The Best Savitar Quotes

The: I know who you are.
Savitar: It's about time.
The: Yes, it is. Everything with you is about time, isn't it? The past, the present, the future - you know all of it, right? And you know everything about me! About Joe! About Wally. And Iris! You know our strengths. You know our fears. You know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us. All this time we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead, but that's not it! You don't just know what's gonna happen to us. You were there. You lived it. You remember... when you were me.
[the back of Savitar's suit opens up and a man climbs out revealing to be Barry's time remnant]
Savitar: Like I told you from the beginning... I am the future Flash.

Savitar: No speed gun can stop a god.

Savitar: Do it! You kill me, and you become me. Either way, I live.
[Barry vibrates Savitar's suit apart]
Barry: I'll never let the pain, the darkness, determine who I am. I will never be you.
[Barry punches him]

Savitar: An intradimensional quantum splicer.
Cisco: A splicer.
Savitar: I do have a plan B. I open a time portal, exposing the Speed Force, you shoot me with that, and I become fragmented throughout all of time. The past, present, future. After that, the paradox can't reach me.
Cisco: You want splice yourself throughout time? Exist in every single moment there ever was?
Savitar: All of us aware and connected through one consciousness. I'll be everywhere - every hour, every minute. And then, I will rule from the Big Bang until the end of the world.
Cisco: You wanted us to build this thing.
Savitar: Well, why do you think I let you idiots live? Tracy Brand trapped me in the Speed Force in the future. All I had to do was get her to build this a little earlier and have my best friend make all the adjustments.
Cisco: I'm not your friend.
Savitar: Get... to work, Francesco.
Cisco: How about I sit on my ass and let you obliterate permanently from existence? How's that sound?

Savitar: Fix this.
Cisco: Fix what? The Speed Force bazooka? I didn't name it. If I didn't name it, I didn't make it. If I didn't make it, I don't know how it works.
Savitar: Oh, you know enough about it to alter what it does.
Cisco: Oh, I see. So you want me to alter it. Well, what do you want me to alter into? Like, a hair dryer? A waffle maker? Oh, I know. Maybe something that's gonna fix that thin-crust pizza you call a face.

Barry: You're not so scary without your armor.
Savitar: What can I say? I outgrew red.
Barry: I know what you are. You're a time remnant.
Savitar: A temporal duplicate. Created when you run back in time and meet yourself. You brought a remnant to life last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died, saving the multiverse, and you continued your happy little life. And it would've stayed that way, but then you decided to play God. You created Flashpoint and changed everything.
Barry: I went to the future. My future self told me that he created time remnants to stop you. But you slaughtered them all.
Savitar: All but one. Me. I lived. But a funny thing happened when I did. You. Joe. Wally, Cisco. You all shunned me because I wasn't the true Barry Allen. I was an aberration. A disposable hero. Future you failed to mention that, didn't he?

The: How did you become Savitar?
Savitar: I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when I realized the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Iris to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born.
The: And the other?
Savitar: It may sound ironic, given who I'm talking to, but I'll keep that one to myself.
The: [vibrating his hand] What happens if I kill myself? If I die, you'll never be created.
Savitar: Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie, did it? Shot himself in the chest, Thawne's still kicking around. See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you.
The: But us having this conversation now, we're changing the future.
Savitar: Are we? My ascendancy is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten.

Savitar: What I remember... is being created as a disposable life. Something to be... thrown away when Barry Allen was done with me. He didn't care about me. Why should I care about his love?

[Barry phases into Savitar's suit and forces him out]
Barry: How does it feel to get so close to your ascension, and end up on the ground?
Savitar: Now I see. It's written.
Barry: Nothing's written!

Killer: We're a team, right? Barry and Caitlin, at it again.
Savitar: You're not Caitlin. And I'm not Barry.

Savitar: So how's this gonna work? Where will I live?
Barry: What do you mean?
Savitar: Are Wally and I gonna be bunk mates? Am I supposed to rejoin Team Flash, fight some Rogues? What kind of life were you thinking I'd lead?
Barry: I hadn't gotten that far yet.
Savitar: How would we explain me at the wedding? And do I sit bride-side or groom-side?

Savitar: It's like looking in a mirror.
[indicating the burn scars on his face]
Savitar: Well... not quite.