250 Best Francis Underwood Quotes

Francis: I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.

Francis: [standing in a nighttime field with robed cultists] This is where the real power is. No women or presidents allowed. The former, I am not. The latter, I will be again, because I have managed to reduce a national election down to one state. And while these men here can't swing the votes of an entire nation, one measly state? Well, that they can do. And that's why I'm here. So welcome to Elysian Fields.

Francis: There's nothing like a death in the family to separate the wheat from the bullshit.

Mark: Oppenheimer was a member. That tree right over there, right under that tree, Manhattan Project was born.
Francis: And right under this one, I'm relieving myself.

Francis: Your job is not to dissuade me, but figure out how we sell it

[to president Walker]
Francis: Mr. President, you are asking questions you do not want the answers to.

Francis: Did they conspire? Did they use... terror... and this evacuation to cost me this election?
Vanessa: I'm not a fan of the general... but... that's a strong charge, and there's no proof to support it.
Francis: [chuckles] You know, what you people protect best is each other.

Francis: This is your fist visit to the White House...
Viktor: Yes, yes. But my third President.

Francis: [turning to the camera as he is being sworn in to office] The office of President. Yes, here we go again. Secretary of State. That's what I wanted. That's all I wanted. That's what I was promised. And now, here I am, President of these United States. You made this bed, America. You voted for me. Are you confused? Are you afraid? Because what you thought you wanted is now here. And there you are, staring back, slack-jawed, bewildered, wondering if this is what you actually asked for. This democracy, your democracy, elected me. And if you think it was hard getting here, you're beginning to understand what I'm willing to do to stay. I look across at this crowd gathered today and I know that these are not my supporters. I'm looking at people who are waiting, with a smile on their face, for their turn. And the most vicious among them are the ones who are smiling and clapping the hardest. Power is a lot like real estate.

- I need to be jolted back into reality sometimes.
- It was a kind gesture.
- Oh, just some good old fun.
- Tricia tells me we're having dinner later this week.
Francis: Yes.
- Claire tells me the same.
- Well, it'll be good to get out of this place for a few hours.

[last lines]
Joshua: We do this in the name of the Islamic Caliphate, in the name of Yusuf Al Ahmadi, in the name of God.
James: [his head being pulled back] Melissa, I love you. Caroline, I love you. Please, dear God, look out...
Claire: [watching from Whitehouse situation room] Turn off the sound.
Francis: That's right. We don't submit to terror. We *make* the terror.

Ted: Do you have an extra pair of socks, Raymond? After 30 years of military service, you'd think I'd arrive prepared.
Francis: Oh, I'm sure someone around here could find you a *pair*.

Francis: We are engaged in the battle of our time. The question of what it is to be an American. The very essence of American-ness. How we choose to lead our lives, open and free, is on the line.

Claire: I didn't mean take over. I just meant let's appear as a ticket.
Francis: [rehearsing his speech] "Are we united or are we divided? Here at Gettysburg, one of the bloodiest battles..."
Claire: Francis... I know your speech.
Francis: But can you finish? You have to know how to finish, Claire.

Francis: [drawing picture of a bull] There are two types of vice presidents: Door mats and matadors.
Francis: [turns toward camera/the viewer, holds up drawing] Which do you think I intend to be?

Terry: [muscling her] The House should and will decide!
Claire: Delaware has one congressman. How will that play in Austin when your opponent in two years tells voters that you allowed a state like Delaware to have the same influence as Texas? A lot of your incumbents will be in danger of losing their seats. And there it is.
Francis: [to the camera] Look. Look at them. That is the look of contemplating loss. Loss, the only constituent that anyone in this room really listens to.

Francis: This is politics: there are seized opportunities, and missed opportunities.

Claire: I've thought long and hard, Francis. Barely slept.
Francis: That's the job.

Francis: You can't love the people you kill.
Bishop: You sure as hell can. And you have to love the people who are trying to kill you.

Francis: Admit it. This is what you want. You were willing to kill for it. So, Claire, come and take it... before I take it back.

