Top 20 Quotes From Snowbird

Lex: You could have compromised all of our work.
Snowbird: They killed Mikhail!
Lex: What is one life? One life is nothing next to the world! You risked everything, and you did not listen to me!
Snowbird: You don't give me commands.
Lex: I am helping you. They saw your face. If you were identified, the world would hunt you down! I'll make this look like an accident. Sabotage, friendly fire. I will clean up your mess!
Snowbird: Is that what you think of me? That I am some pet you clean up after?
Lex: Of course not.
Snowbird: Some solider, then? Alexander's conquering army! What am I? Why am I here? Why does Kara Danvers have an Alex? And why is she friends with your sister?
[noticing his reaction]
Snowbird: That's what this is about. This is about Lena.
Lex: I thought you were stronger. But... people disappoint. I'm done here.

Minister: [in Russian] The sun gives you abilities, Snowbird. Now... listen.
[as she listens, her superhearing is overloaded by stimuli, and she beings firing her heat vision]
Minister: Contain her! Contain her!
[she is subdued with tasers]
Snowbird: [spasming on the ground] Alex.

Snowbird: I don't understand. Why we are in such a hurry?
[hearing an explosion, she turns and see the sky turn green]
Snowbird: What is that?
Lex: We got to get you inside.
Snowbird: [she's led inside] What is happening to me?
Lex: There's only one thing on this Earth that can hurt you, and the Americans just seeded the skies with it.
Snowbird: [in Russian, groaning in pain] It hurts!
Lex: You will never feel like this again. I will protect you. But there's something we have to do first.
[taking out a pin and a pair of earrings]
Lex: Your flesh is weak. It's the only time we can do this.
[piercing her ears]
Lex: Someday, you may have to match her.
Snowbird: Who?

Snowbird: Kara Danvers has an Alex, too?
Lex: You have a lot in common except for what counts. Field trip's over. I have to go back to...
Snowbird: To prison.
Lex: Yes. Go back to Kaznia. Make sure you weren't seen. No one can know that you exist.

Lex: You've read that one more than the others. Gatsby. Why?
Snowbird: It's beautiful. Lush. I, uh... I think that's the word. The language... it's hard to even imagine the world that way.
Lex: I didn't give it to you because it's pretty. This is a book about vapid, profligate fools. Money is always acquired at someone else's expense.
Snowbird: But you have money. You must. The way you come and go...
Lex: I do. Because it is their weapon. The way their world works. Read it again.

Lex: [in Kara's loft] One day, you may have to be just like her. Move like her, think like her. So, what do you see?
Snowbird: [looking around] She likes comfort. She's undisciplined.
[opening the fridge and seeing the food inside]
Snowbird: All of this is for her?
[closing the fridge, she notices a picture of Kara with Alex]
Snowbird: She is like a princess in a tower.
Lex: And on a reporter's salary.
Snowbird: [hearing the front door unlock] Someone is coming.

Snowbird: [in the rubble of Mikhail's home] Who would do this?
Lex: You already know.
Snowbird: [spotting a piece of a missile with her x-ray vision] AmerTek. The greedy Americans.
Lex: Don't do this. Listen to me. Luthors bide their time. This is just an American...
[she takes off into the sky]

Snowbird: Supergirl acts on her emotions. It's selfish, ugly. I will not be her. I will be me. I will be disciplined. I will follow you and destroy her.
Lex: Do you remember that story about Alexander the Great and his father?
Snowbird: I remember.
Lex: You thought I was Alexander. But I'm Philip. I only get one lifetime. But you're... forever. My gift to the world, my legacy.
[switching to Russian as he unveils a superhero costume]
Lex: My Red Daughter.

Lex: [playing chess with Snowbird] When I was a boy, I learned this game from a grand master, Anatoly Karpov. That's how I learned to speak your language. Seems fitting that it should teach you mine.
Snowbird: I think your books handled that.
Lex: Have they? Okay. Philip of Macedon.
Snowbird: Ruled from 359 BC until his assassination. Father of Alexander the Great, your namesake. Philip had a small power base. He wanted to build an empire. But, in the end, we only have one lifetime. Alexander inherits his father's work, but he does more than Philip ever could have dreamed.
Lex: He conquers the world.
Snowbird: This appeals to you?
Lex: You sound like my sister.
Snowbird: Lena.
Lex: Yes. You pay attention. You remind me of her sometimes. I used to think we were inseparable. That we were going to change everything.
Snowbird: What happened?
Lex: People disappoint.
[she looks for a move to make; seeing she's checkmated, she mutters in Russian and surrenders]
Lex: Not bad, though.

