for you...
[stops Lex's punch and punches him]
Clark: Ah. Still stronger.
Lex: You took all the fun out of it. Enjoy your slice of mediocrity while you can, Clark. You're all doomed anyway.

Lex: [on monitor screen] Apologies for the interruption, but would Director Danvers and Supergirl please report to the conference room immediately?
Supergirl: Blah!

Snowbird: Are you angry at me?
Lex: For saving a child? No. You did the right thing.
Snowbird: I heard pain. I did not know my strength.
Lex: Would you like to?

Eve: Alien energy transfer complete. Your gauntlet should be recharged.
Lex: Only one way to find out.
[to a guard above him]
Lex: Um... excuse me, uh, stand very still.
[he fires an energy blast, and the guard dissolves into liquid]
Lex: Hmm. Get a mop.

Lex: Director Dox, long time, no see. I come bearing gifts, a pysanka. Gifted to me by a Ukrainian holy man on my world tour. It brings love and wealth, and of course, fertility.
Querl: Does it also bring the end of Leviathan? You were meant to have gotten the location of their ship so we can implant the mortality code.
Lex: I can't push them.
Querl: This delay doesn't have anything to do with you using Obsidian Platinum for your own ends, does it? Alex Danvers called me. She wants me to help her track Obsidian users she believes are being lured into some type of coma. By you.
Lex: While it is utterly predictable that Alex Danvers would call you, it's not me behind your missing users, it's Leviathan. Scout's honor. I found out from Gemma Cooper.
Querl: Then help me find them. You have the Q-wave cube from Winn's ship. I can use it to track the lenses, find the missing people.
Lex: Ah, well, I gave the cube to Lena. And if you involved her, Leviathan would kill her. And as much as I'd like to help you, I can't. Leviathan would find out, and then I'd be their enemy. And as you know, the long-term success of our plan relies on me being the opposite. But, by all means, you should help them. I know how important your friends are to you.
Querl: Okay. Lex, how shall I help them? There's nothing at the DEO that could track Q-waves.
Lex: Why don't you ask Supergirl? I'm sure there's something at that fortress of hers that could help.

President: Satellite images confirm a Kaznian force is amassing off the coast. Not that I don't trust the plan, but are you sure I shouldn't be in a bunker somewhere?
Lex: You were a backbench, backwater Senator. Then I took out Marsdin's running mate and got you on the ticket. Then I brought down Marsdin, as well. From zero to Mr. President with the snap of my fingers. Are you seriously asking me if I'm sure about something?
President: I should have learned by now, never doubt Lex Luthor.
Lex: [taking Baker's drink] Relax, Phil. Soon, Supergirl will be dead. And you will be America's beloved, victorious wartime president. With more allegiances and more power than any president in the history of the republic.
President: [taking his re-filled drink] Well, cheers to that.

Lena: I use a Q-wave broadcast to remotely access patients' brain activity. It's being interrupted by an overlapping signal.
Lex: How could someone suppress Q-waves?
Lena: I recognize the signature of this interruption. It's Myriad. Yesterday, I thought I had an honest conversation with Supergirl, and today I find out that she's using Myriad to interrupt my experiments? The very device she told me was too dangerous for anyone to use.
Lex: You saw Supergirl yesterday? I could always just go to the Fortress, if you told me where it was, and turn off Myriad before she interferes again.
Lena: No, you'll set off the El protocol.
Lex: This is a new world. One where Luthors and Kryptonians work together. The fortress security won't be programmed to attack us.
Lena: If she's using Myriad, I wanna see it for myself. Besides, you at the Fortress sounds apocalyptic.

Lex: You're a difficult woman to track down.
Gamemnae: Well, you being here blocking my way would suggest otherwise.

Lillian: Are you all right?
Lex: [crushing a metal tube] I'd say I'm more than all right.
Lillian: [he telekinetically lifts and crushes a cinderblock] Now you're just showing off.
Lex: Not yet.
Lillian: [putting on a metal knuckle and firing a kryptonite beam into the wall, he inscribes the House of El sigil] To think you said you weren't obsessed with the Kryptonians.
Lex: [firing the knuckle again and blowing the sigil up] I told Lena that she had it right. Aliens shouldn't be Earth's saviors. A Luthor should. And now I will be. Leviathan is gone. Next, I'll get rid of the Kryptonian and all her friends, and then the non-believers. And once I fix this planet, I'll do what the Anti-Monitor failed to do. Fix every other planet in the universe.
Lillian: Uh, well, that sounds like a good plan. Please get back to the part about ridding this planet of the non-believers.
Lex: Leviathan intended to use Obsidian Platinum to kill people in VR. Instead, I used Obsidian to upgrade people's brains in perpetuity. A little thing I like to call I Love Lexi.
Lillian: That's very alliterative, dear.

Lex: You're rather calm for a woman who just learned the entire multiverse has been obliterated. You do understand I'm not the son you raised?
Lillian: Perfectly. Would your Lillian have been frightened by world destruction? If so, you've upgraded.

Otis: So what's the play?
Lex: Paper tigers.
Otis: [confused] Uh...
Lex: Chinese idiom. Paper tigers threaten, but are destroyed easily. Kaznia wants to move on the U.S. They're crazier than Russia. They wanna bring back the glory days of the Soviet Union.
Eve: So you wanna help them?
Lex: I don't care about their politics. Regimes change. Kings die. But if Kaznia attacks America, and I foil the attack, America will hail me as a hero. To do that, I'm gonna need patsies in both the East and the West. So, Otis, fetch your sister and find me a real American. Someone charismatic, a radical.
Otis: I think I know just the guy, Mr. Luthor. Name's Ben Lockwood, seems smart.
Lex: I'm glad someone does.
Otis: Wait. Where you going?
Lex: Back to Stryker's. Prison's the best alibi the world has yet devised, and I'm about to need a lot of alibis.

Lex: [arriving on the Kent Farm] Hello, old friend.
Clark: Who are you?
Lex: Don't you know me, Clark? I'm Lex Luthor.

Lex: "Against other things, it is possible to obtain security, but when it comes to death, we human beings all live in an unwalled city." Do you know who said that?
Lena: Please, Lex, you don't have to do this.
Lex: I'm doing this for us, for the entire human race. Listen down below. They're already cheering. And it was Epicurus, by the way. An aphorism 230 years old, and yet still as apt as ever.
Lena: You sound like a freshman philosophy major, and you're gonna kill millions of people. The world can't live under a red sun.
Lex: Neither can Superman. You see, sis, we as a people have become soft and fat, and stupid.
[calls are made on a loudspeaker for him to surrender; he taps his watch, and an explosion is heard]
Lex: Where was I?
Lena: My god, Lex, you killed them.
Lex: Oh, that's right. Uh, we must put faith in ourselves, but instead, we look up to him, with big, glassy eyes because we think he's invincible. But it's my duty to dispel the world of that notion. And when he dies, they will finally wake up and see him for what he really was, a false god.
Lena: At least he's a good man.
Lex: HE IS NOT A MAN! I was the man of tomorrow, not him! Not him!
Lena: So it's all ego, then?
Lex: [surrendering as armed soldiers enter] No, it's science. I want to see if the Kryptonian pretender can bleed. Even gods can die. You'll see. Everyone will see. And then, they're gonna thank me.

Lex: What did you see?
Snowbird: A pig trough. One of the men had a pin with the AmerTek insignia. They make weapons.
Lex: America's exports, movies and bombs. Kaznia suffers so that Americans can live like this.
Snowbird: And Supergirl defends those men?
Lex: Yes, because she's... soft. Accustomed to a certain lifestyle.
[cut to them in an apartment building]
Lex: You wanna understand her? This is her place. This is where Supergirl lives. Or, as some know her, Kara Danvers.

Lena: A stroke, huh? You wanted to see me in person that badly?
Lex: What can I say, sis? I missed you.

Snowbird: I thought you were gone.
Lex: Well... you made me very, very angry. But I promised that I wouldn't let you get sick again.
Snowbird: You saved me.
Lex: I had a lot invested in you. And I shouldn't have left the way that I did. This is not about Lena. This is about you and me. Can you forgive me?

Lex: I left the journal for you, paired it with the mural, hoping you would remember this place and show up when I needed you. You know, it just comes down to this, sis. You can only count on blood. Come on, give me a hand.
[she draws a revolver]
Lex: Come on, Lena, this is no time for theatrics. We both know no matter how much you despise me, you're not ruthless enough to pull that trigger...
Lena: [shooting him] The world will never be a safe place with you in it.
Lex: Oh, brava! You did it, Lena. You killed me. You finally proved that I've been underestimating you all this time. But when I'm gone, who will be left to be proud of you? What, your friends? The joke's on you. It's always been on you.
[turning on a monitor]
Lex: Your friends have been lying to you from the start. Your boyfriend Jimmy, Alex, J'onn, that little alien runt Brainy. Even your own mother. They've mocked you, humiliated you, betrayed you. Every last one. Denial's a very powerful thing, isn't it? It's been standing right in front of you all this time. And you chose not to see it. Kara Danvers is Supergirl. I'm about to die, but at least I lived without ever being a fool. You're left with no one and nothing.

Lex: You didn't actually think I was gonna give you the real key codes, did you?
Supergirl: [infected with kryptonite] No.
Lex: A word of advice: next time you land on somebody else's planet, try one where the sun boosts your brain and your brawn. Oh, but I just remembered... for you... there won't be a next time.

Lex: You could have compromised all of our work.
Snowbird: They killed Mikhail!
Lex: What is one life? One life is nothing next to the world! You risked everything, and you did not listen to me!
Snowbird: You don't give me commands.
Lex: I am helping you. They saw your face. If you were identified, the world would hunt you down! I'll make this look like an accident. Sabotage, friendly fire. I will clean up your mess!
Snowbird: Is that what you think of me? That I am some pet you clean up after?
Lex: Of course not.
Snowbird: Some solider, then? Alexander's conquering army! What am I? Why am I here? Why does Kara Danvers have an Alex? And why is she friends with your sister?
[noticing his reaction]
Snowbird: That's what this is about. This is about Lena.
Lex: I thought you were stronger. But... people disappoint. I'm done here.

