Top 50 Quotes From Nicole Kang

Mary: Alice, we're not tire-rioning the woman responsible for my awakening.

Julia: [after "Bruce's" visit to the Crows office] He didn't remember our codename for my father.
Luke: The Eagle? He made it up.
Julia: Yes. I told him to ring Daddy at home at his cottage in Glasgow. Bruce didn't blink an eye.
Luke: Alfred lives in a flat in London.
Julia: I smelled alcohol on his breath. I saw he had a drink in the Commander's office, ran the glass for prints.
Mary: Please do not say what I think you're about to say.
Julia: [showing them Tommy's GCPD file] I'm really sorry, Luke. I think Alice made him a new face.
Luke: No. No. They carried Tommy Elliot out of Arkham in a body bag.
Mary: Or they wanted us to believe as much, and who better to masquerade as Bruce Wayne than the person who's been obsessed with him his entire life?

Kate: Mary.
Mary: You remember.
Kate: How do we know each other again?
Mary: Okay. Baby steps.

Alice: My... how you have blossomed. I think your diabolical debut deserves more than a roadside greasy spoon.
Poison: I don't care what we do or where we go as long as it's fun.

Ryan: Why is there a Crow in our loft?
Mary: I thought you were working late.
Ryan: I was, but then drama showed up and ruined my night, so I cut out early. Why is Crowphie here?
Mary: We were just hanging out. I didn't realize I had to run guests by you.
Ryan: You don't. It's just... her?
Sophie: Okay, look. I'm not here to add to your drama. The guys at work sent me tequila for my five-year anniversary, and I wanted to share it with someone. You're welcome to join us.
Mary: And, honestly, based on the vibage that you just walked in here with, it kind of seems like you could use some ultra-expensive tequila right now.
Ryan: So am I supposed to just act like I'm cool with her being here?
Sophie: As a lesbian who was married to a man for three years, I will say drinking is the key to denial.
Ryan: I thought you were bi.
Sophie: Yeah. There's a lot we don't know about each other yet, Ryan.

Mary: [something obviously not a worm falls out of Sophie's tequila bottle] They say the worm is lucky.
Sophie: No. No, no, no. This... that ain't a worm.
Ryan: This is why you don't drink hooch from the Crows.
Mary: [looking it up on her phone] I think it's a puss caterpillar, the Southern Flannel Moth, genus megaloypyge. It's one of the most venomous caterpillars in the world.
Ryan: Oh, no, no, no, no.
Sophie: No.
Mary: Okay, but according to the internet, a single caterpillar isn't lethal.
Sophie: So we're good, right?
Ryan: [opening a card] Wait. I don't think we're the target, and I don't think this bottle came from your boys.
Sophie: What?
[taking it]
Sophie: "A girl's been poisoned; not you. That's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not. Love... Cluemaster."

Mary: Hey. Got you a prezzie.
Sophie: Mary, kind of busy right now. I-I can't really do...
Mary: [pointedly] It's not from me. It's from someone who knows how hard you are to shop for, and he got you this.
[Sophie opens it]
Mary: It's a targeted kill drive. Your lab is turning Batwoman's DNA evidence into a bunch of ones and zeroes, and that guy will rearrange those ones and zeroes, making it unreadable.
Sophie: Didn't know you were on Batwoman's payroll, as well.
Mary: Oh. Huh? No. Luke just asked me as a favor, 'cause we hang out casually as friends.
Sophie: [skeptical] Uh-huh.
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: [leaving together] So, according to the Bat team, if I use this device, then when the file is transmitted to the DNA registry, it won't match anything?
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: That's pretty clever. So, did Luke include an instruction manual?
Mary: No, but he is available for tech support. You just have to plug that little cutie into any computer in the building with tier one access.
Sophie: Tier one access? There's only one person with that.
[indicating Jacob's office]
Sophie: Your dad's been holed up in there for hours. How the hell do you expect me to get him to leave?
Mary: Why do you think I'm here?

