Top 50 Quotes From Bart Allen

Caitlin: Thank God you guys are okay.
Jay: We managed to save the reactor, but it looks like round two is about to begin.
Iris: And this time, there's no Speed Force Nora or the S.E.E.
Nora: We threw everything we had at them.
Bart: What are we gonna do? Dad?

Nora: What the hell are you wearing?
Bart: Something sexy. It's smart. I'm incognito.
Nora: Dude, it's 2013, not 1913.

Bart: Can't we just tell them what Godspeed did? Like, I feel if Dad knew, he would understand why it has to be me who takes him down.
Nora: Because if we did that, we would be breaking the most important rule.
Bart: I know, I know. I know, I know. I know, I know, I know.
Nora: Bart, Uncle Jay did say that stuff about taking risks, but if he were here now, seeing what we were up against, what do you think he would want you to do?
Bart: He'd tell me sometimes you have to take your hat off.
[seeing her look, he pantomimes taking Jay's kettle helmet off]

Iris: Hi, Bart.
Bart: [fake yawn] Oh, Mom, it's crazy you called. I was just pulling an all-nighter studying for this mid-term.
Iris: Yeah, no, you weren't.
Bart: Yeah. No, I wasn't.
Nora: Never try to fool someone who's won two Pulitzers.

Nora: Assuming we can find our way into the Negative Speed Force, let us handle this. We will make sure Thawne gets back to Iron Heights. Dad, we promise.
Barry: You weren't there. You didn't see what I saw. Iris died in my arms before her body disappeared. You say she's alive, but for all we know, she's already been erased from this timeline, only the changes haven't caught up with us yet. It's happened before.
Bart: You still wanna kill him, don't you?

Bart: I know what I said, but this is different. This is different. I'm not gonna let Heart kill anyone that I care for. Not now, not ever.
Jay: I believe you, son. Now, we just met. You got no reason to listen to me. But we both know Barry, right? And if he says to stand down no matter what, he has a reason.
Bart: But it's...
Jay: It's time to take our hats off, okay?

Caitlin: How did you bring Thawne back?
Iris: Well, the Speed Force did it by connecting with the negative side, which is pretty dangerous. So with Barry occupied, I was the perfect choice to anchor the Speed Force.
Nora: Wait. Tapping into the Negative Speed Force... do I even know who you guys are?
Bart: Okay, but why Thawne? Like, why not just let us come help instead?
Barry: Sometimes, what makes a speedster dangerous isn't just speed.
Jay: It's having no limits on how they use it.
Barry: Right. Godspeed has no limits. But Thawne, his one limit is he can't let anyone else kill me. That's why I knew he'd turn on me the first chance he got.
Nora: But, Dad, Thawne's still out there.
Barry: Yeah, and he'll be back someday, but that's future us's problem.
Jay: What about August Heart?
Barry: He's in Iron Heights now.
Jay: But, Barry, he knows your real identity. What if he talks?
Barry: Luckily, he's a speedster. So Speed Force Nora was able to remove that from his memory.
Caitlin: It's finally over.
Bart: Great. Can we eat now? I'm starving.
Barry: Family dinner tonight, on Dad.
Nora: Yeah, I would love that.
Caitlin: That sounds perfect.
Barry: I'll get us a reservation.

Chester P. Runk: [with their speed, Nora, Bart, and Jay reassemble the S.E.E] Whoa, you guys are stellar.
Bart: Thank you. What did we just do?
Chester P. Runk: Well, you saved me at least three weeks in the proverbial salt mines of science. At this rate, the modified version of my Pops' S.E.E. could be up and running in a day or two.
Jay: A day or two? Isn't there some way we can speed that up a little?
Nora: There is, but Mom and Dad won't change their minds.
Barry: We already did. We're gonna give August organic speed.
Bart: [chortling] Okay.
[realizing he's serious]
Bart: Oh, you're not kidding.
Nora: Where's Mom?
Barry: She's still with the Speed Force. They're both helping, too.
Jay: What changed your mind?
Barry: My kids, when I realized that their future starts right now.