Lex: What was the point of pulling strings to get you DEO resources if not to test your drugs on humans?
Lena: I didn't ask for that. And if Colonel Haley knew you were behind it...
Lex: She doesn't. No one does.
Lena: Except the person whose strings you're pulling.
Lex: But now I wonder if you didn't wanna just pull up a front row seat to watch me wither away and die.
Lena: I'm not the one who accidentally poisoned myself with kryptonite in a quixotic attempt to kill an invincible man. And while I do find the irony that you now need black kryptonite to cure yourself just delicious, you are my brother, Lex. I do want to save you. Besides, how can you pay your debt to society if you're already dead?

Lillian: The past is the past. Best to focus on the future. In this world, the Luthors are revered. How do we maintain our status?
Lex: Well, of course, the first order of business is finding the Fortress of Solitude and destroying the Kryptonians.
Lillian: Why? Supergirl is your greatest ally.
Lex: Was, I'm afraid. Supergirl will remember the previous world as vividly as I do. Soon it will be war. We need to be prepared. You, me, and Lena.
Lillian: The Lena who killed you? That Lena? Well, you said she'll remember your previous world, too
Lex: What's your point?
Lillian: That you have an inferiority complex over a pair of hokey heroes in blue tights.
Lex: If Supergirl sneezes too hard, it would split this planet in half.
Lillian: And yet, it was her friendship with your sister that spun you out.

Snowbird: Supergirl acts on her emotions. It's selfish, ugly. I will not be her. I will be me. I will be disciplined. I will follow you and destroy her.
Lex: Do you remember that story about Alexander the Great and his father?
Snowbird: I remember.
Lex: You thought I was Alexander. But I'm Philip. I only get one lifetime. But you're... forever. My gift to the world, my legacy.
[switching to Russian as he unveils a superhero costume]
Lex: My Red Daughter.

Lena: We're so close. At this point, it's 99% non-lethal. It doesn't matter now. James is in surgery.
Lex: So why are you still here?
Lena: I can't help James now.

Lex: [playing chess with Snowbird] When I was a boy, I learned this game from a grand master, Anatoly Karpov. That's how I learned to speak your language. Seems fitting that it should teach you mine.
Snowbird: I think your books handled that.
Lex: Have they? Okay. Philip of Macedon.
Snowbird: Ruled from 359 BC until his assassination. Father of Alexander the Great, your namesake. Philip had a small power base. He wanted to build an empire. But, in the end, we only have one lifetime. Alexander inherits his father's work, but he does more than Philip ever could have dreamed.
Lex: He conquers the world.
Snowbird: This appeals to you?
Lex: You sound like my sister.
Snowbird: Lena.
Lex: Yes. You pay attention. You remind me of her sometimes. I used to think we were inseparable. That we were going to change everything.
Snowbird: What happened?
Lex: People disappoint.
[she looks for a move to make; seeing she's checkmated, she mutters in Russian and surrenders]
Lex: Not bad, though.

Supergirl: You have powers?
Lex: I have powers.

Lillian: I want it on the record that I'm resisting the urge to say I told you your obsession with the Kryptonians would end like this.
Lex: [sarcastic] I'm glad you held your tongue, Mother.

Lex: Ms. Tessmacher, it's time to activate William Dey. Make sure your contact gives him the name on the medical bracelet he found. And then, I need you to move the bodies.

Lex: If you'd rather be alone, I can...
Nxylgsptinz: No, don't leave. I'm actually quite tired... of being alone.
Lex: I will always be here for you.
Nxylgsptinz: The longer you're around, the more you put yourself at risk, and the more you give up our most powerful weapons, because you're scared that I might get hurt. It's foolish and weak. And I'm running out of reasons not to trust you. I don't have my totems. I don't have my magic. My only other ally is a... moronic former zookeeper. I don't have anything to offer you. And yet you're still here. Which proves what the Truth totem told me. You really do care.
Lex: I meant every word I wrote in my journal. Albeit, my didactic rhyming scheme lacked a certain je ne sai quois. But... I love you, Nxyly. And that is not something that comes naturally to me.
Nxylgsptinz: Nor to me. I'm beginning to see why my future self... fell for you.
Lex: Is that so?
Nxylgsptinz: Mmm.
Lex: Hmm.
[her crystal ball chimes]
Lex: I think you may wanna take a look at that.
Nxylgsptinz: [picking it up] The Love totem. Did you know that was going to happen? When I finally started to fall in love with you?
Lex: If you did. I may be from the future, but you're never predictable.

Supergirl: [phasing into Mitch's ship] J'onn, there's no sign of Lex or Nxyly. Anything?
Martian: [in another corridor] Negative. I'm about to search the port side of the...
Supergirl: [getting static] Wait. J'onn? J'onn, I can't...
[two LexoSuits appear and blast her backward]
Nxylgsptinz: My suit feels different.
Lex: I thought you might appreciate a little extra oomph, so I custom-fitted the Truth totem into your chest plate. You'll find the Hope totem in your left arm cannon.
Supergirl: Lex, we know about you and Nxyly in the future. We're not gonna let that happen.
Lex: It seems that you've forgotten, I always get what I want.
Nxylgsptinz: [he fires a blast of energy] Ooh. That looks like it hurts.
Lex: Just some 31st-century nanobots to soften her up.

Lex: Warden, I'm going to need to leave for 72 hours.
Warden: What?
[incredulous laugh]
Warden: You... you can't just...
Lex: Your mother still lives at 245 Maple Drive, right? Bingo night every Friday at St. Joseph's? We wouldn't want that awful Betty Byrom woman to finally have a chance at winning. Would we?
Warden: 72 hours. How are you gonna leave without...
Lex: Leave that to me. I'll need my effects and my tailor. Oh, and my jet.

Lex: Miss Tessmacher!
Lena: [Eve enters, holding a gun on her] Eve!
Eve: Sorry, not sorry.
Lena: How long?
Eve: Forever. It's nothing personal.

Reporter: I'm here with Lex Luthor. How does it feel to be a free man?
Lex: Um, in a word, beautiful.
Brainiac: [watching on TV] "Well, Rhonda, it feels wrong. Because I'm a madman who should be rotting in prison."
Lex: ...the jury, I just wanna say thank you. Without you, my future wouldn't be so bright.
Brainiac: You shouldn't have a future! You shouldn't even be able to sleep at night. You should be haunted by a Kryptonian heart beating ceaselessly beneath your floorboards!

Red: Kara Danvers got away. I failed you.
Lex: Oh, Ryzhaya Dch, you could never fail me.
Red: You asked me to kill her.
Lex: You made her bleed.
[in Russian]
Lex: Made her human.
[in English]
Lex: But still, I should have known Kryptonite alone could never kill Kara Danvers. Her heart, however, makes her weaker than Kryptonite ever could. Go and finish what we started.
[in Russian]
Lex: And then America will kneel before us.

Lex: Clearly I underestimated the value of just being myself.
Otis: [disappointed] No kablooey.
Lex: Of course not, you idiot.

Lex: And how is my darling sister?
Eve: Obsessed. About to have a breakthrough with the Harun-El. But she hasn't produced results yet.
Lex: See that she does.
Otis: So... so do I stay and hang with the commies?
Lex: What? No, you're driving.
Otis: Oh, sure.

Lex: Friendship and loyalty to Supergirl was what prompted Lena to kill me.
Lillian: Your obsession with Kryptonians led to your demise once. Let's not create a repeat performance, hmm? On this planet, the Luthors are cool-headed. We plan, we implement, and we rise, together. Show your sister you believe in her. Support her efforts. She'll gravitate toward you and away from the Kryptonian. The question is... can you give up your pet vendetta and stay focused?
Lex: Are you really querying my strength of will, Mother? I'm a Luthor.
Lillian: Good. Now go make Lena your ally.

Lex: Now, at the risk of breaking the rules of time travel, you need to know that I am also from the future. Well, technically, I'm from this time...
Nxylgsptinz: Oh, this is terribly boring.
Lex: But in that future, you and I are partners. And very good friends.
Nxylgsptinz: I don't have any friends.
Lex: You have one friend. Me. And together, we are two of the most powerful beings in the universe.
Nxylgsptinz: That sounds like I got the AllStone, then.
Lex: You did. But you didn't do it in the right way. And that turned out to be a grave mistake. As in fatal.
Nxylgsptinz: I died?
Lex: But lucky for you, I was there. I preserved your consciousness and came back here to help you succeed this time in a way that will make you invincible.

Lex: [to Lena] Miss me, sis?

Lex: I can show her how to master her powers and help you contain her.
Minister: I know you're the man for the job. Lex Luthor; foremost specialist on everything Krypton. You will make her Kaznia's weapon, hmm?
Lex: She'll hate whomever you want. Operant conditioning is a specialty of mine. But you'll need to follow my instructions to the letter. Can't break a Kryptonian, but maybe we can bend one.
Minister: And for this?
Lex: Money, as discussed.
Otis: Not as liquid as he used to be.
Minister: I warn you, you are only a consultant.
Lex: Cross my heart.

Ray: [seeing Clark is his doppelganger] Oh. So, uh, do you have a gluten sensitivity, too?
Clark: No. Not that I know of.
Lex: Congratulations. You're a ringer for a filthy Kryptonian. Your mom must be so proud.

Lex: [looking at a portrait of Lillian] Have you ever noticed that her eyes seem to follow you everywhere?
Lena: Lex... Lex, it's worse than I thought. If we don't help him, James is gonna die.
Lex: Why do you even care about Jimmy? I thought you two broke up, and good riddance.
Lena: I pushed James away because if he found out about us working together, it would destroy our relationship.
Lex: And-and now you're asking me to work with you to save him? You were right, the irony is delicious.

Lex: We're looking for a girl. She's Dyralian. About yea tall. Cute as a button. Name's Esme.
William: How do you know her name?
Lex: Don't you know by now? I know everything.

