Top 250 Quotes From Nia Nal

Nia: So, are you sure it worked? Did we really prevent CJ from freeing Naxim?
[cut to a hotel bar, where CJ sips a martini]
CJ: [answering a call from Perry] Hello. Perry, let me stop you right there. I don't know exactly what a balloon boy is, but I do know that I will not be reporting on one. I am done reporting on your shallow, insipid, white-noise bunk. I did not become a journalist to write about which celebrity is in rehab. I became a journalist to make waves. And that is exactly what I am going to do. I quit. Oh, and, Perry, from now on, it's Cat Grant.
Brainiac: [nearby as she leaves] That's one mission down.

Brainiac: Lex's behavior tonight... it was irrational. He had the Love totem in his grasp, and yet... yet he portaled away without it. Why?
Nia: I try not to get too much into the psyche of Lex Luthor.
Brainiac: Something changed him in the future. We need to know more. I don't want to make the same mistakes of the past.
Nia: Well, you won't. 'Cause this time, you don't have secrets. This time, you have me and the rest of the team, and we trust you. You need to call the future.

Nia: [blasting Hat with her powers] Rad.
Supergirl: Rad.
Querl: I built the gloves to harness raw dream energy. So, yes, it's quite "rad".

Young: You said that you and Brandon were fleeing a dying planet. Uh, does that mean your family, are they...
Nia: Um... my father was able to escape, but my sister and I don't really talk, and, um... my mother passed away before we had to flee.
Young: I'm sorry. I lost my mom, too. But...
[showing Nia her necklace]
Young: ... this was hers. It's from Krypton. I still remember what it was like there. I still remember her. I love my Earth family, but it's not the same as being with people who really understand you.
Nia: I know what you mean. My powers are passed down from mother to daughter, but my mom died before she could teach me how to use them. I've been doing my best without her guidance, but... I'm struggling.
Young: You won't always feel that way. It gets better.
Nia: Sometimes, I think that if I could just call her and hear her voice, I might be able to find the confidence to keep going.

Nia: [waking from a dream with a gasp] Nyxly.

Kelly: There's nearly a billion people logged into the Unity Fest already.
Alex: Can we shut down the system?
M'gann: Or destroy it somehow?
Lena: No. The Luthor power core has an indestructible failsafe.
Nia: So, you're saying we need to convince potentially billions of people to log out of a virtual reality paradise of their own free will. Hope you've got one of those classic hope speeches handy.
Supergirl: I mean, I've done it before, but never on this level.
Alex: Oh, if anyone can do it, it's you.
Alex: Jinx.

Kara: [surprised to see Alex and their friends in her loft] What are you guys doing here?
Alex: It's game night, remember? We thought that it would cheer you up.
Kara: Oh, that's... guys, that's really sweet. I-I... I just figured with Nxyly still out there, we would cancel our plans.
Kelly: We all need to relax and decompress. You most of all, Kara.
Kara: Yeah, but there's still no sign of Nxyly and she already has one totem.
Alex: Brainy is on the Legion ship and he's scanning for Nxyly's ship. So if she or Mitch pop up anywhere, we'll know.
J'onn: Besides, the mental tether you share with Nxyly could be a benefit to us.
Kara: Yeah, but I... I can't read her mind. I-I can only sense her extreme emotions. And it's not like a light switch I can just turn on and off. I feel like I'm constantly just waiting for it to happen. I can't think of anything else. We have to find her.
Lena: Well, I might have something that can help. My mother's book of spells.
Kelly: Have you found anything useful?
Lena: Not yet. I'm trying to figure out the underlying scientific logic, but I'm beginning to think magic is mainly just instinct and intuition.
Nia: Honestly, that sounds a lot like dream interpretation. Maybe I could help you try to sort some of that out?
Lena: I'd really like that. Maybe we could start tomorrow.

Brainiac: You were great today.
[seeing her look]
Brainiac: No. Hey, Nia. You were. You conjured the dream world into reality... and you interpreted your dream about Cat, and used that information to save the space-time continuum.
Nia: I was only able to interpret my dream because I've lived through Cat Grant.
Brainiac: [kissing her] You saved us. And when we save Supergirl from the Phantom Zone, it will be because of you.
Nia: Brainy, are you crying?
Brainiac: Ah, it's just... I've been so consumed with negative emotions, lately, I... I forgot how the good ones felt. Maybe that's the... the lesson of high school. You're not supposed to suppress the bad emotions, you're simply meant to endure them. So you can appreciate the good ones when they come.
Nia: Mm. What are you feeling now?
Brainiac: [setting course for the future] Hopeful.

Nia: I can't believe it. CatCo's not gonna be the same without you.
Lena: Being a journalist is part of who you are.
Supergirl: I know, but with Nxyly still out there, I need to stay focused. She is the biggest threat we have ever faced, and there's no reason for us to always be one step behind. I want to draw Nxyly out and catch her off-guard.
J'onn: I like it. How do we do it?
Brainiac: We have a plan. Nia, Lena, Kelly, to the lab.
Supergirl: And I could use your help on disarming strategies.
J'onn: Sure.

Kara: Cat says amazing things about you.
Nia: Really?
Kara: Yeah.
Nia: [handing over a cup] Oh, the coffee's for you.
Kara: Oh, thanks.
Nia: I'm sorry.
Kara: Thank you. But you're a reporter. You don't have to get me coffee.
Nia: Oh, I know, um, but Ms. Grant mentioned that you liked lattes, so I thought I'd pick one up. She said you were particular about the temperature, so I had it all perfectly planned out, but then my plan went haywire, no thanks to my roommate, and I... it's probably too cold by now. I'm sorry.
Kara: Oh, my God. You're me.
Nia: I am?
Kara: Yeah, totally. It's... it's unnerving.

Nia: It seems scarier now that they've trained dogs to identify aliens.
James: They have?
Kara: Yep. Actually, the guy Supergirl fought the other night had a dog.
Alex: What are you thinking, James?
James: Tom and I were walking his dog yesterday, and-and the dog kept barking at certain houses.
Nia: Alien houses.
J'onn: Did they mark them somehow?
James: I mean, he-he kept texting somebody who he claimed to be his wife, but I... I guess he could have been texting somebody else to-to mark those addresses for later.

Nia: I wanted to see if there was any update on Yvette's assault.
Detective: We're still reviewing surveillance footage from the club and surrounding businesses, and processing the physical evidence.
Nia: So you're saying you're nowhere?
Detective: I can assure you, I will do everything in my power to catch him.
Nia: [feigning sincerity] I appreciate that.
[hanging up]
Nia: I gave you your chance.
[glancing at a picture of her and Kara on her laptop]
Nia: Sorry, Kara.
[creating an Upswipz profile]
Nia: Now it's time to do everything in my power. Come and get me.

Isabel: [outgoing voicemail message] Hi. You've reached Isabel Nal.
Nia: Mom?
Isabel: I'm so sorry I missed your call. Knowing me, I'm either in the garden or the studio, so don't take it personally, but please leave a message and I'll be sure to get back to you. Have a great day.

Supergirl: Oh, hey, Nia. What is it?
Nia: Kara, Ms. Rojas is furious. Where are you?
Supergirl: On my way.
[to Alex]
Supergirl: I'll stay with J'onn tonight in case his brother comes back. But I have to do some damage control at CatCo first.

Lena: So, Brainy's drunk.
Kara: Oh!
Lena: He thought the mojitos were a vegetable juice.
Nia: [entering] Did someone say mojitos at brunch? Sounds like my kind of party.

Nia: [jerking awake at her desk] Chocolate-covered espresso beans!
Kara: Nia? You feeling all right?
Nia: Oh... oh, no... Oh, no. Please don't fire me.
James: Oh, no, no, no. No, no one's gonna fire you. I mean, you do amazing work, when you're... awake.
Nia: Uh, I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, but I have that sleep thing. The one that causes you to fall asleep at random times.
James: Narcolepsy?
Nia: Yes! That's it. Narcolepsy.
Kara: Oh, good... well, Nia, that-that's a serious illness. Have you seen a doctor?
Nia: Yeah. Yeah, back in D.C. I haven't found anyone here yet.

James: Got to say, guys, I'm not a huge fan of this.
Querl: Intriguing. I should think discovering you're inflammable would be an emotional net-positive.
Nia: Flame-proof. How are you not more excited?
James: Because you're the exciting one. Not so mild-mannered cub reporter turned inspirational superhero? I'm just happy to say I knew you when.
Nia: Thanks, boss.
[holding up an alien hammer]
Nia: Now, I'm gonna hit you with this and we're gonna see what happens.
James: And I'm gonna ask you to turn it down, because I'm not ready for that yet.

Nia: Franklin is afraid to go home. Don't you think that maybe... it's time for you to rejoin the super friends?
Kara: Nia, don't you think I wish I could? But look what people are saying.
[indicating a news report about the search for Supergirl]
Kara: Exposing Lex is the only way I can help right now, and when I do, it will clear Supergirl's name and I can get back out there with you and help people.
Nia: Okay. No, you're right. Uh, you stay on Lex. But I'm gonna watch the streets. Someone needs to make Lockwood go nighty-night-night.

Supergirl: All right, so what do we do about Leviathan?
J'onn: We'll fight 'til our last breath.
M'gann: J'onn, are you sure?
J'onn: With you by my side, 100%.
Nia: Well, we'll need to do something to draw Leviathan out.
J'onn: I'll send them a message.
Supergirl: What are you gonna say?
J'onn: Something to get their attention.
[his eyes turn red; cut to the Leviathan ship]
Rama: That arrogant Martian thinks he can speak to me like that? I'm a god!
[leading the others out]
Rama: Once we're done with this world, I'll turn to Mars next.

Nxylgsptinz: Nia, you're back. Thank goodness. I'm sorry our conversation got interrupted by that vicious owl. We were just about to make a deal.
Nia: Thanks. But no thanks.
Nxylgsptinz: I don't understand.
Nia: Nxyly... I don't know you. But I do know that imps, on the whole, are not to be trusted.
Nxylgsptinz: How would you like to be judged by your species, Nia? Aren't you a hero on Earth?
Nxylgsptinz: Yes, but...
Nxylgsptinz: I can grant your dearest wish, Nia. And you can end this cycle of tormented dreams, and finally see your mum for 24 hours. Don't you want that?
Nia: Of course I do.
Nxylgsptinz: Then let's help each other!

Nia: You wanted to see me?
Kara: Yeah, I was just checking in. I know James asked the new reporters to pitch him a list of story ideas. Did you pick an article?
Nia: Yes. Uh, the feature on National City's new fashion district.
Kara: Really?
Nia: You don't think it's a good idea?
Kara: It's fine. It's just I read on your résumé that you have a degree in international relations from Georgetown. Are you sure you don't want to do something with a little more heft?
Nia: There's nothing slight about fashion, Kara. It's one of the most visceral forms of art. What we choose to wear tells a story about who we are. Whether you wear black and leather or pastels and silk, you're creating an inner version of yourself whether you realize it or not.
Kara: Never really thought about clothes that way.
Nia: Well, what makes this story so exciting is that the fashion district's setting up shop in the middle of East City. New legislation is allowing designers to live and work in industrial spaces that have been abandoned for decades. An area that's been a hotbed for crime is going to be infused with color and life. I just think of all the kids growing up in that neighborhood, all the new job opportunities that'll be created. The fashion district article I wanna write about isn't about clothes. It's about community and growth. And hope.
Kara: You need to pitch the article exactly like that to James. He's gonna love it.

Kara: [learning William's Mexican contact died] Why would anyone want to kill her?
Nia: She was the lead accountant for Obsidian Worldwide.
Kara: You mean our parent company?
Nia: And William's. Also, I tracked that license plate number you sent me and got a hit back courtesy of our friends at the NCPD. Meet Sergio Ramos, known player in Intergang, Mexico City.
Kara: Are you saying that William is involved with organized crime?
Nia: This is starting to get a little international assassin-y.
Kara: We need proof. We have to find out what he had on her. What she had on him.

J'onn: I haven't been able to locate a signal from Mxy or Nxyly since they both disappeared.
Supergirl: Mxy told me over and over again how far gone Nxyly was, and I refused to listen. He gave himself up so that I didn't have to use the Phantom Zone projector. Turns out using it was the right call all along.
Alex: Well, you just held hope that you could appeal to the good in someone. It-it didn't work this time, but you were not wrong to try.
Brainiac: Still... we lost Mxy.
Nia: That doesn't mean we can't save him. I dreamt that Mxy died, but if what he says is true, then he's still alive in that crystal. And thanks to him, Nxyly is depowered, and we know what she's after. We all make mistakes, right? So all we can do now is learn from them and try to move forward.
Supergirl: Let's go get him.

Nia: What do you mean you crashed my dreams?
Nxylgsptinz: An evil man took my powers and banished me from my dimension. In my weakened state, I couldn't cross the barrier into your real world, and I got trapped here.
Nia: Only Naltorians are supposed to be able to enter the dream realm in physical form.
Nxylgsptinz: Technically, not only Naltorians. I'm from the 5th Dimension.
Nia: You're an imp.
Nxylgsptinz: An imp stripped of my powers. Well, mostly. I still have some small remnant of magic left, enough to sense you. It took me ages to find you, but I knew that you were my only chance of getting out of here.
Nia: What makes you think I can help?
Nxylgsptinz: On occasion, Naltorian women have been known to manifest their dreams in the real world.
Nia: That's nothing to mess with. It's dangerous to interfere with the laws of the universe.
Nxylgsptinz: I get it. But sometimes, you have to take a chance, Nia. I would never ask you to take a risk alone. If you help me, I will go to great lengths to help you.
Nia: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't need any help.
Nxylgsptinz: I don't mean to pry, but I have seen your dreams, Nia. You miss your mother. You need to see her, and I know exactly how that feels. I desperately miss my brother and my father. I have to get home to see them. We can help each other, Nia. If you get me out of this dream realm, I will have enough power to bring your mother back to life.
Nia: Bringing someone back from the dead, that's... a serious infraction of universal law. I know imps are powerful, but I didn't know they could do that.
Nxylgsptinz: We can. With some limits. I can only bring your mother back to life for exactly one day.
Nia: Really?
Nxylgsptinz: In a snap. You and I have such similar needs, to be reunited with our families. It's destiny that we help each other. What do you say?

Maeve: This is it. The Dream totem should be in this spire.
Nia: Maeve, wait. If the Oracle put the totem in this spire for protection, we need to be ready for anything.
Maeve: So what do we do?
Dreamer: [conjuring her superhero suit] Let me take the lead.

Brainiac: According to this energy signature, Naxim Tork's ship should be right over there.
Nia: So we just have to find CJ before she finds it.
Brainiac: Honestly, I was dubious of our plan succeeding, but... eh, looks like our luck is finally turning for the better.
Young: [coming out of the Legion crusier] Hi, guys. Don't be mad.

Nia: [seeing the pink cougar's cage in a dream] Okay, let's actually read you this time.
[with a growl, the cougar approaches, snarling]
Nia: [catching it in a bubble as it attacks] Don't!
[seeing the initials P.W. on the cougar's cage]
Nia: It's slipping. I can't... hold it.
Brainiac: [as she wakes up, he sees the bubble she conjured] What is that?
Naxim: Well, if it isn't the Naltorian.
[Nia manages to conjure the pink cougar]
Naxim: Run!
Brainiac: Is that the cougar from your dream?
Nia: Totes.

Andrea: Can anyone tell me what this is?
Nia: It's the current media tracker's latest ranking of the top ten news outlets in the country.
Andrea: Yes. And CatCo is number eight. Number *eight*! Does anybody know what else ranked number eight?
[no response]
Andrea: No, you don't. Because no one ever remembers number eight. Look, I know that our reputation took a hit after our little slip-up covering the Lex Luthor trial... but we must do better. CatCo had the tradition of being *the* go-to news source. Trusted and respected. We need more breaking news. More hard-hitting journalism. We must rebuild. Find new sources, dig deeper. We will be number one by the end of next month's ranking... or I will get a new staff. Am I clear?
[taking the silence as affirmation of understanding]
Andrea: Good. Now, back to work.

Querl: Dearest Nia. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Nia: Brainy, what...? Why are you doing all this?
Querl: Nia, I heard you loud and clear. From now on, I will shower you with poetry.
Nia: O... oh!
Querl: Have no fear. Even without spicy tuna, I will venture to make each day the best day ever. Which is theoretically impossible. But... you make me want to do the impossible.
Nia: Brainy, you are adorable. But sometimes you are the dumbest smartest person I know.

Brainiac: If we don't find this Naxim Tork, we will have torn the fabric of space and time, which could rewrite the victors of wars, create anomalies where none existed, erase entire existences!
Nia: Alex hasn't been able to get ahold of Kara. This is all my fault. If I had just been able to interpret my dream, we would have been able to catch this guy. I should have just kept trying my mom.
Brainiac: Kept trying who?
Nia: [realizing what she said] My mom. I called her.
Brainiac: Nia... how could you? Why...
Nia: Because I can't interpret my dreams and I need help. I didn't talk to her. I just... I just needed to hear her voice and feel close to her. So I listened to her voicemail and that's it.
Brainiac: [beginning to pace] Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran. Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.
Nia: Brainy?
Brainiac: Around the rugged...
[falling to the ground and doing push-ups]
Brainiac: Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.
Nia: Brainy, what are you doing?
Brainiac: I'm coping. High school, Nia, with its many species and subcultures, each with its own tactics of stress mitigation. Now, I thought that given the extreme circumstances, that employing all the coping mechanisms I learned today would help. But disappointingly, they remain... ineffective! I'm sorry, you, uh... you... you partook in-in-in some, uh, high-school experience, yes? Yeah? Hmm? What-what-what subculture did you adhere to?
Nia: I don't know. I mostly tried to keep to myself.
Brainiac: Please, just... ju... how did... how did you cope?
Nia: I would sing my favorite song. It's corny, but it made me feel like I could do anything.
Brainiac: Please show me.
Nia: [singing] Tumble out of bed/And I stumble to the kitchen/Pour myself a cup of ambition/And yawn and stretch/And try to come to life/Jump in the shower and the blood stars pumping/Out on the street, the traffic starts jumping/With folks like me on the job/From nine to five/Working nine to five/What a way to make a living/Barely getting by/It's all taking and no giving/They just use your mind/And they never give you credit/It's enough...
[getting an alert that Tork has been located]
Nia: Naxim's ship. You okay?
Brainiac: [nodding] Let's go.

