The Best Ultraviolet Quotes

Allegra: [conversing in Spanish] Esperanza, we thought Eva got to you guys.
Ultraviolet: No. She gave us a choice.
Dr. Light: [in English] Something Carver never did.
Sunshine: We're no longer under his thumb. Neither is Eva.
Joseph: Whatever she is paying you, I will double it.
Dr. Light: This isn't about a paycheck.
Sunshine: It's about payback.

Allegra: Espreranza, stop!
Ultraviolet: You left me for dead in Iron Heights. And when Carver came for me? I was alone. I never had a chance. And that... is your fault, Cousin! You're nothing to me. Understand?
[aims her bracelets at Allegra]
Allegra: Fine. Do it. You think you're the only one that feels that way? The only one that feels alone? Get in line!

Caitlin: This band is made of the same metal alloy as your mask, so your body won't reject it. It'll maintain the laryngeal structure.
[putting it on Ultraviolet's neck]
Caitlin: All right, you're good to go. No more updates, no more surgeries. I'll let you two catch up.
Allegra: [as Caitlin leaves, Ultraviolet begins collecting her belongings] You going somewhere?
Ultraviolet: I have work to do.
Allegra: [she's handed a manilla folder; looking at the contents] This is on some old Black Hole security squad. Wait... are you serious? You're going after the dregs of Black freakin' Hole before your anesthesia's even worn off? You have a death wish?
Ultraviolet: [taking the folder back] Those who survived Carver's reign are digging up old bank accounts. Giving money to those same doctors who hurt me.
[switching to Spanish]
Ultraviolet: Same demons... back from hell.
Allegra: I get it. These are bad dudes. Like, really bad. But they can wait, 'cause you have to heal first.
Ultraviolet: [still in Spanish] Evil does not wait.
[switching to English]
Ultraviolet: I have a chance to stop them now. I may not get another.
Allegra: What about your chance at a new beginning? Caitlin just saved your voice and probably your life. You really wanna risk it for some Black Hole scum?
[moving to leave, Ultraviolet starts to collapse]
Allegra: [catching her] Damn it, Esperanza, you are not strong enough to fight them.
Ultraviolet: So, help me!
Allegra: So you can get more blood on your hands? No!
Ultraviolet: Fine. No killing. But we will do this together. As a family.
[switching to Spanish again]
Ultraviolet: And make these people pay.
Allegra: I can't. It has to wait. There is a war going on, prima. A whole lot of lives are in danger. This city needs me. Team Flash needs me.
Ultraviolet: [in English] I need you. Those doctors will torture others if I do nothing.
Allegra: Just wait. As soon as this is over, I promise... I will help you.
Ultraviolet: [in Spanish] We all must choose a path, Prima. Today I must walk alone.

Allegra: [finding Esperanza dying; in Spanish] You're gonna be okay, just hang on...
Ultraviolet: You're... too late.
Allegra: [switching to English] I'm sorry. I never should have let you go. I should have chosen you, my real family, the second you asked.
Ultraviolet: But you did not. I fought alone. Now I die alone. But I'm not afraid.
[switching back to Spanish]
Ultraviolet: Death is an... extension of life.
Allegra: No. No, don't leave me. No...
[switching to Spanish]
Allegra: Please... stay with me.
[as she expires, Esperanza burns into nothingness like a phoenix]