The Best The Thinker Quotes

The: Ah, one of my childhood favorites. Schubert's "Unfinished Eighth Symphony".
The: Unfinished until now.
The: He didn't.
The: It was surprisingly simple to extrapolate the remaining movements once I familiarized myself with the body of his work.
The: All 600 of his works?
The: I woke up early this morning.

Samuroid: The Flash.
Kid: Yeah, you're looking at him, pal.
Samuroid: You're not The Flash. You're not the best. Bring me The Flash...
Vibe: I'm sensing an "or else."
Samuroid: Or else your city falls.
Joe: The Flash ain't coming.
Vibe: Furthermore, Mifune, we're gonna need you to sheath that sword before somebody gets hurt, somebody like you, for instance, 'cause you're up against some bad hombres, and what do you think you're gonna do against us with a sword?
[the Samuroid slams down his swords into the street causing a shockwave]

The: We need to talk.
The: The only way it can end: with my victory.
The: What?
The: Fine. Let us take the long way and continue.
The: Today, for the first time, events will align that give Team Flash a chance to discover your identity. This is earlier than you anticipated.
The: It is of no concern.
The: Like hell! You know what's at risk. What we are doing. If you've miscalculated by even a decimal...
The: There is not a decimal, a fraction, an infintesimal variable beyond my thought... beyond my mind. Even now, of the 7,798 varations of this argument, I have anticipated them all and know how it ends.
The: Then how does it end?
The: The only way it can end. With my victory.

[last lines]
The: Do you have an update?
The: Subject one has been located.
[showing him footage of Deacon in his cell]
The: He's safe. Locked up in the metahuman wing of Iron Heights as we speak. He's right where you wanted him. What do we do now?
The: Now we find the others.

Barry: DeVoe, if you wanted to kill me, you could have just electrocuted me on the street. So I'm here for a reason.
The: Yes, Mr. Allen. So that I may teach you. I am, after all, first and foremost, a teacher.
Barry: Oh, god. All right. Fine. Teach me. But first I wanna make sure I'm all caught up. You sent your Samuroid after me. You arranged to pull me out of the Speed Force. You made sure that we turned all those people on that bus into metahumans. Why?
The: You see, the finer points of my agenda are not part of today's syllabus.
Barry: Oh, come on. We can squeeze it in. I'm a fast learner.
The: Please. You're about as capable of seeing the breadth of my machinations as an infant mastering multivariable physics. The lesson I have prepped for today is much more simple. Life 101. There are no happy endings.
[a doorbell rings]
The: Oh. We have a guest.
Barry: [on a monitor, he sees Joe outside the house] DeVoe?
The: You should learn to lose every once in a while, Bar. A little humility will prepare you for what lies ahead.

The: [to Weeper] I went to a lot of trouble creating you. I can't have you running away. Not until you've completed the task for which you were born.

Barry: Wait, how are you even here?
Ralph: How are you here? Did DeVoe - did he get you?
Barry: No, no he didn't. Cecile is using her telepathy to get my consciousness inside DeVoe's mind.
Ralph: That's trippy. Why?
Barry: We need to find the good part of him so we can stop the bad from starting the Enlightenment. Have you seen him?
Ralph: A good DeVoe? No. Just the evil floating chair variety. He visits me all the time.
Barry: He knows you're here? Why would he need to...
[DeVoe appears in his chair]
The: In this place I do as I please, Mr. Allen. I must say, the fact that you thought I wouldn't have calculated you and your team making this feeble attempt is somewhat insulting. There'll be no defeating the big bad this year, Mr. Allen. See, you are in my mind now. And there's no escape.

The: Well, it worked. The Flash is back in Central City.
The: It appears things are going as planned.
The: As if there were any doubt. What's our next step?
The: I'm thinking.

Dominic: Hello, Mr. Allen.
Barry: Dominic?
Dominic: You really have an acute sense of detection. And wit. But like I said, Mr. Allen. You are incapable of seeing the breadth of my machinations.
Barry: DeVoe?
Dominic: You really should have listened to your teacher.
Barry: How is this possible?
Amunet: I told you I have a very important buyer, Dom.
[she knocks him out; a few moments later, he wakes up in the middle of nowhere]
Marlize: [handing Amunet a briefcase] As promised.
Amunet: Always a pleasure doing business with another savvy woman.
Dominic: Please, don't do this to me.
Marlize: I won't be doing anything to you.
The: [appearing in his hoverchair] Please to meet you, Dominic Lanse. Or should I say Subject Six? Oh, I have created many metahumans, but only your unique abilities allow me to do... this.
[he transfers his consciousness to Dominic; the scene then returns to real time]
Dominic: You see, Mr. Allen, three months ago you emerged from the Speed Force a new man. And in order for you and the world to experience my plan, I, too, needed to be reborn.
Barry: If you hurt my family...
Dominic: I have no interest in your family. Besides, you're gonna need someone to miss you when you're gone.
Barry: What did you do?
Dominic: I merely left something for you. It's a re-gift, as it were. I don't have need for it anymore.
[looking around, Barry finds DeVoe's dead body]