Top 20 Quotes From Kenny Li

Kenny: Why are you dressed like that?
Brainiac: Uh, well...
Nia: Well... um...
Brainiac: When visiting another planet, we like to dress formally to...
Nia: To show respect.
Brainiac: To show respect.
Nia: But we will be changing...
Brainiac: We'll be changing.
Nia: ...right after we fix our ship.
Young: Your ship's broken?
Brainiac: [simultaneously] No.
Nia: Yes.
Brainiac: [sharing an awkward laugh] Can I just have a minute with, uh, my...
Nia: Just one.
Brainiac: fellow Psyconian? Just...
Nia: [moving a few feet away] Stay frosty.

Kenny: Chocolate shake. Here you go.
Young: [having heard the Legion cruiser malfunctioning] Uh, thanks, but I just realized we're late for study group.
Kenny: Study group?
[seeing her look and getting her point]
Kenny: Study group. Right. Right.
Young: You guys never do study...
Young: Wait. Are you sneaking out to save something?
Young: No.
Kenny: [scoffing] What?
Young: You promised me you'd stop super-ing when I left. Now you are fidgeting like you do when you lie.
Young: Right. Fine. We may have been helping the local authorities now and then, but no one knows that it's us.
Young: "Luckiest town in America"? Kara, you're the luck. At least until you get caught and you put mom and the rest of us in danger.
Young: We'll stop... after we check out whatever just crashed at the baseball field.
Young: No. No way.
Young: I can fly there without anybody seeing me. Trust me.
Young: You are not flying anywhere. I'm driving you.

Kenny: Do you know what this is?
Young: [seeing a log with their initials and a date carved into it] It's the log where we had our first kiss.
Kenny: It's where you changed my life, Kara.
[indicating the decorated barn]
Kenny: This? This is our future. Our fortress.

Brainiac: We need to conceal the evidence of our arrival, fix numerous parts, and lastly, locate a rare Earth element called dysprosium.
Kenny: Dysprosium? That's one of those rare Earth elements that your mom is studying at work.
Young: There may be a dysprosium geode in the college's Rare Earth exhibit.
Young: She's saying she can get it, so...
[hearing sirens approach with her superhuman hearing]
Young: Wait.
Kenny: Police?
Young: Heading this way, fast. You... you can't be found here.
Brainiac: We need to hide the ship.
Kenny: Oh, uh... we could do "Groundhog Day".
Young: You have go-to plays?

Young: [to Nia, after hiding the Legion cruiser] You... you can stay with us.
Kenny: If-if she stays with you guys, he stays with me.
Young: Okay! Okay, let's go.
Nia: Uh...
Young: [gesturing for her and Brainy to follow them] Come on.
Kenny: [returning Brainy's backpack] Here you go, bro.
Brainiac: Thank you.
Nia: [stopping at Brainy's side] Okay. Um, it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Just, um... chillax.

Nia: We're here to get you out.
CJ: It's about time. Perhaps you can fill the holes in the story young Mr. Li has been refusing to talk about.
Kenny: She's a reporter.
CJ: The one who's breaking this story.
Kenny: She also let Naxim Tork out.
CJ: Accidentally. Either way, the story's mine. What are you two waiting for? We have to get out of here, stat.
Nia: [quietly] Brainy, that's not just any reporter. That's Cat Grant.
Brainiac: Cat Grant. As in...
Nia: The pink cougar. She's what my dreams have been about. None of this has been about Naxim Tork at all.

Kenny: When I'm with Kara, I feel like... like I could do anything.
Brainiac: Well... it appears your positivity is catchy.
Kenny: [he starts the printer] Nice!
[checking his watch]
Kenny: Oh, uh... well, I gotta get to my, um...
Brainiac: Ah, not to fear. I shall stay here for the remaining minutes to complete fabrication.
Kenny: I don't know, man. With that print rate, your fab looks like it's gonna take remaining hours. But, um... don't worry. I'll be back before lunch. Just don't open the door. Or anything like that.

Kenny: Brandon?
Young: Kara?
Brainiac: [quietly to Nia] CJ's half a mile north. Go. We'll deal with them.
[to Kara]
Brainiac: You want to save your future? Best thing you can do now is do nothing.

