The Best Overgirl Quotes

Minister: Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well, because of you. Because of all of you looking out at their friends and their family, and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them. Tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled, and they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
[the minister is blasted by a laser beam, and Earth X-ers enter]
Overgirl: Peace is overrated.
Iris: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Oliver: Nazis?
Oliver: I hate Nazis.

Overgirl: Why do you care if I take your heart? You're not using it.
Kara: At least I have one.

Overgirl: You're looking more human. Scared, helpless, pathetic... inferior.
Kara: We're not that different from them.
Overgirl: Oh, please. We're everything they want to be: blonde, white. Aryan perfection.
Kara: I'm not like you. I don't think I'm better than everyone else.
Overgirl: You should. You are. You're a god to them. You could have been living like one.
Kara: Like you?
Overgirl: Yes, like me. They want someone to bow to, to worship, to lead.
Kara: What you're doing is not leading. It's ruling.
Overgirl: Yes, it is. They're like ants, Kara.
Kara: They shouldn't fear us for what we can do. They should rely on us when they need us.
Overgirl: Oh, spare me the Good Samaritan crap.
Kara: I'm not gonna take advantage of someone just because I can.
Overgirl: The world isn't made better by protecting the weak. It's made better by getting rid of them. You really are pathetic.

[last lines]
Dark: The Kryptonian was stronger than we anticipated.
Overgirl: Next time, she won't be so lucky.
Dark: [zooming in] What did you do? *What did you do*? You were supposed to wait until we were ready before you attacked!
Dark: Opportunity knocked in the form of a wedding. We answered.
Dark: Oh, opportunity knocked and you answered. Well, now, because of your recklessness, we have lost Prometheus!
Overgirl: [diffusing a fight before it starts] Boys, boys, boys. Don't fight. You need to save your power and your anger for those heroes. We will have another chance to achieve victory. And when we do, we will kill every last one of them.