Nora: Aw, you shouldn't have done that.
Bart: So I moved Grandpa Joe instead of the bullet. What's the big deal?
Nora: [showing him her gauntlet] This. Look, now more temporal particles are in flux. Bart, you made everything worse.
Bart: I don't get it. It wasn't even a meta-human with powers.
Nora: Now more metas are gonna be turning up everywhere now that the Particle Accelerator exploded.
Mona: [hearing them telepathically] Meta-human. Then I'm not alone.

Bart: What's next, Pops?
Barry: We end this civil war. Once and for all.

Nora: It's okay, Dad. We don't bite.
Bart: Okay. Yo, check this out. I have one more.
Nora: No.
Bart: [burping]
Nora: Oh, gross.
Barry: Nora, you can just ignore the family rules for a minute and rewind that.
Nora: Sure. How would I do that? Wait. Is this about the other Nora?
Barry: You know about her?
Nora: Totally. I mean, you and Mom have told us a ton of stories about her, and I'm so glad that you did. I feel like I'm part of her is still alive in me.

Nora: [see Reverse-Flash in a black suit] Holy shrap, that's Thawne.
Bart: Who's his new tailor? Satan?

Nora: Okay, remember what we learned in 2049. We have to stop what happens today, and we cannot interact with anyone who is connected to our family while we are doing it.
Bart: Relax. No one's gonna find out who we are or why we're here.
Detective: [coming in] Who are you two, and why are you here?

Bart: He's alive. Uncle Jay's alive. Our Uncle Jay is really... did we do this? Yeah, we did, didn't we? Oh, this is so crash.
Nora: Cra...? No. No, not crash. The opposite of crash. That was a temporal wave that washed over us, okay? That means that when we went back to help Mom and Dad stop the Godspeed war, we changed the future!
Bart: Yeah, but in a good way.
Nora: Well, yeah, totally. But we have to figure out why the changes happened.

Nora: Grammy Cecile!
Cecile: [they run to hug her] Hi. Oh, my God. I feel so much love from you two. I can't wait to get to know you both.
Nora: Oh, hey, Caitlin.
Bart: Oh, what up, Cait?
Caitlin: [waving awkwardly] Hi. It happened again?
Barry: Yeah. Just wish Iris was here to meet them.
Nora: Dad, Mom's gonna be fine. It's okay.

Bart: You know, even though future-you told us about your vow renewals, like, a million times, I still get pretty weepy.
Nora: Me, too. I mean, the love in this room when you two kissed...
Iris: We have such an amazing future ahead of us.
Bart: Yeah, if we didn't change it.
Barry: I checked with Gideon. No changes to the timeline. Everything's fine.
Nora: Well, on that note, we should be getting back to 2049 sooner or later.
Bart: Yep.
Barry: Keep the future safe. You're both gonna make great heroes.
Nora: I already am.
Bart: I'm gonna make you proud, Dad.
Barry: I know.

Barry: [giving organic speed to August] No matter what happens, stay here.
Nora: What?
Bart: Absolutely not.
Barry: Your mother and I have a plan.

Bart: Avery, your research is bleeding-edge impressive.
Avery: Can you tell that to my boss at Fast Track Labs? Just once, I'd like to help her in research instead of running for coffee, but, uh, the intern life.
Bart: Oh, you know, I'm an intern, too!
Avery: No way!
Bart: Yeah!
Nora: Actually, you know what? We-We both are. We both are interns, and we should really go now. That call we were waiting for?
Bart: Yes.
Nora: It just came in.
Bart: Oh, that one. Um, yeah, it was really crash meeting you.
Avery: Is that a good thing? If it's a good thing, and you wanna run into me again, I-I make a coffee run every afternoon.
Nora: [pulling Bart away] Oh, that's good to know. Nice to meet you!

Nora: See? I'm always right.
Bart: Someti... see? You are sometimes right.