Young: I know I've been a bit of a grouch with you guys, but... thanks for all your help with the space psychos.
Nia: It was a team effort.
Brainiac: Naxim and his comrade are secured inside one of their cages. I've re-cloaked their ship and alerted the proper intergalactic authorities. Midvale won't be plagued by these two anymore.
Kenny: Space cops are a thing?
Brainiac: Indeed. Accordingly, we should be on our way.

Kenny: A bridging connector. In the right place, it could blow a fuse in the energizer.
CJ: Are you the Kryptonian?
Kenny: No. No, I'm-I'm just a regular human. Kenny. Kenny Li.
CJ: Oh. Well, then, you may not want to touch...
[touching the cell door, he gets zapped and recoils his hand in pain]
CJ: ...that. The place is rather secure.
Kenny: Of course it's secure. It's a cell. The question is, how'd I get in here. Oh, that's right. I tried to take on the big dogs and be a hero for my girlfriend. Except I forgot that you can't take on the big dogs when you're just a dumb, human squeaky toy.
CJ: Stop that. And you listen to me, Kendall Li.
Kenny: It's Kenny.
CJ: First things first. Cut the self-deprecating drivel. You are not a dumb, squeaky toy.
Kenny: You don't even know me.
CJ: I am a journalist, trained in the art of observation. In two minutes flat, I could see that you are preternaturally intelligent and deeply courageous. How many men would sacrifice themselves to hostile aliens to save their girlfriend? Damn few. And how many of them would know that a bridge connector could hack spaceship technology? None. You've got the makings of a hero, Kendall. Own it.
Kenny: Thanks, Miss, uh...
CJ: Ms. CJ Grant, Daily Planet. Now, you and I are going to get out of here. I've never missed a deadline. I'm not about to start.

Young: Kara, wake up. Kara!
Young: Inside voice, please.
Kenny: [running in] Kara! What-what happened? Are you okay?
Young: [he sees the cuts on her knuckles] It's just a flesh wound.
Young: This time. Can you stand?
[she and Kenny help Kara to her feet]
Young: Okay. Stay here. I'll get the van and we'll get you home, okay?

Kenny: [finding Brainy at baseball practice] Where have you been? I have been searching for you. I thought we were keeping a low profile.
Brainiac: Key events sidelined that goal. I left our STEM lab in search of sustenance and immediately got conscripted by a Glee Club Spartan chief. Needing to preserve my student cover, I agreed. But that led me to getting recruited by your math league, drama guild, and... Coach Kripkey, who is desperately in need of someone who can switch-hit.
Kenny: Wow, that is a lot of exposure.
Brainiac: Yes, and given my status, a risky venture, but necessary in order to avoid unwanted attention, or worse, A.M. detention with Mrs. Gormley. But still, I have to say, it has been a revelation. Are you familiar with the emotion of stress?
Kenny: I'm... I'm kind of feeling it right now.
Brainiac: Well, I have been struggling with the emotion, and yet I have been under the impression that my only options were to stress eat or not to stress eat. But now, thanks to your school, I see a cornucopia of approaches. Math leaguers factor, drama clubbers soliloquize, and baseballers hit.
Kenny: Dude, that is fantastic. But now that you've seen all that, do you, uh... do you maybe want to get out of here? Because if Alex finds out, she's going to flip.
Brainiac: True. Okay. But how do I exfiltrate? I am a vassal of Coach Kripkey.
Kenny: You just say you're not feeling well and you got to go to the nurse.
Brainiac: Oh. Okay, yes. Another method of coping chicanery. Yes, I love it. Okay. Okay, I will do it...
Kenny: Good.
Brainiac: ...after one more line drive.

Nia: [captured by Tork] Power dampeners. What do we do?
Brainiac: Thinking.
Naxim: I came for a Kryptonian, but a Naltorian... and a Coluan... well, I'd say it adds a nice kitsch factor to our menagerie.
[firing his weapon]
Naxim: Take this.
Nia: There's gotta be some way out of this.
Young: [hearing them with her powers] Brandon and Brenda are in trouble.
Kenny: Go. I'm right behind you.

