The Best Pariah Quotes

Barry: Nash?
Pariah: Once upon a time. Not anymore. Now, I'm simply a man serving his penance.
Superman: Penance for what?
Pariah: I've freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a... Pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions.

Mar: It was not supposed to be like this. This is not his ending I foresaw.
Pariah: Things are turning out differently than I expected. But one thing is certain. Everything we know... everything there is... and everything there ever was... is doomed.

Vibe: Who's there?
Killer: Nash, is that you?
Pariah: I am no longer Nash, I am... Pariah. And I'm here to bear witness.
Vibe: To what?
Pariah: Tragedy.

Vibe: Mm-hmm, new name, new suit - guessing no one's consulting me anymore, huh?
Killer: Wait, what exactly happened?
Pariah: I searched these tunnels as Nash for Mar Novu to kill him, expose him as a false god, and now I'm being controlled by another god.
Vibe: And that's... the Anti-Monitor?
Pariah: He laid a perfect trail for me to follow, but all along, he was manipulating me so he can gain a foothold in this universe.
Killer: Why didn't you resist him?
Pariah: His will is too strong and now I am forced to bear witness as he destroys world after world.
Vibe: That's why we're gonna stop him. Now can you open that door?
Pariah: I cannot. My memories as Nash are somehow lost to me as Pariah, but you can.
Vibe: By vibing those memories?
Pariah: Yes.
[being vibed of his memories as Nash, Vibe sees the glyphs to unlock the door]
Killer: What did you see?
Vibe: A way in.