Nora: Hey, Dad!
Barry: Nora!
Nora: And, yes, before you say anything, I know I'm not supposed to be here, but it's really important, I promise.
Barry: [hugging her] Oh, thank god you're okay.
Nora: Well, yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Barry: Because I... well, I couldn't get to the future. And then with Iris gone... wait, but if you're here, that means...
Nora: Oh, right! Don't worry. Mom's gonna be okay. I'm proof that everything works out all right. We both are.
Barry: [confused] You... you and Iris?
Nora: Not... not exactly. Um... but, uh... hey! I mean, if you're happy to see me, you're gonna be twice as happy in just a second.
Bart: [whooshing in] Whoo! Hoo! What did I miss?
Nora: Dad, meet your son, Bart.
Bart: Hey, Dad! What's good? Or Pops. Can I call you Pops yet? You like it when I call you Pops later. I can't remember when that is, though.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: [an attempt to get Barry into the Negative Speed Force fails] Why didn't it work?
Chester P. Runk: I-I don't know.
Bart: If this won't work, we can't access the Negative Speed Force.
Barry: Then we need to find another way.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Eobard would've known what to do. But now he's gone. Because of me... and that damn machine.

Barry: What did Joan say?
Iris: It's true. Jay got his speed back when the Speed Force was reborn.
Chester P. Runk: And then those clones took him.
Barry: They're gonna kill Jay.
Bart: I won't let them.
Barry: Bart, we've got this under control.
Bart: No, you don't.
Barry: Okay, we're working on a plan. Just give us some time.
Bart: We don't have time, Dad!
Chester P. Runk: Uh, guys, I'm-I'm triangulating the Godspeeds' comm signals now. It came from Zauriel Cathedral on Morrison Ave.
Bart: Well, that's where I'm going.
Nora: Bart, wait.
[he whooshes away]
Nora: Dad, they knew how Bart would react if they took Uncle Jay. He knows he's running into a trap, but he doesn't care. You have to stop him. You have to save him.
Barry: We have to save him.

Barry: Bart, you won't be going into the field.
Iris: Yeah, Bart, your dad told me everything, and I saw the rest in the Still Force. Look, it was one thing when Godspeed was just some meta that you two were fighting in the future, but...
Barry: He's your Thawne, which means it's personal.
Bart: Yeah. I mean... Okay, D-Dad, I am... I am sorry for how I reacted earlier, but I... you don't know me... like that yet. I can keep my cool. I promise. I can. Tell them. I can keep my cool, right?
Nora: But you can't.
Barry: Bart.
Nora: [as he whooshes away, Barry moves to follow him] Dad. I know Bart can be a bonehead, but he's right. You've only known him for a few hours. I've known him for 19 years. I got this. Trust me.
Iris: [she whooshes away, too] They are so incredible.
Barry: We make great people.
Iris: Yeah, we do.

Iris: Look, Nora, I'm glad I have you. Your last story did so well that I would like you to write a follow-up piece.
Nora: Yeah, sure. When's the deadline?
Iris: Uh, if you get something to me...
[they lose connection as Iris' picture disappears]
Nora: Mom, Mom?
Bart: Yeah, that looked like more than just bad service.
Iris: [reappearing in the apartment, looking shocked] Bart? Nora, is that really you?
Bart: Uh, sis, is it just me or does Mom look really young?
Nora: Oh, shrap.

[Barry is hitting Reverse-Flash with a lightning strike]
Bart: Dad, stop! He's not worth it!
Barry: He killed your mother!
Nora: Dad, if you do this, you'll be just as bad as him!
[Barry stops]
Reverse: What's the matter Flash? You can't finish the job? You better then finish the job! 'Cause if you don't...
[points at Nora and Bart]
Reverse: They're next.
Bart: Dad! Don't listen to him, please.
Nora: Even if he did kill Mom now in 2022, we're still here. Don't you see? We're still alive.
Bart: She's right. We haven't been erased from the timeline yet, which means Mom isn't dead yet.

Bart: It's all "aster", no "dis."
Barry: I have no idea what that means.

August: How exactly will this give me my memories back?
Jay: The theory is your artificial speed cells have gone dormant. But we believe that a speed boost from Barry can jumpstart them and give you organic speed.
Cecile: And the harness should trigger the rest. Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be okay.
August: Yeah. If... if this does work, I'll try to come back. Differently.
Jay: Good luck.
Nora: Are you okay?
Bart: If Dad is right, and we're actually creating the future by doing this... everything from now on will be different.
August: I know you don't have to do this. So whatever your reasons are, I know they're pretty important. I just hope this works out for both of us.
Barry: Me, too.

