The Best Doctor Alchemy Quotes

Doctor: The boy has been chosen, Flash. And you will not stand before what must be... Ever again!

Doctor: Clariss. Clariss!
Edward: Who's there?
Doctor: It's time to wake up.

Edward: I have visions of another life. Please, make them stop.
Doctor: Is that what you really want? To make the visions stop? Or do you want them to come true? To be fast again? To have speed?
Edward: Yes.
Doctor: Do you want that other life?
Edward: That's what I want.
Doctor: Once again, you will have power. And no man will be your rival.

The: And who are you?
Doctor: I am Alchemy.
The: Okay, well, what do you want?
Doctor: To help people achieve their true potential such as he has.
The: And why are you doing this?
Doctor: Because I'm preparing this world.

Wally: Are you him? Are you the voice I've been hearing inside my head?
Doctor: I am Alchemy.
Wally: I've been having visions of another life. Where-where I have speed, where. I'm...
Doctor: The Flash. I can give you that back, should you desire it.
Wally: I just want the pain to stop.
Doctor: It will, child. Whatever you desire, I will see it so. Now tell me, do you wish for the life that was taken from you to return?
Wally: What I wish for... is all of you gone.

The: It's over, Alchemy.
Doctor: Over? You have no idea what's about to begin.