Top 20 Quotes From August Heart

Eobard: Miss me?
The: Save it, Thawne. You're back because of us, right?
Eobard: And in exchange, I've agreed to help you take down a psychopath.
Godspeed: Flash, that was nuts! You do like to party.

Hunter: You're Harry Wells. You're the man who helped the Flash defeat me.
August: No. That's Thawne. The man who helped the Flash defeat me. Any last words, Thawne?
Eobard: Never wear white after Labor Day.

Barry: Heart, tell me how to stop this war. Both sides are looking for you, including one that wants to kill you.
August: And what? You're gonna turn me over to them? Mm-mm. You're too much of a hero to sell me out. Now, Impulse, that's a different story.
Barry: I said leave my son out of this.
August: Oh, but I can't. He's the one who helped me realize the truth. That artificial speed would always be a pale imitation of the real deal. Spoiled little brat. He's not just reckless, he's unworthy. All the times we fought. He was so cavalier with his gift; a gift that should have been *MINE*! Now it will be... thanks to you.
Barry: That's what this is all about. You want organic speed.
August: [clapping sarcastically] Keep going.
Barry: Everything that's happened... us finding you, your clones, this war.
August: Is all a part of my plan to force your hand.
Barry: So why the act if your memories are still intact?
August: That's the one thing I didn't foresee. Memory loss is a side effect of fracturing myself in time. Who knew, right? Then again, I knew you'd come looking for answers, which eventually would bring you to me. Gift me the gift I deserve, and I'll save your precious city by reabsorbing my other selves. Or refuse my request... and watch your city burn.
Barry: There's no way that's happening. Besides, what you're asking me to do? It's impossible.
August: The impossible is your thing. You can figure it out. Or watch more cities fall as my army spreads and this entire world is torn apart. Oooooh! I can see those little wheels turning in your head. You're trying desperately to think of a way out of this. Well, guess what? There isn't. So what's your answer?
[Barry stays silent]
August: Answer me, damn it!
Barry: I already did. I said no.
August: Oh, you'll change your mind. You have no choice.

Godspeed: There can only be one God of Speed, Flash! This didn't work out like you planned, Flash. Now guess what comes next? Tag, you're dead.

Jay: As soon as I flip the collider, your synaptic pathways will open, and then Ms. Horton will guide your consciousness into his.
Cecile: [to August] Don't worry. I am gonna be right here with you the whole time.
Iris: Barry, I know this August Heart seems harmless, but the real August Heart is locked away inside of his mind. From what we know...
Barry: He's a monster.
Iris: Be careful.
Chester P. Runk: The collider's primed.
Jay: Ms. Horton?
Cecile: I'm ready.
Barry: [wearing Jay's helmet as a conducter] Yeah. August? If you're not comfortable with this, you don't have to do it.
August: It's okay. I need to know who I am, even if it's someone I despise.

August: What happened? Did you find the real me?
Barry: Yeah.
August: What did I say?

August: [in Punjabi] Come to Daddy, my children!
[absorbs the other Godspeed clones]
August: [switching to English] At last! True speed for a true god!

Barry: I've been here before.
August: No, you have not. This is my mind. My place. My future sanctum.
Barry: Heart?
August: Congratulations. You finally found me. Well done.
Barry: You knew I was coming.
August: Actually, I expected you a lot sooner, but hey, we can't all be overachievers. You must have so many questions. Good thing I have all the answers. This is gonna be so much fun.

Barry: You got what you wanted. I'm here. Now tell me what you were doing at the Flash Museum. What do you really want, Heart?
August: My, oh, my. You're really direct. Then again, you're meeting me for the first time. We're bound to learn new things about each other.
Barry: Tell me what the hell's going on.
August: Or what? You'll force me to? Oh, Flash. I'm the living God of Speed. The one... unlike you and your infernal spawn.
Barry: You're gonna leave them alone, or I swear...
August: Are you threatening me, Flash? Here? Seriously? You still can't comprehend what you're dealing with. So let me enlighten you. Once upon a time, there was a young physicist named August who dreamed of moving faster than light, so he developed a way to achieve his goal and created the velocity formula. But it wasn't enough, because no matter how fast he ran, he soon came to realize one salient fact: that he'd never be fast enough.

