The Best Eddie Thawne Quotes

Eobard: Boys, meet Eddie Thawne, the dumbest branch on my family tree.
Hunter: Eddie Thawne. You're Team Flash's old cop friend, right? Well, that's-- that's real good, 'cause I am great at killing cops.
Eddie: That's real big talk for a bunch of dead men.
Hunter: Liar. I'm invincible!
Eddie: You sure about that?
Hunter: The Time Wraiths.
Eddie: You died, Hunter. So did you, Heart, in the year 2052. Oh, you, too, Savitar.
Savitar: No.
Eddie: Turns out none of you were powerful enough or fast enough to defeat the Flash. But together... we can do what none of you could do on your own.
Eobard: And tell me just how does a complete waste of a human being like yourself plan to defeat the Flash?
Eddie: Like this.
[Eddie uses the cobalt crystal to transform a speedster suit around his body]
Cobalt: You want more speed? I'll help you get it. Enough to kill the Flash. Now, who's in?

Barry: What the hell?
Eddie: Wait. I've seen that happen before. My driver's license.
Barry: I've seen reactions like this, too, caused by negative tachyons. I think this place, Malcolm's belongings, his life - it's all made of negative tachyons. Like a false reality built for you to live in.
Eddie: Well, who could have done that?
Barry: There's only one force powerful enough-- the one inside that crystal. The Negative Speed Force. I think it brought you back to life.
Eddie: Why would it bring me back?
Barry: Eddie, I think the Negative Speed Force resurrected you, so you could be its avatar.
Eddie: Its avatar? Avatar for what?
Barry: A Negative Speed Force. It needs a surrogate on Earth to carry out its plan. That's what the crystal has been doing all along. Joe, Mark, Nora. I mean, it can only possess them temporarily. It must need you to choose to take on its power.
Eddie: No. That can't be right. The crystal showed me a better life, one with a daughter I was supposed to have.
Barry: Eddie, the Negative Speed Force is unlike anything you've ever seen before. It gets inside your head. It feeds off hate and rage, all right? Everything about it is evil.
Eddie: It brought me back from the dead, OK? Is that evil? And what if I choose not to be the avatar, huh? Do I go back to being dead?
Barry: No, no, we'll find a way to save you. You could choose to start a new life.
Cobalt: He lies.
Eddie: Oh, really? Because all your team tried to do was cuff me. But that crystal, it actually wants me to help me get my life back. A life I was a fool to give up.
Cobalt: There's still time.
Barry: Come on. You don't believe that.
Eddie: Don't tell me what I believe! Did you know I can hear it right now? Sometimes I can't tell if it's the crystal's voice or my own voice. And I'm starting to wonder, what's the difference? It's funny. Returning from the dead really has a way of making you realize the mistakes you made in your old life. My mistake was being a nobody.
Barry: Eddie, you weren't a nobody, all right? Listen to me...
Eddie: No! You listen to me. The second I died, everyone forgot about me. And you, Barry, the man I sacrificed my life for, you thanked me by stealing my fiancée.
Barry: Eddie.
Eddie: But now I have a chance to change that. If I chose the crystal, maybe I could be the hero. I could get the girl and the family I deserve.
Barry: Eddie. I know how much you're hurting. The life you're talking about, it's not yours. Iris isn't your wife. Nora is not your daughter.
Eddie: But they were supposed to be! And they still can be!
Barry: Eddie, you know that's not right. You have a chance to start over, to have your own life. What would Iris want you to do?

Eobard: And Zolomon-- Love your work. Although slightly derivative, don't you think? Pretending to be the Flash's ally. Let's see. Who's playbook is that from?
[points at himself]
Hunter: Are you mocking me?
Eobard: Now, you're catching on. Good, Zoom.
Hunter: I'm the fastest man alive.
Eobard: No, you're a strung out, jumped-up Velocity 9 junkie. The fastest man alive... You're looking at him.
August: Oh, please. I'm the one, true god of speed.
Savitar: [appears] No, I am. Before I bring this dimension to its knees, I demand who brought us here.
Eddie: I did.

Barry: No. Nora, this isn't you. It's the Negative Speed Force.
XS: Oh, Barry. So fast, but somehow always so slow. You never figured out the most powerful form of hate is by corrupting love by twisting it into its negative.
Barry: You're not going to make me hurt her.
XS: Either you kill your daughter, or I kill you. Both ways, I win.
Eddie: Nora! What are you doing?
Barry: Eddie.
XS: Eddie, I told you, we're getting your life back.
Eddie: No, this isn't right.

