The Best Dominic Lanse Quotes

Dominic: Hello, Mr. Allen.
Barry: Dominic?
Dominic: You really have an acute sense of detection. And wit. But like I said, Mr. Allen. You are incapable of seeing the breadth of my machinations.
Barry: DeVoe?
Dominic: You really should have listened to your teacher.
Barry: How is this possible?
Amunet: I told you I have a very important buyer, Dom.
[she knocks him out; a few moments later, he wakes up in the middle of nowhere]
Marlize: [handing Amunet a briefcase] As promised.
Amunet: Always a pleasure doing business with another savvy woman.
Dominic: Please, don't do this to me.
Marlize: I won't be doing anything to you.
The: [appearing in his hoverchair] Please to meet you, Dominic Lanse. Or should I say Subject Six? Oh, I have created many metahumans, but only your unique abilities allow me to do... this.
[he transfers his consciousness to Dominic; the scene then returns to real time]
Dominic: You see, Mr. Allen, three months ago you emerged from the Speed Force a new man. And in order for you and the world to experience my plan, I, too, needed to be reborn.
Barry: If you hurt my family...
Dominic: I have no interest in your family. Besides, you're gonna need someone to miss you when you're gone.
Barry: What did you do?
Dominic: I merely left something for you. It's a re-gift, as it were. I don't have need for it anymore.
[looking around, Barry finds DeVoe's dead body]

Dominic: I told you I'd stand beside you.
Marlize: Always.
Dominic: Now let's bring about the enlightenment.

The: Wolfe and Amunet's latest criminal undertaking throws an annoying wrench in our plans. What shall we do?
Dominic: I don't know.
The: You, you don't know?
Dominic: My mind is consumed by a near-infinite web of variables, more plentiful than there are atoms in an exploding star, so for the moment, I do not know.
The: I fail to see the humor in this.
Dominic: I heard that, in your mind; a flash of stimuli racing through your ventromedial prefrontal cortex, where belief is formed. And doubt.
The: I don't have any doubt. And if you had asked instead of reading my mind, then you would know.

Dominic: Who's Killer Frost?
[seeing Caitlin's reaction]
Dominic: Sorry. She's just on your mind a lot. With a lot of cursing.
Caitlin: She is my meta power. Whenever I get scared or angry, she takes over. She is violent and dangerous and unpredictable, but she's a whole lot more useful than I am.
Dominic: No, thanks. I'm already scared to death of one psychotic woman. I'll take my chances with you.

Dominic: This house is...
Cisco: Bitchin'?
Dominic: Festive.
Ralph: Thanks for the compliment, but, uh, who the hell are you again?
Cisco: He's the guy you just helped save.
Caitlin: Yeah, a meta who can read your mind.
Ralph: Oh, good. Then he knows that I'm thinking that there's only room for one new guy in this group, and that's me.
Dominic: I'm not here to fight crime or get a code name. Just to brainstorm ideas about my powers.
Cisco: I hereby christen thee "Brainstorm."
Ralph: Oh, come on, man! I've been here for months, and I don't have a name yet.

Dominic: Mr. Allen.
Barry: DeVoe.
Dominic: Did you know there was a 12% chance that you were gonna tell the world you're the Flash?
Barry: I'd recheck your math.
Dominic: There's no need. Because no matter what path you chose, all avenues led to my triumph.
Barry: Why do you want us distracted? Why do you want me out of the picture? What are you planning?
Dominic: That you think that you could understand the breadth of what I'm about to do is almost humorous. Yes, I think you will miss Iris.
[noticing his reaction]
Dominic: That's right, Mr. Allen. I didn't just take Dominic's body. I took his ability. I know what you're thinking right now.
Barry: Well, I want you to hear me say it. I'm gonna figure a way out of this. And when I do, I don't care whose face you're wearing. I'm coming for you. You haven't beaten us yet.
Dominic: Haven't I?

Dominic: Science has long pondered what would be required to successfully transfer consciousness from one living being to another. But we've accomplished far beyond a simple transfer of consciousness. We've extracted that which elevates our humanity and added upon it. I am both who I was before and who I desire to become.
The: [he cups her face] Yes, you are, my love.
Dominic: [noticing her recoil] My hand still feels foreign upon your flesh. And you don't care for it.
The: No, I do.
Dominic: As I said, I inherited my host's ability to read thoughts. We have never lied to each other before. Let's not begin now.