The Best Minister of Defense Quotes

Lex: [conversing in Russian] Minister. Been a long time.
Minister: You said to call if something interesting came up. Another Kryptonian. She is a copy of Supergirl. Her memory is absent.
Lex: You're sure?
Minister: Yes, Mr. Luthor.
Lex: Does it have powers?
Minister: She has powers. Come as soon as possible.

Lex: I can show her how to master her powers and help you contain her.
Minister: I know you're the man for the job. Lex Luthor; foremost specialist on everything Krypton. You will make her Kaznia's weapon, hmm?
Lex: She'll hate whomever you want. Operant conditioning is a specialty of mine. But you'll need to follow my instructions to the letter. Can't break a Kryptonian, but maybe we can bend one.
Minister: And for this?
Lex: Money, as discussed.
Otis: Not as liquid as he used to be.
Minister: I warn you, you are only a consultant.
Lex: Cross my heart.

Minister: [in Russian] The sun gives you abilities, Snowbird. Now... listen.
[as she listens, her superhearing is overloaded by stimuli, and she beings firing her heat vision]
Minister: Contain her! Contain her!
[she is subdued with tasers]
Snowbird: [spasming on the ground] Alex.

Minister: [in Russian] Who are you?
[scoffing snicker]
Minister: Uncanny. You look just like her. And we've confirmed Supergirl's whereabouts?
Kaznian: [in English] America.
Snowbird: Alex.
Minister: [in Russian] Who is Alex?
[Snowbird sips from her mug silently]
Minister: You will be a good girl; a good weapon, right? I think, yes.
Snowbird: Alex.

Eve: [seeing a Kaznian soldier] That's the one who made her uncomfortable.
Lex: Get rid of him.
Minister: I will re-assign him elsewhere on the base. She will not see him again.
Lex: She can see through walls.
Minister: Pitor. Come here.
[the soldier approaches and salutes; as he's led away, the Minster takes a pistol and a gunshot is heard]
Lex: [to Eve] Next time, don't flinch.