The Best Joan Williams Quotes

Joan: His biometrics are crashing.
Jay: I'm also picking up temporal energy readings. His mind has broken past the barrier. It's not just a new timeline he's found. It's billions of them. And Barry's mind is experiencing them all.

Joan: Your husband stared at me that same way when we first met.
Iris: I'm sorry. You look just like Barry's mother.

Joan: Maybe we should renew our vows.
Jay: Oh, I'd marry you again in a heartbeat.

Joan: That felt like an earthquake.
Jay: Or something a lot worse.

Joan: What is that thing?
Jay: It's a Time Stone. I've heard about it in my travels. Where did you get it?
Joe: Damien Darhk gave it to me. He said I might need it one day. But why is it glowing now?
Joan: Those particles that were left behind - they're Iris' consciousness, and now, I think they've somehow ended up inside the stone.
Joe: How do we get her out of there?

Joan: Barry. You're with us. William Knox. I've discovered that poetry can stimulate collapsed neural pathways.
Barry: Lady Gaga usually works for me.

Joe: Baby girl, wherever you are... please, please come back home soon.
[Jay zoops in with Joan]
Joe: Jay, Joan, what are... what are you doing here?
Joan: We've been following Iris' particle trail across the timestream, and it led us here.
Joe: When Cecile called, she said Iris was still missing.
Jay: [as he wanders around, a Geiger counter-like device on his wrist beeps] Not anymore. Come this way.

Joan: Barry, your Force particles are gone. And as for you, Iris, there's no sign of your time sickness anywhere. You're completely cured.
Nora: And Gideon says there's no Thawne anywhere in the timeline.
Iris: Then it's really over, all of it.
Barry: Bart, Nora, about the way I behaved today...
Bart: Uh-uh. No, not after all of the things that you have helped us with.
Nora: Yeah, he's right, Dad. At the end of the day, all that matters is you did the right thing.
Jay: And on that note, I think we should all go back to our lives in 2049.
[shaking hands with Barry]
Jay: Great work today, Flash, as always.

Jay: Barry's never gonna believe this.
Joan: I can barely believe it either. In the last 40 days, the Speed Force saturation in your body has gone 0 to 100, Jay.
Jay: You know, a year ago, I thought I'd never run again, but then I hit the jackpot. And just in time too.
Joan: Because an army of evil speedsters is attacking Central City?
Jay: Joan, I know I'm rusty, but Barry needs all the help he can get.
Joan: Fine, but I've got a patient going into surgery at the clinic. So when you're out there please remember...
Jay: Be careful?
Joan: [hands Jay his helmet] Watch your head. Doctor's orders.

Joan: Jay told me he's the doppelganger of your late father.
Barry: Mm.
Joan: Do I remind you of anyone from your Earth?
Barry: Yeah, you do.
Joan: Hmm. Who is she?
Barry: Someone very special.
Jay: Ain't she? I never thought I'd settle down. But I needed a neurological specialist to help with my depleting speed, and something just felt right between us.