Nia: There has to be some way out of here.
Isabel: Not today. You made the bargain, Nia. You called me back. Let's get to work.

Nia: I think it's good Brainy and I broke up.
Kara: [skeptical] Right.
Nia: I'm being honest. Look... Brainy clearly has some... emotional complexities that I wasn't aware of. And whether that's because of the personality inhibitors or not, it's better to know now.
Alex: Well, I will be honest. I am a bit worried about Brainy.
Kara: Yeah. I mean, it must be so strange to have your whole self just shift like that.
Nia: Uh, so, how's it been at the DEO? Can't believe Lex owns it in this universe.
Alex: Employees get stock options and four weeks paid vacation.
Kara: But no beach vacation can mask evil. Just wish we knew what he was up to.

Nia: [ennding a phone call] Sister. We're close, but, um, she drives me crazy.
Kara: Well, I can relate to that.

Brainiac: Our anti-magic cuff is complete.
J'onn: Now for a plan to get it onto Nxyly with less than an hour to go.
Supergirl: [coming in with Nia] We've got that covered. Brainy, we're gonna need to borrow your image inducer.
Nia: Our new Mxy decoy is gonna be me. We'll go to Smidt Park...
Supergirl: Alone, so we don't spook Nxyly.
Nia: And I'll get the cuff on her.
Alex: Hmm. Looks like you were right on track with that whole copy idea, Mxy.
Brainiac: [giving Nia his inducer] You sure about this?
Nia: We are. Don't worry. I won't do anything rash.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Ms. Nal, while I know it's going to be challenging, I have complete faith in your ability to replicate my... je ne sais quoi.
J'onn: Better her than me.
[putting the inducer on, Nia becomes Mxy's double]
Nia: What could go wrong?

Nia: If this Perry White wants to keep you in the gossip column, he's an idiot.
CJ: Oh. Well, I don't disagree.
Nia: You don't need to be in the woods trying to prove yourself to Perry White. You're a visionary, you're formidable, you're... you're friends with Oprah.
CJ: I am?
Nia: [realizing her gaffe] Uh, you should be, in the future.
CJ: Hmm.
Nia: You're a natural-born leader. You're someone who knows what she wants and knows how to get it.
CJ: I am, aren't I?
Nia: Yes. Yes, you don't need the Daily Planet. You have an entire media empire to build and an entire generation of women to inspire. You're freakin' Cat Grant.
CJ: Cat Grant?
Nia: Um...
CJ: Huh. When I went to work for Perry, he started calling me CJ, and I just stuck with it. But "Cat Grant"... I like the ring of that.

Young: I know I've been a bit of a grouch with you guys, but... thanks for all your help with the space psychos.
Nia: It was a team effort.
Brainiac: Naxim and his comrade are secured inside one of their cages. I've re-cloaked their ship and alerted the proper intergalactic authorities. Midvale won't be plagued by these two anymore.
Kenny: Space cops are a thing?
Brainiac: Indeed. Accordingly, we should be on our way.

M'gann: You can't fool a sidekick. I saw you hesitate during the fight. You dreamed something. And it terrified you. What did you see?
Nia: Brainy.
M'gann: You two were a couple, right?
[seeing Nia react]
M'gann: You know J'onn. For a deeply serious man, he's got a big mouth.
Nia: [smiling in amusement] I know. It was more than a relationship. We were partners. We... protected each other. Turns out the one thing I couldn't protect him from was himself. I told him to take off those inhibitors. Maybe these dreams are because of my guilt.
M'gann: There may be more to what he's going through than you know. When J'onn discovered that I was a White Martian, he thought the worst of me. Until he finally saw my soul.
Nia: I'm not a telepath.
M'gann: No, you're a dreamer. And like it or not, you're dreaming now. You have to engage with it. It could have meaning far deeper than you realize.
Nia: I'm sorry, M'gann, I need to be keeping Brainy out of my mind, not letting him in.

Nia: Can I ask you, how do you know so much about me?
Querl: Well, I'm a twelfth-level inte...
Kara: [cutting him off] He's really smart.
Nia: Oh.
Querl: All you need to know is that what you see isn't necessarily what will be. Hence, the need for exploration and interpretation. But that is why I'm here. So, you have nothing to worry about, Nura.
Nia: Did you just call me Nura?
Querl: No. I didn't.
[to Kara]
Querl: Did... did you call her Nura?
[Kara shakes her head]
Querl: She didn't.

Kara: [re new boss Andrea] Bad enough that we have to do journalism via tweets, now she wants to turn us all into ad-hacks?
Nia: Speaking of hacks...
[looks over her shoulder at William]
Nia: Joe Pulitzer is certainly all for it.
Kara: Mm-hmm.
Nia: I was so sure you were gonna find something at that address listed in his name.
[sits down]
Nia: First, he's onto the death of Dr. Jarrod, then to whatever covert action happened in Mexico City. I don't know, I find it hard to believe there's no connection.
Kara: [hiding the truth from her friend] I know, I guess we were just looking for connections where there weren't any. I mean... he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with Dr. Jarrod, and Mexico City was just about the Miss Mexico pageant. William Dey is not a murderer, he's just a Grade A jerk.
[goes off]
Nia: True.

Nia: With your inhibitors off, you're feeling a lot of emotions right now.
Brainiac: Lena advised me to embrace them.
Nia: Right now, you're not embracing them, you're eating them.
Brainiac: Mmm.
Nia: I've been there. Kara and Alex, too.
Brainiac: Their dumpling obsession.
Nia: A donut can't be there for you... but I'm here if you wanna talk.
Brainiac: It's not a problem, Nia.
Nia: Okay.
Brainiac: Well, I can stop comfort eating whenever I want.

Kara: Were you just talking to someone that works at AmerTek?
Franklin: [with toothbrush still in his mouth] My sister.
Kara: Well, I'm working on an article to expose Lex Luthor, and I know AmerTek was involved. Do you think your sister would be willing to talk to me?
Franklin: I don't know. It's...
Nia: [approaching] Franklin, did you sleep here?
Franklin: Lockwood and his men raided the building across the street from mine.
Nia: I am so sorry.
Kara: Me, too. But that is why this is so important for us to put a stop to. Have your sister call me?
[he nods]
Kara: Thanks, Franklin.

Maeve: I think I've figured something out. Do you see these small diamond shapes here?
Nia: The little ones around the big ones?
Maeve: I always assumed they were decorative, like a frame. But what if these small diamonds represent these spires, here?
Nia: Guess it's possible.
Maeve: And if that's true, then maybe this big diamond in the center isn't just a symbol of the Dream totem.
Nia: It's the actual location.
Maeve: I know looking for a giant Dream spire in the middle of this place is like looking for a big tree in an endless forest. At least it's something. Just wish we could get a better view.
Nia: I may have a way.
[using her powers, she conjures a platform that raises them into the air]
Maeve: Wow. That was amazing. Did Mom teach you how to do this?
Nia: No. I figured it out by myself. So, do you see any spires that look bigger than the others?
Maeve: No.
[noticing something]
Maeve: There's one that's more... gold.
Nia: [Maeve's necklace glows again] Maeve, that's it. We found it.
Maeve: We did.
Nia: [Maeve takes her hand; uncomfortable, she lets go] We should get moving.

Young: [Nia returns from talking to CJ] Brenda. Did you find her?
Brainiac: Kara and I put everything and everyone else back to where they need to be, so...
Nia: She bought it. It's time to get out of here.
Young: Wait. How do we know the future is really fixed?
[they and the Legion cruiser vanish in a flash of light]

Brainiac: I think I have a lead on our attacker.
Nia: Is that the DEO database?
Brainiac: Future database, technically. My Legion scanner detected a rare Bismolian energy signature directly above that fuel truck. And given the hostile nature of the gambit, I deduced that these alien species likely had a run-in with the DEO at some point.
Nia: Accessing past information about our present situation using future technology. Fun.
Brainiac: Two aliens manned Bismolian ships during this time. One, an herbalist named Saphrex Col from Lasma. Peaceful race, vegetarians. The other, a Naxim Tork. Home planet unknown, runs a cosmic menagerie.
Nia: Like a zoo? Full of alien creatures, possibly even oddly colored. That's what the cougar in my dreams is about. Naxim Tork. That's our guy. And look, it says the DEO captured him in Uruguay three days from now. That's why we lose track of him. He takes off to South America.
Brainiac: [the file's "captured" tag suddenly changes to "wanted"] What?
Nia: Brainy, what just happened?
Brainiac: No, no, no, no, no.
Nia: Brainy, what just happened?
Brainiac: Our actions in this past, they... they just changed the space/time continuum.

Maeve: You have to understand. I was so wrapped up in my own pain. I never even thought about you or our family or... the ramifications my words could have on any of us. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to steal the totem. For abandoning you. I never thought you weren't a real woman. I just... I wanted you to be in as much pain as I was. But seeing you today, your abilities, your selflessness... you are the Dreamer. You always have been. Forgive me?
Nia: No. Maeve, you may have spent your life studying to be the Dreamer, but I spent mine trying to make you happy. You were my best friend. And you tore me down like it was nothing. And then you ran away. You changed your name. You pretended like nothing ever happened. You can't erase what you did, Maeve. Because of your actions, we both had to grieve Mom alone. And I had to learn these powers that I didn't ask for alone. I needed you! I needed my big sister. If it wasn't for Kara and Brainy, I would have been completely lost. So, no, I can't forgive you. But I can offer you a second chance. A final chance... for us to be sisters again.

Kara: So, when did your mom come from Naltor?
Nia: When she was 18. The night before she fled her planet, she had a dream about a farmhouse where she would meet her true love. And she saw a bunch of random coordinates that she plugged into her craft, and she landed on Earth in Parthas. A human family took her in, farmers, and she fell in love with their son. My dad.

Maeve: You tracked me down?
Nia: Don't flatter yourself. I didn't know it was you. The name change made sure of that. A dream led me here.
Maeve: Well, since you're here... I've been thinking about things, and... look, I owe you an apology. What I said to you at Mom's funeral...
Nia: Don't. Um... I'm not here to talk about that. My dream showed me that something here would lead me to the fifth-dimensional totem of dreaming.
Maeve: The Dream totem? It's real?
Nia: What do you know about it?
Maeve: Allegedly, it's a relic from another dimension that can bestow Dream power to whoever wields it.
Nia: Do you know where it is?
Maeve: It's in the dream realm, supposedly. But why are you looking for it?
Nia: The fate of the universe depends on me finding it before Nxyly does. I need you to tell me everything that you know about this.
Maeve: [scoffing] Really? Yeah, that's like me asking you to tell me everything you know about journalism.
Nia: Okay. Is there a book I could read?
Maeve: Sure.
[opening a cabinet]
Maeve: Right here.
Nia: [seeing it's full of books] Great. Which one?
Maeve: All of them.

Young: My name is Kara Zor-El. This is Kenny and this is Alex.
Nia: Uh, this is... Brandon... and I'm Brenda. We are Brandon and Brenda.
Brainiac: Yep.
Young: I am an alien, like you, from the planet Krypton, and I came to Earth after my planet was destroyed. I... I want to help you.
Brainiac: Thank you.
Nia: That's great.
Brainiac: But...
Nia: Um... you see, we were also fleeing a dying planet like you...
Brainiac: Mm-hmm.
Nia: ...and we were knocked off-course. We only have one day to catch up with our fellow travelers. So that leaves us with much to do and very little time to do it.
Young: Just tell us what you need.

Kara: [returning to work at CatCo] Okay, so remember, you are my Uncle Archie, visiting from Midvale. Okay.
Zor: Don't worry. I promise no one will even know I'm there. I'm starting to understand my strength. I-I'm sorry about your door.
Kara: No, no. It's not that, I'm just... I'm just nervous, you know? I disappeared without a trace, I'm surprised I still even have a job. And William, I left him hanging without so much as a goodbye.
Nia: Oh. Don't worry about him, it's not like you chose to get...
[realizing Kara's ordeal is still a touchy subject]
Nia: He'll understand. And don't worry about Andrea, okay? I covered for you, remember?
Kara: Right. Uh, what did you tell her, exactly?
Nia: That Cat Grant reached out to you personally to do a profile on Darien resistance leader Miguel de Miranda.
Kara: Okay.
Nia: And that you've been off-grid, embedded with him.
Kara: Wait, what?
Nia: It was the best I could do.

Zor: [visiting Kara's workplace] There was a moment in there when I could hear the other side of ten different phone conversations. These powers are... intense.
Nia: It takes time. Especially when your powers come to you all at once. And without a manual.
Zor: [enjoying a moment of serenity] What a difference a sun makes.
[seeing something in the sky]
Zor: What is that?
[using his powers to get a better look]
Zor: Something has broken through the Earth's atmosphere. Looks like a large piece of machinery. It's speeding towards us.
Nia: Well, you really wanna see what Kara's life is like? Suit up and get ready to fly.

Andrea: This room, look at this room. It's practically overflowing with talent. Journalism's best and brightest. And tomorrow, we'll be joined by the renowned William Day.
Kara: From the Times of London?
Andrea: Yes. Because as stacked as we are already, we can always be bigger. We can always be stronger. We can always be better. And together, we're gonna create a world-class news organization that drives consumer cross-platform engagement.
Nia: I-I'm sorry, uh... consumer cross-platform...
Andrea: Engagement. Eyeballs, revenue. We're gonna take your already-brilliant work and we are gonna sharpen it until it's deadly, and we're gonna monetize it.
James: With all due respect, Ms. Rojas, we don't allow revenue to drive editorial decisions here.
Andrea: And it shows. You've been running the ship, James. How's subscribership?
James: It's down.

Young: So, what can your powers do? I mean, beyond letting you be psychic and move the earth?
Nia: I can conjure these bubbles that are just about as strong as anything.
Young: [she demonstrates] Cool. I can do this.
[as she floats into the air, Nia enlarges the bubble so it envelops her]
Young: [entering] What are you doing?
Young: [falling onto the bed as the bubble "pops"] Uh... sh... showing each other what we can do.
Young: Well, neither of you are doing that tomorrow. Kenny just texted. He and Brandon are gonna be working on fixing that box thing, so while he's doing that, we're using mom's ID to slip into the college, where we can get as much dysprosium as we can. Then we part ways.
Nia: I understand. You're all taking a big risk helping us. I promise we'll be gone as soon as we can.
Young: Thank you. Get some sleep.
Young: [getting into bed as Alex leaves] Alex can be a control freak, but you get used to it.
Nia: I'm sure I will.

Brainiac: And she took everything?
Nia: Mm-hmm. But what my dad didn't tell me was that apparently he and Maeve got into some big blowout fight over what she said to me at Mom's funeral.
Brainiac: In other words, he took your side when she denied your identity.
Nia: Well, of course he did. So she skipped town and took all of Mom's books and journals and research with her. So my search for the Dream totem was a bust. I'm back to square one.
Brainiac: Then perhaps we should consider a fresh start. You've been so focused on finding the Dream totem, maybe you should cast a wider net. Simply open yourself to whatever the dream realm shows you.
Nia: Hmm, seems kind of vague.
Brainiac: If you doubt me, then try my spinach pancakes. Hmm? Taste my genius.
Nia: Fine.
Brainiac: [she enters a dream, then wakes up] You okay?
Nia: Yes, it worked. I saw an address. Uh, um... Crippen University.
Brainiac: What do you think it means?
Nia: I don't know. But whatever is there is gonna help me find the totem.
Brainiac: Hmm.
Nia: [taking a bite of breakfast] I know you went green full-time because William's been at the Tower, but, um, you should stick with it. It makes you a better cook.

Nia: I knew that if I could just see you, I would gain the knowledge that's been eluding me.
Isabel: Yes, you've gained the knowledge you seek. But at what price?
Nia: Whatever it is, I'll fix it.
Isabel: There's an ancient story... about a woman who slandered her friend. The woman went to her rabbi, full of remorse. The rabbi told her to cut up a feather pillow and to scatter the feathers into the wind. He then instructed her to go out and collect every single feather. She cried, "That was impossible!" And the rabbi replied, "No more impossible than to completely undo the wrongs of your actions." You made a dark bargain, Nia. You unleashed Nxyly on this world. And the actions she will inflict will be like those feathers.
Nia: So what should I do?
Isabel: This is not about doing, Nia. Just like your dreams, the ravens, your sister, you cannot run away from this. You must have the courage to sit with the pain, to take in the gravity of what you've done.
Nia: I'm so sorry.
Isabel: I know.
[her hand glows blue]
Isabel: Our time is almost up.
Nia: No, I still need you. What about Nxyly? How am I supposed to stop her?
Isabel: The times ahead will be the most trying yet. But you can face them. Trust your dreams, even if they frighten you. Sit with your discomfort, just as you have sat with your grief today. If you are willing to face them, your dreams will give you everything you need.
Nia: I love you.
Isabel: I love you and I believe in you.

Nia: I was talking to Kara about the dream powers...
Isabel: Mm-hmm.
Nia: And she was wondering, just out of curiosity, if you didn't want the powers when you were my age, was there a way that you could've refused them?
Isabel: No.
Nia: What if you really didn't want to use them? What if you needed to direct them to somebody else?
Isabel: The Dreamer is destined. The chosen one doesn't have a choice. It's in her blood.

Nia: I heard about your crime syndicate beat. You going undercover?
William: No, better.
Nia: Do tell.
William: I am going to ask the Super Friends if I could be embedded with them.
[Nia is slightly alarmed]
William: I know, but think of the access. And I know the hardest part is getting them to agree to it... but Kara knows Supergirl. And you don't get anywhere if you don't ask.