Francis: When we lose... because of you... there will be nothing. No plan. No future. We will only be has-beens. And you want to amount to something?... Well, here is the brutal fucking truth. And you can hate me, you can be disgusted, you can feel whatever it is you wanna feel because frankly, I'm beyond caring... But without me, you are nothing... You're right. This office has one chair. And you have always known that from the very beginning... And if you now can't stomach that, well, then I'm a fool for having married you in the first place. But I don't have time to be a fool. I have to run this country and win a nomination... I'm doing my job. Doug is out there doing his job. And it's time now for you to do yours... You want me to take charge? Fine. I will take charge... You will get on that plane tomorrow. You will come to New Hampshire. You will smile and shake hands and kiss babies. And you will stand with me on a stage. And you will be the First Lady! And you do all that. I don't give a damn if you vomit on your own time.

[first lines]
Francis: The dead sleep with their eyes open, my grandfather would say. They're watching you from the past.

Francis: A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.

Francis: [to the camera as he walks around surveying the Senate proceedings] Oh don't deny it, you've loved it. You don't actually need me to stand for anything, you just need me to stand. To be the strong man, the man of action. My god you are addicted to action and slogans. It doesn't matter what I say... it doesn't matter what I do... just as long as I am doing something, you are happy to be along for a ride. And frankly I don't blame you. With all the foolishness and indecision in your lives why not a man like me? I don't apologize. In the end I don't not care whether you love me or you hate me, just as long as I win. The deck is stacked, the rules are rigged.
Francis: [sitting back down] Welcome to the death of the age of reason, there is no right or wrong, not anymore. There is only being in - and then being out.

Francis: When, and if, Garrett Walker appears before this committee, do you think he'll betray the party?
Jim: You mean you?
Francis: Well, that *would* be the same thing.

Francis: After all, what is faith if it doesn't endure when we are tested the most?

Francis: I have only one thing to say. Go fuck yourself.

Francis: *I will not yield!*

Francis: They talk while I imagine their slightly salted faces frying in a skillet.

Francis: It's so refreshing to work with someone who'll throw a saddle on a gift horse rather than look it in the mouth.

[last lines]
Francis: [stridently testifying to the committee] I will not be party to this any longer. I will not wear the target for any of you anymore. You have all used me far long enough. So, the party's over, the ride's done. I respect the office too much to allow this to continue going on. That's why I am announcing to this committee and to the nation that as of 6:00 p.m. tomorrow evening, I shall resign the office of President of the United States.
Senator: [repeatedly slamming his gavel] Order!
Francis: And I will be happy to take any questions you may have.
[to the camera]
Francis: But my gut tells me that isn't really going to be necessary.

Catherine: Imagine my surprise when the NSA called me about Muhammed Kalabi just moments before you did.
Francis: Situation is still unfolding.
Catherine: On election day?
[Dissatisfied Francis shakes his head]
Catherine: Francis, it's been quite a journey working with you.
Francis: Kalabi slipped into the country, and he's planning a terrorist attack against a voting centre in Tennessee.
Catherine: And that is a terrifying proposition.
Francis: Well, I may need you to stay around the White House a bit longer, Cathy, until this situation is resolved.
Catherine: Of course. I was only saying, it's been a good run.

Francis: There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things.

Francis: I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs.

Francis: I thought you had nothing on this guy. How long have you known this?
Mark: I was holding it until... Or, if we needed it.
Francis: No, until you needed it, you mean.

Remy: I don't eat pork.
Francis: When did that happen?
Remy: When we started lobbying for the meat packing industry.

Francis: Sometimes I think the Presidency is the illusion of choice.

Francis: Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it. I put an end to that sort of thinking before it begins.

Doug: Tusk is a hand grenade.
Francis: You're right, Tusk is a hand grenade. We need to pull the pin and throw him at Walker before Walker pulls the pin, throws him at us.

- All right. I'll start it at 4:00 pm. As soon as I'm done,
- I'll anonymously send out a fix to the problem.
Francis: No.
- Sir?
- Leann will contact you about when to send out the fix. You'll wait for her.
- Okay. Butjust to be...
Francis: She'll let you know.

Tom: He was right about your soul. What's in your bones. That you're ruthless. You're corrupt. You destroy whatever's in your path.
Francis: Hmm. Name me a president you wouldn't describe in exactly the same way. We're all ruthless. We all destroy. But corruption? That's a matter of perspective.
Tom: No. It's a matter of law.

Linda: I know he made you a promise, but circumstances have changed.
Francis: The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.

Francis: The president is like a lone tree in an empty field - he leans whichever way the wind is blowing.

Francis: Your job as vice president is to advise. My job is to make the decisions.