Luke: Batwoman, we took a group vote, and you need to come home.
Batwoman: What are you talking about? Angelique is being held somewhere in this dump.
Mary: And while we appreciate that she's a former flame, Sophie just dropped an A-bomb. We need to figure out how to preserve your identity.
Batwoman: We will once I find Angelique.
Mary: Didn't Sophie just say that we only had a couple more hours?
Batwoman: Yeah. So I gotta be quick.
Luke: Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Finding Angelique is not worth throwing the Bat-legacy down the drain.
Batwoman: Excuse me?
Luke: Look, I'm just saying you can't have both. Black Mask is using Angelique to cook Snakebite, right? So, he went through a lot of trouble for her, so I highly doubt he'd just kill off his golden goose right off the bat. Priority number one should be saving the future of the symbol for your sake and the city's, and then...
Batwoman: How about this? You two call Sophie, y'all put your heads together and save my future. I'll be here kicking some False Face ass, saving my past.
[finding a mask and blood spatter on the ground]
Batwoman: I'll check in later.

Luke: She's not scheming against us.
Kate: And you'd know that how? Because she pretended to fall in love with you when she was really just a babysitter sent by Bruce Wayne?
Mary: [slipping toward the bar] Okay, it's time to day drink.

[the Batmobile launches a missile at Ryan's van]
Ryan: Are you kidding me? What was that?
Mary: He wants the suit.
Ryan: He can have it. I'll toss it out the window!
Mary: No!
Luke: If he gets that suit, he becomes the most dangerous person in Gotham. You need to outrun him.
Ryan: Outrun him? Look at his car. I don't even have hubcaps!

Mary: What was this puzzle about?
Sophie: "Quiz Bowl" was throwing a party to honor the game show's top winners. Arthur always thought the writers dumbed down the questions to appeal to a wider audience, so... he put a riddle in the Gazette, said he was gonna bomb the party.
Ryan: So how did you solve it?
Sophie: The truth? I didn't. All rookies spend a year on the tip line, and on my very first day, a girl called in frantic, told me about the puzzle, then told me what it meant. I was promoted to field agent the very next day.
Ryan: Because you lied and took credit for something you didn't do.
Sophie: You don't think it haunted me every time I strapped on a gun my first year that maybe I didn't deserve to be there?
Ryan: So, whose glory did you steal?
Sophie: Someone who begged me to keep her identity a secret, so I did. This will come as a shock to you, but I can be trusted.

Mary: I wasn't sure how you guys celebrated.
Kate: Usually by icing my knuckles.

Mary: No one is ever Alice until they are.

Ryan: [re-watching a recording of Angelique at gunpoint] Why are you making me re-live this?
Luke: Black Mask kept tabs on his cookhouses with a video feed, allowed him an eye on the cookie jar without actually getting his hand caught in it. Smart, right? Wrong. Because that allows me to track the internet traffic.
Mary: So we can track it back to the camera's IP address to get the location of the cookhouse where Angelique is being held.
[seeing his look]
Mary: Not just a pretty face here, people.
Ryan: Send those cookhouse coordinates to the Batmobile.
Luke: Uh, I'm not sure that's gonna be first your stop. Somebody turned on the Bat-Signal.

Mary: Okay, that's weird. You have Special K in your blood.
Kate: Ketamine?
Mary: Want to tell me how that happened?
Kate: [evasively] I was partying pretty hard last night.
Mary: Partying?
Kate: Someone must have slipped me something.
Mary: I thought you said you were taking real estate classes.
Kate: I was. No one wants to learn about zoning laws sober.

Mary: Never have I ever kissed Batwoman.
Sophie: [drinking her shot] Yeah. Never have I ever been saved by Batwoman.
[they all drink a shot]
Sophie: When did Batwoman save you?
Ryan: Last Halloween.
Sophie: Oh! The O.G. Makes more sense.
Ryan: Why does it make more sense?
Sophie: I don't know, Ryan. Why would it make absolutely no sense for the new Batwoman to have saved you?
Ryan: [confused] Huh?
Sophie: [dismissing it] It's okay.

Mary: [finding Cluemaster's next clue] Guys! "Just a nip should do the trick." It's an antihistamine. It'll counteract the...
[as she picks it up, lights come up on a woman trapped in a plexiglass box]
Mary: ...poison.
Stephanie: Help! Help! Help me! Help!
Ryan: What did he do to her?
Sophie: Oh, my god. It's Stephanie Brown, Cluemaster's daughter.

