20 Best Orlin Dwyer Quotes

Orlin: [bringing Grace to the hospital after the Enlightenment] Help me! Help me, please!
Dr. Ambres: Sir.
Orlin: Somebody!
[she sees the satellite shard protruding from his pectoral]
Orlin: Save her, please.

Grace: This is the third ice cream of the day. Something fishy's going on here.
Orlin: Okay, you got me. We're celebrating, because this is a very special day. One year ago today, I made you a promise that I would turn my life around and make things better for you. I can honestly say that my life is a million times better than what it was. And it's all because of you, Gracie. So I got you something.
Grace: [he offers a doll] It's the set I wanted.
Orlin: I thought your little dollhouse could use a family.
Grace: [hugging him] I already have one.
Orlin: I love you kiddo.

Cicada: I've always wanted to be up against the Flash and his legendary team. I guess I wasn't missing out on anything after all.
Orlin: Grace! Don't do this. Please. This isn't the way to make the world a better place.
Cicada: You hated them. I heard you.
Orlin: I was wrong. And that hate turned into something even worse. It was wrong to make you feel that way, Gracie. But you don't have to go down the same path I did. You don't have to hold on to this - this anger. Let it go.
Cicada: But my parents.
Orlin: It was an accident. Let it go. Before it's too late, like it is for me.
Cicada: You're right, Uncle Orlin.
[Cicada changes the dagger's course of direction into Orlin's back killing him]
Cicada: It is too late.

Orlin: Hey. What?
Grace: It's breakfast.
Orlin: Yeah. It is. Um... okay.
[searching, he hands her a container of Chinese food from the fridge]
Orlin: Okay. Now, look, it's only a few days old. It's still good, I swear.

XS: Grace, I know you think your uncle wanted all metas dead, but he was a meta. That's why he took the cure and why he wants you to have it too. Your a meta, just like your uncle.
Grace: No, I'm not! Take it back.
Cicada: Don't listen to her, Gracie.
XS: This hate. It's consuming you, turning you into a monster. And what's worse, you're all alone.
Grace: Uncle Orlin wouldn't leave me.
XS: He had no choice. Take the cure just like your uncle did.
Cicada: No. Metas killed your parents, Gracie. They all deserve to die.
XS: Don't believe him, Grace. This is just in your mind.
Orlin: She's right, Gracie.
XS: It's why you created him. He's the man who took care of you. I know a part of you knows that this is wrong. But the other dark part of you is out there in the real world killing innocent people. You can only make a choice to stop it.
Grace: How?
XS: Wake up and take the cure.
Cicada: Shut up.
Orlin: You can do this, Gracie.
XS,63784: [repeating her name]
Grace: Okay, I don't want people to die. I'll take the cure.

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: [surprised to see Orlin at the hospital] I told you, it's too risky. CCPD's already looking for you. What are you doing here?
Orlin: It's Thanksgiving, Doc. I'm here to be with my family.

Orlin: [dying] Save my Gracie.

Orlin: I'm gonna make this right, Gracie. Every meta will die.
Nora: Grace, how did you hear Orlin that night? You were in a coma.
Grace: I know.
[in a conspiratorial whisper]
Grace: But I've been listening.

Grace: Whose house is this?
Orlin: It's my cousin Robbie's. He doesn't live here anymore, but he said if I fix it up, we could stay here.
Grace: [seeing an unfished dollhouse] What's this?
Orlin: That is a dollhouse. Or it can be once we build it, and, you know, you can, uh... pick out furniture and, um, colors, or wallpaper. Decorate it how you want. Hey, uh... I know we didn't get off to the greatest start these past few months.
[seeing her look]
Orlin: Okay, it was a lousy start. But I want to fix all that. Well, I was thinking that while I work on this place, we could work on this one, too. Together. Listen, you were right, kid. I do hate me. I don't really know any other way to be, but I want to do right by you, Gracie. I want to keep you safe, and warm, fed. You know, just... give you all the things a kid should have.
Grace: [after a moment of consideration] Let's start with the dollhouse.

Orlin: Grace, what are you doing?
Grace: In the time I'm from, their plague spreads across the world, unchecked, unabated. But now that I'm here with you, we can change that. And the mission can succeed.
Orlin: What mission?
Grace: Ours. To kill every last meta-human. Starting with the rat bastard who killed my parents.

Barry: We made an arrangement. We cure him and then Grace.
Iris: Okay.
Orlin: Why are we here and not at a hospital?
Barry: We have to be sure that the cure is successful.
Cisco: We created it. We're the ones who know how it works.
Caitlin: Once administered, the cure will take 60 seconds to eliminate the meta-human powers in your system. That means the wound will then open. You'll need me to suture it shut so you don't bleed out.
Orlin: Why not Doc Ambres?
Iris: She's being held for questioning.
Orlin: No, it's Ambres, or we're done.
Barry: All right, we'll get her.
Orlin: If anything goes wrong, of if you're lying to me, I'll kill every... last... one of you.

Orlin: You can't put me on hold. I don't care about this next of kin crap. I don't want this kid.

