The Best Rachel Maddow Quotes

Vesper: Guess the early bird gives us the bird.

Vesper: Good morning, Gotham. I'm looking at a very distant, very fuzzy photo from the other night's Batwoman rally, and dumb question: did we get a new Batwoman? Dumber question: is she black? Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the representation in G-Town, but did I miss something?

Vesper: Okay, people, time to get real. Massive explosion on the Loeb Bridge last night. The leader of the Alice in Wonderland Gang is in the wind, and Batman was not there. Was there a cowl convention we didn't know about? Was it Robin's high school graduation? Talk to me, Gotham. Did we put our hope in a ghost?

Vesper: Apologies for a late night broadcast, Gotham. Like many of you, I was stopped on my way to work by Crows agents looking for Alice. On the upside, I'm pretty sure that involuntary pat-down counts my annual mammogram. Holy police state, Batwoman! Can we find her already?

Vesper: Okay, people. Time to recalibrate our gaydar. Batwoman is a lesbian? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but talk to me Gotham. Whatever happened to politics staying out of our superheroes?

Vesper: Good morning, Gotham. Or should I say...
Vesper: "Good morning, Gotham"?
Vesper: After a showdown in G.U.'s library last night, GCPD have coined the bandage-wrapped gunslinger after the only word witnesses heard him utter: "Hush." Welcome to Gotham City, Hush. Sounds like you're gonna fit right in.