Francis: I don't know, Claire. You know these types of people. You should have been there. Why would they hand me... He just handed me this. Why? When they've never wanted me, not from the beginning, no matter what I do!
Claire: Fuck 'em.
Francis: I intend to.

Francis: Power is a lot like real estate. It's all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value. Centuries from now, when people watch this footage, who will they see smiling just at the edge of the frame?

Francis: We don't fight often, but this one - the scab keeps coming off.

Claire: I said I'll take care of it.
Francis: No, I'll take care of it. You stay a million miles away from this. How could you be so stupid... to fall in love?

Francis: Well, you know how the Republicans are. Anything but a decision. They mistake complaint for leadership.

Francis: It's all true.
Catherine: What is?
Francis: Everything Lucas Goodwin claimed. I killed them both, just like he said I did.
[Catherine looks at Francis in horror]
Francis: But of course, nobody believes it, and nobody ever will. Because that's how good we are... at making things... disappear.
[Francis points a letter opener at Catherine's stomach. Francis laughs as he turns the letter opener away. Catherine exhales deeply in relief]
Francis: No, we didn't kill anybody.
[Francis laughs again, then sighs]
Francis: But we would have... if it was necessary,

Francis: It's so refreshing to work with someone who'll throw a saddle on a gift horse rather than look it in the mouth.

Francis: [seething] She can go after me all she wants. But she goes after Claire, I'll slit her fucking throat in broad daylight!

[last lines]
Francis: I should have never made you Ambassador.
Claire: I should have never made you President.
[walks out]
Francis: [to camera] What are you looking at?

[last lines]
Claire: I'm leaving you.
Francis: Claire...

Francis: I'm finding it more and more difficult to tolerate your paranoia.
President: I could say the same of your lies.
Francis: When I lie to you you'll never know it, and it will be for a good reason.

Francis: After all, we are nothing more or less than what we choose to reveal. What I am to Claire is not what I am to Zoe, just as Zoe is not to me what she is to her father.

Francis: Throwing the election back to the states, it gives us less certainty.
Claire: I don't think we can get it done by Monday. We've been working at it for weeks, Francis.
Francis: Claire, don't let the office make you careful. The halls of Congress have never failed me.

Francis: Two years from now, you'll be back in Phoenix replaying this very moment over and over again in your mind and realising it was beginning of the end.

[Freddy tells Francis he's gonna leave the white house for a new job]
Francis: You know what you should do before you go? You should come up here one night and cook us a rack of ribs. Now, I realize oven-baked isn't nearly as good as the smoker, but you'd make 'em delicious anyhow.
Freddy: Ribs? Really? You want me to cook ribs for you.
Francis: Well, sure, just like old times. What's wrong with that?
Freddy: I'm just a help ain't I?
Francis: No, that's not true.
Freddy: I tell you I got something good going, and your first thought ain't: "Freddy, congratulations." It's: "make me ribs." And what's my big send-off? I get to cook you ribs.
Francis: No. Look, you are being way oversensitive about this. You misinterpreting what I meant.
Freddy: You're right. It's all my fault.
[turning to leave - it's clear his last remark is sarcastic]
Freddy: [muttering to himself] I don't know how Claire does it.
Francis: What did you just say?
Freddy: Is this how you treat her? She part of the collection too?
Francis: I don't know where all this is coming from but it's extremely ungrateful, given all that I have done for you.
Freddy: What did you do for me, Frank?
Francis: This is the White House. You will call me "Mr. President"!
Freddy: You're a motherfucker!
Francis: [angry] Get out!
Freddy: [turning and starting to leave] My bad, my bad.
[turning back to Frank]
Freddy: You're a motherfucker, Mr. President!

Francis: You're finally one of us.
Heather: One of who?
Francis: [getting uncomfortable close] The men, in their smokey back rooms.

Francis: How quickly poor grades are forgotten in the shadow of power and wealth.

[last lines]
Francis: [carrying piece of broken crucifix] Well, I've got God's ear now...

Francis: There it is. How the righteous love to bemoan their role in middle management, and condemn those who actually might have an effect on the world.

Francis: Presidents who obsess over history obsess about their place in it, instead of forging it.

Alex: Our movement wants to explode things...
Francis: Please. Spare me your progressive PR bullshit.

