The Best Will Conway Quotes

Francis: Well, I'm so sorry to hear that, Will. And I wanted to wish you the very best.
Will: You and your wishes can go fuck yourselves!

Francis: [on the phone] I wanted to be the first to tell you congratulations, Mr. President-elect.
Will: Well, thank you, Mr. President.
Francis: [to the camera] Oh, what, you think I learned nothing from Al Gore?

Terry: So, does anyone else have any questions for the governor?
Will: Well, I have a question. What has Francis Underwood ever done for you? This little charade this morning... Well done.
Mark: [interrupting] Will.
Will: Quite an act...
Mark: Governor.
Will: No, but really. See, you may have differences with me... You may have genuine differences with me. But see, that's the operative word, genuine. Can someone here please explain to me why you all are still loyal to Francis Underwood and the Democrats? One of these days the members of this room will realise how much you actually prop up the status quo. And how's that working for you?

Mark: It was a wager. The potential gains made it necessary.
Will: It was a complete waste of my time. If you don't start turning things around, you're going to be out on your fucking ass. You understand?
Mark: I do. I should explain something to you, Governor. If you ever talk to me like that again... I'll make sure you never win another election in your life.
Will: Are you threatening me?
Mark: No, I'm enlightening you.

Will: We're not against war, we're against his.

[first lines]
Hannah: I just love your writing, Tom, ever since Scorpio. I think it just gets better and better.
Thomas: Oh, yeah? What else have you read?
Hannah: All of them. I thought the latest was brilliant: God's Cauldron.
Thomas: You read that?
Hannah: In one sitting.
Will: But what we'd really love to read is your book on the Underwoods.
Thomas: Well, it's changed. It's fiction now.
Will: But based on them.
Thomas: People might draw parallels.
Hannah: Would the Underwoods find it flattering?
Thomas: I don't think they'd be too happy with it.

Will: I haven't slept a good night's sleep since 2012. But I guess elected officials don't sleep so our constituents can.

[last lines]
NSA: The line is open.
Will: Uh, okay. Where where's my script?
Francis: I'll be doing the talking. I'll let you know if I want you to participate.
Staffer: Sir, if we've established a dialogue between the kidnappers and the governor, we should...
Francis: Start the call.

Francis: I think you're excellent at running for the president, but I don't think you're equipped to actually be one.
Will: Don't be condescending. I'm the Governor of New York.
Francis: Ooh, Albany, really? You're a prentender, Will. And if you win, you'll go from pretender to fraud.

Will: I was elected president of the United States over two months ago. But somehow, Congress is now deciding the election. So forgive me for being a little worked up.

Francis: You're a New York Republican. That's an attractive fiction, isn't it?
Will: And you're a Democrat from South Carolina, that's even bigger fiction.
Francis: Well, there you go.
Will: And I'm a New York Republican, which is basically a Democrat.
Francis: If you were a Democrat, you'd be unstoppable. You'd be the new JFK.
Will: [chuckles] And if you were a Republican, who'd you be? Nixon?
Francis: Nixon was a far more effective president. The only reason people glorify Kennedy is because he got shot.
Will: Well, you've got that going for you, too, now, don't you?