Barry: We need to get back out there. Frost and Mecha-Vibe need our help.
Iris: Yeah, we will, as soon as...
Nora: [watching the Godspeeds vanish] They're gone again. Wow, Frost and Mecha-Vibe make a hell of a team.
Barry: Chester, how long would it take to rebuild the S.E.E.?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... four or five weeks, maybe?
Bart: Well, how come your tech thingy affected the clones and not us?
Chester P. Runk: Well, you're all organic speedsters, so I tweaked my Pops' design to only target artificial cell membranes.
Jay: Making it ineffective against us. Well done.
Nora: Dad, Mom, I know you both wanna keep the future safe, but if we don't stop this right now, there won't be a future to save. Please, can you just consider giving Heart organic speed?
Barry: Nora, I know that seems like the answer... but we're your parents. It's our job to protect you.
Bart: Maybe so. But Central City doesn't need parents right now. Dad, it needs heroes.

Speed: Barry, Iris, it's good to see you again.
Iris: Are the other Forces coming, too?
Speed: No. With me here, they're all working overtime to keep the universe in balance. I've seen what you've all been facing. I've been fighting it myself within the Speed Force. Now, you all need to be at full strength in order to defeat this threat, which is why whether you're already a full speedster or have just a spark of Speed Force inside of you, I'm going to give you all a boost. That is if everyone's okay with that.
Nora: [as everyone nods, she snaps, and the others are all supercharged] Schway.
Jay: Yup. That works.
Iris: Barry, Bart's still...
Speed: I know. Oh, my impulsive boy.
Caitlin: [in the infirmary, watching Bart's vitals inexplicably stabilize] What in the world?
Bart: [whooshing into the Speed Lab] Whoo! Oh! I'm back.
Barry: [relieved he's okay] Bart.
Bart: [group-hugging] Hi, did you miss me? Did you miss me? Oh, thank you for the reboot, S.F.N. I appreciate it. Speed Force Nana. Uh, it's... it's our little thing. Oh, somebody re-did my nails. It must have been Caitlin.

Bart: [after meeting Eddie] That's the guy that sacrificed himself to stop Eobard Thawne, Mom's old fiancé.
Nora: [punching him in the shoulder] Yes, it is.
Bart: Ow.
Nora: And now we are his coffee gophers when we're supposed to be looking out for Grandpa Joe.

Bart: Is today the day that Grandpa Joe and Grammy Cecile start dating?
Nora: No. I mean, I don't think that it is.
Bart: Okay, good, 'cause stopping Grandpa Joe from getting shot is enough fixing for one day.

Cecile: [feeling Barry and Meena's emotions] They're both hurting badly.
Allegra: Okay, so what do we do now?
Cecile: We find Iris and we bring her home.
Chester P. Runk: Then we find a way to take down the Negative Forces, 'cause if they come back for a rematch...
Nora: I don't think they will. They already got what they came for; the last Thawne in existence.
Bart: What do they need him for, anyway?
Barry: There's only one way to find out. I have to find a way into the Negative Speed Force.
Bart: Dad, no offense, but that's insane.
Barry: I don't have a choice. As long as Thawne's out there, everyone's in danger. Chester already ran a satellite search. Thawne's nowhere on the planet. The only place left to hide is the Negative Speed Force. If I can find a way in...
Cecile: No, look... I can feel all of the anger inside you, I can, and I know that you've been to hell and back today, but we need to think our next move through.
Cecile: Barry, how can you possibly be so sure?
Barry: Because I am.
Nora: [asking for privacy] Guys, we need to talk to our dad.

Bart: Dad and Uncle Wally taught me how to run, and how to meditate, and all that's great. Uncle Jay understood me. He was the first person that saw my impulsiveness as strength and not as a weakness, and he would literally tell me. He'd say, "Bart, sometimes you have to take a risk. Sometimes you have to go with your gut... and is it impulsive? Maybe. But sometimes it's right." He got me. And now he's gone.

