The Best Dominique McElligott Quotes

Queen: It doesn't matter what we do. Nothing changes. Nothing ever changes or gets better.

Starlight: I really thought that deep down you were a hero.
Queen: Well, you were wrong. There's no such thing.

Hannah: What happens after he gets there? To Will? What happens?
Mark: We'll be there for him.
Hannah: You and General Brockhart?
Mark: Yes.
Hannah: What will Will's role be?
Mark: I will continue to support your husband.
Hannah: Give me a real answer. You owe me that.
Mark: His role will be president of the United States.

Queen: [off camera] Hey, kraut!
[punches Stormfront in the face]

Queen: [finds Starlight throwing up in the bathroom] You want me to hold your hair back?
Starlight: Don't touch. Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood.
Queen: Not in the mood for what?
Starlight: Your bottomless casual cruelty. So just make whatever shitty comment you're gonna make and then go.
Queen: [holds up her wrist] Look.
Starlight: What am I supposed to be looking at?
Queen: My radius never healed straight. I really did break every bone in my right arm.
Starlight: What?
Queen: Stopping that bus from falling. You said the marketing guys made it up. It was me. 23-year old, bright-eyed, ass you could bounce a quarter off of me. I really did want to make a difference. I really did care. I was just like you. And then I started giving pieces of myself away, and I guess I gave away everything. So you know what? Be... just be original. For fuck's sake. My position is already taken. Be the annoying, goody two-shoes asshole that you are. One of us has to be.

[watching Homelander's talk show appearance after Soldier Boy's attack]
Homelander: You think it really was Edgar and the mayor? Maybe Jake Tapper. Just trying to fuck with me? Make me look ridiculous?
Queen: Or maybe, you're just a paranoid malignant narcissist who thinks everything is about you.
Homelander: [smiles slyly] Mmm, it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you, though. And you, Maeve... you're out to get me, aren't you?
Queen: What are you talking about?
Homelander: William Butcher. I can smell him all over you. You really will do anything to hurt me, won't you? So, what are you and William cooking up, hmm? Maybe you two brought that supervillain to town.
Queen: Oh, John. John! Come on. You're talking crazy. I'm not cooking anything up with Butcher. Let's talk about this.
Homelander: Don't you dare fucking John me. You're not gonna weasel your way out of this. You know, the real tragic thing in all of this is that more than anyone, I knew what it was like for you. Swarmed everywhere we went, every little mistake front-page news. It is lonely at the top, yes, but at least we had each other. We were lonely together. And I loved you, in my own... way. But you... what happened? Was anything about us ever real? Hmm?
Queen: [leans forward and whispers in his ear] From the start... I hated you. But what's more... I fucking pitied you.
Homelander: [struggling to keep his rage under control] You're completely and utterly alone. You're getting old and bitter. *You* pity *me*?
[chuckles incredulously]
Homelander: That's actually kinda funny, don't you think?
[leans into Maeve's face with a sinister smile]
Homelander: Hey. You wanna know something else that's funny?
[looks over Maeve's shoulder and raises his eyebrows; Maeve turns to look and Black Noir suddenly attacks her]

Hannah: Do you regret it, not having children? Oh, I'm sorry. That's too personal.
Claire: Do you ever regret having them?

Hughie: Hey, Maeve. Good to see you again. Glad you're okay.
Queen: It's like you wear a neon sign that says, "Raw dog me, I'm a bottom."

Homelander: If you release that video, I will destroy everything and everyone.
Queen: Great, as long as everyone sees what a fucking monster you are. As long as no one ever loves you again.

Queen: This is still a top 3 day in my life. Because today is the day I saw you scared.

Queen: Ashley, for once in your life, be a fucking human being.

Queen: You know, i had someone once. We were gonna get away, start a family... Well... Everyone always asks, what's our special weakness? Gamma rays? Iron daggers? Some ridiculous, stupid thing? The truth is our weakness is the same as anyone's. It's people. The people we care about. So i say, cut them loose. For your good and for theirs. That way you're really bulletproof.
[Just after that Starlight aka. Annie January see that Hughie calling her, Queen Maeve asks her who's calling. She answers "Nobody". Then Maeve ask her if she wanted to talk but Annie says no. Instead she wants for a drink and Maeve gives her the drink she prepaired for herself. Then she says...]

Starlight: Thank you. For everything.
Queen: First time your prissy ass showed up at the Tower, crying in that bathroom... You saved me. Truth is, you... you don't need me anymore. I could jump. But you can fucking fly.

[Homelander is threatening Starlight]
Queen: Homelander, that's enough.
Homelander: You got something to add, Maeve?
Queen: She didn't know.
Homelander: Well, she stinks of adrenaline and her heart's beating like a little rabbit.
Queen: The only thing she's guilty of is being fucking stupid. She obviously fell for this Hughie guy. He's pumping her for information, so back off. Leave her alone.
Homelander: Wow Starlight you must be something special. I can't remember the last time Maeve gave a shit... well, gave a shit about anyone, really.

Elena: Hi.
Queen: That was a fraught "hi".

Translucent: These assholes pirated my movie three weeks before release, and you can't walk down Fifth Avenue without bumping into a table of unlicensed Homelander shirts. Copyright infringement is costing Vought $1.2 billion per year. That's money out of our pockets. We've all got, what, four points each?
A: What the fuck? You got four points?
Queen: And clearly, better lawyers.

Starlight: Is that an Almond Joy?
Queen: He has a tree nut allergy.

[first lines]
Hannah: I just love your writing, Tom, ever since Scorpio. I think it just gets better and better.
Thomas: Oh, yeah? What else have you read?
Hannah: All of them. I thought the latest was brilliant: God's Cauldron.
Thomas: You read that?
Hannah: In one sitting.
Will: But what we'd really love to read is your book on the Underwoods.
Thomas: Well, it's changed. It's fiction now.
Will: But based on them.
Thomas: People might draw parallels.
Hannah: Would the Underwoods find it flattering?
Thomas: I don't think they'd be too happy with it.

Queen: You're gonna need a woman to tell everyone that you're not a complete piece of shit. I could be that person for you.
The: Wait, you think I'm a piece of shit?
Queen: Fuck yeah.

Hannah: [Softly] Okay.
- What kind of kiss do you want?
Charlie: [Whispers] Eskimo.
Hannah: In and out.
- I'll be right back.

Queen: This is the guy?
Hughie: Hi. Hughie.
Queen: He's even more of a twink then in the photo.

Starlight: Well, you, uh... you look like shit.
Queen: [jokingly] Fuck off, Smurfette.