Top 30 Quotes From Galina 'Red' Reznikov

Galina: [scoffing at Piper] I worked with the Russian mafia. We make the Italians look like guppies.

Galina: I have a birthmark on my left butt cheek that's shaped like a scarab. Doesn't make me Cleopatra.

Galina: I want to look *fierce*!

[Last lines]
Galina: When god gives you a swastika, he opens a window.
[Makes the last mark to complete the window]
Galina: And then you remember, there is no god.

Galina: This is a shit secret. This is a secret that fucks everyone who touches it.
Alex: Yeah, well, tag. You're it.

Galina: Into thin air! Like Nadezdha!
Lorna: Ooh! God bless you!

Galina: Have you seen Nicky?
Weeping: No. Have you seen DeMarco?
Galina: No.
Weeping: Good talk.

Galina: [on Piscatella] He doesn't speak human!

Galina: Have you, by any chance, come across the name Wes Driscoll? I think the Almas has his initials tattooed on his wrist. I smell something.
Blanca: Almas?
Galina: Yes, you know, ape man. What do you people call it? Bigfoot? Yeti? Hairy, neckless sadist with pituitary issues?

Galina: Because no matter how hard you try and how much we want it, there's the people who serve the bread, and the people who eat the bread!

Galina: You want to assassinate someone, vision is a basic requirement. It's like: step one: pick a person to kill. Step two: kill that person.

[Lolly tells her conspiracy theory and leaves]
Galina: Frieda is right. We have to kill her.

Galina: Don't fuck where you eat, or shit where you fuck. It's bad business.

Maria: How are you feeling Red?
Galina: How am I feeling? Better now that I've gotten a little sleep. But my back hurts a lot, my soul hurts a little.

Galina: All I wanted was to eat the chicken that was smarter than all the other chickens to absorb its power. And to make a nice Kiev.

Galina: I'm missing half my zucchini. These girls don't realize I'm here to provide food not dildos. I'm all out of cucumbers, carrots, beets. God knows what they're doing with those. I can't hold on to anything cock-shaped.

Galina: You-this is all your fault.
Piper: huh?
Galina: You been blabbin' all over about the chicken haven't you?
Piper: ...not really but even if I did you never told me it was a secret.
Galina: Because I thought you had more common sense... black girls know about chicken, of course they'll chase it.
Piper: ...why? Cause all black people like chicken?
Galina: Don't be racist - it's because they're all on heroin.

Desi: It's *your* type of criminal, that I find the most offensive.
Galina: Are we talking about old women or all women?

Galina: I think it looks like an angry eight. What can I tell you?

Galina: So, what are you going to do with that ear now that you've picked it?
Judy: Well, I guess that depends on what else I can find around here. I can do a Southern fried corn, a dilled corn shooter, Taiwanese style street corn.
Galina: Listen to fancy pants.
Judy: I could shove it up your ass.
Galina: I'm not so big on ass play.

Galina: [about Piscatella] It's him. But it's not him.
Blanca: Oh! It's like Chewbacca without hair.

Galina: Have you seen this video? "Hot Cheetos and Takis"? It's wonderful. Children are so motivated these days.

Galina: Are you good at your job? I don't know. But I know that you've helped me, and I'm grateful to you for it.

Sam: I was stuck inside doing paperwork. Who's the real prisoner?
Galina: Still me, I think.

Galina: Real Russians have no proverbs. We have vodka and misery. Wait. That was a proverb.

Galina: All I wanted was to eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens and to absorb its power!

Nicky: Are you proud of me, Red?
Galina: I am cautiously optimistic.

Galina: What is that stuff they use in the movies to make the spies weak and talky?
Lorna: Breasts.

Galina: I feel like my hot flashes are having hot flashes.

Galina: Is this about your little panty business?
Piper: How do you know about that?
Galina: You recruited my whole family. They're all running the track in pink bikinis. First, you don't ask me to wear them, and now you undervalue my criminal mastermind. You know what? You really need to go fuck yourself.