Ryan: Four targets.
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: Four bullets.
Ryan: That's how we get her out. Look. We hit each of those targets in this specific color order.
Sophie: Too easy. The blocks detach from the chain, which means they're probably not in order. Besides, those symbols have to mean something.
Mary: Okay. Alphabetical by animal, then?
Ryan: Okay. So, uh, bird, bobcat, fly, and then spider.
Sophie: Bobcat? That's a puma, which means it comes after fly.
Ryan: It's a bobcat, which means it comes before.
Sophie: You want to bet her life on it?
Mary: Hey! There's a girl dying in a box. Think. If they're not in the right order, why chain them together in the first place?
Ryan: Food chain. They are in pecking order. Okay, so, bobcat/puma eats bird, bird eats spider, and spider eats fly.
Sophie: [taking aim] Let's find out.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa! Who said you were shooting?
Sophie: Pretty sure I just did.
Ryan: Anyone want to discuss the five shots of tequila you downed tonight?
Sophie: Mary.
Mary: Yeah?
Sophie: Pick. Someone who probably holds a high score in Duck Hunt or a military marksman?
[to Ryan]
Sophie: Unless you have some sharpshooter skills you'd like to disclose.
Ryan: Go for it.
Sophie: Thank you. Now back up.

Kate: I'll see you in the Batcave.
Mary: That is literally the coolest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Sophie: Her psychosis is getting worse. And she suspects the doctors don't care.
Mary: Honestly, whatever meds they're giving her in there could be causing a psychotic break instead of curing it.
Ryan: It's going to be everyone's problem if Alice fully loses her mind before we finish the job for Montoya.
Alice: But hypothetically, I could get a supervised work release from Arkham and sweet Mary could make sure I was taking my proper meds. I'm sure that Ry-Ry could convince Renee-nay it was for the best. You know, all for the sake of fighting crime.
Ryan: Right. And who's gonna put up with that baby-sitting job?
Sophie: Someone who sleeps with a gun under her pillow.
Alice: [wraps her arm around Sophie] What do you say? Roomies!

Mary: [to Luke] Here's a sentence I've never said before. Can you hack the Batmobile?

Mary: You're Victor Zsasz.
Victor: I'm actually here to clean up a little mess. It seems you and I have ruffled some of the same feathers. Now I have to tie up some loose ends.
Mary: Would those feathers belong to Safiyah?
Victor: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you, so I'll just tell you. Yes.

Ryan: And your brilliant plan will be?
Sophie: We're at a firing range. We shoot it open.
Ryan: With the girl inside?
Mary: Would you guys shut up?
Ryan: What are those?
Mary: I found these under the railing chained to that gun.
Sophie: It's one of his puzzles.
Mary: Exactly. So if you two would just release each other's throats for two seconds, maybe we could actually figure this thing out.

Luke: You'll really drag me to the junkyard.
Mary: Technically, you're driving.
Luke: Ok.

Luke: You looked me in the eye, and said miracles happen.
Mary: I know. So do tragedies.

Mary: But good news--I got to drive the Batmobile. Bad news--the wipers button and the rocket launchers look very similar. Someone should label those.

Mary: Blech. You know we're gonna have to deep-clean the Batmobile now.
Luke: Oh, I am well aware. Okay, based on the trajectory, they're headed somewhere along the waterfront.
Mary: Ugh. I get the appeal of Angelique or whatever, but how desperate are we? I mean, Alice? Alice? Really? Do we even know this isn't a trap?
Luke: Nope.

Luke: May I present to you...
Kate: [he pours a small pile of dust on the table] I'll stick with booze, thanks.
Luke: What? No. That's not... that's kryptonite. I figured out how to destroy it.
Mary: Oh, my god. You used a hammer.
Luke: Okay, more like 40,000 tons of compressive force. Wayne has access to a hydraulic press.
Mary: Mm-hmm. So... just a really expensive hammer.

Ryan: So, wait. Cluemaster knew you'd recognize some random-ass logo in the middle of nowhere?
Mary: [trying a padlock on the gate] It's locked. Give me a boost.
Sophie: [helping Mary up over the fence] After I put him away, he became obsessed with me; where I went to school, where I trained, what kind of tequila I drink. He couldn't figure out how some rookie Crow could solve a puzzle that no one else could.
Ryan: [Sophie starts to climb the fence] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What? I don't need a boost?
Sophie: You'll be fine.
[Mary snickers; watching Ryan scale the fence with some effort]
Sophie: First fence?
Ryan: It'll come as a shock to you, but B&E doesn't come naturally.

