The Best Julia Pennyworth Quotes

Kate: That place will be filled with mobsters.
Mary: Which is why you need backup.
Kate: [clearing her throat] I... already have it.
Mary: [seeing Luke and Julia] I thought there weren't any more spots on the Bat-team.
Julia: Oh. I'm just an honorary member, luv.
Kate: The Crows plucked her from the SRR. She's literally trained for this.

Julia: Bruce?
Tommy: Julia Pennyworth.
Julia: Oh! Luke told me you were back.
Tommy: Yeah. I meant to call, but, um...
Julia: No. We've all been so worried about you.
Tommy: I'm here, I'm healthy, and I'm late for a meeting, actually, so...
Julia: Did you ring the Eagle?
Tommy: Eagle?
Julia: The Eagle. Daddy practically raised you. I-I think he thinks you're dead.
Tommy: Good point. Um, yeah, I'll clear that up.
Julia: Well, he's at home in Glasgow, same little cottage in the woods.
Tommy: I'll buzz him ASAP. Good seeing you, Jules.

Julia: [after "Bruce's" visit to the Crows office] He didn't remember our codename for my father.
Luke: The Eagle? He made it up.
Julia: Yes. I told him to ring Daddy at home at his cottage in Glasgow. Bruce didn't blink an eye.
Luke: Alfred lives in a flat in London.
Julia: I smelled alcohol on his breath. I saw he had a drink in the Commander's office, ran the glass for prints.
Mary: Please do not say what I think you're about to say.
Julia: [showing them Tommy's GCPD file] I'm really sorry, Luke. I think Alice made him a new face.
Luke: No. No. They carried Tommy Elliot out of Arkham in a body bag.
Mary: Or they wanted us to believe as much, and who better to masquerade as Bruce Wayne than the person who's been obsessed with him his entire life?

Kate: Tell me you found that journal.
Julia: We've gone through the entire place, which is basically a shrine to his twig and berries, but alas, no Lucius Fox journal.
Luke: The guy owned at least 40 buildings in Gotham alone. Who knows where he could have stashed it?
Kate: [getting an idea] Well, there is one person who knows.

Kate: [seeing Julia texting with Sophie] Is all official Crows business conducted using hamburger emojis?
Julia: It's a cheeseburger. Nah. She wanted to see if I was up for celebrating. You never mentioned she was a burger connoisseur.
Kate: Well, just don't bother trying to convince her that kimchi is the best topping.
Julia: Oh, I've already taken that hill. It's her new favorite.

Julia: I've had worse.
Tommy: Not yet. But you will.

Colonel: Couldn't have done this without you, Moore.
Sophie: Glad to officially be back, sir.
Colonel: Formalities aside, this is the start of a major overhaul. Robles gave up everyone who took part in Harris's frame job to avoid the death penalty. We are draining the swamp. I'm putting a new strike team in place, and you are co-heading it.
Sophie: I'm not capable of running it solo?
Julia: [approaching] So, I just got off the phone with my agency. Apparently, I've been recruited to run a Crows strike team.
Sophie: Co-run, technically.
Julia: So, where do you want to start? Personal detail, homicide squad?
Sophie: With burgers. Good ones. Not the garbage you've been bringing to the motel all week.
Julia: Go on, then, twist my arm. But you're buying.
Sophie: Company card. You'll get yours at orientation.

Sophie: So, if I were the smoking gun that links Tommy Elliot to the murder of Lucius Fox, where would I be?
Julia: Oh, I don't know, luv, but I hope the Crows pay overtime.
Sophie: [seeing a large portrait of Tommy in the nude] I'll settle for hazard pay.

Julia: I mean, it's the age-old question, isn't it? If a lunatic throws a tantrum in a forest, will anyone hear?

Sophie: So, where do we start?
Julia: Whichever aisle's the property seized from Tommy Elliot.
Sophie: [laughing] Of course Tommy collected, like, every Kitty Delgado comic.
Julia: [snickering at a comic book with a well-endowed woman on the cover] Oh, my god. There's no way a cat burglar's squeezing into all those tight spaces with those jubblies.