Catherine: I agree with General Braegher. While a succesful air strike against Ahmadi would play out well...
Claire: This isn't about the election, Cathy.
Catherine: No, of course not. I mean, if we do this correctly, we can begin the process of dismantling ICO's network.
Francis: Take him out. If the president agrees, I think it's the best thing for the country.
Claire: I think it would send a very clear message to ICO.
Col. Max Braegher: In the short term, yes, but...
Francis: No other term is relevant.

- She opted to stay at odni.
- She's monitoring from there.
- Well, at least let's get her on the phone.
- We should have wiped out ico months ago when we had the chance.
Francis: We didn't ask for your personal opinion, general.
- What we need is an update on the Ahmed al ahmadi situation.
- Yes, ma'am. I'll check with director Morrison now.

Claire: He had more courage than you'll ever have.
Francis: Do you really want to discuss "courage", Claire? Because anyone can commit suicide, or spout they're mouth in front of a camera. But you want to know what really takes courage? Keeping your mouth shut, no matter what you might be feeling. Holding it all together when the stakes are this high.
Claire: We're murders Francis.
Francis: No we're not, we're survivors.

Francis: There's no better way to over power a trickle of doubt then with a flood of naked truth.

Reporter: The president may be asking for war, but it seems war's already been declared on him.
Francis: My fans.

Francis: So what is the story? That I'm some sort of psychopath? That I'm a killer?
Tom: Oh, I never believed you were a murderer, and I still don't. But it's becoming harder not to entertain the thought.

Francis: [Peter Russo is in Francis's bedroom late at night after receiving angry emails] What's going on Peter?
Francis: Talk to me
Rep. Peter Russo: [Holding and staring at the towel in his hand] You think fresh towels changes anything?
[Individually throws towels at Francis and then moves in front of his face]
Rep. Peter Russo: If I were at home when you pulled that shit, I'd beat the fuck out of you. I would crack your skull on the pavement outside; that's why I came over here tonight, to fuck you up for what you made me do.
[Peter moves back to the bed and sinks to the ground]
Rep. Peter Russo: I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, and all my friends, all those people are still fucked, and I'm still fucked-you fucked us, technically- but I'm gonna get blamed for it. So now I'm gonna have to carry that burden on my shoulders... I shouldn't have let you do it, but i did.
Francis: [Francis moves over to Peter and stands over him] Are you quite done?
Francis: Good. Get up
Rep. Peter Russo: No
Francis: [Francis moves over to the bedroom door opening it] I said get up and follow me.
[He leaves the bedroom and walks into the bathroom. Peter reluctantly follows his orders into the bathroom just as Francis finishes filling the bathtub with water]
Francis: Get in. Take off your clothes and get in.

- Undennood's gonna lose tomorrow.
- He's done.
- Leann: This is 9:00 am. Turnout in our base precincts or swing?
- Base.
- Shit.
- It's low.
- What do you mean, "low"?
Francis: This is our house.
- We are not leaving.

Francis: As I believe you know, yesterday we had something of a drill here in the White House.
Mark: I know people are wondering what that was about.
Francis: Yes. Everyone except you. The announcement of the recess appointment of Judge Benson has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning.
Mark: Good. So... We have an election.
Claire: Which you will not be able to win with another so-called October surprise.
Mark: Well, we are way past October.
Claire: We certainly are.

[first lines]
Francis: I really wish I could have changed your mind, Cathy.
Catherine: I just...
Francis: Because, you know you know, this is just not good for you.
Catherine: The negotiations with the committee are just too far down the road.
Francis: Well, you agreed to see me because you're smart. Because doubt is what you should be having. Look, Cathy, I respect you. We wouldn't have lasted as long together if I didn't.
Catherine: My husband's waiting for me.
Francis: But you're gonna be made to look a fool.
Catherine: There's no need to insult me, Francis.
Francis: Witness after witness is gonna rebut whatever you have to say.
Catherine: My testimony is what it is. It'll all be resolved in the court of public opinion.
Francis: Yes, but who is the public going to believe? You or explosive residue on a terrorist's computer? Look, Cathy, your testimony's gonna seem petty and vengeful. And then where is that gonna leave you? What prospects?
Catherine: It's too late.
Francis: You need to take a fall.
Catherine: Excuse me?
Francis: Look, the committee is just gonna have to wait. In two weeks, it's gonna be over anyway, and you're gonna be on the wrong side of this thing.
Catherine: Well, we'll see.
Francis: Yes, we will. After you... But I meant what I said, Cathy.
[gives her a hard push down the stairs]
Francis: Cathy? Cathy? Help! Help! The secretary has fallen!