Mary: [to Kate, when the phone rings] You have a landline?

Mary: So, this is what a victory lap looks like.
Kate: Trafficker got away. Some asshat yanked my wig, almost pulled off my cowl.
Luke: Who could have predicted that 30,000 strands of grab-me red hair would be like waving a flag in front of a bull?
Mary: What if you ran an electrical charge through the cowl, so that the next person who tried to get grabby would have 10,000 volts of "hands off"?
Kate: As much as I love the thought of wrapping my head in lightning...
Mary: Right. Dumb.

Kate: [Mary pulls a gun on her] I just came to apologize for missing dinner. But apparently I missed... something else.
Mary: [lowering the gun] Sorry. So, okay, look. I get the whole needing to know with Alice because she's your sister and, duh, sisters... but her boyfriend tried to kill me last night because apparently she sees me as her replacement, which under normal circumstances could, you know, maybe be borderline flattering, except here it's just ironic considering the most sisterly thing that you've ever done is pretty much act like I don't exist.
Kate: Mary, it's not like that.
Mary: [recoiling as Kate reaches out to touch her injury] Ugh, don't worry. You know, he took off and got scared before doing any permanent damage, and no, I didn't tell your dad. The last thing I need is my own personal security detail.
Kate: Mary, I am so sorry.
Mary: Is Alice worth it? Because if she is, could you just tell her that I'm not a threat, please?

Mary: What's your type?
Alice: Tall, dark, and brooding.
Mary: Your blood type.
Alice: O negative.

Ryan: Your phone is about to ring, and the answer is yes.
Mary: Roxanne, will you excuse me? Hey, Amy. Can you help Roxanne to the lab?
[giving her assistant a file folder]
Mary: Yeah. Thank you.
[leading Ryan a few feet away]
Mary: Come here. What are you doing here? I'm in the middle of a consul...
Ryan: I am so sorry. I just...
Mary: [her phone buzzes] Mary Hamilton. Yes, I am the current owner of the Hold-Up. Ryan Wilder's parole officer. Okay. Hi. Did I just hire Ryan for a bartending position?
[Ryan non-verbally urges her to say yes]
Mary: Yes. Yes. I was very impressed by her... fruit-slicing abilities. Yeah. Okay. Talk to you soon.
[hanging up]
Mary: Since when can parolees work at a bar?
Ryan: She is making an exception because I can't get a job.
Mary: Well, this is perfect, because working at the Hold-Up will detract people from thinking you're you-know-who, and it'll explain why we'll be hanging out together all the time.
Ryan: All the time?
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Luke said I'm only keeping the suit warm 'til Kate gets back. You make it seem like she's not. Which one is it?

Luke: This is what's left of the only thing on Earth that can penetrate the Batsuit.
[Mary blows the dust into the air]
Luke: Okay.
Mary: And that is me taking the only weapon that can kill you... off the table.
Kate: Before we get too cocky...
[retrieving a framed picture]
Kate: No more secrets, not between us, and not after today.
[she opens a hidden compartment to reveal the kryptonite shard she obtained during Crisis]
Luke: Where did you get that?
Kate: The same way Bruce did. A friend gave it to me for safekeeping in case she... ever lost her way.
Luke: And you're just telling us about it now because...?
Kate: I honestly didn't think you'd figure out a way to destroy it.
Luke: Well, we did, so hand it over.
Kate: And because I can't. It's not mine to destroy.
Mary: Kate, if that gets into the wrong hands, it'll kill you.
Kate: I promised my friend I would keep it. She trusts me, and until I can talk to her about it, I need you guys to trust me, too.

Mary: Your heart is in the right place. Your ribs, however, are not.

Luke: We're getting no signs of Kate on traffic cams, and facial recognition is not getting any hits.
Mary: None of the hospitals in 20 miles have admitted Kate, Circe, or any Jane Doe matching that description.
Ryan: Okay, how long since she wandered off, ten hours?
Luke: Long time, especially in Gotham.
Ryan: So what do we do, just sit around and wait?
Luke: [Mary's phone buzzes] Anything?
Mary: Just a belligerent drunk at the Hold-Up acting like they own the place.
Kate: [cut the bar, where she drinks with a group of women] Ohh. We got a dead soldier.
[she throws the empty bottle away]
Ryan: [on the phone] Yeah. So that drunk acting like she owns the place? Turns out she does.