Frost: You sure this is the right place?
Cecile: Yeah, Iris' notes say that August Heart works at this address in 2049. But in our time, Dayton Labs hasn't been built yet.
Spartan: This was the last place on your list?
Cecile: Yeah.
[seeing something out of the corner of her eye]
Cecile: Did you see that?
[stopping Dig]
Cecile: Wait. He's scared. I can feel it.
[giving her weapon to Dig, then heading over to a nearby dumpster]
Cecile: Whoa, wait, wait, wait, we're not gonna hurt you. We're not gonna hurt you. Hi. My name is Cecile Horton. Are you all right?
August: Yeah.
Cecile: What's your name?
August: I... I... I-I-I don't know.
Cecile: Okay. Okay, well, look, we g... we gotta get you out of here. It's not safe.
August: No, no, no, I can't... I can't leave! It's there. This place is... it's important. It's important. I can feel it.
Cecile: Do you know why it's so important to you?
August: No! No. Do you?

August: Will this hurt?
Caitlin: No. Are you sure you want to do this?
August: I need to know who I am. And if you think this could really help... then... do it.
Cecile: [Caitlin injects him] Can you tell me your name?
August: My name is...
[reacting to the dark matter]
August: My name is...
Cecile: It's okay. Take your time.
August: August.

Godspeed: [in Punjabi] Your end is near!
The: No one is dying tonight, Heart. But you are going to Iron Heights.
Godspeed: [switching to English] You'll have to catch me first!
Nora: Dad, be careful! You don't know what he's capable of!
The: I will.

Eobard: And Zolomon-- Love your work. Although slightly derivative, don't you think? Pretending to be the Flash's ally. Let's see. Who's playbook is that from?
[points at himself]
Hunter: Are you mocking me?
Eobard: Now, you're catching on. Good, Zoom.
Hunter: I'm the fastest man alive.
Eobard: No, you're a strung out, jumped-up Velocity 9 junkie. The fastest man alive... You're looking at him.
August: Oh, please. I'm the one, true god of speed.
Savitar: [appears] No, I am. Before I bring this dimension to its knees, I demand who brought us here.
Eddie: I did.

August: What am I supposed to do now?
Cecile: August... I know that things seem really hopeless right now. But believe me when I tell you that this team of ours, if there is anyone who can find a way out of this thing, it is Team Flash.
August: I believe you. I do, but I saw Barry's face when we both came back. It's true, isn't it? I'm a monster, aren't I? I'm...
Cecile: You don't have to be.
August: What if I don't have a choice? You all think I'm someone from the future, a future where I'm supposedly a killer obsessed with taking speed and ruling the world. You know how that feels? Now imagine getting back the thing you want most, your memories, your whole life... and then learning you're the bad guy. If that's true, how am I supposed to live with that?
Cecile: I'm no fortune teller, but I can tell you that the sorrow I feel coming from you, August, bad guys, they don't feel remorse like that. Maybe the future is not so set in stone after all.

Godspeed: [in Punjabi] This is why I chose this time, Flash.
[switching to English]
Godspeed: Now that you've leveled up, what better time to feast?
[as he starts to absorb Barry's speed, he's knocked backward]
Chester P. Runk: [watching at S.T.A.R. Labs] Wait, is that... Thawne?
Cecile: It sure as hell is.

Cecile: August, no.
August: Sorry, Cecile. Turns out I like being the bad guy.

Godspeed: Joining forces with your worst enemy just to take me down. That's very flattering, Flash, but it won't do you any good. Don't you two get it? You can't kill a god!

Godspeed: At last! True speed for a true god!
The: You got what you wanted, Heart. Now what?
Godspeed: Now you die, Flash. By my hand!

August: How exactly will this give me my memories back?
Jay: The theory is your artificial speed cells have gone dormant. But we believe that a speed boost from Barry can jumpstart them and give you organic speed.
Cecile: And the harness should trigger the rest. Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be okay.
August: Yeah. If... if this does work, I'll try to come back. Differently.
Jay: Good luck.
Nora: Are you okay?
Bart: If Dad is right, and we're actually creating the future by doing this... everything from now on will be different.
August: I know you don't have to do this. So whatever your reasons are, I know they're pretty important. I just hope this works out for both of us.
Barry: Me, too.

Caitlin: Since the M.A.D. 2.0 isn't working, we need to try another tactic.
Cecile: [August inspects the Cosmic Treadmill] Does this remind you of anything?
August: This seems so familiar.
[reaching out to touch it, he's zapped by a small static electricity discharge]
August: Uh!
Caitlin: Are you all right?
August: Ever since I lost my memories, I've been trying to understand who I am and how I ended up like this. I figured I must have had a breakdown. Maybe somewhere there's a wife and kids wondering what the hell happened to their dad. I don't know. Am I ever gonna know who I am?