Garrett: I was once the president of the United States.
Francis: Yes, you were.
Garrett: You stole the presidency, Frank.
Francis: Now, Garrett...
Garrett: Now this is ancient history, but by modern political standards, my election was a landslide. I was gonna change this country. But then, things happen. People lie... You lie to keep up. The things that you've been lauded for all your life, those are suddenly fatal flaws. People who've been with you through thick and thin, who you thought would never fail you, they fail you. You make strange alliances with unsavoury people. And it all becomes clear way too late. And no one else truly understands. Except someone who's been in the office...
Francis: You can't expect the office to do anything more than what you bring to it.
Garrett: I'm doing this for the party.
Francis: I know. And it's admirable.

Mark: [getting right to the point] Okay. The Black Caucus? Really?
Francis: [to the camera] I like Mark, because I always know where he stands. It's usually on someone's neck.

Francis: I may have pushed him too far, which is worrisome. Friends make the worst enemies.

Francis: All I am hearing is, it's not enough. That the White House is not enough. That being First Lady is not enough. Not enough.
Claire: No. It's you that's not enough.

[last lines]
NSA: The line is open.
Will: Uh, okay. Where where's my script?
Francis: I'll be doing the talking. I'll let you know if I want you to participate.
Staffer: Sir, if we've established a dialogue between the kidnappers and the governor, we should...
Francis: Start the call.

Francis: My fellow Americans, over the past two years - certainly within the last several days and hours - I have asked myself, "What does it mean to be president? What does true leadership look like?"It's a question many of you have asked yourselves as November approaches. Right now, as I sit in this chair, in this office, where so many of my predecessors have steered our nation through turbulent times, I realize that this job is one that transcends politics and rhetoric. Entrusted to anyone who sits behind this desk is something far more elemental, the very survival of our nation. And I, as your president, must confront the storm before us. That storm is terror. More dangerous and unpredictable than any hurricane. It has endangered us abroad. It has endangered us at home. And right now, it has placed James Miller in the gravest of dangers.
Francis: We attempted to communicate with his captors. We hoped for a peaceful solution. We're relieved that Caroline and Melissa Miller are safe and sound. But terror is blind to reason. Given the opportunity to renounce terror, Yusuf Al Ahmadi chose to encourage it. So, unfortunately, we must now move beyond reason. We must respond with force. Because there is no scenario in which we will release him. He will remain in United States custody until his dying breath. If the captors call again, we will not answer. The time for conversation is over, no matter the consequences. Regardless of whether James Miller is released or not, rescued or not, killed or not, ICO will be destroyed.
Francis: We are at war. It will be a war more total than anything we have waged thus far in the fight against extremism. Soldiers will die. Civilians may die. There will be pain. There will be suffering. We will be confronted with the most horrific aspects of humanity. We will confront the inhuman. Evil itself. But we will triumph. It is not a war we will lose. And if the worst happens to James Miller, we must remember, to mourn is not to fear. To grieve is not to admit defeat. God bless America, and all of those who believe in freedom and democracy.

- As am I. I'm sure we'll meet again, sir.
Francis: Yes, but before you go, just take a look around this room.
- Study every detail, every aspect.
- Because this is the last time you will ever step foot in here.
- I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
- And to think you could have made yourself memorable in so many other ways.

Francis: Imagine a duel. Me and Conway. Now, Conway has a powerful gun, a search engine. And it's powerful because with it, he can tell what you think, what you want, where you are and who you are. He can turn all those searches into votes, and that's enough bullets to kill my chances of winning. But I have an even bigger gun. It's called the NSA. It's one of the perks of being president. That is, if the courts allow my surveillance request.
Francis: [indicating portraits of past presidents] I imagine the men hanging on these walls wished they'd had a gun like that available to them. Your phone, the phone of the person sitting next to you, your neighbor's phone and everyone you know and the 300 million Americans you don't know. I can see you, and I can use what I see to rig this election.
Francis: Now, of course, a weapon like that, well, you can imagine how risky it is. Huh, it might have even given pause to an old crook like him.
[indicating Nixon]
Francis: I mean, they roasted him on the spit for tapping into a few rooms at the Watergate. I'm talking about tapping into every single home in America. And a weapon like that could blow up in my hand and that's why it's plan B. Plan A is much safer. Expose that Conway is using his gun illegally and remove the weapon from his hand.
Francis: [standing between Kennedy and Reagan] Hmm, all three of us took bullets. Well, I know why we're smiling. We survived.