Mary: What do you mean they caught her? What happened to your member of the Special Reconnaissance Turns Out I'm Not Good Backup regiment?
Luke: Okay, I didn't call you down here for a Yelp review, Mary. I need you on the comms monitoring the cameras for me.
Mary: What?
Luke: I'm going in and save Kate and Julia.
Mary: Going in? As what, Sabatino's accountant? No offense, this is not gonna get you past the bouncer. It has to be me.
Luke: Okay, no offense, but you're insane!
Mary: I know Sabatino's cousin. I pumped her stomach when she ODed. She owes me one. She can get me face time with her cousin.
Luke: And then what? Ask him nicely, offer to tag his club on your Insta?
Mary: You sound like Kate.
Luke: Because she's right, Mary. It's too dangerous! Case in point, she was just apprehended!
Mary: Well, then what's the bat-protocol here, Luke?
Luke: I don't know! I don't know. All I do know is that I really wish my dad were here right now because he would know what to do, but he's not because he died protecting that journal, and now Kate and Julia might do the same, and I cannot add you to that list.
Mary: Look. I know no one trusts me to pull this off, but I trust you to keep me safe.

Mary: So, I assume that you've seen this, because you look good.
[they share a laugh about a picture of Batwoman]
Luke: Uh, hi, Mary. Kate... Kate's not Batwoman. That would be a major time suck from real estate development, her actual job.
Kate: It's fine. She knows.
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Luke: Sh-sh... she knows... she knows what, exact...
Mary: Yeah. We don't have to play this little game anymore.
Luke: What game? So you know what, Kate? You have a showing in fifteen minutes. You should really get going.
Kate: I'll let you two work this one out.
Luke: Yeah, great. So you know what? I'm gonna... you e-mail me that investment strategy, and I'll make sure to... I'll forward you back some-some comments about the building blueprints, and we'll-we'll make sure to get on the-the numbers.
Mary: Now you're just saying words.

Kate: I actually pictured myself coming out to him as Batwoman one day. I looked him in the eyes, and I believed him.
Mary: I'm really, really sorry, Kate. If it means anything to you, I believed him, too.
Kate: I always thought when I put that suit on that nothing could hurt me... but I was wrong. His betrayal hurt a million times more than any of those bullets. My dad hates me.
Mary: No. Batwoman. He hates Batwoman. You, he loves.
Kate: He once loved Beth, too. In his mind, Batwoman is just as crazy as Alice.
Mary: He's wrong.

Mary: Safiyah. I've never heard of her.
Luke: It's one of her many aliases. The only Safiyah we have in our database has half a dozen European passports with just as many names; Nasar, Sohail, Patel...
Mary: Okay. So how do we find her?
Luke: Well, if she's extremely shady, odds are Ryan's already in a book club with her.
Mary: What's your problem with her?
Luke: I don't have a problem with Ryan.
Mary: Then what's your problem with me?
Luke: This is not a permanent gig.
Mary: I know. You've said that a thousand times.
Luke: Then why get her a job, lie to her P.O., throw a pep rally every time she does something right?
Mary: Because we're her team. She's the Bat.
Luke: She's a stand-in who fits the suit until Kate comes back.
Mary: Except she's not! Kate is not coming back, Luke.
Luke: How can you say that after everything we're been through?

Ryan: I dove out of a flaming building just for a list of names?
Mary: Just a prolific hitman with a long list of names. Anyone else have a pit in their stomach?
Luke: Let's figure out who they are first. Janet Evans is... a ninth-grade biology teacher. Paul Akins... plumber. Jamal Walker... stockbroker. I... I don't get this. I'm not seeing a connection.
Mary: There's no way we can protect all these people.
Ryan: What if we don't have to? Zsasz doesn't find work, work finds him, meaning someone hired him to get this list. We figure out who he works for, and we stop them.
Mary: But how?
Ryan: I ask him.
Luke: [sarcastic] Because he really opened up to you the last time.
Ryan: Not as Batwoman. As Ryan.
Luke: Are you insane? Why would a hitman rat out his employer?
Mary: But he does know who you are, or at least of you peripherally, so it's worth a shot.
Luke: Or you become a tally mark over his right eyebrow.
Ryan: Or I find out who hired him.
[to Mary]
Ryan: You're a billionaire, right? How much of that is liquid?