Lex: I know that, uh, to the untrained eye, the day did not seem ideal.
Gamemnae: Oh, fires, police, superheroes. Which part of this do you consider not ideal?

Eve: Amy Sapphire. She blames Obsidian's VR for the death of her husband. She threatened Andrea Rojas' life. You're going to warn Gemma to gain Leviathan's trust?
Lex: The opposite. We're gonna help Amy Sapphire attack Andrea Rojas and blow up Obsidian.
Eve: But if anyone attacks Obsidian, Leviathan is gonna want me to terminate them.
Lex: Gemma won't ask you to assassinate anybody, because I will intervene before she gets the chance. I will offer up Supergirl to protect Andrea and Obsidian. Just make sure that Amy Sapphire gets these gauntlets. It'll make her a worthy adversary for Supergirl. And after Supergirl succeeds in saving Andrea, I will have proven myself to Gemma. And then, I will suggest that I roll out Obsidian Platinum worldwide.
Eve: Lex, you're brilliant. But beyond that, you are so kind. And I think I'm...
Lex: I know, Eve. I feel the same. But we have to stay focused on our goals, free you from them and avenge your father. There'll be time for us later.

Lex: Forgive my boldness at this hour. It's just I saw you across the room and knew I had to pounce. Lex Luthor.
Gemma: You should be careful where you pounce. You never know what you might find.

Lex: [using the Book of Destiny to make two Clarks fight each other] This should be fun.
Lois: [knocking him out] You can read about it later.
[to Iris]
Lois: Help me with the book.
[after a bit of struggle, they manage to open it]
Lois: Picture the Clark that we met. Focus on what the universe knows he's meant to be.
[her Clark crashes through the window, and Kingdom Come Superman follows]
Superman: There's only room in this world for one of us.

Lex: My colleague is retrieving a code that digitizes the human psyche, enabling us to make someone immortal by uploading their consciousness into a computer. I believe we can reverse the same code and use it against Leviathan. Then Leviathan is immortal no more. But I need an invitation to get onto their ship. Which means I need Gamamnae, or Gemma, if you prefer, to trust me. And trust begins with that glitch.
Eve: But if there's a glitch and people are getting stuck, nobody's gonna buy the lenses.
Lex: Correct. Leviathan will need to fix it. But they won't be able to because you won't let them. And when Leviathan can't fix it, they'll have to cover it up, and that's where I come in. I will help Gemma with the cover-up.
Eve: Once she trusts you, she'll give you an invitation to the ship.
Lex: An engraved one. So, you need to go back to Obsidian and make sure that glitch does not get fixed, or traced back to me or Lena.
Eve: Done. What are you gonna do?
Lex: Start exerting pressure.

Eve: You know, I used to write you letters.
Lex: I read them. You're literate for a Manson girl.
Eve: You are not Manson. And for the record, I'm not just some girl. I've got degrees from Yale in literature and physics, and I am a former Junior Miss North Carolina.
Lex: I don't need your résumé.
[getting an idea]
Lex: Although I may know someone who does.

Lex: Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

Eve: I'm so glad we finally have a night to spend some time alone as a couple.
Lex: A couple?
Eve: I've been trying to tell you how I feel... and it's not just because you helped me escape Leviathan, it's because of who you are. How could I not love you?
Lex: [she leans in to kiss him] Oh... Ms. Tessmacher... you sad, silly woman. Of course you love me. What's funny is you thought I could love you back.
Eve: I don't understand. We're a team. We're meant to be together. We're destined to do...
Lex: Oh, we're destined. On another world, in another life, we knew each other very well. And in that life, you said you loved me, too. You distracted me, you made me weaker. But that's not happening this time, honey. I feel nothing for you. I saved you because you were useful. I needed a spy inside Leviathan. Oh, uh, and as for your mother... she's still in danger, but from me. Those cars I showed you, the men in them are just waiting to pull the trigger if you ever betray me. But I would think twice about that. That man you killed in the Andes didn't murder your father. I never bothered to find out who knocked off your old man. No, the man you murdered is Supergirl's father.
[tasting a morsel of food]
Lex: Oh, that's good. I have video of you killing him, by the way. Defy me, and I'll pass it on. Believe me, you do not want to be on the wrong side of those laser eyes.
Eve: [crushed] You are worse than Leviathan.
Lex: Not worse. Better.

Lena: You killed Superman's cousin, took over the country. What makes you think he's gonna sit idly by on Argo and allow this to happen?
Lex: Ah, I was hoping you'd bring up the Man of Yesterday. The first batch of depleted aliens will charge the satellite weapon that will turn Argo into a blazing inferno, and Superman into, well, ash.
Eve: May I speak with you privately?
Lex: Excuse me for a moment. Please enjoy the view of the South Lawn, famous for its egg-rolling contest.

Supergirl: It's over. Let me save you.
Lex: Saved? By a Kryptonian? I'd rather die.

Lex: Don't worry. I turned the sun red. I think we can fix one broken inmate.

Lex: I'm not used to needing help. It's weak, pathetic. I'm pathetic.
Lena: Your white blood cell count has stabilized. You're not gonna die today.
Lex: I won't die tomorrow either if you finish the Harun-El serum.
Lena: I'm not risking human lives on an experimental untested drug.

Lillian: You missed a perfectly fine en passant capture opportunity. You're distracted. What's wrong?
Lex: She... apologized to her.
Lillian: Be clear with your pronouns, dear.
Lex: Lena apologized to Kara. To Supergirl. For the death of Jeremiah.
Lillian: I thought you put that behind you.
Lex: I did! The assassination of Jeremiah Danvers was the perfect chess move, but for the fact that it *maddeningly* drove Lena back to Supergirl! And the worst part is that I didn't even see it as a possibility. So, yes, Mother, I missed the en passant. I'm missing a lot of things. I'm slipping.

Eve: We've got a problem. Your little project's got a mind of her own, and she's about to star-spangle you right out of world domination.
Lex: Panic is a bad color on you, Ms. Tessmacher. I can fix this. You and Otis will have to go to Kaznia.
Eve: What? What for?
Lex: Because that's where the thing she loves most is. And she's gonna be ever so sad when the Americans take it away from her.

Lex: When I returned home after saving those kidnapped VR users, who was waiting for me?
Eve: I was.
Lex: That's right. You surprised me with a lavish candlelit dinner. Do you recall the entree?
Eve: It was... beef Wellington.
Lex: Mm. The meal was delicious, I might add. Succulent, tender.
Prosecutor: Objection. It's his opinion.
Lex: I was just as surprised at the quality as you, Ms. District Attorney. Which is why I asked Eve - Ms. Tessmacher - "what's the occasion?" And do you remember what you said?
Eve: I...
Lex: Have you not sworn to tell the truth today, Ms. Tessmacher?
Eve: I have.
Prosecutor: Objection.
Lex: Then why did you cook me dinner?
Eve: Because I was in love with you.
Lex: And when I did not reciprocate... ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you, what is more reasonable? Lex Luthor, philanthropist, entrepreneur and hero, committing these terrible crimes... or Eve Tessmacher, jilted lover hell-bent on revenge, setting up the man who would not have her, all to avoid punishment for her own crimes. She had the means, she had the motive, and she had an image inducer.
Eve: You made me hack Obsidian. You made me impersonate people. You made me kill. You made me do all of it...
Lex: I demand Eve Tessmacher's testimony be stricken from the record and her plea deal revoked. Oh, uh, and if feel like throwing in a charge of perjury, that'd be cool, too, Your Honor.

Lex: You should have known the moment you decided to steal from a Kryptonian that Non Nocere was doomed. Kara Danvers will never see things your way. She'll always work against you.
Lena: Oh, right, so you'll be my friend now?
Lex: The world is ours now, Lena. You don't need a robot, and you don't need friends. You need a partner. Imagine what we could accomplish together. Why not give it a go?
Lena: You think this is your world now? You were a puppet on a string for Leviathan before. What makes this time any different?
Lex: What the hell is Leviathan?

Lex: National City. You know Kaznia, Krypton. Now you need to experience Babylon.

Red: I trusted you, Alex.
Lex: You're either dumb or staggeringly naive. You had my history at your disposal. Internet accessible. If you had bothered to look, you'd have realized two things. Defending poor, broken Kaznia is a little small potatoes for Lex Luthor. But, perhaps more significantly, I hate Kryptonians. And what are you? A Kryptonian.
Red: You should have let me die.
Lex: Die? I have bigger plans for you.

Lex: An elevator? Seems a little pedestrian for a goddess of technology.

Harbinger: [finding Lex with the Book of Destiny] You're not supposed to have that.
Lex: And man was never meant to fly, but here we are.
[opening the book]
Lex: Goodbye, Superman. All of you.
[closing the book, he opens a breach with an extrapolator and escapes]
Mar: [entering] Lex Luthor has the Book of Destiny.
Harbinger: He's going to use it to kill Supermen. If he kills the Paragon, we're all doomed.
[seeing that he appears unconcerned]
Harbinger: What have you done?
Mar: As I said, everyone has a part to play.

Lex: [to Gemma Cooper] I'm the chocolate to your peanut butter.

Lex: I would like to congratulate the jury on coming to the right decision in spite of the clear prejudice in the media coverage of my trial. CatCo published a glorified hit piece painting me as guilty and then allowed the same biased journalist to single-handedly cover my trial.

Lex: [in Russian] Hello.
[switching to English as he sees Mikhail]
Lex: He has nothing to fear, and neither do you. My name is Lex.
Snowbird: Alex?
Lex: Sure. Alex.

Dreamer: Guys. I found recording crystals.
Lex: Ah, yes. When I arrived, she was in the middle of a missive. Sort of a last will and testament. Very dry. You're lucky I cut her off when I did.
Alex: [Nia moves to insert the crystal] No. No, no, no. We are not watching those, 'cause Kara is not dead. We are bringing her home. And you are going to wish that you were dead while you are rotting in that cell.
Lex: Hmm. About that... I'm not going anywhere near a cell. Unless you want me to reveal Supergirl's identity. She may be gone, but she still has an awful lot of enemies out there. It would be tragic if Mama Danvers or your lovely Kelly Olsen were to become the target of one of...
Lena: [slugging him, hard] Sorry. Did you want to do that?
Alex: No. Family first.