Captain: This is impossible. Eddie?
Eddie: I shot myself with this bullet. I need to find out what happened. I need to know how I'm alive.
Captain: Listen. I believe you. But this city is a lightning rod for insanity. You could be a clone or a cyborg. We need to get you to a hospital and get you checked out.
Eddie: No. I need to find the Flash. He'll know what's going on.
Captain: No, listen. We can't jump to conclusions without investigating. If you're really Eddie, then you're a detective, and you know this.
Eddie: I am Eddie Thawne! I'm alive, and I need to know why!
[a black hole opens above Eddie and Daisy]
Captain: What the hell?
[she gets sucked up into the black hole]
Eddie: KORBER!

XS: She's a pretty amazing person to try to forget, huh?
Eddie: That was a long time ago.
XS: For her. For you, it was yesterday. My mom told me a story about you guys-- that even though she was destined to be Iris West-Allen, you decided to be together anyway.
Eddie: Screw the future.
XS: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wouldn't want another singularity to open up in the Cortex.
Eddie: What do you mean?
XS: Those singularities that have been appearing, they're tied to your emotions. Did nobody tell you?
Eddie: Wait. So what happened to Captain Korber, that's my fault?
XS: You didn't mean to do it, did you?
Eddie: Oh, my God, I got her killed. Nora, you've got to help me. There must be some way to fix this, right? A way to undo this?
XS: I'm not sure. You thought you were Malcolm Gilmore, right? When did you first realize something was wrong?
Eddie: I was at Mercury Labs.
XS: Then we should start there.

Eddie: You see anything unusual?
XS: Nope, but you're the detective. Why do you think you're here? Do you think you just randomly popped up decades after you died by coincidence?
Eddie: No. There's no such thing as a coincidence.
XS: Then you must be here for a purpose. Maybe it has something to do with the other Thawnes. They were a pretty big deal. Or at least they were supposed to be.
Eddie: Eobard told me that. And he was just trying to get under my skin.
XS: And it worked, didn't it? You proved him wrong by throwing your life away. But what if you had the power to get that life back?
Eddie: What do you mean?
XS: The Flash get his power from the Speed Force, but there's another side of the equation, another power that spent far too long in the shadows, forced into an unnatural balance. It needs someone to stand up to the Flash. And that should be you.
Eddie: I don't understand. Are you talking about hurting your dad?
XS: Eddie, are you still this pathetic? Are you a waste of a man, like Eobard said? A loser, a nobody, forgotten by history? Are you still the idiot who died trying to save a man who stole his life?
Eddie: No! I'm not.
XS: Then show me. You know how things were supposed to be. You can have that life if you take it.

Eddie: Iris. No, don't go.
Cobalt: They aren't gone, Eddie. They're waiting for you.
Eddie: Tell me what to do.
Cobalt: Accept our power. And end the legacy of Barry Allen forever.

Eddie: I remember everything. I shot myself in the chest.
Captain: That wasn't you. Now put your hands behind your back.
Eddie: I am Eddie Thawne, and I'll prove it to you.
[pulls a bullet out of his chest]
Eddie: Now do you believe me?

Eddie: So do you guys finally believe me, or do I need to pee into a cup?
XS: According to all our tests, you're telling the truth. You really are Eddie Thawne.
Eddie: I know. So who the hell are you, and how did you know who I am?
[XS removes her mask showing her face]
Eddie: You're Barry's daughter? But I thought...
XS: I know. You probably recognize me from when we first met. 2013, New Year's Eve. I was one of the new interns at CCPD.
Eddie: I remember that.
XS: Yeah, we had to travel back to 2013 to save the timeline. I'm sorry, are you OK?
Eddie: That thing I saw in the museum... I also saw one at the cemetery. It killed Captain Korber.
XS: It was a singularity. Thank God it didn't keep growing. One like that almost destroyed the city on - on the day you died.
Eddie: Yesterday, I thought I was a man named Malcolm Gilmore. I turns out that whole life was a lie, and in reality I was a dead man - some idiot who killed himself to stop a supervillain that didn't stay dead.
XS: I know, but if you didn't do what you did in the Pipeline, my dad would've died that day.
Eddie: Maybe. Or maybe I could have had a whole life, a family. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be back from the dead, but there's being alive, and there's what makes life worth living. And Iris, your mom - that was my reason. And without that, I just - I don't why I'm here.
XS: I can't imagine how you must be feeling. But I know better than most, you have been given the rarest gift, a second chance. You just have to decide how you're going to use it.

Barry: Eddie, I can't believe you're really here. You sacrificed yourself to save me. I never thanked you.
Eddie: You too, Bar. These last couple days, I feel like I've been losing my mind.
Barry: Do you live here?
Eddie: I thought this was my home, my life. But I was wrong. Everything's wrong.
Barry: Eddie. It's going to be all right. I don't know how I got here, either. The power in that crystal is attacking me and my family through time. Now it's possessed my daughter, and I don't know to stop it. Maybe we can together.
Eddie: All I know is I used to be Malcolm Gilmore. I had his life, his memories. And that was a lie. How is that possible?