Lex: It's time for you to know your full truth. You are strong. You are Kaznia. But you are also something more. That green flash you saw, it's poison to your species. Made of fragments of your home planet. You are one of the last daughters of Krypton.
Snowbird: Krypton?
Lex: You will usher in a new era of peace. Equality. Nations unlike Kania who believe in greed will rise against you. And its greatest champion will stand between you and your work.

Lex: I told you, English. You need to keep your accent.
Snowbird: Why?
Snowbird: You want me to go to America.
Lex: Someday. You're not ready yet.
Snowbird: Yes, I am! I want to see it. I want to know more. Who is this Supergirl to me? Why does she look like me?
Lex: Put simply, your sister. She has usurped your position in the world. Taken from you.
Snowbird: Like your Lena.
Lex: Yes. Maybe you should see more.

Snowbird: Hello, "Kara". Or should I say privet? There is no way Alex sent you to L-Corp. What are you doing here?
Snowbird: I wanted to meet his sister.
Eve: Okay, well, you met her, so now get back to your nesting doll.
Snowbird: I'm not ready. America is... unsavory, but I'm not so sure it is bad as Alex thinks...
Eve: Oh, no. No, no, no. You are not gonna go all apple pie-eating, flag-waving, Philip Jennings on me.
Snowbird: Kara Danvers wants to do good. She has compassion. She has friends. And Lena is one of them. Why is that?

Snowbird: I'm sorry you have to be alone so much. I'll try to visit more.
Lex: The night she saved you, why were those men attacking?
Mikhail: They were thieves. It is just me and my mother.
Lex: Why?
Mikhail: My father was a bad man. He left us.
Lex: I had a bad father, too.
Mikhail: What did yours do?
Lex: He stayed. I used to pray for a hero like the one you got. Took a long time, but...
[more to Snowbird]
Lex: Here you are.

Snowbird: I thought you were gone.
Lex: Well... you made me very, very angry. But I promised that I wouldn't let you get sick again.
Snowbird: You saved me.
Lex: I had a lot invested in you. And I shouldn't have left the way that I did. This is not about Lena. This is about you and me. Can you forgive me?

Lena: What are you doing here? I thought you were on vacation.
Snowbird: [mimicking Kara's accent] I, uh... I had to help Alex with something.
Eve: [getting on the elevator as the doors close] Ms. Luthor. Ms. Luthor.
[to "Kara", then Lena]
Eve: Sorry to interrupt. You're needed in Lab C, and it can't wait.
Lena: I'm sorry, but when you get back, maybe a... a girl's night?
Snowbird: Big Belly Burger. Like your birthday, last year.
Lena: Sold.

Lex: [conversing in Russian] I lived in a place like this for a long time. Do you like it here?
Snowbird: I don't know what I like.
Lex: [switching to English] Did they teach you any English?
Snowbird: Little.

Minister: [in Russian] Who are you?
[scoffing snicker]
Minister: Uncanny. You look just like her. And we've confirmed Supergirl's whereabouts?
Kaznian: [in English] America.
Snowbird: Alex.
Minister: [in Russian] Who is Alex?
[Snowbird sips from her mug silently]
Minister: You will be a good girl; a good weapon, right? I think, yes.
Snowbird: Alex.

Lex: [in Russian] Hello.
[switching to English as he sees Mikhail]
Lex: He has nothing to fear, and neither do you. My name is Lex.
Snowbird: Alex?
Lex: Sure. Alex.

Alex: Kara!
Snowbird: [mimicking Kara's accent] Alex.
Alex: I thought you were in Smallville. I mean, I specifically remember you asking me to take care of your leafy dependents.
Snowbird: [covering] Yeah, yes. Uh, Smallville. Yeah, I, uh... I...
Alex: Oh, you didn't cancel your vacation, did you? I told you that I would down the fort at the DEO. I mean, but you are missed.
Snowbird: No. Of course I didn't cancel my vacation. I... I just... I...
[picking up a book from the table]
Snowbird: I forgot my journal. Look at me. Silly writer, without her journal.
Alex: Okay, well, good. Well, you should... you should be going, right?
Snowbird: Yeah, okay, okay, I will. Thank you, Alex.

Snowbird: Alex, your name is only thing I remember.
Lex: Let's just say we were... besties.
[seeing she's confused, he switches to Russian]
Lex: Friends. Good friends.
Snowbird: [switching to Russian, too] Where do I come from? I am different. Why?
Lex: [the alarm on his watch rings] Time's up, and I have to go.
[offering her a package of Chocos]
Lex: Go on. You need to see the world as they do. I'll send you books. Materials for you to study. And when I return...
[switching back to English]
Lex: English.