Lillian: Your sister is still MIA. You shouldn't be celebrating. You should be out there looking for her.
Lex: Can't, Mother. If I calculated correctly, we should be getting a call any moment.
[a hologram emitter pulses on]
Lex: Oh, see?
[Kara appears]
Lex: Ah, the maid of might. What a surprise.
Supergirl: We know you've placed satellites around the world, and when they sync up, they'll send out a signal killing everyone you haven't brainwashed.
Lex: What do you want? Gold star?

Lex: I can be an excellent friend when I want to be. And I do want to be your friend... for a long time.

Lex: What you're holding is the deadliest substance on Earth.
Eve: You told me I wouldn't have to kill for Leviathan ever again.
Lex: And I always keep my promises. Every single one. That's why I tracked down the man who murdered your father, just like I said I would.
Eve: Who is he?
Lex: [showing her a picture of Jeremiah Danvers] A Leviathan enforcer. He's in the Peruvian Andes working undercover with an NGO. I suspect because he has a target there.
Eve: I should put a bullet in his head.
Lex: It's the least he deserves. But we can't go to war with Leviathan. It has to look like an accident. You can handle that, right?
Eve: Yes.
Lex: Then be quick. I don't expect that he will stay in one place for very long. And nor will I. It's time for me to embark on my world tour, hocking Obsidian lenses. The beginning of the end... of Leviathan.

Lex: [breaking into the Tower looking for Esme] Where is she?
William: Not here.
Nxylgsptinz: [her crystal ball glows] He lies. Never mind. I'll find her.
Lex: So, this is what Supergirl and her chums call their lair.
[while his back is turned, William takes out his phone and turns on the camera, then hides it on a side table]
Lex: Seems remarkably... underwhelming.

Lex: An entire universe wiped from existence distilled down to a computer graphic. Gotta say, missing that "wow" factor.
Kara: Lena killed you.
Lex: Yeah. Only for a little while.
[clicking his tongue]
Lex: Tck.
Mar: [she prepares to fire her heat vision] Everyone has a part to play, even Lex Luthor.

Snowbird: Alex, your name is only thing I remember.
Lex: Let's just say we were... besties.
[seeing she's confused, he switches to Russian]
Lex: Friends. Good friends.
Snowbird: [switching to Russian, too] Where do I come from? I am different. Why?
Lex: [the alarm on his watch rings] Time's up, and I have to go.
[offering her a package of Chocos]
Lex: Go on. You need to see the world as they do. I'll send you books. Materials for you to study. And when I return...
[switching back to English]
Lex: English.

Eve: My new apartment, it's a dream! When you said that you were getting me a new place, I thought you meant a small studio somewhere.
Lex: Well, you're very precious to me, Eve.
Eve: No one's ever treated me this way before.
Lex: It's time you realize how wonderful you are. But we still have a mission. How is Obsidian?
Eve: I've been monitoring all of the beta users. A-And Richard Bates still hasn't made a move on his wife's virtual lover.
Lex: Well, not yet. Because his friend, the bartender, who turned out to be an amazing hacker, I might add, won't let him complete his virtual torture chamber until the time is right. And I still need to create trust with Leviathan.

Lex: Kara Danvers? How did I get so lucky that CatCo would send their Pulitzer winner to cover the unveiling of my little trinket?
Kara: We are the lucky ones, Mr. Luthor.
Lex: And who is this new cub reporter?
William: William Dey.
Lex: Mmm.
William: I covered your Kaznian victory for the Times of London.
Lex: I remember that piece. You called me fat.
William: I believe it was "bloated ego", and in reference to your victory parade.
Lex: Oh, yes! That was a good parade.

Lex: Whereas I am now seeing the value of unvarnished truth.
Lillian: Two words I thought I would never hear applied to a Luthor.

Iris: We need you to come back with us. I know this sounds insane, but... you might be the key to saving the Multiverse.
Clark: That's actually one of the least insane thing's I've ever heard.
[changes into Superman]
Superman: First, we stay and face Luthor.
Superman: And you won't do it alone.
Lois: We won't let him kill you.
Lex: Oh, I've moved on from that. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of killing Supermen. So much more making Superman kill Superman.

Lex: You had a good run, but this time, the planet hits back.
Supergirl: How are you doing this?
Lex: How do you think I did it? I'm Lex Luthor.

Lex: William. It has been ages. Don't worry. Your friends won't interrupt our reunion. I disabled the security systems before arriving. I, uh, caught your little story about my journal. Didn't your mother teach you it's not nice to take things that don't belong to you?

Lex: Have you come to say I told you so?
Lillian: Of course.

Lex: BMP's 92 and rising. What was that tutor's name?
Lena: Krinick.
Lex: Yes. Yes, that's right.
Lena: Okay, injecting now.
Lex: If I misquoted my Salutati, 124 and rising, she would make me stand in a corner and repeat "I do not like myself" in perfect Latin.
Lena: [saying the phrase in Latin] No wonder you became a sociopath.
Lex: Well, if the Latin fits.

Lex: Well, now that the, uh... pleasantries are out of the way, don't you think we should discuss our plan to take out Supergirl and her friends?
Rama: These rings bought you a ticket to board our ship. So enjoy your photo op. But leave the slaughter of Supergirl to us.

Lex: How are you alive? How did you do it?
Supergirl: How do you think I did it? I'm Supergirl.
Lex: Just like your cousin. No matter how many times I stamp you out, you miraculously resurface with your glossy cape and your perfect hair.
Supergirl: Let me let you in on a little secret, Lex. Truth and justice always prevail.
Lex: [laughs] You and your cousin are such saps.

Otis: Oh, I missed you, boss.
Lex: [ducking a hug] Now, why couldn't Nxyly have given me that kind of reception?
Otis: Ah, so what if she rejected you? You're Lex Luthor. And your timing couldn't be better. LuthorCorp's returns are through the roof this quarter. Your mom gave me a board seat. And the way you left everything covered, I think I'm the only one who noticed you were gone. My-my point is, you don't need that imp.
Lex: See, the thing about that imp is she's the only thing I want.

Lex: [appearing in Lena's office at L-Corp] Hey, sis. Hate what you've done with the place.

Lex: Did I ever tell you about my dog, Ignatius? Before you joined our family, he was my closest companion. And when I was seven, he had to be put down.
Lena: If you're gonna continue to compare James to your dying dog, I'm not sure I'm gonna be amenable to your point.
Lex: I wanted to be there for the procedure. But Mother insisted that I go on a business trip with Father. She thought I was being too sentimental.
Lena: That's our mom.
Lex: That's my mom. A trip with Father, that sounds like something that ordinarily would've pleased me. But on this particular trip, he brought a woman with him, and insisted that she go everywhere with us.
Lex: So, here I was, seven years old, dog dying, Father ignoring me.
Lena: Is there a point to this story?
Lex: At first, I swore to loathe this woman. How dare she take my father from me at the moment I needed him most? But I couldn't keep my promise. Because she was wonderful. She was so kind to me. On the day they put Ignatius down, she embraced me, and sang me this beautiful Irish song. By the end of the trip, I wished that she was my mother.
Lena: But she wasn't your mother.
Lex: She was yours. I want you to know with certainty that while I came from poison, you came from love. And if the rest of this family stands steadily in darkness, you will always fall into the light. I knew that from the moment I met her.

Lex: I thought visitors were forbidden in this wing.
Lillian: Well, the Luthor name still commands respect... and the occasional favor.
Lex: Ah, favors. Is that how you secured me that plea deal? Admit to conspiracy and manslaughter, and go away for...
[waving Otis away as he moves to sit down with them]
Lex: Ah, ah. Go away for 25 years.
Lillian: I'm sure your lawyer advised you to accept it.
Lex: He did. Which is why I fired him.

Lex: The recent fusing of the universes might have shifted what Andrea Rojas knows about Leviathan. If there was some way of finding out...
Lena: You want me to talk to Andrea? It won't do any good. She's not gonna tell me anything. We're not friends.
Lex: The Lena I know wouldn't let a little thing like friendship get in the way of saving the world. And as a thank-you, I can guarantee you a source of Q-waves by the end of tomorrow. Well, if you will excuse me, I have to get my beauty sleep; they're unveiling my new action figure at National City ToyCon tomorrow. I anticipate many photo ops.

Lex: Ms. Tessmacher, I need you to do me a favor. What do you know about CatCo Magazine?
Eve: Their circulation's down?
Lex: Jimmy Olsen works there. He's been a thorn. But he's connected to the second Kryptonian. And I happen to know that Cat Grant needs a new assistant. A woman of your talents would have no problem finding a job there.
Eve: Consider it done. But you do know there's a lot more that I can do...
Lex: And you will. We're gonna make you undeniable.

Eve: [seeing a Kaznian soldier] That's the one who made her uncomfortable.
Lex: Get rid of him.
Minister: I will re-assign him elsewhere on the base. She will not see him again.
Lex: She can see through walls.
Minister: Pitor. Come here.
[the soldier approaches and salutes; as he's led away, the Minster takes a pistol and a gunshot is heard]
Lex: [to Eve] Next time, don't flinch.

Lex: Do I smell Beef Wellington?
Eve: Victory and role-play makes me hungry.
[imitating Margot]
Eve: "Amy Sapphire was right. Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced."
Lex: Okay, stop there. Please don't ever image-induce into her ever again. I might lose my appetite.