Joan: Barry, your Force particles are gone. And as for you, Iris, there's no sign of your time sickness anywhere. You're completely cured.
Nora: And Gideon says there's no Thawne anywhere in the timeline.
Iris: Then it's really over, all of it.
Barry: Bart, Nora, about the way I behaved today...
Bart: Uh-uh. No, not after all of the things that you have helped us with.
Nora: Yeah, he's right, Dad. At the end of the day, all that matters is you did the right thing.
Jay: And on that note, I think we should all go back to our lives in 2049.
[shaking hands with Barry]
Jay: Great work today, Flash, as always.

Barry: [after hearing Bart sing] That was crash.
[seeing his look of distaste]
Barry: What?
Bart: No, no. Just no.
Barry: That's how... that's how you use it, right?
Bart: That's not how I say it. You say it weird.

Bart: So are, um, Mom and Pops gonna be swingin' by anytime soon?
Jay: Aren't they in Milan for their anniversary at La Verita Rustica?
Nora: Right.
Bart: Yeah.
Nora: Yes, the anniversary of their wedding vow renewal. Hmm? Um, but the rest of Team Flash can pop by, right?
Jay: Well, they're all kind of busy, which you already know. Now, why the third degree?

Iris: What are you thinking?
Barry: Even if we get the S.E.E. working, we're still outnumbered. We need reinforcements.
Bart: [turning visible] Hell to the yeah you do.
Iris: How long were you listening?
Bart: Not long. Not long. I mean, just long enough to hear that Dad finally realized that he should tag me in.
Nora: He meant me, dumbass.
Barry: No, I didn't.
Iris: Wait, what?
Barry: Nora, we... we almost died out there. I couldn't protect you. I'm not putting you in that position again.
Nora: Yeah, but we didn't die, and I can help. Mom, a little backup here, please?
Iris: Nora, this war in unpredictable, and it's getting more dangerous.
Nora: What do you think Bart and I deal with every day in 2049?
Bart: Yeah, come on. We're heroes. Dangerous is, like, kind of part of the job.
Barry: Not this time.
Nora: You don't just get to decide that. I'm about to turn 30. In four years. The point is, unlike Bart, I'm the real adult.
Barry: Yeah, we're your parents, and we're saying right now you're still not going out there.
Nora: You can't stop me from fighting.
Bart: Okay. Me either. Mom?
Iris: Your father is right.
Nora: Well, you can't just send us back to 2049. That's not an option, and we're not gonna go watch TV at Grandpa Joe's.
Barry: We could always lock you in a pipeline cell until this is all over.
Nora: You wouldn't.
Iris: We will if we have to.

Bart: It was so good to see Uncle Jay and Aunt Joan again. Is it weird that seeing Uncle Jay alive just made me miss him more?
[with a rumble, a green wave of energy passes through the room]
Bart: What was that?
Nora: I... I have no idea.
Jay: [coming in with bags of fast food] Okay, kids. I come bearing cheeseburgers. Who's hungry?
Nora: [stunned to see him] Uncle Jay.
Jay: You were expecting someone else?

Jay: [as Barry pursues Godspeed] Heart's got organic speed. He just re-absorbed all his clones.
Bart: Jay's right. Until the excess speed burns off, Heart could be faster than you.

Nora: I need you to focus on the plan. I have my gauntlet set to alert us as soon as the jewel robbery goes down, okay? That is where Grandpa Joe will be.
Bart: Right, and then we zoop in and we save the day. That's fantastic. But you do realize that every second that we're standing here, Grandpa Joe could be getting shot, like, now. Or now. Or right now. You see what I'm...
Nora: Holy crap! Stop!
Bart: No, because Grandpa Joe's safety is on the line, and I need coffee now!
[swinging his arms, he accidentally knocks a folder out of the hands of the woman behind him]
Bart: Oh! I'm so sorry.

Barry: All right, which one of you is gonna tell me what's going on? All those clones just tried to kill you, Bart. They were calling you "the adversary." Why? What's going on?
Nora: Dad, we can't talk about this?
Barry: Look, right now, I don't care about what kind rules I have in the future. I want to know why every Godspeed out there just tried to kill Bart.
Bart: Because he's my Thawne. Dad, Godspeed is my arch-nemesis, okay? He's my one big bad to rule them all, just like you and Thawne.
Barry: Bart, Thawne devoted his entire life to destroying mine. He murdered your grandma. You can't just throw his name around without knowing what it means.
Bart: [slams his hands on the console] I know what it means!
Nora: Bart, it's okay. Why don't we just try and take a breath?