Nia: I'm supposed to wear one of Maeve's dresses? What else am I gonna take from her?
Kara: You can't blame yourself for this.
Nia: I lied. I did have a dream on the car ride. I dreamt my mom drank an inky black fluid and turned into ash. That's why I trashed Maeve's art supplies. But I took the poison ink literally. It was only a symbol of death. I would have known that if I had bothered to study, like my sister. There were all of these other symbols, things I couldn't decode, cobwebs. Tons of cobwebs. Spiders spin webs. I should've known that the ink was only a symbol, that the spiders were the real danger. Maeve would've known that. Maeve should have gotten the powers.
Kara: Nia, don't do this to yourself.
Nia: I can't ever tell her I have them.
Kara: Hey. Please, listen to me. Keeping a secret from your sister will only hurt you more than anything else. You didn't take anything from her. You didn't choose to be the sister with powers. In time, she'll understand that. But right now, you have to be honest with her.
Nia: You're right. I'll tell her. After the memorial.

Nia: Brainy, where's the debris? Where's the rock with Kara's blood?
Brainiac: [spotting her falling from the sky] Kara.
Nia: This wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Querl: Nia Nal, I understand this interaction might be difficult for you given that we haven't spoke since our incredible, yet devastating romantic encounter at the hospital.
Nia: [sarcastic] Yeah, I've, um, barely been able to eat.

Nia: He's gonna be okay.
Querl: It's not just James. Only months ago, Supergirl nearly died. And don't even get me started on the AI plate that has forced me to... just give up my entire existence! Have I mentioned that every single one of my ancestors is evil? And Mon-El, well, he was always a bit dismissive. Hmm? Microaggressions are their own form of trauma. I-I-I'm... I'm sorry. I think... I think this event has forced me to process every difficult thing I have ever experienced. And I still can't even get a Choco...
[spontaneously, she kisses him]

Nia: Kara, I can't stand by and watch you blame yourself for this.
Supergirl: How can I not? Nxyly escaped because of my rescue. Even if I hadn't made enemies with...
Nia: I'm the one who let Nxyly escape. When she left the Phantom Zone, she got trapped in the dream realm. I don't know how, but she found me and offered me a deal. I didn't know who she was, but she said that if I freed her, she would bring my mom back for one day. So I did. So, it's not your fault. It's mine. And I know it was so selfish and you can't forgive me, but Nxyly is...
Supergirl: A master manipulator. She fooled me, too.
Nia: You... you don't hate me?
Supergirl: Hate? Nia, you made a mistake. A big one, yeah. But so have I. We all have. What's important right now is that we learn from our mistakes and use it to stop her together.
Nia: I just wish there was some way I could fix this. It's too bad I can't dream up a better Mxy clone or something.
Supergirl: [getting an idea] Or something... I have an idea.

Querl: Think it's over?
Supergirl: I think it's a start. Now people will see who he really is.
Nia: Small.
Supergirl: He's not a movement, he's a butcher. And now he's gonna pay for it.

Nia: Sometimes... being Dreamer just reminds me of what I've lost. How much I don't know. It's like...
Lena: Like there's a whole part of yourself you'll never understand.
Nia: I can't imagine how hard it must've been losing your mom so young.
Lena: It was. You know, the only thing I really have left of her is this book of folktales that she used to read to me. It's not a lot, but it's something to hold onto. Your powers... they connect you to your mother. You can hold on to that.

Naxim: Hello, Kryptonian! I know you're here... somewhere.
Nia: Naxim.
Nia: My dream! They broke out of their cage.
Naxim: And I know you can hear me. Reveal yourself now! Surrender at once, or all life-forms in these structures will die!
Kenny: Wait! Wait, it's me. I'm, uh... I'm the Kryptonian.
Young: [he's teleported away] No!

Young: What's that in your hand?
Nia: [holding a glowing yellow ball] I don't know.
Young: It's beautiful. Can I have it? Pretty please? If you give me the light, I'll love you forever.
[as she reaches out to touch it, she flinches and recoils in pain]
Young: It hurts.
Nia: I'm sorry.
Young: The light, turn it off!
Nia: I-I'm trying. I... I-I-I don't know how!
[as the light overcomes her, Maeve turns into a raven]
Nia: [waking from her dream] Maeve. The ravens are Maeve. You were right. I was afraid. I didn't wanna face them because I can't face Maeve. I never meant to hurt her.
Isabel: I know, my love.
Nia: All she ever wanted were the powers. Deep down, I knew they were mine. So I ran. I ran to become a reporter. I ran so my light wouldn't burn her. And I just kept running. Even now, I'm running. Because if I own these powers, it just means I'm gonna hurt her more.
Isabel: My darling girl, your authentic self is the greatest gift you give to the world.
Nia: Hiding my light hurt me. And never helped anyone. I still lost her.

Nia: You don't destroy the Registry.
Querl: That's ridiculous. Of course I-I have to destroy it.
Nia: [snickering] Exactly.
Querl: What?
Nia: That's the answer. You have to destroy the Registry.
Querl: But you just dreamt the opposite.
Nia: I didn't dream anything. Sometimes hearing the wrong answer shows you what the right one is. Intestinal inclination. Not so bad, is it?

Maeve: Writings on the Minoan Oracle of Delphi suggest the Dream totem was housed in their main temple. When the Dorians invaded in 1100 BC, the Oracle hid the totem in the safest place she could think of.
Nia: Dream realm. Is there anything in there that says what the Dream totems might be?
Maeve: None that I'm seeing. Since the totem was housed by the Minoans, the gauntlet may have been replaced with a kind of maze. Lucky for us, Mom was infatuated with how Earth's cultures depicted the dream realms. Which led her to uncover this. It's a medieval tapestry that supposedly depicts the Oracle's original instructions. Allegedly, it can be deciphered only by one of pure heart, mind and sight.
Nia: And you understand all this?
Maeve: I've been studying these things my whole life. Like this. It's a Naltorian symbol for purity. Same as this.
Nia: [seeing the pendant on Maeve's necklace] Where'd you get it?
Maeve: Mom. She said it would help light up my dreams back when everyone thought I'd be the Dreamer. It didn't do that, but it did help spark my interest in all of this.
Nia: Must be nice. Having something to guide you during unknown times.
Maeve: It is. Especially when your whole world gets flipped upside-down because someone's keeping secrets.

Brainiac: You had a dream when we were at Noonan's, didn't you?
Nia: The same one. Kara and Alex in high school. And I don't know why I keep dreaming it, or what it means.
[to break up the awkward silence, he opens his box of donuts to keep himself busy]
Nia: Are you okay? You've practically inhaled every donut in that box.
Brainiac: Strawberry glaze with sprinkles is a rare delicacy.

Querl: We are only days into martial law and already people are catching wind of you. We must be strategic.
Nia: Brainy, are you worried about me?
Querl: Yes. The repeal of alien amnesty has left us all vulnerable. Ben Lockwood is out there rounding up aliens he believes have anti-human leanings. And masked vigilantes are target number one.
Nia: Well, someone has to protect innocent people. With Supergirl lying low, we have to pick up the cape. You know, you could always blue-green up and join me out there.
Querl: Without Supergirl, there's a 63.6% chance that you and I will be apprehended. If we are not smart and careful that...
[his phone beeps]
Querl: If you'll excuse me...
[he flickers in and out]
Querl: [glitches, goes like a cuckoo clock:] Ah! Ah!
Nia: Seriously? You were a hologram the whole time?
Querl: We'll have to continue this spat later.
[in rush to leave]
Nia: Oh, but wait...
Querl: [glitches again] Ah! Ah!
[hologram disappears]

Nia: No, Hannibal Lecter. He eats people.
Querl: Miranda Priestly.
Nia: Miranda Priestly? Are you serious?
Querl: I'm as serious as the pursed lips of Miranda Priestly.
Nia: [seeing Alex and Kara] Okay, good, you guys can help me prove a point. Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Kara: [answering simultaneously] Voldemort.
Alex: Hans Gruber.
Nia: Impressively unhelpful. Well, I guess you'll just have to accept that I'm right.
Querl: Hmm. This Earth custom that the girlfriend is always right is illogical and-and frustrating, but I can assimilate.

Mackenzie: I can't believe it. Lex Luthor, a bad guy?
Andrea: Believe it, Mackenzie. Lucky for us, our very own William Dey has the inside scoop. This firsthand account Eve Teschmacher gave you, it's going to earn CatCo another Pulitzer.
Hari: You mean we're still in business? After what happened with Obsidian?
Andrea: Sadly, Obsidian North has folded. But that is my father's problem. He bought all my shares right before the company crashed this morning. I realize in retrospect, I was undervaluing CatCo. We could be a beacon, the crown jewel of investigative journalism. We certainly have the talent. And reporting in-depth, real news, we can change hearts and minds. We'll start our relaunch with unparalleled news coverage on Lex Luthor, thanks to William.
William: Well, it wasn't just me, Andrea. That story has a shared byline. Kara Danvers, she's been with me following every lead on Lex since I got to National City.
Andrea: Oh. Well, where is Ms. Danvers? I'd like to thank her.
Nia: She's with Cat Grant on a story. She said it was supposed to be the biggest of her life.
William: Kara left town?
Nia: I guess when Cat says "jump", you jump.
Andrea: Well, since Kara is exclusive to CatCo, whatever story Cat's pulled her away to do will be our front page soon. Let's hope it's a doozy. Tick-tock. Everyone back to work. We've got a paper to put out.

Nia: Nith metal.
Querl: Nth metal. Strongest element in existence.
[indicating his Legion ring]
Querl: There's a bit of it in this.
Nia: I thought that was a class ring.
Querl: I was homeschooled.

CJ: Who are you?
Nia: Um...
CJ: Have I seen you before?
Nia: No. But... but I know you. You're...
CJ: If you say Lois Lane, I will expire.

Nia: Okay, no, Kelly, you need to settle something for us once and for all.
Kelly: Mm-hmm.
Nia: Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Kelly: Oh, that's easy. Hans Gruber.
Alex: Oh, my heart.
[they kiss]
Alex: Yes.
[to Brainy]
Alex: Told you.

Kara: So, my contact at the Mexico City Herald said the morgue had a discrepancy. Elena's body was burned beyond recognition, but they were able to use an incisor to confirm ID, and... it wasn't a match. Apparently, the body they pulled from the car had been dead for two weeks and died of natural causes.
Nia: So they faked Elena's death? Well, that sheds new light on my news. I ran the numbers you found at Elena's apartment by my accountant friend, and it turns out it's linked to an offshore bank account. Someone's been funneling money into it for the past year, and there are two names listed on the ledger; one is Elena's and the other is anonymous.
Kara: Huh.
Nia: You think William?
Kara: Maybe. Embezzlement, is that what this is?
Nia: My friend says there's an address listed to the account, but it's encrypted.
Kara: Well, let's call Brainy, see if he can crack it.
Nia: Or-Or I could ask my friend to do it.
Kara: Are things still weird between you guys? He did seem a little off this morning.
Nia: I was afraid this would happen. I thought that if I was just honest with Brainy, it would help solve our problems, but it's only made things worse. I know it's something that we could work through together, but he thinks that it's his problem to solve, and now he won't even talk to me.
Kara: Well, you know how Brainy is. Sometimes human emotions just... just throw him for a loop. I think he just needs time, and to realize you're not going anywhere.

Supergirl: [Dreamer just rescued her from Menagerie] You were amazing!
Nia: Saw it in a dream.
[yet another snake circles around her neck from behind, and Supergirl gets rid of it]
Nia: Probably should have seen that too.

Andrea: I have been shockingly patient with your long absence, which resulted in exactly zero stories, so you owe me. I want you to call Supergirl. I want an exclusive with her about how she stopped the National City Phantom attacks.
Kara: The... the what?
Andrea: The Phantom attacks. And I want a whole series. Interviews with Supergirl and everyone who was turned into a Phantom. Here's a list of the victims, and I want all the details. Don't let them skip a single thing, okay?
Kara: [not really listening] Okay.
Andrea: Thanks.
Kara: [going to Nia's desk] Why did no one tell me that Phantoms attacked National City?
Nia: Alex didn't want us to burden you. She knew you'd be worried, and for no reason. The Phantom is gone, this is in the past.
Kara: Yeah, but how did it even get here?
Nia: We... sort of released it... the first time we tried to rescue you.
Kara: So... so all these people suffered because of me?
Nia: No. Kara, no. It is Lex's fault. He is the one that sent you there.
Kara: It, uh... it doesn't matter now. Like you said, that's over. It's done now. So, I-I'll go talk to Andrea.
Nia: [seeing Zor-El pick up a copy machine] And I will go talk to Uncle Archie and remind him that humans cannot lift 800 pounds of machinery.
Kara: Ooh. Oh... oh, dear.

Young: [finding the unconscious Kara] Kara, wake up! Wake up. Kara!
Young: [regaining consciousness] You don't have to scream. What's happening to me?
Brainiac: Must have been something in that meteorite.
Young: Brandon? Brenda? Wh... what are you doing here?
Nia: Uh, the meteor shower delayed our flight plans.

Querl: One of my superior capabilities is recovering from alcohol libation with remarkable speed. Are there any scones left?
[noticing Nia]
Querl: Nia Nal!
Kara: You two know each other?
Nia: Well, we met once at a pizza place. You know, you never found me.
Querl: But of course I did. Your address is 775 Gladiola Drive, second floor corner apartment. Your phone number is 555-8010. You stop at Bob's Diner every morning and order an extra super large coffee, milk. No sugar.
Alex: Okay. Yes, that... he's not nearly as stalkery as that all just came out as.
Nia: Well, why didn't you call?
Querl: You told me to find you, not call you.

Lena: This is incredible. Whatever the totem is, it's radiating concentrated fifth-dimensional energy. I mean, that can't be good.
Supergirl: Well, maybe Vita can tell us more.
Brainiac: [bringing over a metal contraption containing Vita's crystal] All right. How does this work, exactly?
Nia: [as he touches the crystal, purple beams zap his eyes] Brainy?
Brainiac: [in a different tone of voice] Hush, child. The Coluan... is fine.
Supergirl: Vita, did you possess Brainy?
Brainiac: Hmm. It's quite refreshing to be embodied. Don't fret. I-I'll put him back the way I found him.
[touching the circular lights on Brainy's suit]
Brainiac: What are these? His nipples?
Nia: We need to get that witch out of him now.
Lena: Yeah, I'm on it.

Nia: Kelex?
Kelex: Nia Nal, it's nice to see you without that bore Querl. This star has died. And there, a new one emerges.
Nia: So you know about this stuff. Other systems? Planets?
Kelex: If I'm interpreting your intimations correctly, you seek information on your species. Shouldn't you ask your pompous Coluan friend?
Nia: Brainy wants to keep all that under wraps. But if I'm supposed to fight, I need to know what I'm capable of. The only other person who could've told me is... gone.
Kelex: Your timeline is likely extra-Lorentzian, and not as subject to paradox as one might think. But there are still risks to divulging this type of information.
Nia: Well, Supergirl said anything I need, didn't she?
Kelex: Those were her orders.
Nia: Then tell me about Naltor. Tell me about everything I can do.

Kara: [followed Nia into her bedroom] You okay?
Nia: Yeah, come in.
[pats space next to her on bed]
Kara: You're gonna get through this, you know.
[sits down next to Nia]
Kara: Just go easy on yourself. And you have me.
Nia: You don't know how much I appreciate that.
Kara: Just... think about how much your mother loved you... and what she would have wanted for you... and try to honor that.
Nia: [exhales] She would want me to dream.
[Kara nods]
Nia: But my sister...
Kara: You can't let her stop you from embracing your destiny. I hid who I was for far too long because of my family. Even Alex... didn't think it was a good idea at first.
Nia: At least now she knows everything and support you.
Kara: Actually, um... Alex doesn't know I'm Supergirl anymore. She had her mind wiped. To protect her.
[Nia's hand brushes her arm]
Kara: Yeah. But I... I can't let that stop me from helping the people that need my help, and doing the... good that I can do. And you could do a lot of good, too.
[a: ]
Kara: You're part of my family now.
[as: ]
Kara: And all heroes are welcome.

J'onn: How specifically do we get to this place in time?
Brainiac: Well, based on my survey of satellite imagery from 2009 and the trajectory of the meteor, I was able to predict Kara's point of contact. After running those figures through 3-D modeling, I produced a rendering of the debris field, and by overlaying that with geologic radiation emissions of that same night, plus Kara's own biological markers, I was able to pinpoint the exact location of Kara's DNA.
[Alex stares blankly]
Brainiac: The high school's baseball diamond center field. Nia and I depart after I gather my things.
Nia: Alex, what's this business about "the luckiest town in America"?
Alex: When I left for college, Kara and her boyfriend Kenny appointed themselves the town's Scooby-Duo. They were saving cats from trees and kids from wells, that sort of thing, and the, uh, town got quite the reputation.
J'onn: I thought Kenny Li was killed when you were in high school. The sheriff was running a drug ring, and he got caught up.
Alex: No, that's one of those old world/new world differences. In this world, Kenny never got killed.
J'onn: That suggests there could be other differences. Maybe I should come with you.
Brainiac: Absolutely not! As anyone who's ever seen "Back to the Future" knows, in 2009, you or you
[pointing to J'onn and Alex]
Brainiac: could both run into your past selves and thereby disrupt the continuum of space-time. The only people who can go on this mission are Nia and myself.
Alex: Okay, fine. But you're going to my past. Don't. Mess. It up.

Kara: Winn, this is Nia.
Nia: Hello.
Winn: Whoa, Nia. W... as in... as in Nia Nal?
Nia: Yeah?
Winn: Wow, wow. This is incredible. Holy...
Nia: Hi.
Winn: I'm sorry, your great-great-great-great-great... bunch of greats granddaughter, Nura Nal, is, like, one of my best friends and, like, the most kick-ass Legionnaire.
Nia: Uh... like, that's crazy. Tell... tell me everything. Uh, does-does she look like me?
Alex: Okay, wait. Let's save story time until after we catch the bad guy.

