The Best Young Maya Quotes

Young: You gonna get the treasure out of the Bloom?
Harrison: Yeah, I'm gonna get the treasure out of the Bloom. What... you mean the crystals?
Young: No, I mean the treasure.
Harrison: Is... what treasure?
Young: Inside.
Harrison: I don't know if they...
[she takes it and smashes it on the ground]
Harrison: ...hey, hey, hey... oh!
Young: [picking up a red crystalline rock] This is worth three times more than those dumb crystals.
Harrison: I'm impressed, kid. But you broke one of the rules. You see, you never give anybody anything unless you get something in return.
Young: Nice hat.
Harrison: [laughing, he puts it on her head] Now scram. And when you tell your parents where you got the hat from, make sure you tell them you earned it.