Mary: We're gonna find Kate.
Luke: She needed the suit to survive.
Mary: Miracles happen. I mean...
Luke: It's my fault. I was the one hell-bent on destroying the kryptonite. She didn't even want to do it, and I pushed.
Mary: Luke, that is not what happened.
Luke: I'm the reason she got on that plane. Kate's dead... because of me.
Mary: Luke. You didn't do anything wrong, okay?
Luke: Yeah.
Mary: Look at me. What would Kate say if she knew you were blaming yourself?
Luke: I don't know. Things are usually her fault.
Mary: She'd tell you that there'd be no Batwoman without Luke Fox and to put your pain into something worth changing.

Mary: So, these are all the finalists, 'cause they deliver on the sss...
[imitating a sizzling sound]
Mary: ...and bat-gadget concealment, 'cause we want to hide the goods, but not hide the goods, you feel me?
Kate: Okay, the goal is to blend in.
Mary: Yeah, but at this place, standing out *is* blending in. I mean, the Lookout is the hottest club in Gotham; no offense to your bar. It's... you know, it's more of a lounge.
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Mary: And fortunately, your Batboots are both functional and on trend.

Mary: Okay. Problem.
Kate: What?
Mary: Her cells are disintegrating on a molecular level.
Beth: May I? I'm no expert in multiverses...
Luke: But you're two credits shy of astrophysicist, so whatever you're thinking, spill.
Beth: Well, I've read some theories - the multiple universe hypotheses, inflation model, MWI of quantum mechanics.
Kate: [confused] MWI?
Luke: Many worlds...
Beth: Many worlds interpretation.
Kate: Does anyone speak real people?
Beth: Right. Um, in my research, I theorize that all of these universes are separated for a reason. If I'm right, it means Alice has one mother of a headache, too. Collateral damage from the multiverse collapsing. In other words, this universe is literally not big enough for the both of us, and the longer we coexist in this world, the more we're living on borrowed time except we're borrowing it from each other. As cells decay, the body goes haywire, synaptic misfire, pain receptors go into overdrive until eventually...
Kate: If we can't find a way to save you, you're both gonna die.

Mary: It would be so refreshing if a supervillain actually said what they meant for once.

Luke: Okay, are you looking at the satellite access portal?
Mary: Uh, the thing with the dots and the numbers?
Luke: Let's assume "yes".

Mary: Wasn't supposed to be Beth.
Luke: We did everything right. We found a loophole, we-we kept her alive, we got her through the checkpoints. I thought we were in the clear, and then it just... just came out of nowhere.
Mary: It wasn't your fault, Luke.
Luke: Look, we need to figure out who shot her.
Mary: I agree, but first, we need to prepare ourselves for the real Alice. The Crows think that she's dead, and she's not, which means no one's out looking for her, and if my twin picked my alien doppelganger's life over mine, I'd be on the verge of going nuclear.
[to Kate]
Mary: Uh, no offense.
Kate: You're right. I looked her in the eye and I told her I chose to save someone else.
Mary: Kate... you did the right thing. You have to know that.
Kate: It doesn't matter, because the wrong Beth lived. Now Alice is back on the loose because of me, and we need to brace ourselves for the consequences.

Sophie: Never have I ever had sex on an airplane.
[Mary drinks a shot]
Sophie: Ooh.
Mary: Everyone, relax. It was private. Never have I ever sexted the wrong person. Ryan, drink.
Sophie: Ooh.
Ryan: Wait, what?
Ryan: Ohh! Oh, my bad! My bad.
Mary: Mmm. Yeah. Your bad. So whatever you have going on with Imani, just FYI, consider me an unwilling third.
Sophie: Ooh! Who is Imani?
Ryan: I got one. Never have I ever compromised my values to support a white supremacist organization.
Sophie: Hmm.
Ryan: [handing a shot to her] Drink.

Mary: It's gonna be okay.
Stephanie: No, it's not.
Mary: What?
Stephanie: [taking off her coat, revealing numbers and letters drawn all over her chest, back, and arms] I don't think he's done.