Nora: What gives, Bart? You can throw stars with your lightning, but you can't catch a ball of it in under 20 seconds?
Bart: Nora... it's a lot harder than it looks.
Nora: Well, maybe you should stop focusing on being a badass parkouring off every wall you see.
Bart: So you agree I do look badass.

Bart: Uncle Jay. You're-you're here.
Jay: Uncle? That's new. Um... yeah, I kinda like it. It's good to finally meet you, Bart.

Bart: Yo, this place is crash!

Nora: Is that the surveillance footage of the incident?
Detective: The interns. Yes, it is. Why?
Bart: Hi, by the way. Uh, we just figured you're doing so much detecting around here that we could just take this back to the... to the police station and then we'll just give it back to...
Detective: Uh, no thanks. You two should make another coffee run.
Bart: Oh, we already did that.
Detective: Did you? Then why am I not holding a decaf cappuccino? Let us do this work, and you two do yours.
Nora: Great idea, Detective.
Bart: Yeah, right away.
Nora: [leaving] We gotta get that footage.

Caitlin: Barry, we've got more Godspeed clones southwest of City Hall.
Barry: Okay. Time to go to work. Let's go.
Bart: L-Let... let's go? You mean, like, all-all three of us go?
Barry: Yeah. You ready?

Barry: It's all my fault.
Bart: What about Thawne?
Barry: Negative Forces... they were transforming him somehow.
Bart: So he's still alive?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: But they already gave him his speed back. What more could they want?
Chester P. Runk: [his tablet beeps] Guys, I'm picking up a huge influx of negative kinetic tachyons.
Barry: Where?
Chester P. Runk: Right over Downtown.

Chester P. Runk: So, I was going through my Pops' old schematics, and I found this. It reconverts the atomic mass of neutrinovoltaic energy cells. Pops called it a solar encryption engine.
Bart: Cool. What does it do?
Barry: It neutralizes artificially-created kinetic energy sources.
Nora: Like Godspeed's artificial speed.
Chester P. Runk: And I already built a prototype. I just need to charge the battery with an electromagnetic source. Hey, have you seen Allegra lately?
Barry: Uh, no, not since yesterday, when she said goodbye to Esperanza.
Chester P. Runk: Hmm. I'll find her. But, with any luck, the S.E.E. - huh, huh? S.E., you get it? - will be fully charged and functional within an hour.
Barry: All right.
Bart: Dad, with this, we can stop Heart and his clones in his tracks. We can win this war.

Jay: Wait, so I was dead, killed by Godspeed?
Bart: Uncle Jay, I'm so sorry for screwing up the timeline, and if that means I can't ever be The Flash... I understand.
Jay: Well, I'm sorry. Are you kidding me? If screwing up the timeline was a deal breaker, your dad couldn't be The Flash. Heck, when I first started to time travel, I ended up fighting Nazis in Word Ward II, and then lived on and off in the past for 16 years. But that was another lifetime.
Bart: So you-you're not mad?
Jay: I'm alive. Right? My Joan is back. Why would I be mad? Bart, you're on a journey - both of you. You're gonna make mistakes, and sometimes... they can't be undone. But you can always try to make things better. Right? And that's what you did today. Now, I gotta get out of here. I got an important meeting with President Luthor.
Bart: President Luthor?
Jay: Gotcha.

Nora: [being asked who they are] Nora Moy and Bart Waid. We're intern CSIs. We're here to help out, because we heard that one of your CSIs is, um...
Nora: Under the weather.
Bart: So, that's it, just crime fighters, couple of crime fighters with, uh, science.
Detective: Sorry. It's been tense here since the accident at S.T.A.R. Labs. My new partner barely speaks to me.
Bart: Get him a cup of coffee. I find that java really brings people together.
Nora: Yeah.
Detective: That is a great idea. I wanna buy the entire bullpen coffee from the cart outside.
Nora: Aw.
Detective: [giving them his credit card] Take their orders. It's on me.