Orlin: You called a kid a rat bastard? What's wrong with you? Don't you know you can't go around saying stuff like that?
Grace: Why?
Orlin: Well, 'cause then I get a phone call. You know, I had to take off work to come down here.
Grace: You don't even like your job.
Orlin: What?
Grace: You stay on the couch all day, and then when work calls, you curse and slam the door.
[imitating him]
Grace: "Rat bastards!"
Orlin: Look, I get where you heard it. All right, but you can't say those words.
Grace: [defiantly] Rat bastard!
Orlin: Hey, quit it.
Grace: Rat bastard!
Orlin: Stop.
Grace: Rat bastard!
Orlin: Hey, listen to me! I'm supposed to be the parent here.
Grace: No, you're not a parent! Parents are supposed to make the world better for their kids. You make everything worse. I hate you, and you hate you, too.

Orlin: Every time one of you metas comes near the rest of us, good people get hurt. This is what you all deserve.
The: Does that include Grace?
[surprised at Orlin's reaction]
The: Ambres hasn't told you. Grace, she's a meta. The night the satellite crashed, she was hit with a piece of shrapnel infected with dark matter. That's... that's why she's in a coma. And now it's changing her.
Orlin: That's a lie.
The: And that's why Ambres told us where to find you. She's afraid. She's afraid you're gonna do the one thing you can't come back from.

Grace: I didn't get her.
Orlin: Well, maybe that's a good thing, 'cause I've read this file and it doesn't make sense. Grace, there was no money taken from the crime scene. I think what happened to your mom and dad might've been an accident.
Grace: She killed my parents, Uncle Orlin! It wasn't an accident! You sound like them. Why do you sound like them?
Orlin: [notices the wound on Grace's head] Grace, your head. We gotta get you to Dr. Ambres. She'll know how to help.
Grace: She's not helping anyone. Not anymore.
Orlin: Why not?
Grace: I killed her.
Orlin: But Dr. Ambres saved your life.
Grace: And destroyed yours. You had a gift. An unbreakable weapon that fell from the sky for you to use. For you to control. And she took that power away from you.
Orlin: No, Grace. I wanted that cure. And I wanted you to have it too.
Grace: No. No, that's impossible. We were supposed to be together, Uncle Orlin.
Orlin: Grace, I just wanted you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted. I love you, Grace. You're my family.
Grace: And you'd do anything to save me, right? I know what I have to do.

Cisco: Okay, one fresh serving of piping hot meta-human cure.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I'm just supposed to trust that thing works? Has it gone through any human testing?
Cisco: It's gone through giant shark testing. It's a long story.
Orlin: It's okay, Doc.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I wanted to tell you the truth about Grace. I just couldn't find the words.
Orlin: You were just trying to keep her safe. I'll always be thankful for that. See you on the other side.

Orlin: How's Grace?
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Nothing's changed. She's stable. CCPD hasn't left, and they're not leaving any time soon.
Orlin: Well, I need to see her, Doc.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: That's not possible.
Orlin: Don't tell me what's possible.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: You're angry. Good. For all the pain your family has suffered at the hands of those metas, you should be. But right now, there isn't anything you can do for Grace, so put that anger towards something else.
[handing him a sheet of paper]
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I have a friend who feels the same way about meta-humans as we do, and he wants to help you finish what you've started.
[pause as he reads the list]
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Orlin. It's time to get back to work.

Orlin: Come on, Gracie, no cussing.
Grace: Please, can we, please?
Orlin: Okay, fine. A rare, old bird is a pelican whose beak can hold more than his belly can.
Orlin: He can hold in his beak enough food for a week.
Grace: But I'm darned if I know how the hell he can.

Grace: Your lung's healing. It'll take a while for you to get the rest of your strength back, but don't worry.I'll take care of you. Like you took care of me.
Orlin: Who are you?
[Future Grace shows him doll]
Orlin: Grace?
Grace: Hi, Uncle Orlin.
Orlin: [confused] But you were...
Grace: A ten-year-old girl in a coma? Eventually, that girl at the hospital wakes up. She grows older, and she becomes me.
Orlin: You're from the future, like Flash's daughter.
Grace: I came back here to work with you again. And I remember everything you taught me, Uncle Orlin. Now, get some rest.
Orlin: Wait, where are we?
Grace: No one will find you while I'm gone, There's noodles in the pantry if you're hungry, and ice cream.
Orlin: Where are you going?
Grace: To take care of something important, When I get back We're gonna figure out how you get your powers back.
[kisses him on the head]

Orlin: Grace, what's wrong?
Grace: Look at this.
Orlin: It's your parents' murder file?
Grace: Do you see what they did? Nothing! Three witnesses saw a woman in a hoodie leave the scene, but did Central City's finest put out a search party or an APB? No. They thought it sounded like a job for the Flash.
Orlin: Look at this debris from the scene. Looks like a chemical burn.
Grace: It's not a chemical burn. It's charred dark matter residue. We can track the meta who left it.
Orlin: How?
Grace: I can't track an exact real time location, but I can get close.
[scanning the debris with a futuristic gauntlet cuff]
Grace: Found her.