The Best Savitar Quotes

Eobard: And Zolomon-- Love your work. Although slightly derivative, don't you think? Pretending to be the Flash's ally. Let's see. Who's playbook is that from?
[points at himself]
Hunter: Are you mocking me?
Eobard: Now, you're catching on. Good, Zoom.
Hunter: I'm the fastest man alive.
Eobard: No, you're a strung out, jumped-up Velocity 9 junkie. The fastest man alive... You're looking at him.
August: Oh, please. I'm the one, true god of speed.
Savitar: [appears] No, I am. Before I bring this dimension to its knees, I demand who brought us here.
Eddie: I did.

Savitar: Still alive down there? You are only a shadow beneath my throne. You are the past, whereas I... I am the future Flash.

The: Who are you?
Savitar: Savitar. The God of Speed.

Savitar: My ascension is nearly at hand, Flash. As I rise, you will fall.

Killer: She got away.
Savitar: I told you exactly where she'd be.
Killer: Barry and Cisco were there when I arrived.
Savitar: As I told you they would be. Maybe there's more Caitlin Snow inside you then you led me to believe.
Killer: Are you saying I let her go on purpose?
Savitar: Did you? You call yourself Killer Frost, but you haven't actually killed anyone yet. You and I can both be gods, free of the pain and suffering of man. All you have to do is kill the girl.

The: I'm gonna kill you.
Savitar: If you had the strength to end my life, you would have done it in the future. But Barry Allen doesn't kill. He's the good guy. The boy Joe raised. The man Iris loves. You have everything. And deserves none of it. I'm gonna destroy this city like I did in the future, so you can see the truth, Barry. And then, you'll treat me like a god.
The: You're not a god!

Savitar: Still here, pretender? Still trying to find your place?
H.R. Wells: I found my place. It's standing here with these people, against you.
Savitar: You know, the sad thing is that you live. You survived my wrath. The coward. Irony.
Barry: Where are you? You said that I trapped you in the future, where?
Savitar: The only place that you could think of. The only place that could hold me.
Barry: How long have you been in prison?
Savitar: Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity.
Cisco: You know, it's funny, when I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar.
Savitar: Well, that's because you're small, Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you could have been a god. But instead, you'd rather work as... tech support.
Barry: You want to tell me why we're enemies?
Savitar: Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but... But it's me. It's always been me, Barry.

The: I know who you are.
Savitar: It's about time.
The: Yes, it is. Everything with you is about time, isn't it? The past, the present, the future - you know all of it, right? And you know everything about me! About Joe! About Wally. And Iris! You know our strengths. You know our fears. You know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us. All this time we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead, but that's not it! You don't just know what's gonna happen to us. You were there. You lived it. You remember... when you were me.
[the back of Savitar's suit opens up and a man climbs out revealing to be Barry's time remnant]
Savitar: Like I told you from the beginning... I am the future Flash.

Savitar: Julian. Julian!
Julian: No. Stay away.
Savitar: No, Julian. You can't get away. There's nowhere I won't find you. Only together can we bring about my return. Become my servant once more. Become Alchemy.

Savitar: I've been waiting for you. Fear not, my child. I've come only to offer you what you desire.
Killer: And what's that?
Savitar: Salvation.
Killer: You want to cure me? Turn me back into Caitlin Snow?
Savitar: No. I want to make sure Caitlin never returns.
Killer: Why should I trust you?
[Savitar's suit powers down and a man climbs out. Killer Frost recognises him]
Killer: What do you need me to do?

Savitar: I've beaten you, finally.
The: Where's Wally? What just happened to him?
Savitar: Like the Greek myth of Atlas, who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. You know me. I love a good myth.
The: He took your place. What...
Savitar: When you created Flashpoint, you unwittingly provided me with the means of my return.
The: Wally...
Savitar: You gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash, to make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed, he never saw he was running right into my trap.
The: How do I get him out?
Savitar: Wally's gone.
The: [yelling] How do I get him out?
Savitar: Suffering in an endless void for all eternity. Another victim Barry Allen failed to save.

Savitar: Poor Wallace. Can't even open a portal. You can't get rid of that Stone, Wallace. Like you can't get rid of me.
Kid: Oh, shut up, shut up.
Savitar: You know it's true. You're not fast enough to throw it into the Speed Force by yourself.
Kid: Shut up!
Savitar: I'm going to get out of here, Wallace. And then I'm gonna come for you and Barry and your sister, and I'll kill everyone you love.
Kid: No, you're not real! You're just in my head, just...
Savitar: Oh, I'm real, and I know the limits of your speed. After all, I'm the one who gave it to you.
Kid: And that... giving me speed... that was your biggest mistake.

Savitar: [speaking through Julian] Hello, Barry. It's been a while.
Barry: Savitar?
Savitar: None of you are on your knees. It's a smart move to bow before a deity.
Barry: You're not God.
Savitar: To be a god, you just have to make people believe you are.
Iris: No one believes in you.
Savitar: You should, Iris. I hold the power of life and death over all of you.
Caitlin: How do you know so much about us?
Savitar: I know you, Caitlin. Cisco, Joe, Wally. The fake Wells. I know your fears and I know your weaknesses. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your destinies. One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer a fate far worse than death. This is the knowledge I have for you. About your everlasting damnation.
Barry: Who are you?
Savitar: I am the future, Flash.
Barry: What do you want from us?
Savitar: Everything! Everything you took from me, I want it back. And I'm gonna take it back. Then, I will destroy you.
Barry: They why haven't you already? If you're all-powerful, then why don't you just gp ahead and kill is all know, be done with it? Because you can't.
Savitar: You did this to me. You trapped me in eternity. Your future self - you did this to me, Barry. And now the age of my revenge rises. My freedom is at hand. You will feel my wrath. The wrath of Savitar!

Reverse: Flash, Flash, Flash. You didn't think I was gonna miss how this all turns out, did you?
Zoom: We're gonna slaughter your team and end your legacy.
Khione: No, you won't, and that's your only warning.
Godspeed: Ooh, I like her. But seriously, you don't stand a chance in hell.
Savitar: Tonight we change the future.
Cobalt: Last chance to surrender, Flash.

Savitar: You may serve the Speed Force, Flash, but I rule it. You are only a man, but I am god. Your god. I am Savitar.

Eobard: Boys, meet Eddie Thawne, the dumbest branch on my family tree.
Hunter: Eddie Thawne. You're Team Flash's old cop friend, right? Well, that's-- that's real good, 'cause I am great at killing cops.
Eddie: That's real big talk for a bunch of dead men.
Hunter: Liar. I'm invincible!
Eddie: You sure about that?
Hunter: The Time Wraiths.
Eddie: You died, Hunter. So did you, Heart, in the year 2052. Oh, you, too, Savitar.
Savitar: No.
Eddie: Turns out none of you were powerful enough or fast enough to defeat the Flash. But together... we can do what none of you could do on your own.
Eobard: And tell me just how does a complete waste of a human being like yourself plan to defeat the Flash?
Eddie: Like this.
[Eddie uses the cobalt crystal to transform a speedster suit around his body]
Cobalt: You want more speed? I'll help you get it. Enough to kill the Flash. Now, who's in?