Nia: Maeve was always my biggest supporter. I can't believe she'd say something like that.
Kara: Nia, I'm so sorry.
Nia: I knew she was gonna be crushed about the powers, but... Kara, she was so angry.
Kara: I know it's not the same thing, but if it makes you feel any better, I've been through a lot with my sister.
Nia: I appreciate your support, but this isn't something that you can understand. I have alien powers, my sister doesn't. And now she hates me.
[Kara pulls over]
Nia: Why are you pulling over?
[they climb out of the car]
Nia: Kara, what are you doing?
Kara: I do understand. Probably better than anyone.
[removing her glasses, she takes off into the sky, then lands again]
Kara: I am Supergirl. Very few people know my true identity because it's not safe for them to. But I'm telling you because I think it can help you. And I don't think it will harm you. You, too, are a hero. I was the sister with powers. And I watched Alex pay the price for it in so many ways. Most of the time, she handled it with grace, but I'll tell you, there were times that it got ugly. When we were younger... and even now. But I have faith that the love between two sisters will prevail in the end. I have to believe that. I just need you to know now that you are not alone. You have a family. You have me.

Nia: I'm sorry I couldn't help you. It's just... my mind's been a little messy lately.
Winn: It's okay. Do you mind telling me exactly what you did see? It's just that Nura taught me how to interpret dreams. I'm kinda like her Watson.
Nia: I saw my ex-boyfriend turn into a tiger and attack me. Wildcat was my nickname for Brainy. It's...
Winn: Oh, I know.
Nia: I just thought I was better than letting him get into my head.

Nia: We're here to get you out.
CJ: It's about time. Perhaps you can fill the holes in the story young Mr. Li has been refusing to talk about.
Kenny: She's a reporter.
CJ: The one who's breaking this story.
Kenny: She also let Naxim Tork out.
CJ: Accidentally. Either way, the story's mine. What are you two waiting for? We have to get out of here, stat.
Nia: [quietly] Brainy, that's not just any reporter. That's Cat Grant.
Brainiac: Cat Grant. As in...
Nia: The pink cougar. She's what my dreams have been about. None of this has been about Naxim Tork at all.

Nia: [in a dream, seeing the Phantom's empty containment unit] No. Where's the Phantom?
[touching the door handle]
Nia: It's just a dream. Just figure out what it's all about.
[opening the door and seeing something on the floor]
Nia: Is that a thimble?
[picking it up and seeing a mini-model of the Tower]
Nia: What does that mean?

Querl: My good man, I'm, uh, picking up a to-go order for Barney Fife. If anyone asks...
Querl: Halt.
Querl: Oh, my.
Querl: What? What is the meaning of this?
Querl: Meaning? I don't...
Nia: Who are you?
Querl: I'm Brainiac-5.
Querl: What? Liar!
Querl: You, sir, are the larcenist and pretender. How did you accomplish this ruse? Could it be an image inducer?
Querl: The question of pretending is to you, sir! What are you, huh? Martian, Durlan? Is your face made of clay?
Querl: Unhand me, you charlatan!
Querl: Okay, that's it. I'm taking you to the DEO for questioning.
Querl: Okay, that's rich. Guess what, I'm taking you into the DEO for questioning.
Querl: Oh, that's rich.
[they struggle and, standing up, are handcuffed to each other]
Querl: Citizen's arrest!

Naxim: [in a cell on their ship] Mitch, what did you press?
Mitch: Nothing, sir. But it does sound like the autopilot's starting up the engines.
Naxim: Well, that's not good. If we launch like this, things will become incredibly painful for me.
Brainiac: [watching the ship take off and cloak] Two missions down.
Nia: One more to go.
Brainiac: Any bad dreams?
Nia: Not anymore.

J'onn: We can still fix this.
Supergirl: It's all my fault.
Brainiac: That's not true. It's not like you consciously chose to bring an insane imp to terrorize the Earth.
J'onn: Still, if things are as you say with the Ormfell building bomb, Nxyly used Dr. Raab's plans to build a device that could transform Kryptonian powers into Fifth-Dimensional energy.
Nia: If that's how she powered herself, couldn't we reverse the plans to build something to depower her?
J'onn: We can still do this.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Wow. You would do all this just for me?
J'onn: That and to save the universe.
Supergirl: Don't worry. Nobody puts Mxy in a crystal on our watch.

Brainiac: [talking privately after inadvertently bumping into the teenage Kara and Alex] So, these are the exact people we are not supposed to be dealing with.
Nia: Yeah, um, but now we are dealing with them, so we have to figure out how to manage the situation.
Brainiac: Okay. So, the only management we need is to
[raising his voice a little]
Brainiac: get them out of here.
Young: We need to get out of here.
Young: What... what are you talking about? We have to help them.
Young: You just promised you'd stop drawing attention to yourself.
Young: If their ship is broken, the least we can do is help fix it.
Young: Even if it means endangering everyone around you?
Kenny: To be fair, they don't seem hostile. I mean, look at how they're dressed.

CJ: [seeing the pink cougar] Beautiful animal.
[she takes a picture with her phone]
Naxim: We've got a full zoo, except for the one I want.
Young: [crashing through the roof] You want a Kryptonian? You got one.
Mitch: [as she punches them in the chest, they're thrown against a control panel] Oh, no. Every alien on the lower level has been released. Sir, the escape pod!
Naxim: [closing a hatch] Congratulations. You've just set free a school of Plutonian land sharks. And with what you've let free, your resting days are over!
Brainiac: We have to stop those land sharks.
Nia: Where's CJ? She can't tell the world about this.

Nia: I've never missed Harvest Fest.
Kara: You should take the day off. James won't mind.
Nia: It's a long drive, and I, you know...
Kara: Fall asleep at weird times? I know.
Nia: Yeah.
Kara: So I'll drive.
Nia: What? You'd... you'd come with me?
Kara: Yeah. Your town's, like, an osasis of tolerance, right? So I'll-I'll just pitch a story idea about it to James.
Nia: Well, Kara, that would be amazing.
Kara: First commandment of road trip...
Kara: Thou shalt defer to the driver's choice of music.

Kara: Are you okay? Is... is Yvette? Why didn't you call me last night? I would have been there...
Nia: Yvette wanted to be alone. She's not just hurt and humiliated, she's heartbroken. She thought this guy really liked her. And he was just targeting her because she was trans. He was trying to use her to get to Dreamer.
Kara: What did he want with Dreamer?
Nia: He wants me to stop being a superhero. He's going after my community to bully me into it.
Kara: Listen to me, Nia, listen. We will find this guy.
Nia: Yeah, we will. And when we do, I'll bury him.

Nia: I would do anything to have another day with my mom.
Lena: I would do anything to just know my mom. You know my Phantom fear vision was about her?
Nia: The water monster? Did you conquer it?
Lena: Didn't we all? Isn't that how we defeated the Phantoms?
Nia: Right. But, I mean, how did you defeat it?
Lena: I let it overtake me, and... the kelpie turned into my mother.
Nia: What do you think it means?
Lena: [chuckling] I don't know. You're the dream expert here.
Nia: No, that-that's different. Th-this is personal to you. But you'll figure it out. And I'm here to help any way I can.

Nia: Hey, Lena, have you seen Kara? I know Zor-El asked her back here, but Andrea's asking about her article and she's not picking up her phone.
Lena: That is because she and Zor-El went to the Fortress of Solitude.
Nia: [a little jealous] That's really great that they get to share that.
Lena: Wait, Nia. How are you doing?
Nia: I'm fine.
Lena: I-I know Kara and her father coming back must be hard.
Nia: Oh.
Lena: After everything we talked about on the way to the Phantom Zone, I know how much you must miss your mother.
Nia: I'm really happy for Kara. Really, I am, i-it's just...
Lena: Reminds you of all the things you missed out on?
Nia: Yeah.

Querl: What exactly transpired?
Kara: All I know is that he was shot in his own office from behind. They used a hollow-point bullet. It... splintered.
Nia: Who would do something so horrible?
J'onn: Someone without a soul. This has to be Manchester Black. At the march, he threatened me. He swore to come after me and my family, everyone I care about. Seems he started with James.
Kara: We have to find him.
J'onn: Stay with James. He needs his friends right now. I'll find Manchester. This ends today.

Nia: Welcome to Collinwood.
Kara: It doesn't seem so bad.
Querl: Oh, yes. What could go wrong?

Dreamer: [joins the fight] It's time to put your toys to bed!

Nia: I just wanted to mention how thankful I am. 'Cause, uh, I've been reading about Ms. Grant, and CatCo, and you. You know what we do up here is important, right? I-I've also been reading about matters of the law. Did you know someone could be prosecuted for continued instances of the same crime?
James: Yeah. I have a lawyer.
Nia: Of course. I'm not even saying you're thinking of taking up the shield again. But, if you were, especially with Supergirl down, don't.
James: Is this the same Nia Nal I'm talking to, the cub reporter who convincingly and rightfully convinced her boss to act? And to speak out when the innocent are being attacked?
Nia: I know. I don't sound like myself. But that's because this is different. If you go out there again, I have a feeling something bad will happen.
James: Heroes go out there, even when they know something bad's gonna happen. That's what makes them heroes.

Nia: I need breakfast. And coffee.
Querl: Yes, this is your pattern, which is why I've prepared accordingly.
Nia: [gasping and getting out of bed] Breakfast burritos!
Querl: With chorizo and crema, as you like. Plus your nitro-coffee with an extra shot of cold brew.
Nia: [through a mouthful of food] This is the best morning ever.
Querl: Best morning ever? But that would include eons, both before and after this moment. I really think you're misusing the ter...
[she kisses his cheek]
Querl: Message received.

Nia: [practicing with her powers] Come on. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bad astral projection.
Querl: [she's forcefully thrown backwards] Hmm. You went behind my back. You took advantage of that simpleton Kelex. And now you're astral projecting. That jumps months of training.
Nia: I know, I'm sorry. I just... I move too fast 'cause that's what I do. I push myself and I take on more than I can handle. My mother always said it.
Querl: But that's what heroes do. Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.
Nia: It backfired.
Querl: Yes. But next time, you shall fire forward.

Nia: This is Maeve's old room.
Kara: It's so pretty.
[looking at books on the bookshelf]
Kara: Jung and Dreams, Lexicon of Dreams... Well, I understand why you haven't told Maeve that you inherited the powers.
Nia: Right? It's a disaster. I never even wanted the powers. I always wanted to be out in the world, reporting, helping people.
Kara: Well, you can help people in a big way with your powers.
Nia: Maeve's been studying the language of dreams her whole life. This is all she's ever wanted. This will break her heart.

J'onn: [uncomfortably, disguised as Supergirl] Ugh! I was right.
M'gann: [disguised likewise] I quite like it.
Nia: This is just like the beginning of "Deathly Hallows".
Kara: Moody and Hedwig died.
M'gann: You lost comrades in battle? My condolences.

Nia: I was doing some background on William, and guess whose marriage to a successful lawyer is a lie? His. You know that picture of his wife he keeps on his desk? It's a stock photo he got off the Web. And that article Andrea cleared him to write from London? Well, I had a weird feeling about it, so I astral-projected and I followed him; it was like something out of a James Bond movie. He got passed this newspaper from some guy, and now all of a sudden, he's no longer going to London, he's going to Mexico City.
Supergirl: Who is this guy?
Nia: Well, let's see, he's a liar who is literally made of shadows, and now he's going south to meet someone named Elena Torres. I think she might be his next target.
Supergirl: Good work.
Querl: [she hangs up] That was Nia?
Supergirl: [jumping] Yes. Yes, she has another lead on William. Another possible assassination attempt.
Alex: Well, if you think someone's life is at stake, then you should go.
Supergirl: Are you sure? With Kelly?
Alex: I'm sure.
Supergirl: Okay.
Querl: Uh, wait, before... before you go. Did Nia ask about me?
Alex: Oh, god.
Querl: What? Not that I care. I mean, not that I don't care, it's not a big deal.

Brainiac: Am I late?
Nia: [taking the box he's holding] Thank you.
Brainiac: Did I miss it?
Nia: Nope, you're right on time.
[opening the box]
Nia: The cake is intact.
Brainiac: Where's Supergirl?
Lena: She's still under the sun lamps.
J'onn: Getting through the Phantom Zone to the Tower last night took all her strength.
Brainiac: You told me the clock was ticking.
Nia: Uh...
[glancing at Lena]
Nia: Uh... we thought you'd eat the cake.
Brainiac: You thought I would eat the cake? What am I, an animal? I would never! I want things to be perfect for when Supergirl wakes up.
J'onn: Let's not rush her. Hopefully, she's having the first restful night she's had in a while.

Nia: I can't imagine having grown up anywhere else.
Kara: Because you have parents from two different planets?
Nia: Yeah. But also because I'm trans.
[Kara glances at her in surprise]
Nia: I always knew that I was a girl. My parents were amazing. They affirmed my authentic self, and helped me transition young, and I've always been able to be open about who I was in Parthas. I'm not saying it was easy; there were definitely people who didn't understand. But the town's ethos of inclusion is strong, and I think if I grew up anywhere else, it would have been a lot tougher.
Kara: Thank you for sharing that with me.
Nia: Of course. Just one other thing. When you meet my family, please don't mention the dreaming powers. It's just that I haven't told them yet, and I've never kept a secret from my sister. It's been weighing on me.
Kara: Yeah, I know that feeling. I won't say a word.

J'onn: These are the plans that Nxyly had Dr. Raab build to jumpstart her magic with Supergirl's energy.
Brainiac: Looks like it could be reverse-engineered.
Nia: The trick will be finding a way to keep the device locked on Nxyly.
Alex: Well, I have a fix for that. We modify a DEO power-dampener into a cuff that Nxyly can't unlock.
Supergirl: This is great. We could do this.
Brainiac: Not yet. The re-engineered device will need a constant magical power source.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Or... we hit her with this.
Supergirl: [he holds up the Phantom Zone projector] Ahh!
Alex: [standing in front of her protectively] No!
Brainiac: The Phantom Zone projector.
J'onn: [taking it away] Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: From what I understand, one blast from that gal will render her powerless and send her back to from whence she came. All in favor, say aye.
Supergirl: No.

Nia: What's with all the old stories?
William: This is actually the first time I've been able to read this article since...
Nia: Eve Teschmacher shot you.
William: Honestly, I almost didn't even remember how it happened, I buried so much. I, um... just wanted to push past it. And then today for some reason, I had the courage to get out there again.
Nia: Well, I heard that the, um, the artifact that was stolen from the museum came with a sort of curse. It made everybody in the area more courageous.
William: Maybe it was a curse, but it forced me to really face everything I had gone through for the first time and actually walk through it.

Yvette: You are not spending another Friday night on this couch in sweats housing Rocky Road.
Nia: I like ice cream.
Yvette: Nia. Sweet little Nia, you are becoming a... what's the word? Loser. I mean, you're young, you're vibrant, but if you sit on this couch, crying over that weird little man for one more minute, you gonna develop permanent mope face.
Nia: I am not moping over... Barney. I just had a long day.
Yvette: So, you need an even longer night. Come on. You're going out with me. I'm meeting my boyfriend at the club, and I want you to meet him, too.
Nia: Wait. I didn't even know you were seeing anyone. Where'd you meet him?
Yvette: We've been together for three weeks. And we met on Upswipz.
Nia: [reading her profile] "Yvette. Loves sunsets, yachting, and hanging out with my BFF Dreamer"? How often *do* you hang out with your "BFF Dreamer"?
Yvette: She waved at me once. That counts as a hang. Besides, everybody embellishes on those things.

Querl: I want you to know I'll be doubling my efforts to calibrate my emotions with my actions. Uh... to wit, your favorite breakfast smoothie. And, uh, despite every urge in my corporeal being, I ordered only two.
Nia: Thanks, Brainy.

Kara: That was amazing. That... that thing you did with the bullets, and the cuffs. How did you do that?
Nia: I don't know! It was like a reflex. I-I saw the moment before the gunshot. My power's never worked like that before. I-I-I just knew what to do.
Kara: I guess that makes sense. Our... our powers are like muscles. The more we use them, the stronger they get...
[realizing she's on the verge of revealing her identity]
Kara: Or... so I've been told.
Querl: One problem. Our only leads are still unconscious.
Kara: [noticing something on the floor] Wait.
[brushing dirt off a sign]
Kara: This says "Lockwood Family Steel". You think Lockwood as in...
Nia: Ben Lockwood?

Nia: And that's when their bodies started to reform like out of a horror movie.
Alex: Yeah, but that means...
Kelly: They're indestructible.
M'gann: Immortal.
Supergirl: This isn't about defeating them anymore. They want us to fight until we drop. So they can distract us from whatever Lex is planning.
Lena: Do we even know what that is?
Supergirl: I'm gonna go find out.

Nia: [in the dream realm] The cage, what does... what does it mean?
Isabel: You tell me.
Nia: [a flock of ravens fly at her] No! I have to get out of here.
Isabel: [stopping her] You have to fight the impulse to run, Nia. You must never exit a dream out of fear.
Nia: I'm not afraid. I just... I just saw enough of the dream to decode Nxyly's plan. The ravens are just a distraction.
Isabel: There are no distractions in the dream realm. Everything has meaning. What do the ravens mean?
Nia: I don't know!
Isabel: You do. Quiet the voices in your mind. Quiet the fear.
Nia: Ravens mean misfortune... wisdom...
Isabel: Connect to the interplay between your deepest self and the universe. What do the ravens mean to you?
Nia: [looking around as the sounds of the ravens disappear] That's... that's my old dollhouse.
[finding herself inside]
Nia: This dream... I've been here before.
Young: [coming in] Nia?
Nia: Maeve.

J'onn: So, Kelly, how's the social work job going?
Kelly: Oh, I love it. Uh, but it can be pretty intense. I actually have a new case tomorrow, with a ten-year-old alien orphan with EMP powers. His only family is a brother in prison.
Kara: That is heartbreaking.
Alex: Well, if anybody can help him, it's you, babe, 'cause empathy is your superpower.
Kelly: Aw, that's really cute.
Nia: Okay, can you please be a little... just a little more adorkable?
Alex: I don't think so.

Nia's: You sleep weird.
Nia: Some roommate. I told you not let let me sleep.
Nia's: Uh, I gave you two hours so you wouldn't look like a crackhead at work again.
Nia: The average Fortune 500 CEO only gets five hours of sleep night.
Nia's: The average CEO doesn't get to be a CEO if she's dead from exhaustion.

