The Best Flash-90 Quotes

Flash: [about to sacrifice himself] Let me do this. Let me save you all.

Flash: Thank you. Keep riding the lightning, son. I know you'll make us all proud.

Flash: Sorry, kid, but this has to happen.
[absorbing Barry's speed]
The: Barry, what are you doing?
Flash: I'm momentarily stealing your speed. You play the speedster game long enough, you learn some neat tricks.
Killer: Wait, why are you doing this?
Flash: Novu said the Flash must die in Crisis. He never said which one.

Barry: I have faith in you, Tina.
Christina: Well, the truth is, I have faith in you, too

Black: Tick, tock, people.
Killer: Black Lightning is gonna kill himself if we don't solve this soon.
Barry: Then we need more time. Every second that we waste here another Earth dies. That wave gets closer to my wife.
Flash: I was once married, too. Tina said that keeping me running was her purpose in life, so as someone's who's been running for 30 years, let me tell you. Sometimes, in order to find your purpose as a hero, you gotta take a couple steps back. Reverse the way you see the situation and see a bigger picture.
Barry: That's it.
[to Frost, Vibe and Pariah]
Barry: I know how to stop the cannon. This is what the Monitor meant that day in the Time Vault. This is what I've been running toward all these years. It's time for Flash to vanish in Crisis.