Lex: Peace at last. It took a bit of persuading, but the prisoners have been pacified and neutralized. They're ready for the next round.
Lena: [smashing a hard drive on the floor] Non Nocere is dead. It doesn't work. It can't. It never could. Pain is a necessary part of being human, of... of life. And I was delusional to think that I could save people, or fix it. Humanity will always try to protect itself, to evolve. You can't stop that. You saw Steve, how helpless he was, all because of me.
Lex: I was rooting for you, Lena. But I have to agree. Humanity can't be fixed. They need to be controlled. Leviathan may be our biggest threat, but they were right about one thing. Humanity needs to firm hand to guide it. To lead it. And not some arrogant alien. It needs to be human.
Lena: You mean a Luthor.
Lex: Think of all that we could accomplish together, if we just take our rightful place as humanity's saviors.
Lena: Saviors? Of course. You never change. This was always all about you, your megalomania. You... knew my plan wouldn't work, that it was doomed. You were counting on it.
Lex: HOW DARE YOU? I GAVE YOU THE WORLD! EVERYTHING! I supported you. I sabotaged *nothing*, touched *nothing*. I set aside my own goals for you. Because you needed to see your little project fail with your own eyes. To know the true depravity of humanity. To know that my way was the *ONLY WAY*!
Lena: You're a monster. But that doesn't mean I have to be one, too.

Nxylgsptinz: [blocked by Lena's protective barrier] That gibberish might be able to suppress my totem's powers, but you can't suppress this.
[she fires a blast of energy at Lena, then engages the other Super Friends in battle]
Supergirl: [eventually gaining the upper hand] Take her to containment.
[they're knocked backward by an explosion, and Lex jumps down from a nearby tree]
Brainiac: No!
Lex: Well, this is a familiar scene.
Nxylgsptinz: I had them.
[Lena magically crushes the totem; burning her hand, she drops it]
Nxylgsptinz: A trick totem. You'll pay for that.

Lex: They're on your tail.
Gamemnae: It doesn't matter. Our cloaking technology will cover all our bases from the human eye.
Lex: They won't stop until they uncover the truth.
Gamemnae: And what is that, exactly?
Lex: That you and your Leviathan associates are ancient beings who manage humanity's... excesses. Don't get me wrong, Gemma, or, uh, Gamemnae, or would you prefer, uh, Goddess of Technology? I approve. Pompeii was spectacular, the Black Plague, intriguing, and your current move, creating an addiction to Obsidian Platinum, genius. The only problem is your plan is now at risk.
Gamemnae: No, it's not. I'll pull up the timeline for our VR global event. It'll be happening beyond humanity's wildest dreams. A virtual gathering of everyone around the world. No one will want to miss it. And once the masses are in VR, I'll kill them all with a flick of my wrist.
Lex: That would be great if you weren't about to be exposed. Obsidian will be shut down, all the lenses returned before you sell the first ticket. You don't have the luxury of time.
Gamemnae: What do you propose?
Lex: Create fear. It's instantaneous, and I have a specific idea of how to do it. I just need your stealthiest operative.

Lex: Nxyly. What a surprise.
Nxylgsptinz: The Love totem disappeared. Do you know where it went?
Lex: Are you asking for my help?
Nxylgsptinz: Yes. Will you help me?
Lex: It would be my honor, ma cherie.
Nxylgsptinz: Uh, still... never going to be friends, you and I. This is strictly business.

Lex: Ms. Tessmacher, why have you brought me to the world's saddest urgent care center?
Eve: People have been getting stuck in the VR, just like you anticipated. Gemma asked me to look into the glitch. I told her that there was nothing we could do without shutting down the entire system, which can't be shut down thanks to Luthor PowerCore. She asked Margot to start cleaning things up.
Lex: Who or what is a Margot?
Eve: Leviathan middle-management, and a mean old hag, to boot.
Lex: It's time to set Richard loose.
[giving her a flash drive]
Lex: This is a back door that will allow Richard Bates to hack into Platinum to get revenge. That'll put welcome eyes on Obsidian's problems as this place starts to fill up with bodies. Make sure he gets it. Oh, and I have something else for you.
Eve: [taking a vial] Perfume?
Lex: Uh... uh... perfume, poison; potato, po-tah-to.

Lex: [learning his charitable foundation only has $10 in its account] How can the Lex Foundation be dry?
Philippe: Sir, I have the Galaxy Gazette on the phone. They're hoping for a statement on the donation you made today to the Luthor Wing of the Children's Hospital.
Lex: Dona...
Lex: Lena. She drained the accounts. Gave it all to a bunch of sick kids! She's good, that sister of mine. Taking something perfectly illegal and making it legal.
Philippe: Sir, the press?
Lex: Oh, I'll call them back. I have to do some damage control. Boris is not going to be happy that his money went dasvidaniya. Then I will have Otis pay a little visit to the hospital, on behalf of my darling, generous sister.

Lex: Volume two? I suppose brevity was never in your arsenal of superpowers.
Supergirl: Did you bring it?
Lex: [holding a hand-held device up] Behold... my remote controller, preloaded with the key codes to deactivate every one of my birds in the sky.
[he tosses it off the side and blasts her with kryptonite from his metal knuckle]

William: Mr. Luthor, is it true you plan to develop Shelley Island as an energy source?
Lex: This planet is in an energy crisis. I'm just trying to do my part.
William: Is that why you attempted to take over Rogers Engineering? You wanted to get into biomechanics, but Russell Rogers refused to sell, and he disappeared. You don't know what happened to him, do you?
Lex: No. And this has been a delight. I have a very busy day.
[offering one of his action figures]
Lex: Why don't you take one of these, on the house? Uh, Ms. Danvers, a quick word, please?
Kara: Yes. I'll be right back.

Lex: Can you believe it, sis? Three Luthors in the Oval Office. Only in America.

Snowbird: I don't understand. Why we are in such a hurry?
[hearing an explosion, she turns and see the sky turn green]
Snowbird: What is that?
Lex: We got to get you inside.
Snowbird: [she's led inside] What is happening to me?
Lex: There's only one thing on this Earth that can hurt you, and the Americans just seeded the skies with it.
Snowbird: [in Russian, groaning in pain] It hurts!
Lex: You will never feel like this again. I will protect you. But there's something we have to do first.
[taking out a pin and a pair of earrings]
Lex: Your flesh is weak. It's the only time we can do this.
[piercing her ears]
Lex: Someday, you may have to match her.
Snowbird: Who?

Eve: Lex Luthor? What are you doing here?
Lex: I'm here to help you, Ms. Tessmacher.
Eve: You know my name?
Lex: I know a lot more than your name. I know that you're brilliant. I know that Leviathan recruited you to work for them as a spy and an assassin. But you turned them down, so they murdered your father to change your mind. I know that they've forced you to do their bidding by vowing to kill your beloved mother if you dare defy them. And I know that you hate it, because you're a good person.
Eve: Am I?
Lex: You are, Eve, believe me. I wouldn't be rescuing someone I didn't think was worthy of my time.
Eve: Nobody can fight Leviathan.
Lex: You're going to have to trust me. Do you think you can do that? Better decide quick, Ms. Tessmacher. Stay with them, and continue to bloody those pretty little hands... or work with me to destroy the people who stole your life.
Eve: I don't wanna kill anymore.
Lex: [taking her gun] Good choice.
Eve: So, what do you want from me?
Lex: Be my partner. Keep working at Leviathan, and be my eyes and ears. In return, I promise I'll protect you. And that you won't have to do any of this awful, dirty work anymore.
[without even blinking, he shoots the man she was targeting]
Lex: I'll do it for you.

Lex: [under Lena's guidance, ferocious alien reptilian creature lives in harmony with a little pooch] Well... How cute. I wasn't aware that a Maledorian Dendroasp could show any restraint.
Lena: You two share a lot in common.
Lex: Hmm. Non Nocere does what God couldn't. Turns the most ferocious animal instincts into "do no harm." So far, all of your animal trials have produced perfect results.
Lena: Yes, but the human brain is far more complex. And I've yet to test it to see that it's working just as perfectly. I don't want critics pouncing on any mistakes.
Lex: Mm. That has a bit of a *personal* ring to it. Let me guess, your biggest critic is a Kryptonian?
Lena: Before Crisis, when I tried using Myriad, she assumed that I was trying to mind-control people. Her and her friends think I'm going down a dark path.
Lex: They think you turned into me, or at least, Mother. But you haven't. Tragically.
Lena: Can you imagine what it would be like if humanity didn't succumb to terror, rage and worry? We would be... the best versions of ourselves. Be... creative. Be free.
Lex: A utopia.
Lena: Exactly. Supergirl and her friends just can't accept that I don't want to puppet-master humanity.
Lex: Since I anticipated you being ready for the next phase of testing, I took the liberty of setting up a trial at that... cute little prison... we own. Willing subjects waiting for a chance to be better people. There's a car waiting for you downstairs.

Gamemnae: You murdered Margot! One of my own, one of Leviathan's most trusted agents.
Lex: Margot's death was unfortunate. But she had to die, given the breadth of our...
Gamemnae: [revealing her alien form and shocking him with lightning from her fingertips] You don't tell me anything. I am a god. You are nothing. Do you understand?
[he nods, and she lets him go]
Gamemnae: Explain yourself.
Lex: As I said earlier, the Supers were close to finding your comatose souls. So I had to find them first. I moved them, and then I pinned their existence on someone else. So I connected Margot to Amy Sapphire and divorced her from you and Leviathan. Because of what I did, no one is suspecting Obsidian anymore.
Gamemnae: Maybe you were right to kill Margot, but you made a mistake with the disaster. And now the Kryptonian has one of my assassins in her custody!
Lex: I underestimated Supergirl and her team. The chaos of the disaster was working until she intervened. But now I know you were right about the global VR celebration. We should implement it immediately. Gather everyone into VR at once with this sparkling distraction. But first... we must kill Supergirl. She will always foil the plan. And a warning: no mere mortal can kill her. Many have tried and failed.
Gamemnae: [taking the glass of Scotch he offers and putting it down] I will not fail.

Lex: I haven't been deluded a day of my life.

