The Best Young Nora Quotes

Iris: Oh, no. You dropped your toy.
Young: I just wanted to see the museum.
Iris: I know, honey, but you ran away. I didn't know where you went. I was afraid you could have gotten hurt.
Young: You said that the museum reminded you of dad, 'cause dad was the Flash's number one fan. So I wanted to see it, 'cause I love the Flash, too.
[wiping tears from her eyes]
Young: It's not fair.
Iris: I know, honey. I know it's not fair. I love you, Nora. Your dad loved you, too. So, so much.
[hugging her]
Iris: Come here, girl.
Barry: [leading his Iris away] Come on, we gotta go. Let's go get Nora.

Iris: Did you think that you could run away and I wouldn't figure out where you went? It's my job to find out the truth. I'm a reporter.
Young: You're always a reporter. Why not be my mom for once?
Iris: Oh, yeah? How's this for being your mom? You are never coming back to this place again. Let's go.
[feeling something as she grabs Nora's arm]
Iris: Excuse me, what is in your pocket?
[Nora takes out a Flash action figure]
Iris: Hand that over right now.
Young: It's not yours.
Iris: Well, it is now. There are consequences to your actions.
[as they struggle, it falls and breaks]
Iris: Hand it over.
Young: I hate you!
Iris: Leave it. Let's go.