Maeve: This forest reminds me of that camping trip Mom took us on in middle school. She forgot all the flashlights, so we had to sit in the dark all night. The trees kept scratching the tent and you were terrified 'cause you thought it was some witch coming to get us.
Nia: How much farther do we have?
Maeve: I think we might have to go beyond the forest.
Nia: Beyond?
Maeve: There is an entire Dream Expanse out there. You've never accessed it? Haven't you read "Of Dreams Beyond" or anything M.K. Nessler? You know, it wouldn't kill you to crack open a book every once in a while.
Nia: [irritable] Okay, Maeve, if you're such an expert, how do you access the Dream Expanse?
Maeve: Don't turn this around on me.
Nia: Stop.
Maeve: You stop.
Nia: No, your necklace is glowing. Go back to the tree.
Maeve: [taking a few steps back] It's never done that before. What do you think it means?
[Nia presses a knot in the tree, and a door appears and opens]
Nia: [passing through] We found it. The Dream Expanse.

Brainiac: Was it a dream?
Nia: I saw Nxyly. She's with Mitch. She-she's depowered, but her crystal isn't. She's already looking for the totems.
Supergirl: Then we need to find them first. And this time, no holding back.

Nia: I know it was a dangerous deal to make. And I know that she wasn't to be trusted and that bringing back the dead probably wasn't the best idea, but I sensed that she would keep her end of the bargain, and she did. She brought you back to me. I need you, Mom. You left so suddenly, and I don't have any training.
Isabel: I never left you, Nia. I was with you, always. You just haven't heeded my signs. Why did you send my owl away?
Nia: That was you. I thought it might be, but I wasn't... sure. See, this is my problem! I have been trying so hard to be a hero and to make you proud, but I just, I can't interpret my powers. Everything's muddy, and... and I just, I'm guessing blindly. I knew it was wrong to let Nxyly out, but I just, I figured that once we were together, if she caused a problem, we could fix it. And we will, right?
Isabel: Sweetheart... you've unleashed a force of hell on Earth.
Nia: Then we have to stop her.

Andrea: What do the Super Friends do for fun? I mean, do they even have fun? I want you three to find out.
William: Andrea, it's not like there's a Super Friends hotline we can call.
Andrea: Well, then do whatever you have to. Stalk them. Project a big "S" in the night sky. Jump off a bridge so one of them has to catch you. Then interview them on your way down. I don't care how you do it, just do it.
Kara: Well, I... I can't speak for Supergirl, but I'm sure she's too busy saving people with real emergencies to do a celebrity puff piece.
Nia: And I heard that they don't even like giving interviews.
Andrea: Well, are you forgetting our exclusive with Dreamer? And how about your tete-a-tete with Supergirl during my press tour for Obsidian Platinum, hmm?
William: I had assured her that our conversations were off the record.
Andrea: Well, then get her on the record. Every time we have a Super Friend interview, CatCo Media tracker skyrockets.
[as she talks, Nia accidentally dozes off]
Andrea: We're at number three. We need to be number one.
[noticing Nia snoring]
Andrea: Did she fall asleep?
Kara: [gently shaking her awake] Nia.
Nia: Huh?
[regaining her bearings]
Nia: Andrea, I am so sorry.
Andrea: Sleep on your own time, not mine. Go home. You're taking a mental health day.
[to William and Kara]
Andrea: Now, you two, you have 24 hours to get me an interview with a Super Friend. Ideally, Supergirl. Fail and you'll find yourself writing classified ads and obits.

Alex: Well, CatCo's newest addition. It's very nice to finally meet you.
J'onn: We've heard a lot about you.
Nia: All good things, I hope.
Lena: Well, James said your passion for making the world a better place is matched only by the elegance of your prose, so...
Nia: I wish I could say I paid him, but I could not have made that up.

Nia: Are you okay?
Querl: I would be beter if I could just get a Choco!
[pouding the vending machine in frustration]
Querl: I usually get along so well with machines.

Kara: Elizabeth said that article I wrote on Amadei made her see him in a different light, understand the sacrifices he made.
Nia: That's fantastic. You moved her. So?
Kara: So, I've decided to do a series of profiles called "Aliens of National City". We'll talk to a different alien every week, but not just the noted ones. They don't have to be saints; aliens are just as flawed as everyone else. But I-I think telling their stories, or all sides of them, can still help heal the divide in this city.
[a little embarrassed]
Kara: That's... actually the first time I've pitched it to anyone. What do you think?
Nia: I think it's great.

Young: We'll never catch up to that truck.
Young: I've got it.
Young: Kara, no!
[Kara flies over to the big rig and gets in the cab]
CJ: [on the side of the road] Where am I? There's got to be some story in this backwater.
[the big rig zooms past, blowing her map and coffee cup off her car hood]
CJ: [taking pictures with her phone and catching the tail end of Nia's powers] That is not normal.
Young: [accidentally stomping the brake pedal through the floor] Oh, the... the brakes don't work.
Nia: [trying to shift gears] Gear shift, either.
Young: [spotting danger ahead] There's a bus straight ahead. We have to stop this now!
Nia: [looking in the side mirror and getting an idea] The wheels. Use your freeze breath on the back axle.

Mr. Mxyzptlk: [singing to the melody of "I Will Survive"] You'll see that I'm afraid, I am petrified/For that imp, she has a crystal/She wants me inside/And Nxyly's not just any imp/But a princess, brave and strong/Who was wronged/And for payback has waited long!/Oh, she's the daughter of the imp king/Who was bad to every imp and every other thing/So she conspired with her brother/To unseat the evil lord/But they got caught and sent to trial before the horde/Go on/Walk out the door/Oh, the king, he disowned Nxyly for starting up that war/And Nxyly's brother, he got praised/For showing his ferocity/But Nxyly was sent away because, hey, patriarchy!/Oh, Nxylaai! She would survive/In the outer lands she found a quest/And that kept her alive/And the AllStone totem she would find/So much power she would mine/She would survive/She would survive!
Supergirl: [turning the music off] Hold on, I'm confused. Because she told me that her brother was dead. That her father killed him.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: She was probably speaking metaphorically. I mean, since they both rebelled and she was banished and the golden son was rewarded, he's probably dead to her.
Alex: Okay, fine. But what are these totems?
Nia: And what's this AllStone?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Thousands of years ago, there was an evil imp named Jyrryd, and he created an all-powerful AllStone to give him mastery over... everything.
J'onn: "Everything" as in...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Everything. Energy, matter, magic, even life and death. The other imps found out about it. They banished Jyrryd and they blew up the AllStone, scattering the pieces throughout the known universes where they became the totems of truth, destiny, love, dreams, hope, humanity, and courage. Pretty much every planet has a set.
Brainiac: I'm sorry, but what does any of this have to do with Nxyly showing up to put you in a crystal?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Nxyly needs the totems... to make a new AllStone, but the totems can be disguised as literally anything, so she needs a magical orb to find them. Jyrryd's crystal.
Alex: So it's like a homing beacon?
Supergirl: She had a crystal ball at the Ormfell and in the Phantom Zone.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: To give power to the crystal, the orb needs to have an imp with the blood of Jyrryd inside it. And guess who has two thumbs and is Jyrryd's last descendant?
[pointing his thumbs at himself and clicking his tongue]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: It's also why I had to testify against Nxyly. King Brpxz made me, by the way.
Brainiac: Nxyly wants to capture you in her crystal, which she can use to find the seven totems that will give her ultimate power.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Or we could say it...
[turning his music back on]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: From the bridge, everybody.

Nxylgsptinz: You came back.
Nia: Do you really just want to go back to the 5th Dimension?
Nxylgsptinz: As soon as I get out of here and replenish my powers, I'll go straight home.
Nia: And if I help you, we have a deal. And you bring my mom back for 24 hours.
Nxylgsptinz: Imps never break their deals. Are you in?
Nia: [as the owl hoots, she hits it with a blast of energy] I'm in.

Maeve: In Parthas, when someone passes, we wear white to honor the light in each of us. Humans and aliens alike. Anyone who met my mom knows her light was blinding. I'm so lucky I got to bask in it every single day. And I'm so lucky to follow in her footsteps, continue her work, carry on her legacy...
Nia: [a vision flashes] Maeve, watch out!
[she pushes Maeve out of the way just as a Child of Liberty smashes through the wall]

Nia: Maeve, I swear I was gonna tell you.
Maeve: Really? When?
Nia: After the memorial service.
Maeve: You knew for months. For months, you let me go on about how upset I was that the powers hadn't kicked in yet. You let me humiliate myself, think I was future blind...
Nia: No, no. I-It wasn't like that. I was trying to transfer the powers to you somehow.
Maeve: Right. How did you, of all people, get the powers? They're supposed to be passed down from mother to daughter. So how did someone like you get them? You're not even a real woman.

Naxim: This is Naxim Tork with a message for all non-humans. I have the Kryptonian's mascot in my possession. If the Kryptonian does not surrender themself to the attached digital coordinates in ten Earth minutes, the human dies.
Young: What was that?
Young: Those coordinates... I-I can get there in 30 seconds and turn myself over to Naxim.
Young: What? No. No, you're too weak. We need to get that green stuff out of your hand.
Brainiac: I agree. Plus, outing yourself now would be catastrophic. Leave Kenny's rescue to us.
Young: Kenny sacrificed himself for me. I have to do this. And... you can't stop me.
Nia: Actually, we can.
[she uses her powers to knock Kara unconscious]
Young: [catching her as she falls] Kara!
Nia: She'll be okay in a little bit. I'm sorry.
Brainiac: [they leave, securing the door behind them] We had no other choice.

Nia: This is it. This is the place from my dreams. It's all gonna happen.
Querl: Nia Nal, you contain greatness. I can't tell you how I know, but we can stop this. You can stop this.

Nxylgsptinz: Oh, good. You're back.
[seeing the bruise on his face]
Nxylgsptinz: What happened to you?
Mitch: [covering] I was doing research and a book fell on my face. Twice. But I did read "Tale of an Object Infused with Love". You know, maybe it's the Love totem.
Nxylgsptinz: [taking a book from him] Ines De Castro, the Corpse bride of Portugal. The grave of famous lovers in Portugal. Hmm. That's just what the Mxy ball said.
Nia: [elsewhere, waking from a dream] I know where the Love totem is.

Querl: Nia! You are welcome. I assume you received the pizza delivery.
Nia: Thank you for the pizzas, but my dress is bursting at the seams, and I'm pretty sure I have heartburn.
Querl: Hmm, yes. My heart also burns.
Nia: You're not listening to me.
Querl: But this morning you said "I love this." Remember "best morning ever"?
Nia: I... I did, I do. I just... I appreciate all the stuff you're doing to make me happy. But I love lots of things. I love... stupid buddy comedies and Taylor Swift, and quiet nights, and poetry, and just spending time with you.
Querl: I love that, too.
Nia: So you'll chill on the food?
Querl: Indeed. But just to be clear, "chill" doesn't mean you want gelato or a nice, chilled shrimp cocktail, correct?
Nia: No more food. Hot or cold.

Nia: Did I cover okay about training and everything? Did I blow it?
Kara: No, no! I'm still getting used to lying to Alex, too. And don't worry, you'll get better at the whole "sneaking out" thing. The key is subtlety.
[the elevator doors open to reveal Brainy, trying too hard to look inconspicuous]
Kara: Case in point.
Nia: Hi, Brainy.
Querl: [quietly] It's Barney.
Kara: Barney?
Querl: Yes, Barney. Thought it best we keep a low profile, considering where we're going.

Brainiac: We can't do this, Nia. What if she runs into herself? She can't meet Cat Grant. It... it's too early.
Nia: Well, clearly locking her up doesn't work. We'll keep her close.
Naxim: [nearby] I love it when the animals...
Young: That's Naxim.
Nia: Ambushing the old us. We have to find CJ and her drone now.
Brainiac: [to Kara] Fine. You can help. But stay close and stay out of sight.

Nia: I just witnessed a business owner refuse to serve an alien, and then assualt him.
James: Yeah. We're getting a lot of calls like that lately. And it-it's good for us to follow up on these types of stories, so that people know how these businesses are treating aliens.
Nia: Absolutely, but... it's bigger than that. Mr. Olsen, I really think we need a statement from our Editor-in-Chief. Aliens are being subjected to hate crimes like never before.
James: It is horrible, which is why we are reporting on this kind of stuff. We are. But... I have to think strategically. You know, this is not the best time for me to write an editorial.
Nia: I know you've been under a lot of scrutiny since unmasking as Guardian. You have another chance to fight for justice now.

Nia: [helping Kara prep for "Counterpoint Daily"] As a reporter for CatCo, what role do you think the media should be playing in the rising anti-alien sentiment?
Kara: The goal of the media is to ensure that every voice is heard. Ignorace breeds fear, so the more factual dynamic news stories we write, including about aliens, the less we will...
[seeing Nia is asleep]
Kara: Nia!
Nia: [jerking awake] I'm listening.
Kara: Nia, we have got to get you help. Hey, you know, you should come to my place on Thanksgiving. My mom will be there, and-and she knows all the top doctors in then city. She can help you.

Nia: [waking from a dream] What was that?
Brainiac: That last patch of turbulence damaged the Phantom's containment, allowing it to briefly slip out of its bonds and affect all of us. Terrible fear visions for everyone.
[she glances at the Phantom Zone map]
Brainiac: You okay? Containment unit's back online and Phantom's locked down tight. Everything's back on track.
Nia: Are you sure? I had a vision there was something wrong with the containment unit.
Brainiac: [checking] Everything seems to be fine.
Nia: Something's wrong. I know it. It's the containment unit. We have to get down there. Now.
Brainiac: [following her to the elevator] Are you sure? I can run a full system diagnostic...
Nia: There's no time. It was in my dream. There is something wrong with the containment unit. The Phantom's gonna try to get out. I know it.
Brainiac: Nia, look, I... I don't want to say this, but...
Nia: You think I'm wrong?
Brainiac: Not "wrong". Of course I believe in you, but perhaps we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Remember your dream about Midvale? And then in Midvale... sometimes your interpretations aren't always...
Nia: I may not always know exactly what's going on in my dreams, but I know this is something we need to pay attention to, Brainy.
Brainiac: Look. I know you're doing the best you can. But you know you never got the full training before your mother...
Nia: I *can* do this. You'll see.

Nia: Kara, you need to get here immediately. Ms. Rojas is on a rampage, and she won't start the editorial meeting until everyone's present.
Kara: I'm on my way.
[hanging up]
Kara: You guys get J'onn to Kelly.
Alex: Okay. And I'll have the DEO start a broadband scan for Green Martians ASAP.
Kara: [he groans in pain] J'onn, we're gonna find your brother.

Querl: If I may...
Nia: We don't need to talk about it.
Querl: I must. Even if it hurts. A wise man once said "Relationships based on intense experiences never work."
Nia: What are you...
Nia: The wise man is Keanu Reeves.
Querl: A truth-teller if there ever was one. It pains me to say, you and I... we can never be together.
Nia: All right, well, if Keanu Reeves says...
Querl: Don't speak. It only makes this more difficult.
Nia: [to herself, as he leaves] Whatever you say, Wildcat.

Nia: Oh, I am so late. You know, the crazy thing is I am always punctual. Always. But the the one day it matters, my roommate took the keys to my rental car, accidentally, of course, and I had to take the bus, and I spilled coffee all over my skirt, and all I wanted to do was make a good first impression on Ms...
[seeing Kara and realizing who it is]
Nia: ...Danvers. It's you.

Querl: It's going to be all right.
Nia: All right? We've been kidnapped.
Kara: Reporting 101. When you get kidnapped, you're on the right track.
Nia: But that doesn't make any sense.
Kara: Tell that to Lois Lane.
Nia: Who?

Young: [to Nia, after hiding the Legion cruiser] You... you can stay with us.
Kenny: If-if she stays with you guys, he stays with me.
Young: Okay! Okay, let's go.
Nia: Uh...
Young: [gesturing for her and Brainy to follow them] Come on.
Kenny: [returning Brainy's backpack] Here you go, bro.
Brainiac: Thank you.
Nia: [stopping at Brainy's side] Okay. Um, it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Just, um... chillax.

Kara: What is it?
Nia: Al's dive bar. He's been using it as a shelter for aliens, and Lockwood's goons just crashed it. I-I stopped them. But... the people there still felt so helpless. And I wanna do more to help them. I just... don't know what else I can do.
Kara: I know exactly how you feel. I've been so myopic, I think I've made things worse. I made Franklin's sister more afraid. And not to mention I've been a terrible friend to Lena.
Nia: Uh... how have you been a terrible friend? You've been lockstep ever since Lex escaped.
Kara: That was Supergirl.
Nia: Right.

Querl: Ben Lockwood is trying trap Supergirl. His next step will be obtaining the Alien Registry. We could delete it right now, avoid that possibility, but that could backfire and bring the government down twice as hard. The odds are a perfect 50/50.
Nia: Well, what does your gut tell you?
Querl: That decisions should be made based on facts and not intestinal inclinations. Now, please tell me, what do I do?
Nia: Well, if you want my opinion, uh...
Querl: No, I do not. I... I want you to literally tell me what I do. Dream the future of the Registry. Does it exist? Does it not? If you tell me that, then you tell me what I did so that I could do it.
Nia: So, when I want to know about my descendants' superpowers, it's all "you'll destroy the fabric of space and time." But when you want to know the future, it's...
Querl: There is no other way! I...
Nia: Fine.

Supergirl: Welcome to the Fortress of Solitude.
Nia: [looking around in awe] I mean, it sure beats the hell out of your loft.
Supergirl: Hey! That place is rent-controlled. And this works great for training. Plus, you have Kelex, too.
Kelex: I did not know we would be receving guests.
Nia: [in awed excitement] You have a robot?

Kara: Nia.
Nia: Kara.
Kara: It's good to hear your voice.
Nia: Well, it would be better to see my face. Where are you? The ceremony's about to start.
Kara: Ceremony?
Nia: They're awarding the Nobel Peace Prize any minute. Don't worry, I saved you a seat, but that lady from the Gazette is giving me angry eyes. If you miss this, Andrea's gonna blow a gasket.
[Kara super-speeds in next to her]
Nia: Good timing.

