The Best Clifford DeVoe Quotes

Clifford: How was your rest, my love?
Marlize: Wonderful. I've never felt more rejuvenated and ready to realize our dream.
[Izzy coughs]
Marlize: Clifford.
Clifford: The added combination of dark matter from all our subject metas is overwhelming this host's body.
Marlize: How long do we have?
Clifford: At the present rate, exactly one week's time.
Marlize: No. I will not allow it. It may be possible to adjust the biomass index, recalibrate the energy distribution, extend your current host's life.
[switching her computer screens]
Marlize: Odd. There are already plans for such an adjustment partially designed.
Clifford: I attempted the same course of action.
Marlize: Well, you got quite a good start. I will be able to complete the designs in under an hour. Rest, my love. I will handle everything.
Clifford: You always do.

Clifford: You always save it under the same name. Every time, you discover it. It's quite clever, really. I would expect nothing less from you.
Marlize: How many times have I been through this?
Clifford: Too many. But that is of no concern. Because with tears from the Weeper mixed with Dominic Lanse's powers, I can alter your memory.
Marlize: So that's why you created the Weeper. You didn't need a potential host. He was...
Clifford: For you. Yes. I knew that the same thing in you that I fell in love with had the potential to destroy us: your humanity. I couldn't let that get in the way of us achieving our goal. The Enlightenment.
Marlize: Clifford, I am your wife...
[a mechanical arm appears and injects a needle into her temple]
Clifford: And I love you. But you are nothing without me.