Claire: What should we serve the Walkers?
Francis: Cyanide.
Claire: I'm saving that for dessert. What about a main course.

Francis: Whoever you are, whoever you think you are, believe that you're also a silent princess. Your name is Ida. Your journey is one through a forgotten landscape of twisting staircases and morphing castles, atop floating stones defiantly crossing an angry sea, within dimly-lit caverns cobwebbed with ruins MC Escher could only grasp at in a dream state.

- There.
- No more pain.
Francis: Itwas a hit and run. I'm awfully sorry.
- He must'vejumped over the fence again.
- Look, Steve is gonna file a report on the car. He'll put his people on it.
- We'll track them down.

Francis: Proximity to power deludes some into thinking they wield it.

Francis: And, finally, you strike your match, you ignite your kindling...
- And then you blow.

Francis: I like dirt - and rocks - and facts.
Ted: No argument here. I trust only what I can hold in my hand or see on my horizon.
Francis: Well, but you can't just sit back and admire the view. I've learned you've got to grab the present by the balls. That's where the American people live.
Ted: You sound more like a salesman than a president, Mr. President.
Francis: Well, if we're Americans, then we are salesmen, right? That's our birthright. Cars and phones and a gallon of gas.
Ted: That's not how I see America. I'm a patriot. I serve.
Francis: Well, then, we salute you, General. But you serve to what purpose? So the rest of America can sell. I mean, you and I, right now, this weekend, we're here at this camp selling ourselves.
Ted: Character speaks for itself. People want a president they can trust.
Francis: No, they don't. They want a president they know. And I know *them*. The only future I'm interested in is the next four years. So, yes, I'm selling tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. I'm selling a boy who used to live on a peach farm who now lives in the White House. I'm selling a tomorrow that you can see and touch and feel. Now, you take that away, and I don't know what this country has left. Except a group of grown men standing around in a circle, all staring at a small screen. Looking in instead of looking out. Heck, give me a peck of dirt any day of the week.

Francis: [aside to the camera] Senator Dean Austen of Ohio, the leadership's top choice for running mate. Twelve years in Congress, helps us with a major swing state, middle of the road, very few enemies, and most importantly to them, long-time friend of the NRA. Now his shortcomings are he's another middle-aged white guy, underwhelming, unimaginative and a long-time friend of the NRA.
[counting down on his fingers, ending with his middle finger]
Francis: So you can see how I feel about the leadership's choice.
Francis: [sitting down] Senator...
Senator: I'm honored, Mr. President. I just have one major reservation.
Francis: Claire?
Senator: Yes, sir.

Francis: Are we friends?
Thomas: We can pretend to be.

[first lines]
Francis: [visiting the cemetery] Hey, pop. Been a while, hasn't it? Did you see that motorcade roll up? It's the first time a President of the United States has visited Gaffney. Can you believe it? Oh, I wouldn't be here if I had a choice. But I have to do these sorts of things now. It makes me seem more human. And you have to be a little human when you're the president.

Francis: This is the White House. You will call me "Mr. President"!
Freddy: You're a motherfucker!
Francis: Get out!
Freddy: My bad, my bad. You're a motherfucker, Mr. President!

Kaseem: It says in the Koran, the taking of one innocent life is like the taking of all mankind.
Francis: It also says that the saving of one life is like the saving of all mankind.

Viktor: You Americans certainly have a lot of presidents these days.
Francis: Yes, you may think that we're distracted, but don't fool yourself.
Viktor: Distracted? No. No, no. Divided, yes.
Francis: American democracy is stronger than your sad attempt to take advantage of a bump in the road.
Viktor: Francis, my eyes are on a landscape that is so much bigger than any one of your roads.

Claire: We can't fight everything off one by one, Francis. But if we make this - we make it work for us.
Francis: Create chaos...
Claire: More than chaos.
Francis: War...
Claire: Fear.
Francis: Fear. Brutal. Total.
Claire: I'm done trying to win over people's hearts.
Francis: Let's attack their hearts.
Claire: We can *work* with fear.
Francis: Yes, we can.
Claire: You should put on a fresh suit.
Francis: The navy blue.
Claire: Yes, the navy blue.