Kenny: No one should bother you so long as you keep the lights off.
Brainiac: Not to worry. I once assembled something similar on the planet Neuron, which orbits a black hole, so talk about, uh... talk about dark. This shouldn't be a problem.
Kenny: That must be so cool, having adventures like that.
Brainiac: It's so cool, man.
Kenny: That's... that's what I want to do, actually. I mean, not, like, be in space all the time, but to go around with Kara, helping people. She and I are staying local for college to... to get better at it. In fact, I, uh... I just made us a base.
Brainiac: Base?
Kenny: Here on Earth, we have this alien hero named Superman. He lives in this secret bunker.
Brainiac: [feigning ignorance] Oh. Sounds ingenious.
Kenny: Yeah, Kara kinda looks up to him.
Brainiac: I see. So, uh, you built yourself a bunker-in-training.
Kenny: I'm gonna show it to her after graduation. I really, really hope she likes it.

Brainiac: What are you guys doing here?
Kenny: We thought you were in trouble.
Brainiac: Trouble? I...
Young: Yeah. Uh, where... where did Brenda go? What are you wearing?
Brainiac: What am I wearing? What are you wearing?
[tapping her shoulder, she pushes his finger away]
Brainiac: I am so sorry, Alex. I'll tell you everything, okay? It is a wild story. It involves alien hunters, large explosions and... . well, an... an excess of formal wear. So, at times, it may seem improbable.
Young: [trying to be helpful] But it's all true.

Kenny: You know, it's starting to feel like the universe doesn't want me to hear whatever it is you need to tell me.
Young: Kenny... I love you... and I love our life here. But next year... I can't stay here and super like we planned. My mother used to say that we are the sum total of all the choices we make in life. But... I-I didn't choose Midvale. I-I didn't even choose these powers. I... I crashed here by accident and... and-and kind of got locked into this life. And... and I love this life. I do. But if I stay here and keep supering, then I'll just get locked in again. And I don't think I want that. I... I don't even know if I want to keep supering all my life, or-or stay in Midvale, either. I think I just need to make more choices. I need to figure out who I am. I... just got accepted into National City University, and I'm choosing to go there. Come with me?
Kenny: Before I met you, Kara, I was a mess. My dad had just passed away, and... and my mom, she was so depressed that she couldn't even get out of bed. So I'd go to school in the mornings, and then I'd run the shop at night and on the weekends. And I thought that's how the rest of my life was gonna be. And then you came along. And you were this... amazing light in a world of darkness. You changed me, Kara Zor-El. When I'm around you, I'm... I'm braver. I'm stronger, I'm... I'm better. But after everything that's happened this past week, I'm starting to realize that... maybe I haven't changed as much as I thought. And it's great to know that I could be saved by you. But I think it's time that I figure out how to save myself. So, uh... no, Kara. I can't go with you.
Young: [understanding] I can... fly home on the weekends, right?
[hearing Alex honk the car horn]
Young: Stargazing and Monty Python?
Kenny: Best prom ever.
Brainiac: [out of sight with Nia and the meteor piece they need] All missions accomplished.

Kenny: [dodging a piece of meteor] That was close.
[dodging another one]
Kenny: Way too close.

Young: That's old man Watson's barn. What are we doing?
Kenny: You'll see. Come on.
[leading her inside]
Kenny: I was gonna wait until after graduation to give you this, but... I know you've been stressed, and, uh, I thought you could use a pick-me-up. Welcome to our new hero-ing base.

Kenny: Alex is still upset about the super-ing, isn't she? I feel responsible.
Young: No. No, don't. I love doing that with you. I don't ever want that to change. You know that, right?
[he nods]
Young: Alex thinks she's looking out for me, for my future, but... really, she's just trying to control it, and-and she doesn't need to control it because I know exactly what I'm doing... what I need to do.

Brainiac: Kenny Li. I thank you for your service, and for the exposure to the high school statusphere. It was truly enlightening.
Kenny: At least I was helpful then. You guys did all the heavy lifting here. I don't think I could keep having crazy adventures like that all the time.
Brainiac: It's not about how intense your adventures are. It's about who you have them with.
Kenny: [looking up at Kara] Yeah, I completely agree.