Kara: If the powers are only passed to one daughter per generation, why are they so sure that it's Maeve?
Nia: You heard my mom. When she was pregnant with Maeve, she dreamt that her daughter would be the Dreamer.
Kara: Believe me, I know how hard it is to hurt your sister, but I think you should tell her.
Nia: I'm gonna talk to my mom. I'm gonna see if there's a way that I can transfer the powers to Maeve somehow.
Kara: I don't think it works like that.
Nia: Could you just talk to my sister? Interview her for your article? Just buy me some time with my mom?
Kara: Okay. Of course.

Nia: Brainy, I was wrong. You can't delete the Registry.
Querl: Oh. Uh... I didn't.
Nia: Thank god. Oh, I had a dream they came for you.
Querl: I should clarify. I did, in fact, erase the list from the DEO servers, but seeing as how there may come a time when we need it, I downloaded a copy. To my brain.
Nia: Why-why would you do that? Now you could be a target.
Querl: Well, that's just the cost of being a hero.
Nia: Oh, uh... Brainy, that's, um... that's actually very heroic.

Isabel: [Nia enters the house] You look famished.
Paul: She looks lovely. As always.
Nia: Hi.
Maeve: And chic. Who is this city girl?
Nia: Hi!
Maeve: What has she done with my sister?
Nia: Uh, Maeve, mom, dad, I want you to meet my friend and boss, Kara Danvers.
Kara: Nice to meet you.
Isabel: Kara, we're so delighted you came.
Kara: Your home is beautiful.

Mitch: Ship's altitude moving to 500 feet. Species confirmed. We have a Kryptonian and a Naltorian.
Naxim: Excellent.
[opening a hatch]
Naxim: Stay the course! Gun blast in five, four...
Nia: [managing to stop the big rig and seeing the blast hit the street] What the hell was that?
Naxim: You didn't stay the course! Circle around!
Mitch: [getting an alert] Oh, no! We have another problem. A Coluan has flown in!

Nia: You stowed away?
Young: I-I heard you say you were going back in time to fix things, so I just... I followed my instincts and... okay, wait. It was awful. Under those police-issued flashlights, with the reporter asking me questions, and-and... and the cops coming in. In that moment, I saw my future, and I'm only 17. I don't know anything. I... I don't have a driving permit. Eliza's only let me do the laundry once, and I'm-I'm not even sure I know how to make rice. I don't know what I want my future to look like, but that wasn't it. So, please, let me help you find the reporter and change things back.
Nia: Brandon, you know she's right.
Brainiac: What?
Nia: That future wasn't hers.
Brainiac: [leading her away to talk privately] Uh, no. No, no, no.
[to Kara]
Brainiac: No super-hearing.

Nia: [defending Brainy after his image inducer is hacked] You need to back off.
[Massimo doesn't move]
Nia: Did I stutter? I said back off.

Brainiac: I understand you're frustrated with your dream interpretation, but lucid dreaming? Seriously advanced.
Nia: Sure. So, now I can bring dreams to life. I just can't figure out what any of them mean.
Brainiac: One victory at a time.

Kara: Whoa! You have a bento box fort.
Nia: Yup. Yeah, I do.
Kara: Can I have some?
Nia: Yes.
Kara: I'm starving.
Nia: Yes, please, take them all. I'm still stuffed from breakfast.
Kara: Well, let me guess, is this Brainy?
Nia: This morning, he brought me my favorite breakfast, and it was perfect, but I don't know. Isn't this... a little excessive?
Kara: Um, maybe giving food is Brainy's language of love, I don't know.
Nia: Well, I think I just need to tell him in plain English that this is 35 boxes of sushi too much love.
Kara: Yeah, that sounds like a very healthy and mature thing to do, but I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts.

James: Hey, kid, what's up?
Nia: [handing him a tablet] You are trending.
James: Yeah?
Nia: In a bad way.
James: [scrolling through the headlines] "Roaches crushed by Guardian's boot." What? "Humans strike back strong". "Guardian of Liberty."

Nia: In 2009, I was 12. Is this really what people wore to prom?
Brainiac: Yes. Ergo, it is the perfect disguise to allow us to chillax on our mission. "Chillax" being a key 2009 phrase, along with "flossy", "totes", and of course, the immortal "Wassup!".
Nia: Oh, I forgot about "Wassup." My sister and I said it so much that our mom made us write essays on the etymology of the phrase to prove how ridiculous it was.

Brainiac: You're still worried, aren't you? About your dream?
Nia: What if it's trying to warn me about something really important, something life-threatening, and that's why it keeps coming back? How can I be a hero if I don't even understand how to use my own powers? While we're in this time, I just wish I could...
Brainiac: But you know you can't. Call your mom.
[a console beeps]
Brainiac: The meteor just entered the Earth's atmosphere right on time.
Nia: Let's finish this.

Querl: I thought he was my friend.
Nia: A true friend will accept you for who you truly are.
Querl: You look familiar. Do I know you?
Nia: I don't believe so.
Querl: May I... get to know you?
Nia: I think we can make that happen.
Querl: Oh. How?
Nia: My name's Nia Nal.
[turning to leave]
Nia: If you truly want to find me, you will.

Brainiac: [finding the Phantom safely in its containment unit] Everything seems to be under control here. What exactly did you dream?
Nia: The containment unit was empty. Except for...
Brainiac: What?
[hearing a crash, J'onn then calls on the intercom]
J'onn: That's the hull integrity sensor. There's some kind of breach. Brainy, you and Dreamer have to find it.
Nia: [reacting as a piece of wall panel is torn away] Brainy!
Brainiac: Nia! Sprock! Our shields must have been breached! The pressure could tear this whole ship apart! We have to seal that airlock, now!
Nia: [remembering her dream] Of course. The thimble! It had a picture of the Tower, cracked. That's why it was in the containment unit. It was telling me to contain the problem, protect the Tower.
Brainiac: Well, help me fix it now! You dreamt this. Help me stop it.
Nia: A thimble means sewing. Sewing... maybe I need to use my powers to sew this shut.
Brainiac: [she tries] That's it. That's it, you're doing it!
Nia: [losing her grip, the whole panel is torn away] Brainy!
Brainiac: [hanging on to a pillar] We're too late! The breach is already too big! If we had gotten here sooner...
Nia: We wasted too much time. I wasted too much time. Because I couldn't interpret my dream right.

Nia: You're gonna do great. You are passionate, you are intelligent. Your hair looks amazing. Did you get highlights?
Kara: [quietly, taken aback] Yeah.
Nia: Go get 'em.
Kara: I thought I was the mentor.

Brainiac: Nia, are you all right?
[she wakes from a dream]
Brainiac: Nia?
Nia: Huh? Uh, yeah. Just, uh, trying to track down where the police are keeping Mitch. He may know something, too, but their system is just so slow.
Brainiac: We swore no more secrets.
Nia: All right. Follow me.
[she leads him to the elevator; cut to them getting off on another floor]
Brainiac: So you brought Nxyly out of the dream realm in exchange for seeing your mother?
Nia: I know. My mother made it perfectly clear what a bad decision it was. It's horrible. I'm horrible.
Brainiac: No. Nia. Nxyly used you.
Nia: That doesn't matter. Now I'm dreaming of Mxy dead in some awful imp ice cage. I let Nxyly out with no way to stop her.
Brainiac: Do you remember when Lex used me? When he did, I was certain we were all gonna have an awful future which I couldn't stop. And then you and the rest of our friends helped defeat him and changed the future for the better.
Nia: So what should I do?
Brainiac: Focus on stopping this imp with the rest of us. And tell Kara.
Nia: No, I can't. No, I did the exact opposite of what a real hero would do. She would lose all respect for me.
Brainiac: She'll understand that Nxyly manipulated you. She's on the same team as you are. As am I.

Brainiac: My apologies for the subpar attire. It's the best I could do on short notice.
Nia: I... I don't know. Do you think it's a little...
Brainiac: [momentarily dumbstruck] It's... stunning. You... you're stunning.
Nia: Thanks.
Brainiac: I believe it's, uh... it's customary for couples attending prom to share a dance, no?
[taking her hand]
Brainiac: Should I spin you? I'm spinning you.
[they start dancing]
Brainiac: You know, I never thanked you before... for sharing your calming technique with me. The "9 to 5" was quite effective.
Nia: Happy to help.

Brainiac: I need real fifth-dimensional elements to lock onto Mxy. Tell me you found some.
Supergirl: No, but we did find something else that might help.
Alex: [opening a case] Baltorian scanners. They're portable and able to trace even minute amounts of fifth-dimensional energy.
Brainiac: [taking a scanner out] Interesting.
[it beeps]
Brainiac: Sprock, it-it's already found a source of fifth-dimensional energy.
Supergirl: [looking at a monitor] Is that the Ormfell?
J'onn: The one Nxyly blew up?
Nia: You don't think she'd return to the scene of the crime, do you?

Nia: [Kara leads her into the Tower] Wait, this is the superhero-level stuff I have been waiting for.

Querl: [waxing poetic] Graceful arcs across her brow / I'm left forever to wonder how / a being as perfect as my Nia Nal / could ever love someone...
[but he startles her, and she drops her hair dryer]
Nia: [softly by herself] Put up with this all?
Querl: small?
[he heard her]
Querl: What was that?
Nia: [with wet hair] Um... Just, thank you, for... poem one hundred and...
Querl: One hundred and twenty-seven.
Nia: [dismayed tone] One hundred and twenty-seven.
Querl: I almost mastered the sonnet.
Nia: Oh, I think you've got it. But... you don't wanna overdo it.
Querl: Oh, you're right. "Brevity is the soul of wit," as Polonius said to Hamlet.

Nia: You're CJ Grant.
CJ: How'd you know that? He sent you, didn't he? You're one of Perry's weasels here to drag me back to the gossip rag.
Nia: Who's Perry?
CJ: My overreaching editor, Perry White.
Nia: [remembering the cougar cage in her dream] P.W. Of course.
CJ: So you do work for him?
Nia: No. No, no, no. I-I... I'm just a journalism major at a local college.
CJ: [meaning the way she's dressed] It's a bit formal for college.
Nia: I'm minoring in performance art.

Nxylgsptinz: Don't be scared.
Nia: Who are you? What do you want?
Nxylgsptinz: My name is Nxyly.
Nia: Wait, I've seen you before. You were in my dreams.
Nxylgsptinz: Not exactly in them. I crashed them, and not on purpose. I'm stuck here. I'm so grateful I found you. I need your help. And you need mine.

Nia: I'd ask how you're holding up.
Brainiac: Never thought I'd say this, but... I could really use my personality inhibitors. All this happiness is making me quite sad. I can't stop thinking that soon I'll have to leave everyone. Especially you.
Nia: Don't think about that. Right now, you're here with me. See?
[taking his hand and putting her head on his shoulder]
Nia: Do you feel your hand in mine?
Brainiac: I do.
Nia: And my head on your shoulder?
Brainiac: Yes.
Nia: That's all that matters. Tonight's not the night to be Debbie Downer. We're here to celebrate Alex and Kelly.
Brainiac: You're right. I do not intend to be this... Debbie with a sad surname. You know, actually, I am grateful... to feel so much love and loss... because then I know... it all truly meant something. And that you'll always be with me, Nia Nal... no matter where I go.
[leading her to the dance floor]
Brainiac: Come. I'll show you how they dance in the future.

Nia: Is it go time?
Young: [showing Eliza's ID badge] You and I just need to be back before my mom heads out for work.

Kara: I know something's going on with you. I... at Thanksgiving, you told different people different versions of your narcolepsy story, and none of them matched. And now you're... you're drinking gallons of coffee and-and freaking out at the TV...
Nia: Agent Liberty, on the TV, it reminded me of a nightmare I had.
Kara: Nia, I'm getting worried, and I want to help you.
Nia: [evasively] I'm really okay.

Nia: My dreams aren't like you think. I can't control what I see. Most of the time, I don't even know what's going on in my dreams, and when I do, it's... terrifying. Last time I saw Agent Liberty about to murder a woman.
Kara: Did you recognize her?
[Nia shakes her head]
Kara: Do you know when he's going to do it or where?
Nia: That's what I'm trying to tell you. If I could help, I would. Really, I would. But I can't.
Kara: Well, what if I told you that I know someone that could help you?
Nia: I would welcome the help.
Kara: Great. Your help is welcomed!
Nia: [surprised] Brainy?
Querl: Hey, girl.
Kara: [trying to casually lean on the counter, he slides off and falls to the floor] Oh!
Querl: I'm okay.

Andrea: I wanna talk to you about power. Specifically, the power of the press. It's the trial of the century and CatCo needs to be the culture's one-stop shop for all things Lex Luthor.
William: The trial hasn't even begun yet.
Andrea: Well, we pre-write obituaries for heads of state, don't we? This should be no different. We all know he's getting convicted. We might as well just get a jump on it.
[Nia tries to sneak in quietly]
Andrea: Well, nice of you to join us, Ms. Nal.
Nia: I'm... I'm sorry. I was donating blood.
Andrea: Oh, how heroic of you. Obsidian North died for Lex Luthor's sins. Now I want our smart, splashy coverage to bury him six feet under. So, assignments. Nia, with Kara still out of town with Cat Grant, I'm gonna need you down at the courthouse. The judge, the jurors, the witnesses, do literally whatever it takes to get interviews. I will pay your bail if it comes to that.
Nia: I'm sorry, me?
Andrea: Yes. And William, of course.
William: We won't be able to get in. The courthouse is on lockdown due to threats against Luthor. I mean, they're even keeping the jury off-site to protect them.
Andrea: Well, the two of you are sharks. You'll find a way to get in. Plus, if you run into trouble, I'm Supergirl will swoop in to protect you. She always does.

James: [seeing Nia with an armful of coffee cups] Um... stockpiling for the great coffee war?
Nia: Uh... no, no. These are extras for friends.
Kara: [entering as the elevator doors nearly close] One more! Sorry. Thanks. Hey, James.
James: Hey.
Kara: Hey, Nia. Are those all for you?

Supergirl: Vita, we need your help. We accidentally broke the courage totem, and now there's fifth-dimensional energy coming out of it.
Brainiac: [possessed by her consciousness] Well, that wasn't wise. Breaking the totem unleashes its magic. Anyone within a close radius when it broke will be given a boost of raw, unfiltered courage.
Supergirl: All those people at the museum have been affected. We could see erratic, even violent behavior all over the city.
Nia: We were there, too. Why weren't we affected?
Supergirl: We'll monitor just to be safe. Vita. Hey, Vita!
Brainiac: Hmm.
Supergirl: How do we reverse it?
Brainiac: By gaining control of your half of the totem. Mm-hmm. You understand? This will attract the other half. You follow? Unite them... and quell the magic.
Supergirl: And to gain control, I have to pass that gauntlet?
Brainiac: Mm, someone's been paying attention to what I've been saying. Yeah, man. If you are successful, you'll gain full command of the totem.

Nia: Brainy, you knew one of my descendants in the future, but you won't tell me a thing about her. But if I knew the full scope of what she could do...
Querl: Absolutely not! Nia, we could create a paradox, destroy the very fabric...
Nia: Fabric of space/time. Where have I heard that before?

Querl: [playing Exploding Kittens] Attack card.
Alex: [groaning in frustration] I don't understand. Sorry. How did you get so good at this so quickly?
Querl: After last we played, I went home and ran 67 billion simulations. Tried to game out the most desirable outcome.
Kelly: So you're counting cards?
Querl: Yes. She gets it.
Nia: Don't tell people that.

J'onn: So Lex and Leviathan are planning something using Obsidian's virtual reality platform.
Lena: And my tech likely made that possible.
Alex: That must be why Rama Khan went after the DEO's kryptonite.
Nia: To keep Supergirl from interfering.
Kara: Well, the joke's on Rama Khan and his big, dumb gladiator outfit, because I've already defeated him once.
J'onn: Don't be rash, Kara. He's tied to the Earth. Which means he can track your slightest movements. If you use your powers even once, he will sense them, and attack.
M'gann: With all that kryptonite at his fingertips, he could kill you.
Kara: You guys will protect me.
Alex: Just like we protected the DEO?

Kelly: Hey, guys, you weren't answering. Is there something wrong with the unit?
[seeing the color of their eyes]
Kelly: Lena? Dreamer?
Lena: So glad you could join us.
Kelly: Oh, no. Alex, the Phantom is trying to breach the containment unit. And it's possessed Lena and Nia. Alex!
[they begin to advance on her]
Kelly: Come on. Lena, Nia. Snap out of it! Remember what's real. Let me help you.
[another flashlight spins around on the ground]
Kelly: Alex?
[seeing she's possessed, too]
Kelly: Alex.
Lena: It's pointless, Kelly. Why bother trying? The Phantom will take us all.
Kelly: [into her comms] J'onn, Brainy, the Phantom is trying to get loose. J'onn!
Lena: J'onn and Brainy are already gone. They couldn't fight it, and neither can you.
Kelly: No. No! Alex... please. If you are still in there, please hear me.
Lena: We hear you. We see you. Exactly as you are, Kelly Olsen. Weak. Human. We are heroes with unparalleled intellects, incredible strength. And yet we all succumbed. What chance do you stand?

Iris: How are we both police officers?
Nia: Because we're both in a dream. Yours.

Nia: So what does the tree mean?
Maeve: Given its position, probably that the journey to the Dream totem starts in a forest somewhere.
Nia: Lately, when I've been entering my dreams, I start in this forest. Could that be it?
Maeve: It could.
Nia: And what about these other symbols? What do they mean?
Maeve: To decipher the tapestry, you have to be able to see the dream realm. So it's difficult for me to say, but there are some books that can help...
Nia: [picking up what Maeve drops] You kept news clippings about me?
Maeve: I might be furious with you, but you are still my sister.
Nia: [with an armful of books] I have to take all of these?
Maeve: Plus a few more.
Nia: Or you could come with me.
Maeve: Really?
Nia: Look, like it or not, I can't decipher this tapestry without you. And if I can't do that, then there's no way I'm gonna find the totem. Just wanna text Brainy and let him know the plan. My boyfriend; he's a 12th-level intellect. Are you coming?
[Maeve takes her hand]

Kelly: Where were all of you?
Alex: Kelly? What happened?
Kelly: Rankin is the problem. She's a source of the fifth-dimensional energy, and I don't know how or why. There was a fight at the hospital and I couldn't stop her.
John: Kelly managed to grab some of Rankin's hair.
Supergirl: Kelly...
Kelly: I needed your help. I told you the people in the Heights needed your help and you didn't see them. You don't see me.
Alex: Kelly, I see...
[seeing Kelly's look, she trails off]
Supergirl: We're gonna stop the person who did this.
Kelly: I know! I know that you are all trying to stop Nxyly. I know. But do you hear me? Do you see what is happening? People are gonna die! And I feel like I am yelling into a void! We are supposed to fight for everyone, together. And yet I am looking at people suffer, people that look like me, and everyone here is just too busy. Where is the outrage that people are gonna die without help? Without hope? Maybe you could spare a second for them.
Alex: [Kelly leaves] I'll, uh, I'll go after her.
Supergirl: I'll go with you.
Nia: Wait. Let's just give her a second. Until she's ready.

Nia: I brought you out of the dream world just like I promised. So where...
Nxylgsptinz: Oh, relax, Naltorian. I haven't forgotten our deal. You will have your mother back for one day as promised, but this will sap the last of my power. Hmm. Best get it over with so I can be about my business.
Nia: What business? I thought you said you were going straight home.
Nxylgsptinz: Oh. Nearly forgot. There is one more stipulation. As long as Mummy is here, you'll be trapped inside a magical realm and no messages can come in or go out.
Nia: No, my friends will worry.
Nxylgsptinz: Hmm, doubtful. But if anyone does, my magic will redirect their thoughts to more worthwhile concerns.
Nia: Wait...
Nxylgsptinz: [as she snaps, a bright flash blinds both of them] Bollocks!
Nia: Where's my mother?
Nxylgsptinz: You know, a simple "thank you" would suffice.
Nia: [as Nxyly snaps again, she disappears] Wait!

Nia: My family is from... far away.
Kara: It's okay.
Nia: They're from a planet called Naltor.
Kara: Wow, that's... you-you know you could have told me, right? I mean, I-I know it's not the best time to broadcast that you're an alien, but...
Nia: I know myself really, really well. Always have. But once in a generation, some of our women get this genetic oneiromancy.
[Kara shrugs her confusion]
Nia: They can dream the future.
Kara: And you can do that?

Kara: Your candy tray awaits, milady.
Nia: Guys, I appreciate the breakup feast, but I'm fine.
Kara: And deny us a night of guilt-free chocolate? I don't think so.

Nia: You okay?
Querl: That ring... was mine.
Nia: Look... if you've taught me anything the past couple days, it's that setbacks will make you stronger. It's not about how your ring was stolen, Brainy. It's about how we're gonna get it back.

James: [seeing Nia asleep at her desk] Working too hard already?
Nia: [jerking awake] Sorry. Um, coffee. Coffee. I need some coffee. Cof... I'm going to get some. Do you want some? Yes, you do. I will be right back.

Alex: Where did you grow up, Nia?
Nia: A small town up north called Parthas.
Lena: Doesn't that mean "paradise" in Irish? It's a pretty high bar.
Nia: Paradise is an understatement. The town's not just beautiful, but aliens and humans have lived together in harmony for decades.

Owl: The wise understand by themselves, Nia. Fools follow the words of others.
Nxylgsptinz: Don't listen to that stupid owl.
Nia: Owls will bring to light what is in the dark. They're symbols of truth.
Nxylgsptinz: Nonsense. That is a ferocious bird of prey who's looking at us like a pair of tiny little tasty sparrows. She's trying to divide and conquer us, Nia, so that she can devour us for breakfast.
Nia: I don't think owls are that devious. My mother revered them.
Owl: Wisdom lies not in seeing things, but in seeing through them.
Nxylgsptinz: Shut up, you ghoul. Nia... I have been around the universe, and that creature is evil. You saw how she attacked me. Don't let her mess with your mind. Please, let's get us out of here and get you reunited with your mum.
Nia: I don't know.
Nxylgsptinz: You can trust me.
[with a screech, the owl attacks her again]
Nxylgsptinz: Ugh! Leave us alone!

Isabel: Nia, it's you. Oh, my god.
Nia: Mom, what's happening?
Isabel: You're in my dream. I'm dying, my love. You are the next Dreamer.
Nia: No, no.
Isabel: Of course it's you. It had to be you. I'm sorry I was so blind. My dream of my daughter with powers... I never saw her face.
Nia: Mom, I don't care about that. I'm not ready for you to go.
Isabel: You are ready. My element was water. Yours is fire. And your fire will make you far more powerful than I ever was. It was your destiny to be my daughter. To be Dreamer. Life put you through many trials just to be who you are. It made you strong. That strength will serve you well as a hero. My Nia.

Querl: Ben Lockwood is at the DEO.
James: But his wife's funeral is today.
Querl: I did not account for this. Alex just texted me moments ago saying she was dealing with a personal matter, and Colonel Haley's in D.C. trying to revoke Ben Lockwood's clearance. It's best I return immediately.
James: You think you can handle him?
Querl: The real question is can he handle me?
Nia: Be careful.
[holding up her hammer as Brainy leaves]
Nia: So... hammer time?
James: Not in the face, kiddo.

Nia: You ever just think how wild it is that you can, like, make a portable sun?
Lena: Says the woman who can see the future and wield dream energy.
Nia: Yeah, right.
Lena: Your gloves, by the way, are amazing. The way they convert your power into physical form, you know, how do they work?
Nia: Um... I... don't know. Brainy made 'em. I... honestly, I should probably know more than I do, but the one person who had answers is gone. Without my mom, all I have are questions. I'm sorry. I know you lost your mom, too. I didn't mean to...
Lena: Oh, no, no, no. It's okay, really. I get it. I miss my mom every day, too.
Nia: It really sucks, doesn't it?
Lena: Yeah, and it doesn't really get any easier. Especially in light of the family I have left.
Nia: Good thing this is our family now, right?

Supergirl: So I have to pass my gauntlet before Nxyly passes hers.
Brainiac: [possessed by Vita's consciousness] It will not be easy. You'll pay a terrible emotional price. And if you fail, the totem's erratic magic will surge in everyone who was near the totem when it broke.
Nia: [trying to comfort Kara] Hey... we're gonna help you.
Brainiac: Ha! Yeah, right. Rubbish! She who broke the totem must run the gauntlet... alone. Oh, dear.
Lena: [he chortles and laughs] Got it. I've got it!
Nia: [Vita's consciousness is removed] Brainy, are you okay?
Brainiac: What... what happened? Where am I?
Nia: You okay?
Brainiac: That wa... I did not like that.
Lena: I will go and make sure that Vita can't make any more unscheduled appearances.
Supergirl: Nia, go help Alex and J'onn try to find Nxyly. I'll go... pay my emotional price.

James: What's on your mind?
Nia: You may not know this about me, but I am a transgender woman. I know what it's like to be... attacked and denied because of who I am. When I saw that alien being attacked, I couldn't let it pass. I... I had to stand up, hold a mirror to that bully's face. And I made a difference. And that was just one person. You are the Editor-in-Chief of CatCo Worldwide Media. You can hold a mirror up to the entire city. We have to show people that violence against aliens is not okay, and that the only way we are going to survive is if we start truly seeing each other.
James: Thank you for sharing your truth, and your passion. But there's something else that I want you to understand, too, is that our readers that share our values already know that we support aliens.
Nia: Well, what about the others?
James: We're trying. We're-we're reaching over the aisle. If I editorialize too soon, they're just gonna call us biased. They're gonna prejudge us. Look, I've been doing this a long time, and the only way to reach people is through balanced reporting.
Nia: When innocent people are being attacked, it's not about balance. It's about justice.

Nia: Well, if it isn't my stalker.
Querl: Nia Nal. I didn't realize you were going to be here.
Nia: So those flowers aren't for me?
Querl: Uh, no. They're for Kara. I was once told to always show up not empty-handed.
Nia: Sounds like your mother raised you right.
Querl: No, she most definitely did not.

Nia: Try reversing the totems' energy signatures. That should create a baseline to repel the Dream totem.
Lena: Yeah, she's right. That should theoretically work.
Brainiac: Sure. Yes, theoretically. What if Lex is using some other technology from the 31st century? Sprock. I should have known. The 31st century is a technology nirvana. Of course Lex would have been drawn to that time. I just... I just wish we knew what he was doing in the future.
Lena: Well, what's the Legion say?
Brainiac: Uh, I haven't contacted them yet.
Nia: What? Brainy, they would know what Lex is up to, and we need all the information we can get.
Brainiac: I know. But knowing things about the future could have major consequences on the...
Nia: Space/time continuum.
Brainiac: And the last time I acted on information from the future, I teamed up with Lex, betrayed my friends, and nearly destroyed half the world. I don't wanna go down that path again.
Lena: I understand.
Nia: All right. Well... I'll try to dream the location of the Love totem. But if you guys should have a need of my genius again, give a whistle.

Querl: You have anticipatory dreams, I have differential calculus. Both are predictive, but...
[blindfolded, Nia blocks the punches he throws]
Querl: ...we have to be adaptive, too.
[they spar some more, and Brainy knocks her down]
Querl: I learned that from my friend Val.
Nia: One of your Legion friends?

Nia: Brainy.
Querl: It is I. And I'd like to make myself clear, since I did not last time. I am not here for a date.
Nia: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
Querl: I sense sarcasm, which I find confusing in this context. You see, I am here because Kara told me about your mother's passing, which I was very sorry to hear. But having run simulations, I've deduced that there's an 87.4% chance that you would now wish to train as a superhero. And I have brought my most complex mind mazes to help you hone your skills and interpret your dreams.
Nia: Brainy, I know it's my destiny to have these powers. But I'm still grieving, Brainy. My mother passed away so suddenly.
Querl: Have you ever considered putting your grief into tiny boxes?
Nia: That doesn't sound very healthy.
Querl: [insulted] It could be. Besides, then it would free you up to train and-and then join mine and Supergirl's crime-fighting family.
Nia: I would love to join your family someday. But I'm just not ready to train right now.

Kara: I know this is a personal attack, but you have to trust that when we find the guy, the cops are gonna put him behind bars.
Nia: Kara, I love you, but do not tell me what I can and can't do right now. There is no catching this guy and redeeming him. There is no hope speech that can make this better.
Kara: Nia...
Nia: No. Look, my community is vulnerable. This happens more than you could possibly know. And there are guys just like this jerk out there who want to hurt us. They want us to hide and to be afraid to be who we are. They want us to disappear, and it happens every day.
Kara: I know, and what this guy did is horrible...
Nia: He's not the first, and he won't be the last. And we haven't exactly been a priority for the cops. So just trust me when I say that I am the one protecting this community. And now this bastard is going after my community, trying to erase me? No. No, this guy is over.
Kara: Look, I-I know that you're hurting right now, and that I will never fully understand. But between us and the cops, we will make sure justice is served. Nia, just give us a chance.
Nia: Fine. A few hours. But then, I'm doing this my way.

Maeve: You knew that ax was going to hit the podium. You have the powers.
Nia: I can explain.
Maeve: Don't touch me.

Brainiac: My face is numb. My heart, it's racing. Feel that. That's not normal.
Nia: [feeling his heart] That is not normal.
Brainiac: We have irrevocably changed space and time.
Nia: You say that a lot.
Brainiac: Yes, but this time it's true. You understand? We released a horde of savage aliens. Kara, she's exposed. Supergirl is lost in the Phantom Zone, and we are running out of time. There's no undoing this one.
Nia: But there is, isn't there? Yes, we can. Brainy, we have a time machine. We can fix everything. We can go back to when we first landed and start over.
Brainiac: Absolutely not. Trying to re-live the past two days would be catastrophic. There are too many variables. Landing a millisecond later than we originally did would have ramifications we can never account for.
Nia: So what if we don't go back that far? What if we only redo the last couple hours? My dream was about Cat, right? So what if we go back to right before she lets Naxim out?
Brainiac: But how would we stop her?
Nia: I can stop her. We can still salvage this, Brainy.
[Kara hears them with her superhuman hearing]
Nia: If we go back to the ship right now, we can fix everything. Please.

Nia: I can't believe James is really gone. I guess part of me always thought he'd come back.
Kara: I know. But I'm happy for him. He deserves this.

Young: So... the reporter didn't say anything about me specifically?
Young: No, but she gave me a feeling like she believed me, but if we make a misstep, she's gonna pounce faster than a speeding...
Nia: [a big rig blows by them with no warning] That guy almost killed us!
Young: Yeah, and his truck is full of gas. Who drives like that?
Nia: [astral-projecting into the cab] No one. In that truck, no one's at the wheel.

Nia: So, what are we really gonna do with the bad guys?
Brainiac: I set the ship's course to Uruguay. That's where Naxim was found in the original timeline. In three days, his ship will de-cloak, and an encrypted message will be sent to the DEO, allowing us to fully realign space-time.
Nia: Easy-peasy.
[falling into a dream state and seeing the pink cougar's empty cage]
Nia: What is that?
Brainiac: [she wakes up with a gasp] Another dream?
Nia: I saw the cage like before. And I could hear the cougar nearby, but... we've already captured Naxim and Mitch, so why would the cage be empty? Why would I be dreaming of them at all?
Brainiac: Perhaps it's a dream echo, triggered by the ship's Bismolian energy.
Nia: Maybe.
Brainiac: Well, the kryptonite meteor should be entering the Earth's atmosphere any moment now. As soon as we get the debris with Kara's blood on it, our mission here is finished.

Brainiac: Sprock! The nano-plating's too thin. This lock needs to be strong enough to withstand anything Nxyly might attempt.
Nia: I mean, I can try dream energy.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [popping up] And I can assist!
Brainiac: Uh, in what manner, exactly?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Uh, b... I-I-I could, um... I could, um... try to stabilize some of the particle. Do I have permission to Patrick Swayze-in-"Ghost" you?
Nia: [a little grossed out] No!
Brainiac: No. Look, Mxy, if you really want to help, maybe sort wire. Or...
Nia: Organize the science lab.
Brainiac: Organize the science lab. I don't know. Just stay out of our way, okay?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Sort, organize, yes.
J'onn: [calling on the intercom] Brainy, Dreamer, Supergirl is at the Fortress, where her scanner has just picked up a spike in Fifth-Dimensional energy downtown.
Nia: On it.
Brainiac: [Mxy moves to follow them] We've got this.

Isabel: I miss you so much. I can never understand how you enjoy living in that concrete jungle.
Nia: Oh, there's a life force to the city. It's not the same as nature, but it's alive.
Isabel: You seem in tune with the energy of the city. It suits you.

Nia: I'm sorry Brainy couldn't design the Harun-El extractor without kickback, but I think we're all just happy you're okay.
James: Well, I'm just happy justice prevailed and Lockwood and his cohorts got locked up. And the injury reminds me that I'm human, which I started to miss.
Nia: Well, I'm just happy people are talking again and, you know, listening to facts.
Kara: Yeah. These have been some dark days. And I'll admit, there were some times where I thought we would never get out of it, but we didn't give up, and we kept chipping away until we brought the truth to light. Can you believe the Fourth Estate saved the day?

Nia: [captured by Tork] Power dampeners. What do we do?
Brainiac: Thinking.
Naxim: I came for a Kryptonian, but a Naltorian... and a Coluan... well, I'd say it adds a nice kitsch factor to our menagerie.
[firing his weapon]
Naxim: Take this.
Nia: There's gotta be some way out of this.
Young: [hearing them with her powers] Brandon and Brenda are in trouble.
Kenny: Go. I'm right behind you.

Nia: All right, Dr. Revee. Let's see what you can tell me.
[knocking on the door, she's surprised when it opens]
Nia: Maeve?

Winn: You know, I can't tell you a whole lot about the future, but I can tell you that you, Nia, are a powerful woman. You see this?
[showing her his Legion ring]
Winn: So, I'm the only human Legionnaire, so when I got my Legion ring, they had to soup it up with, like, some cool powers.
Nia: [watching him demonstrate] Is that dream energy?
Winn: Yeah. So, Nura and I, uh, we fashioned the ring's abilities after her, and your, powers. Never let anyone make you question your own worth. Okay? And that is patented Nura Nal advice. She would kill me if I didn't give her credit.

Nia: Hey, Lena, is everything okay?
Lena: Yeah, everything's actually good. I just got off the phone with Kara, but I wanted to call you. I finally understand what the kelpie means.
Nia: Y-You did? What's it mean?
Lena: That I don't have to feel guilty anymore. I've spent my entire life feeling responsible for my mother's death, even though I know it's not true, but... every time I thought about her, I would just be drowning in guilt. Facing that Phantom allowed me to break through and finally let go.
Nia: That's great.
Lena: It also made me realize that all of that guilt was keeping me from knowing who my mother really was. So... I've decided to change that. I'm gonna go home.
Nia: Uh, to Luthor Mansion?
Lena: No. To where I was born.

Nia: God, it just sucks out there. I wish we could do your "Aliens of National City" story with every alien. Then the humans would know that they don't need to be afraid of them.
Kara: Maybe they just need to get to know one alien.
Nia: How do you mean?
Kara: [amused laugh] Nia... Nia! You and I have been so focused on fighting and reporting that maybe... maybe we forgot the most important part of being a hero is inspiring hope.
Nia: So Supergirl's coming back?
Kara: The world doesn't need to hear from Supergirl right now. They need a hero who can speak to the conflict society is struggling with. Someone who is both alien and human. Someone who can bring them together.
Nia: How?
Kara: I wanna interview you. An exclusive. I wanna introduce the world to Dreamer.

Nia: [confronts Morae] Yield or die!
Supergirl: Just take it down to like a... a seven.
Nia: Yield, or else!

Querl: Once he's hit a million followers, he's promised to strike. So you'll have to work fast.
Kara: She can do it.
Nia: Um, right. Uh, so, are there any markers, any specifics I can keep an eye out for?
Alex: All we know is that he wants attention.
Nia: Attention. Okay.
[entering a dream state, she sees Brainy]
Nia: Not you. Get out of my head, jerk.