Lena: You were a puppet on a string for Leviathan before. What makes this time any different?
Lex: What the hell is Leviathan?
Lena: You see, that's the thing about narcissists. You're so focused on yourself, you can never see that you're the mark. Your little fangirl was working for Leviathan the entire time she was working you.
Lex: Ms. Tessmacher. And what exactly does Leviathan want?
Lena: No one knows. They're behind seismic catastrophes, earthquakes, floods, plagues. They're alien, ancient, and all-powerful. If it wasn't for your hubris, you would've seen that they were playing you.
Lex: All right, Lena. You've had your fun letting me know I let my eye off the ball. I'll admit this Leviathan is... irritating.
Lena: And what are you gonna do?
Lex: Exterminate them.

Lena: [finding Lex sprawled on the floor] What's going on?
Guard: [indifferently] He's making a mess of your floor.
Lena: I'll have you arrested!
Lex: Don't blame him. He knows not what he does. He's on a government salary, after all.
Lena: Give me the keys.
Guard: You can't be serious.
Lena: Give me the keys now!
Guard: [handing the keys over] It's your funeral, lady.

Dana: Derek, I know the heart wants what the heart wants, but it seems Lex Luthor's heart wants a psychopath.
Nxylgsptinz: They haven't even met me yet.
Derek: Hey, what's next? A cutsie couple name? Uh, I know. Lexly.
Lex: [with restrained anger] I'll nail gun their drivel-spouting tongues to their pinheads.
Nxylgsptinz: Looks like someone should have hidden his diary a little better.
Nxylgsptinz: What is it they called you? The Man of Tomorrow? Quite a lofty title. Did you give yourself that name? Truth be told, I actually quite like the part about... the burning oceans.
Lex: In actual news, I've started work on your LexoSuit army. I can show you what I've done so far.
Nxylgsptinz: Not now. The crystal ball still hasn't shown me where the truth totem is. So much for your fixing it.

Mitch: What is Lex Luthor doing here?
Nxylgsptinz: You're Lex Luthor, the madman who sent Supergirl to the Phantom Zone.
Lex: That was some of my best work.
Nxylgsptinz: Do you know what I really, really loathe?
[raising a blaster]
Nxylgsptinz: Men who send women to the Phantom Zone. I know exactly what you are, Lex Luthor. I've had to deal with men like you my entire life. Arrogant, narcissistic, manipulative. And I can assure you that we are not and we will never be friends.

Lex: You're...
Lex: You're brilliant and driven and defiant. Always were. You just needed someone to defy.
Lena: Wait. Are you actually taking credit for my success?
Lex: You were always driven to impress me. Always.
[coughing and wheezing]
Lex: And if I would've given you an inch, if-if I would've thrown you a "good job" or cried out "that's wonderful" every time you showed me one of your toys, do you think you would've been as successful as you are...
[he coughs blood into his handkerchief]
Lex: Oh, well, that's unfortunate.

Lex: Don't be pedestrian. You're a Luthor.
Lena: I seem to remember some disagreement on that point.
Lex: Not from me. I swabbed your cheek the day after you moved in. I've always been interested in our genes. Strengths, weaknesses. Alcoholism.
Lena: So that's your plan. Come here to talk about our drunk father? What's next? You tell me you love me?
Lex: Love is valueless. I respect you.
Lena: No. You don't get to do that. You can't just come in here and take what you want.
Lex: Lena, I'm a hologram. I can't take anything.

Snowbird: I'm sorry you have to be alone so much. I'll try to visit more.
Lex: The night she saved you, why were those men attacking?
Mikhail: They were thieves. It is just me and my mother.
Lex: Why?
Mikhail: My father was a bad man. He left us.
Lex: I had a bad father, too.
Mikhail: What did yours do?
Lex: He stayed. I used to pray for a hero like the one you got. Took a long time, but...
[more to Snowbird]
Lex: Here you are.

Lena: No more superpowers for you.
Lex: Lena. What a surprise.
Lena: What can I say, Lex? You've become predictable.

Nxylgsptinz: You had a clean shot at the Love totem. And you abandoned it to save me. Why?
Lex: Did I? I must not have seen it.
Nxylgsptinz: Tell me the truth. What do you want from me?
Lex: You want the truth? The truth is I love you. I love you so much that when you d... died, part of me died, too. And you don't understand; I don't love anybody. In fact, I hate everyone. From a very young age, I knew I would move through this world alone, riding that solitary high-speed train towards progress and greatness all by myself. But there you were. This radiant, powerful being, vibrating with your own brilliant madness. I never thought anyone could match my ambition, my genius, but... then I met you. In all the timelines, in all the dimensions, in all the universes, you... were the only one that could match me. But of course, you don't know any of this 'cause you weren't there. Yet. You haven't met me yet, and I sound insane.
Nxylgsptinz: No one has ever selflessly sacrificed something for me like you did tonight. So, no, I wasn't there. But... if what you say is true and you really are here to help me succeed... well, I don't see why we can't be friends.

Snowbird: [in the rubble of Mikhail's home] Who would do this?
Lex: You already know.
Snowbird: [spotting a piece of a missile with her x-ray vision] AmerTek. The greedy Americans.
Lex: Don't do this. Listen to me. Luthors bide their time. This is just an American...
[she takes off into the sky]

Lex: You're welcome for the breakout, by the way.
Toyman: You know, I figured I would save my thanks until after I heard your proposition.
Lex: Hmm. That's a bold stance from a guy who got himself arrested, what, 16 hours after coming here from another Earth? So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Toyman: Aw, that's very kind of you. And since you know so much about me, why don't you tell me who the hell you are?
Lex: The name's Lex Luthor.
Toyman: That's a weird name.
Lex: No weirder than Toyman. That was your father's name, wasn't it? You need to think bigger. Like your dad. He was gonna be the biggest toymaker of all time. Just moved into virtual reality, but his partner stole his patent, right?
Toyman: Right, and then he snapped. People say he went on a rampage. I say that they had it coming. And then he killed himself.
Lex: Wouldn't you like to show them how wrong they were?
Toyman: That's what I was doing.
Lex: What you were doing was getting caught. But with my resources, you could make the Schott name synonymous with genius and chaos instead of failure and "who?". I have something for you.
Toyman: [taking a pamphlet] The National City Toy Convention.
Lex: And, as a bonus, I believe an old friend of yours, Chester Dunholtz, will be there. Well, it has been a pleasure doing business with you, Winslow. Oh, and one more thing. Whatever you do, make it splashy. If we're gonna build you a legacy, it's gonna need to survive well into the future.

Lex: This was supposed to be a puff piece. Why did I just get Frost/Nixoned by a Boy Scout? Since I have been on this Earth, I have done nothing but protect and serve. Judging me for the crimes of another Earth's Lex, well, that's not fair, now, is it?
Kara: I'm gonna find out what you're doing at the DEO.
Lex: [laughing in amusement] So much moxie! Let me make myself clear. If young Woodward decided to proceed with his Lexposé, it will prove very, very dangerous for his health, off the record.
[turning on her tape recorder]
Lex: Have a nice day. Kara Danvers is Supergirl.
Kara: [taking it back] Give that back.
[she crumples it in frustration]

Warden: I, uh, didn't know you did artwork.
Lex: It's just geometry. Hannibal crossing the Alps.
Warden: So, what's it, like, represent?
Lex: Boredom. Can I help you, Warden?
Warden: Sorry. You have a call, from the Kaznian embassy.

Lex: I knew that fixing this planet would require big moves that not everyone would appreciate. So I took the advantage of Lena's delivery system to make sure that everyone in VR would always appreciate me, no matter what I do.
Lillian: And what about the people who were not in VR? The ones unenlightened to the goodness that is my son?
Lex: The satellites I launched during the Obsidian world tour are armed with sonic weapons poised to obliterate the minds of anyone who didn't get the I Love Lexi upgrade. My satellites will be aligned to beam the kill frequency in about five hours.
Lillian: I assume I will be safe without being brainwashed to love you, since I already do.
Lex: 'Course, Mother. There's a special doohickey with your name on it.
Lillian: And your sister. You can't kill her, either.
Lex: Why not? She killed me first.
Lillian: If you hurt your sister in any way, I will turn on you. And no amount of brainwashing will stop me. You'll be all alone, save for the sycophants you detest. Think of how tragic your father's demise was. Is that how you want to end up?
[giving him a firm slap on the cheek]
Lillian: Save your sister.

Lex: Ms. Tessmacher's testimony has been thrown out and the murder charges have been dropped, so perhaps we should be getting to closing arguments.
Judge: If there's no objection.
Prosecutor: Uh, actually, Your Honor, the People would like to call one more witness.
Lex: What could one more witness possibly testify to?
Lena: [entering] Everything else.

Lillian: The case against you is ironclad. The Tessmacher girl's testimony will be damning. And every day you spend fruitlessly shaking your fist at the sky is another day the Luthor name gets dragged through the mud.
Lex: Mother, it almost feels as if you care more about the family name than freeing your son from bondage.
Lillian: I do. Our family has always achieved selfish aims by appearing selfless. If you take the stand and make a mockery of yourself in the face of insurmountable evidence, the world will see us for what we really are.
Lex: [angrily] Do you really have so little faith in me that you think I should agree to *rot* in prison? I will remind you, I have been in prison before. I have been shot and killed and risen from the dead before, and will not be subjugated again. You should know, I always have a plan.
Otis: Yeah, boss. Kablooey!
Lex: A legal plan, you imbecile.

Lex: [playing around with the various weapons in the Fortress to "We Are the Champions"] Well, if you're here to save the Girl of Steel, you're one glam-rock hit too late.
Supergirl: [landing with Alex, M'gann, and Dreamer] Are we?
Lex: [surprised she's alive] How?
Supergirl: You're predictable. You can thank your sister for proving that.
Lex: You still think you can beat me? I'm invincible.
Dreamer: [raising the Jarhanpurium weapon] Not if we have anything to say about it.
Supergirl: Welcome to mortality, Lex.
Lex: [the weapon jams] Oh, that's just embarrassing.

