The Best Carrie Bates Quotes

The: All right, crime spree's over, miss. Step away from the case.
Carrie: You think I'm a crook?
The: Uh...
Carrie: [scoffs] Flash, you've got it all wrong. Nice leotard, by the way.
The: Thank you.
Carrie: Mm, who's the sidekick?
Mecha: I'm Mecha-Vibe, and you're toast.
[activates the prism grid and it splutters]
Carrie: [laughs] Wanna see a real light show now?

Carrie: Come on, Red, give me a break. I'm just trying to help ordinary people get ahead.
The: There's a better way to help people.
Carrie: Is there? Because folks are really hurting right now. Some people can barely put food on the table, let alone pay rent. You know why? Because the systems left them behind. The people need help. Real help. The kind that starts after you're gone. That's where I step in. Because I care what happens, Flash. Do you?
The: Yes, I do. That's why instead of sending you to Iron Heights, I'm gonna recommend you work off whatever sentence you receive with Mayor Sampson's economic development committee. You're right, Carrie. The city does need you. From what I just heard, I'm confident you're the right woman for the job.
Carrie: You'd do that for me? My hero.