Nia: All right, Nyxly. I'm coming for you.

Andrea: Okay, enough of this farce. The trial may be over, but we are not. William, get out there and find me my next Lexposé. Back to work!
Nia: [running in] William! William, I am so sorry I didn't make it back to the courthouse.
William: It wouldn't have made a difference. I'm not sure any of this does anymore, really.
Nia: Of course it does. Look, Lex got acquitted, and there is nothing that we could have done about that. But when he tries something again tomorrow, that is something we can do something about. We can still make a difference. We just can't stop trying.

Young: I don't know how to thank you, Brenda. Even if it was just for a little while, it was nice to not feel like the only alien in town.
Nia: I promise you won't always feel that way.
Young: Part of me wishes I could go with you and Brandon. Supering in space has a nice ring.
Nia: [chuckling] Yeah.
Young: [looking down at Kenny] Then again, Midvale has its perks. I just hope one day I could grow up to be as cool of a hero as you.
Nia: Something tells me you'll be super.

Paul: You know, I can't believe our Nia works at CatCo. You've read Cat's book how many times?
Nia: [wincing in embarrassment] Fourteen.
Kara: [surprised] Really?
Maeve: [the family laughs] Oh! More like 40.

Nia: [returning Brainy's Legion ring] I think this belongs to you. Came in handy. Thanks.
Brainiac: I should have protected Kara. I failed. I failed everyone.
Nia: You didn't fail, Brainy. You defeated Leviathan.
Brainiac: Supergirl is gone. Lex Luthor lives. I should have let the other Brainiac-5s take on Leviathan, because clearly, I was too stupid to get it right.
Nia: Brainy, stop! You are not stupid. You were put in a no-win situation and you did the best you could.
Brainiac: I hurt you. That... was not the best.
Nia: You did. But I still care about you.
Brainiac: How can you be so kind after... after everything? It's not logical.
Nia: The heart isn't logical. When we thought you were dying on the Leviathan ship, you said that you loved me. If that's still true and... you want to fix us, you need to start engaging with me honestly, no matter what. Even if you think you're protecting me. Because, Brainy, I am not a woman who needs to be protected.
Brainiac: Of course. You're a woman who stops tidal waves... and who dreams impossible things.
Nia: And loves you, too.
[offering a pinky swear]
Nia: No more secrets?
Brainiac: I promise.

Nia: We've been together, or something like together, for almost a month.
Querl: Almost.
Nia: And... we still never get past a firm handshake. I just need to know what you're comfortable with. Because I get the feeling that maybe you haven't... done this before. Which is fine if you haven't, I totally understand that...
Querl: You thought that...
Nia: Are you?
Querl: No.
Nia: Oh.
Querl: I've had plenty of romatic experience. I mean, a lot, actually.
Nia: Oh, okay.
Querl: Truth is... you are the first person I have ever loved.
Nia: Brainy.
Querl: You want to know why I find Miranda Priestly so terrifying? It's because she's cold, she's uncaring, she betrays the people she cares about the most. And last month at Lex Luthor's camp, that... that is exactly how I behaved toward you.
Nia: Brainy.
Querl: Even though I love you, I hurt you. If I've kept my distance, it's because I find myself wondering how could I ever let my guard down with you again. I...
Nia: Querl Dox, I know you. That person who left me at the camp wasn't you. You are caring, and selfless, and good. I want to be the person you let your guard down with. I want you to be able to... fully be yourself with me. Do you want that, too?
Querl: More than anything.
Nia: Then kiss me?

Nia: Are you okay?
[seeing a cut on Yvette's cheek]
Nia: Oh, my god, what happened to you?
Yvette: Angus.
Nia: Your boyfriend did this to you?
Yvette: He only pretended to like me. He targeted me so I can give this message to Dreamer.
Nia: [taking a slip of paper] "The world doesn't want a trans superhero. So crawl back under the rock you came... came from, or I'll keep attacking people like you."

Nia: My dreams are failing me. I should've seen this coming. What good am I as a hero if I can't even protect the people that I love?
Querl: What about my powers? Of deduction. It should've been I that predicted this. A backlash always follows a political success like the march. And Manchester is still in possession of my Legion ring. He could use it to fly into CatCo undetected. I am to blame.

Alex: What did you see?
Nia: [glancing at Brainy] Nothing.
Querl: Literally nothing? That seems unlikely.
Nia: Fine. I saw a tiger.
[pushing past him, roughly shoulder-nudging him]
Nia: Wildcat.
Winn: [Kara moves to follow her] Um, let me.

Brainiac: In almost every scenario I can devise, we have a success rate of nearly 20%.
Nia: That's a failure rate of 80%.
Brainiac: Oh, yes, it's terrible.

Eliza: I hope you don't mind, but Kara told me about your narcolepsy.
Nia: Oh. It's really not that big of a deal.
Eliza: My friend, Dr. Mosier, is a specialist in sleep disorders, right here in National City.
Nia: Oh, my gosh. What an... unexpected coincidence.
Eliza: I already texted her. She can get you in any time next week.
Nia: No! No, thank you. Um... I already have a doctor here.
Eliza: Oh. Who? Maybe... maybe I know them.
Nia: Uh... doc... Doctor, uh... Smith.
Eliza: Gene Smith?
Nia: No. Um... uh... uh, Minsky. Dr. Minsky Smith.
Eliza: [to herself] Minsky...
Nia: He's really young. I'm sure you don't know him. Well, not that you don't know young people.

Nia: Rejection never looked so good or was so cool about it.

Brainiac: Nia, trying to pull that cat thing into the dream realm was rash.
Nia: I almost had it.
Brainiac: We could have lost you.
Nia: Does it matter? I have to stop Nxyly. I have to fix this.
Brainiac: You won't fix anything by dying. Your guilt is eating away at you. It's making you act irrationally. You have to tell Kara.
Supergirl: [coming in with J'onn and Alex] Tell me what?
Nia: That I'm sorry I screwed up today.
Supergirl: No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. If anything, it's my fault.

Kara: You okay?
Nia: Yeah. It's just, um, with Brainy taking Zor-El back to Argo, I guess I haven't been sleeping that well.
J'onn: Well, maybe Lena could team up with me when she gets here.
Kara: No, she's still back east, looking for information about her birth mother. I really hope whatever she finds brings her some peace.
Alex: Right? You know, she's really had a rough go with the Luthor side of the family.
J'onn: That is putting it mildly.

Lena: I saw it... it reminded me of... no, that's ridiculous.
Nia: What?
Lena: A kelpie. A shapeshifter that drags people underwater. No, no, that's a myth. It's a story from my mother's book of folklore. It always gave me nightmares.
Nia: Well, I can see why. That thing's terrifying.
Lena: No, that's not it. It's the drowning. My mother drowned. Right in front of me. I always blamed myself 'cause I didn't stop it. I would read the story over and over, punishing myself. But in my nightmares, it was always the kelpie who drowned me.
Nia: Lena... I'm so sorry. Did the story say anything about how to fight a kelpie? Because it is clearly not a myth.
Lena: [a watery tentacle appears and Nia begins choking] Dreamer?
[fleeing as the kelpie appears]
Lena: This is my nightmare.
[water seeps in under the door]
Lena: This is my nightmare. Kelpies are a myth.
[the kelpie re-forms]
Lena: This is a fear vision! What did Kelly say? Remember what's real. Motor oil, Martian steel, the Tower, the lab, my friends.

Nia: You're not looking too chillaxed, Brainy.
Brainiac: [distracted] Hmm?
Nia: You're stress eating again.
Brainiac: [putting his bag of chips down] I'm not... I'm not... I'm not stress-eating. I just... I never had breakfast.
Nia: So you're not worried at all that the last time you time traveled, you missed the mark by 15,000 years?
Brainiac: It was 12,000 years.
[Nia raises her eyebrows]
Brainiac: All right, fine. Okay, yes, the... maybe the memory of my misstep has compounded my stress, leading to caloric consumption. But I don't know what else to do.
Nia: Well, you're with me, and... we're only going back a few years. Nothing bad's gonna happen.
Brainiac: For Supergirl's sake, it can't. Come on.
[heading to the conn]
Brainiac: Oh, Sprock, I almost forgot. The most important element of our disguise.
[taking out two pairs of glasses like Clark's]
Brainiac: The ultimate optical illusion.

Nia: [accepting a gift from her father] What's this?
Paul: This is going to sound strange, but, um, I had a dream last night. Your mom came to me, said this was for you.

J'onn: You cannot trust him. It'll be a trap.
Supergirl: Wouldn't be the first one I've walked into.
Nia: He didn't even say where to meet.
Supergirl: That flash at the end of the message had an image coded in it. A map only I could see.
Querl: Superliminal stimuli embedded in structured light. I don't want to be impressed, but...
J'onn: Where does he want to meet?
Supergirl: Manchester, England. Guess he wanted home court advantage.
J'onn: How long 'till dawn?
Querl: Three hours, 21 minutes, 15 seconds.
Supergirl: So we wait. And then I'll deal with them.

Nia: As a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, I am going to make sure everyone knows about the violence and cruelty I witnessed here today. You, sir, the traitor.
[putting some money on the counter]
Nia: Now, give him his pizzas.

Nia: So we're stuck in a dream. Our bodies are dangerously close to overheating. And you're worried about an award?
Iris: Yeah, I know. It's stupid.
Nia: So talk to me. What's going on?
Iris: Well, um, right before you got here, I found that the article that I'm writing is gonna win me my first Pulitzer. Hazards of being married to a time traveler: I know way more about my future than most people.

William: Did you speak to Kara yourself? I just can't believe she left without telling me.
Nia: Alex told me. I'm sure she would have called you if she could have, William.

Querl: I do not know when or how I will find a way to be myself, and yet not succumb to my more obsessive qualities. Perhaps we could work on it together?
Nia: I'm not going anywhere.

Yvette: Isn't that Dreamer something amazing? I think she's more powerful than Supergirl.
Nia: I don't know. I think she probably has her problems just like everyone else.

Kara: What happened in the meeting with James?
Nia: Well, um... MacKenzie pitched her take on the article, and she had a good approach.
Kara: Yours was better. You were so passionate when you talked to just me about it, but why'd you shut down?
Nia: It was a scary room. James Olsen is the CEO of this incredible media empire, and MacKenzie has more famous friends than Oprah.
Kara: Nia, what really happened when MacKenzie took that article? Why didn't you want to compete?
Nia: I guess, in the moment, I was afraid to make waves.
Kara: Okay, fear. I get that. No matter how much we believe in ourselves, that never goes away. Not fully. Even now, I think that I'm not afraid of anything, and then something new and ugly rears its head and chases me right back down the rabbit hole. But once we catch ourselves, we have to jump right back out there. So, you're afraid to make waves? Okay. Make 'em anyway. Make a tsunami.
Nia: You're right.
Kara: Of course I am. Acknowledge the fear, then kick its ass.
Nia: Thank you, Kara.
Kara: Don't thank me. Just get out there and kick up a storm. Come on, seriously. Time's a-wasting. Tick tock.

Querl: In retrospect, it makes sense that more than one person would have run the Collinwood 5K.
Kara: Do you recognize anything?
Nia: No. All I saw in my dream was the woman, the shadow, and the hook. Do you think we should be looking for some kind of construction site?
Querl: No. What you saw were probably symbols; Jungian, Freudian. Where I'm from, we call them Frungian.

J'onn: We have two hours to be ready to depower Nxyly and...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Avoid... cat-tastrophe.
Alex: Okay, why are you so chipper?
Brainiac: We still don't have a working anti-magic cuff yet.
Nia: Nor a way to get it onto Nxyly.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Not a problem. I'll do it.
[another Mxyzptlk enters]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: And so will I.
Supergirl: Mxy, what did you do?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [holding up a small box with the LuthorCorp logo] While I was tidying up, I found this handy little copy machine. If we want to get Nxyly with her guard down, why not give the princess what she wants?
[his clone]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Me.
Alex: Okay, so you're thinking that we use the other you to act like a Trojan horse to get close to Nxyly? That... that's not bad, Mxy.
J'onn: We just have to get the copy close enough to put the cuff on Nxyly before she realizes it's a fake.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Ergo, I will engage her in conversation... until... until... until...
[Mxy slaps the clone on the back; as it falls to the floor and convulses, he re-absorbs it]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Ah. Oh. That felt yucky.
Brainiac: Fifth-Dimensional energy must destabilize the copying format, causing the duplicate to reintegrate with its progenitor.
J'onn: Okay, let's just get back to work on re-engineering that cuff.
Supergirl: Yeah, it was a nice try, at least. Just sorry I got us into this mess.

Kara: Hey, uh, I had a really weird dream last night. Could you maybe help me interpret it?
Nia: What happened?
Kara: Uh... the world ended, but, like, all the worlds. *All* of them.
Nia: That's dramatic, even for us.
[everyone but Kara stands and applauds as Lex Luthor is introduced as the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize]
Kara: Nia... Nia, am I still dreaming?
Nia: I know, right? It is so great when this award goes to someone who actually deserves it.

Maeve: [after their mother dies] It's my fault. I should have gotten the powers by now, Nia. It doesn't make sense. I mean, maybe... maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Nia: Of course you're not doing anything wrong.
Maeve: I must be. If I had the powers, I would have dreamed mom was in danger. I could have prevented it.
Nia: Even if you had a dream, you don't know if you could have interpreted it...
Maeve: Of course I could have. I'm fluent in dream interpretation. I would have been forewarned about mom, I would have... I would have saved her.

Querl: My scan of regional data revealed Collinwood as an early center for anti-alien activity.
Nia: It does feel a little "Purge"-y.
Querl: James DeMonaco, 2013.
Kara: I thought you were just watching the classics.
Querl: And?

Kara: William Dey is going to be embedded at the Tower, covering all of us for CatCo.
Lena: A reporter? At the Tower? Are you sure that's such a good idea?
Alex: We think that it would be good for the mission. We need the public support. Especially if things continue to spiral with Nxyly.
J'onn: But still, he'll have to work within our parameters. Which means keeping your identity and your connection to us off the record.
Kelly: Well... good luck tomorrow.
Nia: You won't be at the Tower?
Kelly: I have a home check with an alien orphan named Esme. I met her at Joey's group home. And she was placed with a foster family last week. Hopefully, she ends up with a family where she can really blossom.
Alex: [Kara inexplicably starts laughing] Why are you laughing?
[she starts laughing more hysterically]
Alex: Like that?
Kara: It's Nxyly. I can sense her and she's... she's really happy.

Lena: Guys, there's some kind of alien creature aboard. I've locked it in the engine room, but I could do with some backup now.
[getting on the elevator and hearing no response]
Lena: Guys? J'onn? Alex?
[returning to the bridge and seeing the others all dead]
Lena: No.
[hearing Nia choking]
Lena: Dreamer?
[Nia coughs up water]
Lena: Dreamer? Hey. Hey, hey! Are you okay?
Nia: I think so.
Lena: The creature? Right? Where is it? Where is it?
Nia: I don't know. I don't know.
Lena: [seeing it form from a puddle of water on the ground] Run. Run! Run!

Young: Y-You spoke English? He said my name. Are people from your planet psychic?
Nia: Yes.
Brainiac: Y-Yeah, exactly.
Nia: Yes, we are.
Brainiac: We're...
Nia: Psychic aliens.
Brainiac: Mm-hmm.
Nia: From planet Psychon.

Hat: [fighting Nia and Brainy] How'd you know where I...
Nia: Dreams.
[he vanishes]
Querl: [catching his leg as he reappears] Differential calculus.
[he throws a punch, and his arm disappears into Hat's bowler]
Querl: Where's my ring?
Hat: Sleight of hand, fam like me, you see. I'm just a distraction.
Querl: [Hat disappears] Wait. Where's the Morae?

Alex: If only there was a way to use Prime to make a new tracking device. I mean, i-if he was part-human like the progeny.
J'onn: I tried searching his mind, trying to convince him to look for Kara, but all I could sense was thirst and misery. He has no humanity, only instinct.
Lena: [getting an idea] Instinct. The... t-the Phantom, he-he tracks by instinct. He's a bloodhound.
Brainiac: If we can get our hands on more of Kara's DNA...
Lena: Then he'll track her by instinct.
Alex: It's a good idea, but the hologram crystal is broken. How are we gonna get more of Kara's DNA?
M'gann: We can collect DNA from a Kryptonian after a solar flare.
Lena: Or kryptonite poisoning.
J'onn: Alex, can you remember all the times Kara blew her powers out?
Alex: It's only happened a handful of times. Uh, uh... once was in a fight with Red Tornado, and then another was all the way back in high school.
Brainiac: Back in Midvale?
Alex: Y-Yeah.
Brainiac: Nia.
Nia: Cassandra, this is what my dreams have been about. If we want to bring Kara home, we have to go back in time... to Midvale High. I just hope we're not too late.

Brainiac: In spite of everything we went through today, we're still back at square one. No closer to getting Supergirl back. And no matter how many donuts I eat, this hopeless feeling just won't go away.
Nia: I feel it, too. I've had more dreams about Midvale.
Brainiac: What do you think they mean?
Nia: I don't know. I'm scared, Brainy. These dream flashes of Midvale, Kara and Alex in high school, they keep happening, confusing me, and I don't know how to stop them or interpret them. I just wish my mom was here.
Brainiac: Look, I'm sorry you don't have your mom.
[taking her hand]
Brainiac: But you have me.
Nia: We have each other.

Kenny: Why are you dressed like that?
Brainiac: Uh, well...
Nia: Well... um...
Brainiac: When visiting another planet, we like to dress formally to...
Nia: To show respect.
Brainiac: To show respect.
Nia: But we will be changing...
Brainiac: We'll be changing.
Nia: ...right after we fix our ship.
Young: Your ship's broken?
Brainiac: [simultaneously] No.
Nia: Yes.
Brainiac: [sharing an awkward laugh] Can I just have a minute with, uh, my...
Nia: Just one.
Brainiac: fellow Psyconian? Just...
Nia: [moving a few feet away] Stay frosty.