Lena: If you do this, it's genocide. The public will find out the truth, and when they do...
Lex: The truth is meaningless. The people of Earth believe I am their savior. They needed a human hero, and I fulfill that need. Nothing will ever change their minds. Facts are irrelevant. All that matters is spin. People are so stupid, they don't even read. And even when they do, they certainly don't think. I am the leader of this nation now, and nothing can stop me.

Lex: You've read that one more than the others. Gatsby. Why?
Snowbird: It's beautiful. Lush. I, uh... I think that's the word. The language... it's hard to even imagine the world that way.
Lex: I didn't give it to you because it's pretty. This is a book about vapid, profligate fools. Money is always acquired at someone else's expense.
Snowbird: But you have money. You must. The way you come and go...
Lex: I do. Because it is their weapon. The way their world works. Read it again.

Lex: They call this a mercy furlough.
Lena: Thank you, officer. That'll be all.
Lex: They never let me out of their sight. As if I'd run away like a dog set loose from his leash.
Lena: Well, you would.
Lex: Of course I would. But I can't. I'm numb top to bottom. My guts are in knots, there's blood in my...
Lena: Okay, that's enough.

Lex: [giving his action figure a once-over] There are so many. I expect it to be a collector's item.

Lena: I hear your foundation had a very charitable day.
Lex: Turn on Channel 5.
Brainiac: [as she searches on her tablet, they see a news report about a fire at the children's hospital] Oh, my god.
Reporter: Preliminary reports indicate that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring. When asked for comment, Lex Luthor noted that his sister, Lena Luthor, was in charge of all recent upgrades to the wing.
Lena: [mortified] He set fire to the children's wing of the hospital just to get revenge on me.

Lex: 143 and rising. Uh, pull back on the drip just a touch.
Lena: No, that's how we lost the last one.
Lex: That was a tad, not a touch.
Lena: Oh, you call that scientific?
Lex: Do you want this to succeed or not?
Lena: Pulling back a touch.

Eve: Wow. Nice prison you got here.
Lex: It's for conjugal visits. But still, after this, it's back to concrete and iron.
Eve: Sounds lonely.
Lex: Stryker's is a petri dish. Bottle city. I've even managed to teach some of the inmates chess. I like mentoring.
Eve: It's a waste. You're a once-in-a-generation mind, and the only man standing between us and total annihilation.

Lena: You put children in danger just to get back at me.
Lex: Lena. Are you gonna shoot me? Again?
Lena: You know, I've thought about it, very seriously, but last time I did that, it didn't change anything. 'Cause look at us. Here we are, back in our same pattern, locked in this endless game of cat and mouse that you love so much.
Lex: You love it, too. You just hate losing.
Lena: Well, you can't lose if you don't play. I'm leaving LuthorCorp. For good.
Lex: You can't leave. Who'll "protect" this place from the "monster" that is Lex Luthor?
Lena: Honestly? Your own hubris. Left to your own devices, you'll self-destruct. You always do.
Lex: You're just upset about the kids. You're not thinking straight.
Lena: I've never been more clear. Fighting with you has brought me nothing but misery. And washing your toxic behavior out of my life, I'll be free. I can finally be happy.
Lex: I don't believe you. This is just another move.
Lena: I promise you, it's not. I'm done playing games. I called the D.A. and made a deal. I leave LuthorCorp and he'll drop the investigation.
Lex: You do realize you won't get a penny from the company after you leave. Everything you've worked for will be gone.
Lena: Goodbye, Lex.
Lex: You can't just walk away. You hate me too much.
Lena: I do hate you. I just love me more.

Lex: I was filing patents when you were in diapers. Why would I waste my time workshopping your faulty science fair project?
Lena: Because your little sister had created something that you needed. Something that you could never have come up with on your own.
Lex: You've never done anything on your own. You've always needed me.
Prosecutor: Objection.
Lena: You can't stand that I don't need you anymore.
Judge: [hammering her gavel] Sustained.
Lex: Without me, your precious Non Nocere would have never gotten off the ground.
Lena: And so you think you can just take credit for my work?
Lex: You're damn right I can! I have always taken the big swings that you never would. But I supported you because you're a Luthor. I kept you by my side when you were too timid and weak to do what was necessary.
[turning to the jury]
Lex: It takes guts to wield power. And I wield my power to make the world better. So did I help develop Non Nocere? Yes. And yes, Non Nocere failed. Boo-hoo, it happens. But instead of accepting that humbly, my sister blames me for it. It's no surprise that this entire case has fallen apart when every single charge hinges on the unsubstantiated hearsay of bitter women like my sister and Eve. Women who, mind you, could have committed these crimes themselves, as could any number of other suspects that the prosecutor has overlooked in her obsession with targeting me, and why? Because I am powerful! So let that be a lesson to you all. If you try to build a good life for yourself, there is always somebody waiting to tear you down and punish you for your greatness. But I accept who I am. I like power, and I have the guts to do something with it. I did not commit the crimes of which I stand accused. But if I had, who could blame me? If push came to shove, you'd have done it. The defense rests.

Lex: I'm just glad that I can return to making a difference as a free man.
Brainiac: [watching on TV and crumpling his computer keyboard in frustration] These 21st-century keyboards suck!

Lex: She was unimpressed with my heroics. She balked at my surveillance drones. You know, we used to have matching tracking devices. She got them for our anniversary. Said nothing was more romantic than knowing where her Lexie was at all times.
Otis: It's so sweet to see you like this, you know, smitten.
Lex: Smitten? If I ever hear you say that word ever again, I'm going to implant a nano-Sun Eater into your skull.

Richard: My wife is cheating on me.
Lex: [working undercover as a bartender] Well... tell me about it, man. Maybe I can help.

Snowbird: Kara Danvers has an Alex, too?
Lex: You have a lot in common except for what counts. Field trip's over. I have to go back to...
Snowbird: To prison.
Lex: Yes. Go back to Kaznia. Make sure you weren't seen. No one can know that you exist.

Lex: Mother. Hate to say I told you so, but it all went according to plan. Lena's back on my side, Leviathan is set to kill our enemies, and I'm set to wipe out Leviathan. And... I did it my way.

Judge: Something funny, Mr. Luthor?
Lex: Mmm. Not funny. Hilarious. My sister can couch her project in flowery language, "make the world a better place", but put plainly, she created a tool to brainwash the masses. Isn't that right, sis?
Lena: Yes, I did. But I wasn't the one with the motive to use it that way.
Lex: Well, it's your word against mine on that. On... well, pretty much all of it, for that matter. Now, by your own admission, you yourself would have had both the means and the opportunity to commit the brainwashing of which I stand accused, would you not?
Lena: No. Because in the trial phase, it became clear that Non Nocere was irreparably flawed. I abandoned it.
Lex: But then how could I have possibly used your creation to brainwash anybody if it didn't really work?
Lena: I said it was flawed. Not that didn't work.

Nxylgsptinz: You're the key to my success?
Lex: That's right.
[transferring his gauntlet to her]
Lex: There you go. All-in-one and in working order. Also, I'm going to help you get the AllStone.
Nxylgsptinz: [laughing in amusement] Right. A man dressed like a fancy banker is going to help me collect seven magical Totems, one of which has already been destroyed, by the way.
[laughing again]
Nxylgsptinz: Yeah, thanks for the assist with the suit, but I'm good.
Lex: Your own future consciousness used the Dream totem to manifest me here. Surely you trust your own opinion of me.

Lex: Shame Supergirl couldn't make it. I bet your editor would have loved a twofer.
Kara: Ah.
Lex: Say, she's a friend of yours, isn't she, Ms. Danvers? I mean, how would Supergirl feel about these action figures? Two heroes saving the world.
Kara: You know what? I am more interested in how you feel, sir.
Lex: Uh, in a word, valiant.

Lex: [in Kara's loft] One day, you may have to be just like her. Move like her, think like her. So, what do you see?
Snowbird: [looking around] She likes comfort. She's undisciplined.
[opening the fridge and seeing the food inside]
Snowbird: All of this is for her?
[closing the fridge, she notices a picture of Kara with Alex]
Snowbird: She is like a princess in a tower.
Lex: And on a reporter's salary.
Snowbird: [hearing the front door unlock] Someone is coming.

Lillian: You aren't actually considering going to the Fortress, are you? Of course it's a trap.
Lex: Ah, no. I'm taking advantage of an opportunity. Supergirl hasn't seen new, improved me in action yet. I will destroy her.
Lillian: And while you're doing that, her friends will be busy undoing all your hard work.
Lex: With Supergirl out of the way, her friends will be easy targets. And even if they're successful at stopping my satellites, I'm a god, Mother. I'll have plenty of time to fix what they mess up. Oh, uh... and silver lining, if Supergirl's friends go behind my back and take down my satellites, you don't have to worry about Lena. See? It is time to celebrate.

Prosecutor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for perhaps the first time in history, "crimes against humanity" carries literal weight. Lex Luthor stands accused of attempting to brainwash half of humanity into loving him and to murder the rest. And this, in addition to the actual murder and conspiracy charges. Any one of these should put him away for life. Through evidence provided by Eve Tessmacher, who was present for every terrible moment, we'll prove him guilty of every charge.
Lex: [getting to his feet, simply] No, she won't.

Lex: [conversing in Russian] I lived in a place like this for a long time. Do you like it here?
Snowbird: I don't know what I like.
Lex: [switching to English] Did they teach you any English?
Snowbird: Little.

Nxylgsptinz: All your arrogant boastings about your insights into the future, and yet you didn't see this coming.
Lex: Your needs are my raison d'etre. You get all the totems very soon, but you have to be patient.
Nxylgsptinz: I'm tired of being patient. Waiting for this finicky crystal ball, which, for all I know, you tampered with just so you could get the totems for yourself.
Lex: I understand why you might not trust me yet, but what's more important right now is that you trust yourself.
Nxylgsptinz: And what makes you think I don't?
Lex: Because I know what you can achieve when you do. In the future, you told me how you conquered the Fifth Dimension, but your father fled. So you set a trap where everyone said your father wouldn't be, and you were right. Finally, you made your father pay. What you've always been able to count on, what I'll always count on... is you.
Nxylgsptinz: [her crystal ball glows] The Truth totem. Don't you dare say "I told you so."

