The Best Director Hackshaw Quotes

Director: We need to construct a concrete and steel encasement around this entire facility in order to contain the radioactive material. Then we'll demolish S.T.A.R. Labs and move the debris to a nuclear waste site.
Allegra: You're gonna demolish it?
Director: The safety board makes the final call. But this looks pretty bad.
[to Barry]
Director: Now gather your people and say goodbye. You got five minutes to make like a banana and split.

Barry: Caitlin, hey. Good timing. I think I've got a clue to run through the S.T.A.R. Labs' search satellites.
Catlin: Barry, we need you here right now. The city is shutting down S.T.A.R. Labs.
Director: Okay, lock this place down! I want that radiation leak found.
Catlin: Get here. Fast.

Catlin: You can't just come in here and kick us out of our own offices.
[Hackshaw hands her a piece of paper]
Catlin: Public Safety Act?
Director: Passed four years ago after the meta fallout nearly took out the city. Means we can do whatever we have to do for the greater good. Post teams at every entrance. No one gets in without clearance.
Barry: [getting off the elevator] Excuse me, I'm Barry Allen. I own this facility.
Director: Mr. Allen, we've detected dangerous levels of radiation within your facility. This lab's a day away from a meltdown.
Allegra: That's impossible. We would've noticed if things were that bad.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, maybe not. I just checked out the safety logs. Our radiation scanners haven't updated in over a week. Doesn't make... any sense.
Barry: [as he opens a wall panel, sparks fly] What happened?
Chester P. Runk: This is part of our early detection array that monitors radiation levels inside the place, but it's corroded. Hasn't been functioning for a while. Sensors in the subterranean power core currently read over 1,000 rads.
Director: Consider yourselves lucky. Another day, you'd all be in ICU.