The Best Lyla Michaels Quotes

Lyla: Normally, we don't bring it outside help, but we got wind that the top icthyologist in the country was doing research on cases just like King Shark's. Actually, I think you may know her.
Cisco: Dr. Lamden? You're working for A.R.G.U.S. now?
Dr. Tanya Lamden: Couldn't say no, and please, call me Tanya.
Caitlin: What about Nautilus Laboratories?
Dr. Tanya Lamden: Director Michaels offered me the opportunity to work with another Shay Lamden, one afflicted with the same dark matter anomaly as my late husband, only this Shay system was causing his neural pathways to regress. I'm teaching him how to communicate effectively.
Barry: Are you saying his mind is becoming more shark-like?
Dr. Tanya Lamden: It was, but not anymore. I stopped the regression of King Shark's mind using a cerebral interface that stimulates his neural outputs. I call it a telepathic crown.
Cisco: Kind of like the M.A.D. 2.0 we built. That's brilliant.

Lyla: So, why King Shark?
Caitlin: Dark matter levels vary from meta-human to meta-human, but Shay Lamden's case is the most extreme we've seen, so we think if we could reverse the effects of a high level mutation like his...
Lyla: You can help all meta-humans.
Cisco: Look, we know King Shark has limited speech, but we're wondering could we try and talk to him? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna need his permission.
Lyla: Well, you're in luck, Cisco. Lately, he's been quite talkative.

John: What exactly is that?
Barry: That, my friend, is bait.
Lyla: You made a Flash lure?
Cisco: It's the best I could come up with given the time frame. It's rigged to mimic and enhance the electric field Barry's body generates. King Shark takes one whiff of that, cue the "Jaws" soundtrack.

Iris: So how long have you known about these Dominators?
Lyla: Since the '50s.
Joe: That was them. Redmond, Oregon. The government tried to cover it up. What? I watch Syfy channel.

John: We came here to give you the heads up, Barry.
Barry: About what?
Lyla: A meta-human who escaped from A.R.G.U.S. custody. Goes by the name King Shark.
Cisco: King Shark? You mean the half-man/half-shark that tried to kill you months ago. I thought he was dead.
John: That's what A.R.G.U.S. wanted you to believe when they snatched him up; but, believe me, this half shark is very much alive, and his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing. That's kill you, Barry.
Cisco: We're gonna need a bigger Flash.

The President of the United States: My fellow Americans, today our way of life, our world, almost came to an end. An entity known as the Anti-Monitor attacked Earth intent on its destruction. Thankfully, we were saved by Earth's greatest heroes who came together...
John: [watching on TV, his daughter hugs him] Hey, Sara.
Lyla: Hey, sweetie.
John: Baby, come over here. Your brother wants to play with you.
The President of the United States: ...such an event. Their unity and strength should be an example for us all. I'm told this assembly was led by Star City's Oliver Queen, otherwise known as the Green Arrow. We give thanks to these brave women and men who, with great tenacity, tireless work, and the utmost courage, put their lives on the line for our country, our planet.

Barry: Oh, Lyla, this is, um... my daughter, Nora.
Lyla: Your daughter?
Barry: Yeah.
Nora: I'm from...
Lyla: The future, I'm guessing.
Nora: Weird, right?
Lyla: No weirder than waking up one day to find out that your son used to be your daughter.

Dr. Tanya Lamden: My husband, the Shay Lamden of Earth-1, was a wonderful man. Now I have the chance to help another Earth's Shay Lamden, by giving him back his human mind. And since Shay's current state requires him to be in the water more, these earbuds allow me to hear him under water and vice versa.
Lyla: The telepathic crown allows Tanya to get through to King Shark and curb his violent behavior.
Nora: Can we use the crown to talk to him?
Dr. Tanya Lamden: Yes, but why?
Barry: We think we can make him human again.
Caitlin: It's taken a lot of work, but we think we figured out a way to transform dark matter-infused cells back to their non-meta state.
Cisco: Now all we need to do is test it, so we came looking for a volunteer.
Dr. Tanya Lamden: That could really work?
Barry: So, can we ask him?

Lyla: [watching Barry zoom away] Yeah, okay. That's kind of freaky.
John: Yeah. Yeah, see? I told you.

Lyla: [Barry speeds off] He's fast, John. Get over it.
John: Never.

Lyla: You saw a ship? What else did you see?
The: Enough to give Ridley Scott nightmares.