[first lines]
Francis: There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things.
[strangles dog]

Francis: Brass tacks. If you could have anything, what would it be?
Viktor: I came with nothing to ask.
Francis: Men like you don't show up for dinner without an appetite.

Francis: From this moment on you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you saying nothing, and nothing breaks you.

[repeated line]
Francis: I couldn't possibly comment.

[about Seth]
Francis: He's done a good job handling all this.
Doug: Yes, he has.
Francis: Should we have any more concerns?
Francis: He claims he doesn't have anything else.
Francis: Do you believe him?
Francis: I wouldn't go that far.

Francis: My version wins because it's the better story.

Francis: [livid about her actions] You're not only the First Lady, and an Ambassador, you're also my wife.
Claire: In what order?

Francis: A little sibling rivalry isn't such a bad thing, especially between adopted boys. They either push each other to be the best versions of themselves, or one of them gets booted back to the orphanage.

Francis: I served next to your jellied spine for two decades. You've never shown an ounce of courage. You don't have what it takes for revenge.

[last lines]
Claire: Such a shame, all of that hard work.
Francis: I want to know who lied.

Claire: You have to stop him.
Francis: I'm trying.
Claire: Trying's not enough, Francis.

Francis: Why does everything have to be a struggle? Can't some people just say yes for once?

Francis: There is no neutrality. I expect total loyalty or you are an enemy.

Zoe: We're in a very gray area. Ethically, legally. Which I'm okay with...
Francis: I just love this painting, don't you? We're in the same boat now, Zoe. Take care not to tip it over, I can only save one of us.

Viktor: Sometimes we must be ruthless with those who hate us. And sometimes we must be ruthless with those we love.
Francis: I don't see why Claire means so much to you.
Viktor: Because she means so much to you.

Francis: When you bring yourself down before someone else can, you control the way it happens.

Viktor: [inviting him to his dacha] Let's surf together. The water is cold as hell, but the women are very warm.
Francis: Oh, I'm not sure what Claire would think about that.

- Phelps: Any plans to go elsewhere, sir?
Francis: No. We're in for the night. Thank you.
- Phelps: Yes, sir.
- Hey.
- I'm tired.

Francis: I know what I have to do.
Claire: Good.
Francis: We'll have a lot of nights like this- Making plans, very little sleep.
Claire: I expected that. It doesn't worry me.
Francis: I better get to work.

Francis: I almost pity him. He didn't choose to be put on my platter. When I carve him up and toss him to the dogs, only then will he confront that brutal, inescapable truth... my god. All I ever amounted to was chitlins.

Francis: I'm the President of the United States, and I can separate the big from the small.

Francis: So?
Dr. Krebs: I agree with Dr. Saxon and the medical team. We should reduce air travel to once a week.
Francis: I'm afraid that's not possible.
Dr. Krebs: You wanted a second opinion, sir. You have it.
Francis: I didn't want a second opinion. I wanted a different opinion.

Zoe: Am I only going to see you at bill signings? I haven't heard from you in three weeks.
Francis: Insecurity bores me.
Zoe: I feel the same way about condescension.

[last lines]
Francis: [to Claire about the election] This is our house. We are not leaving.

Francis: The presidency is a great and precious thing.
- Loneliness is the price.
- Let's assume in one of these chairs, staring at this wall, is where Truman decided to drop the bomb.
- And see if we feel anything.

Claire: But he's a dangerous man, isn't he? Raymond?
Francis: We can be dangerous too. When we need to be.

[last lines]
Francis: Good morning, Meechum.
Edward: Good morning, Mr. Vice President.
Francis: It's a beautiful day.

Francis: [ending a bathroom squabble] I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Bob, it's impressive. But as big as it is, Linda can still shut the door on it.

Francis: [to the camera] Gore Vidal once wrote that power is an end to itself, and the instinctive urge to prevail the most important single human trait. I've always told myself that everything I did was for her. But maybe it wasn't. Maybe I love power more.

Francis: He doesn't measure his wealth in private jets, but purchased souls.

Francis: [to the camera while making a sandwich] You know, there was a boy that lived down the street from me in Gaffney. About my age. His name was Walter Wryson. He used to run away from home all the time and come to our house. