Top 30 Quotes From Jay Garrick

Khione: There's lightning over the city. Does that mean...
The: The whole timeline's breaking down.
Mark: How do we stop Eddie?
Jay: Now, that he's the Negative Speed avatar, the only way to defeat him is to let it destroy himself. Just like the last one.
Mark: Okay, so let's do that.
The: Eddie's a hero. He's saved my life once by sacrificing himself to stop Thawne-- I won't let him die again. I need to find a way into the Negative Speed Force.
Mark: Uh, I think saving the universe is a lot more important than just one guy.
The: My wife is in the hospital right now about to give birth to our child! I am trying to save the timeline *and* Eddie's life!
Jay: Son, as hard as it sounds, that may just be impossible.
The: It can't be.

XS: Dad, something's wrong.
Impulse: What's happening to us?
Jay: Flash, we have a problem.
Impulse: [watching all the Godspeed clones get back up] But we knocked 'em all out!
Jay: They're being recharged.
Iris: How?
Speed: They're feeding off me. It's what happened inside the Speed Force. And now that energy drain is affecting all of us.
The: Nora, you have to go.
Speed: I can't let you fight alone.
The: You'll still be with us, but you have to leave. Right now.
[she whooshes away]
The: We're not going down without a fight.

The: Eddie, stop.
Cobalt: Not until I'm the fastest man alive. Then I'll be the hero, Flash!
[teleports away]
Jay: [looking at the sky] My God, that lightning.
The: It's temporal fracturing. The whole timeline's unraveling.
Jay: Flash... If Eddie wants more speed, he'll go to the source.
The: The Negative Speed Force. But if he keeps absorbing it...
Jay: He'll overload and kill himself.
The: Just like Thawne.

Cisco: I don't know. Maybe if I would have gotten there faster, Bart would be okay.
Frost: No, you saved our butts.
Barry: She's right. It's good to see you, man.
Cisco: It's good to see you. Dig filled me in. I figured you could use a helping hand. Jay Garrick. Look at you getting your speed back.
Jay: Hey.
Cisco: And good timing, too.
Jay: I'll say.

Caitlin: How did you bring Thawne back?
Iris: Well, the Speed Force did it by connecting with the negative side, which is pretty dangerous. So with Barry occupied, I was the perfect choice to anchor the Speed Force.
Nora: Wait. Tapping into the Negative Speed Force... do I even know who you guys are?
Bart: Okay, but why Thawne? Like, why not just let us come help instead?
Barry: Sometimes, what makes a speedster dangerous isn't just speed.
Jay: It's having no limits on how they use it.
Barry: Right. Godspeed has no limits. But Thawne, his one limit is he can't let anyone else kill me. That's why I knew he'd turn on me the first chance he got.
Nora: But, Dad, Thawne's still out there.
Barry: Yeah, and he'll be back someday, but that's future us's problem.
Jay: What about August Heart?
Barry: He's in Iron Heights now.
Jay: But, Barry, he knows your real identity. What if he talks?
Barry: Luckily, he's a speedster. So Speed Force Nora was able to remove that from his memory.
Caitlin: It's finally over.
Bart: Great. Can we eat now? I'm starving.
Barry: Family dinner tonight, on Dad.
Nora: Yeah, I would love that.
Caitlin: That sounds perfect.
Barry: I'll get us a reservation.

Barry: How you feeling?
Jay: Not too bad for a guy that got beat up by a myth.

Jay: When that psychopath Godspeed came for me a few months ago, I thought my race might be finally finished. But then Impulse saved the day; prevented Godspeed from destroying our total reality. Just like your dad always does. That's how I know you'll make a great Flash one day, Bart.
[his watch whirrs]
Jay: Oh, Aunt Rose... sends her love. Her botany club's running late again.
Nora: Who's Aunt Rose?
Jay: Rose. My wife. What is up with you two tonight?

Joan: Jay told me he's the doppelganger of your late father.
Barry: Mm.
Joan: Do I remind you of anyone from your Earth?
Barry: Yeah, you do.
Joan: Hmm. Who is she?
Barry: Someone very special.
Jay: Ain't she? I never thought I'd settle down. But I needed a neurological specialist to help with my depleting speed, and something just felt right between us.

Jay: I built this thing years ago, the neural hyper-collider. It harnesses neural electricity and transfers it across superliminal particles.
Barry: Therefore projecting human consciousness across space-time. You could send someone's mind past the antimatter wall.
Jay: Not just anyone. It's gotta be a speedster, in his prime. You in?
Barry: Yeah.
Jay: Then let's hustle. I've already had to postpone my dinner plans.

Barry: It was nice, having you out there with me.
Jay: Yeah, I never had a sidekick.
Barry: Oh, I'm your sidekick?
Jay: Well, as a senior partner.
Barry: Senior citizen is more like it.

Jay: [as Barry pursues Godspeed] Heart's got organic speed. He just re-absorbed all his clones.
Bart: Jay's right. Until the excess speed burns off, Heart could be faster than you.

Jay: Barry's doing more harm than good.
Joe: They started Armageddon.

Joe: So how are we supposed to stop him?
Jay: The stone.
Barry: Jay's right, the stone has been the key to everything. It's - it's how he controlled Julian, it's how he created more metas.
Iris: So we destroy the stone and Savitar is gone for good.
Julian: It's impossible to destroy. It's been around forever, there's a reason for that.
Wally: Why don't we just bury it again, put it back in the ground where you found it?
Cisco: Mm-mm. "Jumanji".
Joe: Someone would just find it and we'd be right back where we started.

Joan: That felt like an earthquake.
Jay: Or something a lot worse.

Jay: I say we give 'em heck, Flash.

Jay: Barry's never gonna believe this.
Joan: I can barely believe it either. In the last 40 days, the Speed Force saturation in your body has gone 0 to 100, Jay.
Jay: You know, a year ago, I thought I'd never run again, but then I hit the jackpot. And just in time too.
Joan: Because an army of evil speedsters is attacking Central City?
Jay: Joan, I know I'm rusty, but Barry needs all the help he can get.
Joan: Fine, but I've got a patient going into surgery at the clinic. So when you're out there please remember...
Jay: Be careful?
Joan: [hands Jay his helmet] Watch your head. Doctor's orders.

Barry: What's he preparing for?
Jay: A battle with you.
Barry: Why me?
Jay: You're threatening his power.
Barry: How do you know all this?
Jay: Speed Force myths, legends, rumors. If Savitar's come for you once, he'll be back.
Barry: Then I'll be ready.
Jay: We'll be ready.

Barry: What do you mean 'we might lose the speed force?'
Jay: An explosion of that size would destroy it completely. If that were to happen, every speedster across space and time would lose access to their speed instantly.
Barry: Every speedster?
Jay: Even if it got rid of Thawne and every other evil speedster in the multiverse, you cannot do this, I won't let you.

Joan: His biometrics are crashing.
Jay: I'm also picking up temporal energy readings. His mind has broken past the barrier. It's not just a new timeline he's found. It's billions of them. And Barry's mind is experiencing them all.

Jay: All right, old man. Time to get in on the action.
[a burst of white lightning throws him across the room]
Jay: [surrounded by Godspeed clones] What the hell do you want?
Prisoner: [grabbing him] You, Jay Garrick. We want you.

Jay: Wait, so I was dead, killed by Godspeed?
Bart: Uncle Jay, I'm so sorry for screwing up the timeline, and if that means I can't ever be The Flash... I understand.
Jay: Well, I'm sorry. Are you kidding me? If screwing up the timeline was a deal breaker, your dad couldn't be The Flash. Heck, when I first started to time travel, I ended up fighting Nazis in Word Ward II, and then lived on and off in the past for 16 years. But that was another lifetime.
Bart: So you-you're not mad?
Jay: I'm alive. Right? My Joan is back. Why would I be mad? Bart, you're on a journey - both of you. You're gonna make mistakes, and sometimes... they can't be undone. But you can always try to make things better. Right? And that's what you did today. Now, I gotta get out of here. I got an important meeting with President Luthor.
Bart: President Luthor?
Jay: Gotcha.

Joe: Baby girl, wherever you are... please, please come back home soon.
[Jay zoops in with Joan]
Joe: Jay, Joan, what are... what are you doing here?
Joan: We've been following Iris' particle trail across the timestream, and it led us here.
Joe: When Cecile called, she said Iris was still missing.
Jay: [as he wanders around, a Geiger counter-like device on his wrist beeps] Not anymore. Come this way.

Bart: Uncle Jay. You're-you're here.
Jay: Uncle? That's new. Um... yeah, I kinda like it. It's good to finally meet you, Bart.

Cisco: So, the reason you didn't have your powers is because there was a dampener in the mask. You see?
Jay: I don't want to see this thing ever again.
[vibrates his hand through the mask, breaking it in half]
Cisco: So your powers are back.
Joe: I see Jay - excuse me - Hunter stole your color scheme too.
Jay: He stole a lot of things that were mine, except for that. That's, um - that's all him.
Iris: He said it was his father's from the war.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ironically, on my - on our Earth - this helmet stood for hope.
Jay: Yeah?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Jay: Maybe I can continue on that sentiment, take something from him, for a change, make it my own.
Caitlin: It suits you.
Jay: Thank you, all of you, for saving me from Zoom, especially you, Flash.
Barry: You're welcome, Flash.
Jay: Now all I have to do is find my way home.
Wally: And where's that?
Jay: I think you would call it Earth-3.
Cisco: Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2.
Dr. Harry Wells: My daughter and I can help you with the rest.
Jesse: We can?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, we can. We're going home.

James: I told everyone inside I'd let them live if they follow my instructions but I tricked them which is so me
James: .
Jay: Give it up, Trickster.
James: Hiya swifty, will you do me the honor of allowing me to kill you
[opens fire with machine gun]
James: .
Jay: [catches bullets in helmet] you're out of ammo.
James: but I'm not out of bomb's
[reveals bomb strapped to his chest]
James: what do you say we take in the afterlife Bigboy.
[Barry Allen/Flash arrives and ties up the Trickster]
Jay: Nice timing.
Barry: You're welcome.
James: There's something wrong with my eyes I'm seeing double, the Flash hit me too hard, I'm going to sue you saucer-head, one day I'll own that helmet and I'll use it as an ashtray or a candy-dish, no wait a hubcap.
Jay: [to Barry] I had that kid.
Barry: That's what I always say especially when they didn't have it.
Jay: I'm assuming you didn't come all the way to Earth-3 to stop my Trickster.
Barry: There's something I need to talk to you about, a Speedster he calls himself Savitar.

Joan: Maybe we should renew our vows.
Jay: Oh, I'd marry you again in a heartbeat.

Dr. Harry Wells: You know what? In battle, choose your weapon wisely. All right? Some people choose a gun. I choose a Phillips-head screwdriver.
Cisco: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're so particular.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, can you just please... Have you ever worked with a tool before?
Cisco: I'm working with one now.
Dr. Harry Wells: Are you ready? One... two... and...
Jay: [the lock on his iron mask clicks open and Wells takes the mask off] Ugh. I don't know which is more annoying, being in that thing or listening to you two arguing about it.

Bart: It was so good to see Uncle Jay and Aunt Joan again. Is it weird that seeing Uncle Jay alive just made me miss him more?
[with a rumble, a green wave of energy passes through the room]
Bart: What was that?
Nora: I... I have no idea.
Jay: [coming in with bags of fast food] Okay, kids. I come bearing cheeseburgers. Who's hungry?
Nora: [stunned to see him] Uncle Jay.
Jay: You were expecting someone else?

Caitlin: Thank God you guys are okay.
Jay: We managed to save the reactor, but it looks like round two is about to begin.
Iris: And this time, there's no Speed Force Nora or the S.E.E.
Nora: We threw everything we had at them.
Bart: What are we gonna do? Dad?

Joan: Barry, your Force particles are gone. And as for you, Iris, there's no sign of your time sickness anywhere. You're completely cured.
Nora: And Gideon says there's no Thawne anywhere in the timeline.
Iris: Then it's really over, all of it.
Barry: Bart, Nora, about the way I behaved today...
Bart: Uh-uh. No, not after all of the things that you have helped us with.
Nora: Yeah, he's right, Dad. At the end of the day, all that matters is you did the right thing.
Jay: And on that note, I think we should all go back to our lives in 2049.
[shaking hands with Barry]
Jay: Great work today, Flash, as always.