The Best Dr. Meena Dhawan Quotes

Barry: It's all my fault.
Bart: What about Thawne?
Barry: Negative Forces... they were transforming him somehow.
Bart: So he's still alive?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: But they already gave him his speed back. What more could they want?
Chester P. Runk: [his tablet beeps] Guys, I'm picking up a huge influx of negative kinetic tachyons.
Barry: Where?
Chester P. Runk: Right over Downtown.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I'm so sorry. What just happened?
The: You created your own lightning bolt again. Something I couldn't do for months when I first got my speed.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: I-I didn't mean to do it, I was just frustrated I couldn't catch up, and then it just happened.
The: I've never seen artificial lightning interact with organic lightning like this before.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Okay. That's disturbing.
The: We should - we should go over your biometrics, make sure everything else is within normal parameters.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: Oh, my gosh. Did you see that? I just hit 300 meters per second.
The: That's your best time yet. Now let's see if you can keep up.

Barry: [Meena wants to destroy the B.L.O.C] Meena, you don't wanna do this.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Yes, I do! This machine ruined my life!
Barry: No, it didn't. Thawne did.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: There is nothing we can do about it! Not anymore.
Barry: [getting an idea, he glances at the machine] Yes, there is. Look, Meena, I know exactly how you feel. You're the only one who understands, who knows, how this has to end. That's why you can't destroy your work. We need it.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: What for?
Barry: So we can get you charged, and you can share your speed again... with me.

Barry: How are you feeling?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like there is so much I don't know. But more importantly, the B.L.O.C. is no longer working. It was never my idea, was it?
Barry: No, it wasn't. The Negative Speed Force used the machine to pick its avatars. You were a means to an end.
Iris: I'm sorry you lost your speed.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Don't be. It was never my dream to be a speedster.
Iris: I know I never got to meet him, but... Eobard seems like a very special person.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: He was.
Iris: [giving her his yellow tie] I wanted to give you this.
Barry: We found it at STAR Labs.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Thank you. For everything.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I'm sorry, Flash. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but... I'm not ready for this.
The: Meena, why are you pushing yourself so hard?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: You can lap the planet in seconds. I can barely stay on a treadmill. Flash, how am I supposed to be a hero?
The: You already are?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: No, I'm not. Flash, I don't have what it takes.
The: I think you do.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Why? Because, honestly, when I first built that machine, I wanted... I wanted... nothing. Look. I'll never be the person you are.
[the Flash deactivates his cowl]
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Holy crap. You're...
The: Officer Barry Allen, CSI.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: So the fastest man alive is a badge with a day job? That's so...
The: Ordinary. Yeah, that's my point. You'd be surprised at people's capacity to rise up and help others during a crisis. They just need to be given the opportunity. That suit, that's your opportunity. I think you're gonna be surprised at how well it fits, but you have to give yourself the chance.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Damn, that's good.
The: I have my moments.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Fine. I'll give it a shot. Besides, I already have my own suit. I guess all I need is my own superhero name.
The: No, you already have that too. Fast Track.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Fast Track.

Chester P. Runk: Guys, I'm not just picking up negative kinetic isotopes; reading temporal, geothermic, electric chemical ones, too.
Barry: He has the power of all four Negative Forces now.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Why?
Barry: To tip the balance of power in their favor; turn the entire world into a living hell.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: [narrating] To understand what I'm about to tell you, there is something you need to remember. In every atom, there is a perfect balance of protons and electrons. But it's those negative particles that let an atom grow. My name is Dr. Meena Dhawan, and for the next three minutes and 52 seconds, I'm the fastest woman alive.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: [an attempt to get Barry into the Negative Speed Force fails] Why didn't it work?
Chester P. Runk: I-I don't know.
Bart: If this won't work, we can't access the Negative Speed Force.
Barry: Then we need to find another way.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Eobard would've known what to do. But now he's gone. Because of me... and that damn machine.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I can run at the speed of sound, but you...
The: Can run a lot faster than that. Look, the point is, you can't outrun me. So why don't you just tell me who you are and what's really going on?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Look, I'm not a supervillain. That fire was an accident.
The: I know. But you risked people's lives to steal a battery.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: And I'm so sorry about that. I'm not a natural speedster like you.
The: That's why you've been so hard to trace. Your speed's temporary.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Exactly. You see, my... associate and I found a way to generate my own speed source. I'm still trying to work out the kinks, so the effects only last a few minutes. I thought the battery could help extend the window, and I figured why sped another four years calibrating sodium nitrate cells when I could just borrow the only one I'd already made? I designed the original Newton Battery when I was a young engineer working here at IVO.
The: The Newton Battery was invented by Meena Dhawan.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: [unmasks herself] It's Dr. Meena Dhawan, actually.
The: You-you're the CEO of Fast Track Labs. Your book, "Quantum Gravity and the Universe", I've-I've read it three times. You're a genius.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: That's surprising and very flattering. Unfortunately, this genius intellect hasn't been any help in mastering these new abilities. That's why I've been trying to take a low profile, running trials with my team. The truth is... I just want to use my gifts to help people.
The: Well, I'm glad to hear that. I-when I first got my speed, I... I had a mentor, someone to coach me on how to use my powers, so if you're interested.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: You'd really do that for me?
[they shake hands]
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Thank you. I promise you won't regret this.

Barry: [Meena charges her powers in the B.L.O.C] Your speed's at 100%.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Promise me when you find that bastard, you'll never let him hurt anyone else ever again.
Barry: You remember what you did when you shared your speed with Eobard?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: He told me I had to share the most important parts of myself.

The: I know this is a big step.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Yeah, I'll say.
Chester P. Runk: Now, that - that's a superhero.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Are you sure I, like, need to wear this? Maybe we're moving too fast.
The: These suits monitor our vitals and allow us to communicate with each other. That keeps us safe just in case something happens.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like my connection to the Negative Speed Force?
The: I know you can handle this, and I will be there for you every step of the way.

Cecile: Barry, it sounds dangerous.
Bart: 'Cause it is.
Allegra: Fine, so how exactly do you get inside the Negative Speed Force?
Barry: The first time I went into the Positive Speed Force, Harry hit me with a concentrated blast of dark matter and lightning that generated a tachyon reaction.
Chester P. Runk: Well, I could rig the tachyon harness to do the same. Only, if you're trying to get in a negative place, you're gonna need a negative source of lightning.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like me.
Cecile: Meena, I-I don't think that's such a good idea right now.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: We need to find a way in. I'm the key.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: There she is, my pride and joy.
Barry: Wow. Is that an oscillation chamber?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: It's a biometric lightning oscillation chamber, technically. We call it the B.L.O.C. It's built with quantum computing to remotely harness lightning from the Earth's upper atmosphere and turn it into artificial speed.
Barry: This equipment is decades ahead of any other lab.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Oh. Including yours, I hope?