Nxylgsptinz: Why would someone collect all these trophies just to store them where no one can see them?
Lex: It's not about flaunting what you got. It's about having it and knowing no one else does.

Lex: [conversing in Russian] Minister. Been a long time.
Minister: You said to call if something interesting came up. Another Kryptonian. She is a copy of Supergirl. Her memory is absent.
Lex: You're sure?
Minister: Yes, Mr. Luthor.
Lex: Does it have powers?
Minister: She has powers. Come as soon as possible.

Lena: You're dead.
Lex: So, you remember everything?
Lena: Of course I remember everything! I killed you!
Lex: Yes, that's right, you killed me. But that is in the past. Because I'm back now, and I forgive you.
Lena: What are you talking about? What is happening?
Lex: Well, it was, uh... sort of a Crisis.
Lena: It was an... antimatter wave.
Lex: Ah, yes.
Lena: Alex and I worked together.
Lex: Mmm-hmm.
Lena: We built a portal... The wave still came.
Lex: Yes, and billions were lost and the multi-verse collapsed, and it was all every interesting. What matters now is that a very powerful person brought me back to life to help. But I refused to do so, unless he promised that you would make through okay, and you have, with your noggin intact.
Lena: You gambled the fate of the entire multi-verse to get your own way?
Lex: It gets better. In this new world, we work side by side as Luthor Corp and the DEO to make the world a better place.
Lena: So I'm in hell.
Lex: No, no, you're in a new reality. To the outside world, we're billionaire philanthropists. It's the perfect cover.
Lena: I want nothing to do with you.

Nxylgsptinz: I've got her.
Lex: Ooh. Looks like we have what we need. I'll take my leave.
[coming back]
Lex: Just remembered one last thing I had to do.
[shooting William twice]
Lex: That was for leaking my journal. If by chance you're still alive when your friends return, remind them that I am always one step ahead. Your, uh, shameful little back-alley meeting with Otis... I arranged that. Oh, and, uh, when my dear sister used her data interception program to track my LexoSuits, she unknowingly activated a Trojan virus that infected the computer here. That caused a delay in a very important blood test result being sent out. See, I had to prevent your friends from understanding how important the little girl was until I got what I wanted.

Supergirl: I want you to disable the satellites. You do that, I'll give you what you've always wanted.
Lex: What's that? And don't say hair; that's low-hanging fruit.
Supergirl: Me.
Lex: [his interest piqued] Well, that is tempting. I assume there's no strings attached, no trap, no attempt to outwit me. Or has the razzle dazzle of my immortality made you forget that I'm the smartest man alive? Do you really think I'd fall for something so prosaic?
Supergirl: I'm wearing a Truth Seeker. I think your obsession with me outweighs your desire to kill half the world. I surrender. Name the place, and bring a way to disable the satellites.
Lex: Any place?
Supergirl: As long as no civilians get hurt.
Lex: The Fortress. One hour. I hear it's beautiful this time of year.
Supergirl: I'll send you the coordinates.

Eve: I convinced Gamemnae I would be most useful as Obsidian, on the Platinum project.
Lex: Well done. You are brilliant.
Eve: Well, we do have one small problem. The Luthor tech that your sister convinced Andrea Rojas to put into the Platinum infrastructure, it helped solve the bio-link when people were getting toxic shock eating virtual food.
Lex: I like to refer to that as the lobster problem. Or rather, middle America's desire to be gluttons without calories.
Eve: Well, it caused a glitch. But..
[showing him a video file of Kelly and Richard Bates]
Eve: Don't worry, I found a way to patch the glitch.
Lex: That's not a glitch. That's my plan.

Lillian: So, Lena showed the alien a little humanity. What's wrong with that?
Lex: It pushes the limit. First, it's an apology. Then it's coffee before work. Next thing you know, they're playing Pictionary. That cannot happen!
[chuckling as he calms down]
Lex: I know what to do. I'll set up Supergirl.
Lillian: You already have a plan in place with Leviathan.
Lex: I did, but this is better. Why use a nuke to create a catastrophe to draw Leviathan out, when I can use a Sun-Eater to turn Lena against Kara Danvers in one stroke?
Lillian: I asked you if you had the strength of will, and you said, "Yes, Mother!". This is a display of weakness.
Lex: Not weakness, Mother. Inspiration.
[moving a chess piece]
Lex: Checkmate.

Nxylgsptinz: If only I had my bloody magic.
Nxylgsptinz: [AI] Before it's too late, please give me the totem.
Nxylgsptinz: Why?
Nxylgsptinz: [the AI begins to distort and fade] To guarantee your... future. There's one last thing for me... to do.
[as she puts the totem in the suit's hand, a full body materializes]
Nxylgsptinz: What are you?
Lex: The key to your success.

Lillian: I admit I didn't expect your little performance to be so effective.
Lex: You underestimated me even more than I did, Mother.
Lillian: No one should have been able to Houdini themselves out of a situation like that.

William: What do you want with Esme?
Lex: Mm, not your concern. I assure you, I have her best interests at heart.
William: I find that hard to believe coming from a man who once burned down part of a children's hospital.
Lex: [laughing in amusement] Touche. So if you won't snitch on Esme's whereabouts, how about the totems? Did your new pals let you in on their secret hiding place?
William: You're the genius. You figure it out.
Lex: [aiming his gun, ready to pull the trigger] You really had a lot of guts publishing my journal. Care to explain how you came to possess it?
[William stays silent]
Lex: No?
[cocking the hammer]
Lex: I just thought you would have known better than to risk inflaming my wrath.
William: That's the thing you will never understand, Lex. There will always be people like me and the Super Friends to stand up to you and show the world that for all your delusions of grandeur... you're just a sad shell of a man.
Lex: Says the paperboy.

Judge: Mr. Luthor, you are charged with murder, ecoterrorism, and crimes against humanity. Since you have chosen to represent yourself, have you anything to say before I render the verdict of this court?
Lex: [getting to his feet] Superman made me do it.
[murmurs in the gallery]
Lex: This is a paradigm shift. Aliens are among us. And for the rest of human history, there will only ever be "before Superman" and "after". I am protecting mankind from an extinction event. And if this pearl-clutching jury of my... peers... wants to put me behind bars for it, they are welcome to try. But know this. I will always have my thumb on the scales.
Judge: Alexander Joseph Luthor, you've been found guilty on all counts and will serve 31 consecutive life sentences.
Lex: [she begins coughing and choking] Maybe we should make it 32.

Lex: Not a bad picture of you.
Querl: I don't understand. In every simulation I ran, we always apprehended Toyman. He never got away.
Lex: What I don't understand is why you're here and the Legion ship is not.
Querl: Director Danvers thought it would be safer to secure the ship at a government black site three miles south of the National City border.
Lex: Thank you. And once I get there, how do I access what the ship knows about Leviathan?
Querl: There is a panel on the right quadrant. You have Winn Schott's DNA from his hair. That's all you'll need. Now, our mission is over. Call off Toyman.
Lex: Does he look like my personal attack dog? He's underground. Toyboy is smarter than we gave him credit for.
Querl: Toyman *will* strike again.
Lex: Then get out there with your little do-good crew and take care of it.

Lex: And as usual, I win.

Butler: Are you all right, sir?
Lex: That depends. Am I dead?
Butler: Heavens no, sir. But I dare say you're a bit hung over. Coffee?
Lex: [getting out of bed and opening the curtains] I saved the world.
Butler: It's all in a day's work for you, isn't it, Mr. Luthor? Why else would they be awarding you the Nobel Peace Prize?
Lex: I didn't just save the world. I made a new world.

Gamemnae: The ship's defense mechanism. A proto-focused radiation shield. This pin will protect you.
Lex: Wow, you really know how to make your guests feel welcome.

Lex: Lena. Just the Luthor I was hoping to find.
Lena: Did you look for me in my office? Where I said I would be, working on Non Nocere, waiting for you.
Lex: Ooh, right, sorry. Something came up.
Lena: This new universe has shifted the frequency of Q-waves. I'm back at square one. I needed your help.
Lex: I understand, but we have bigger problems, like Leviathan. You undersold them, sweet Lena.
Querl: He's right. Leviathan is the greatest threat of our time.
Lena: Brainy.
Lex: Agent Dox is assisting me with a project.
Lena: You know he's friends with Supergirl, right?
Querl: There's no need for concern. Since I removed my personality inhibitors, I run on logic only. My calculations tell me that, at this time, Lex Luthor is on the right side of history.
Lena: Can you promise me no one will get hurt?
Querl: I promise no one will be harmed.

Lex: Any chance you've seen my darling sister around?
[cut to them standing over a sleeping Lena]
Lex: So, the Monitor kept his word.
Butler: The pre-Nobel celebration went so late... Ms. Luthor decided to spend the night.
Lex: [injecting her with something] Don't worry, Lena, this will just extend your beauty sleep for a few hours while I handle some family business. Sweet dreams. Make sure she ends up in her own home.

Lex: I'm dying.
Lena: I know.
Lex: That's it? You know?
Lena: Well, you've only mentioned it at the start and the end of every phone call for the last six weeks.

Lena: We need some water in here. Lex, just breathe, okay?
[a guard brings a glass of water]
Lena: Thank you.
Guard: [dropping it on the floor] He can lap it up like a dog.
Lena: How dare you!
Lex: It's okay, sis. I'm used to it. I'm not very poular in prison. What I was trying to say is... you were... wonderful. You always... wowed me. Always. Look at you. You made kryptonite. Even I couldn't do that. I'm proud of you. Let's get back to work. This sentimentality will kill me faster than the cancer.

Gamemnae: Tezumak managed to injure one of the Martians. But Supergirl never even joined the fight, and the others got away. I've gambled everything on this Unity Festival.
Lex: Then we have to make sure it goes off without a hitch.
Andrea: [approaching] Lex, Gemma. It's time.
Lex: [as Andrea leaves] So? Shall we begin ending the world?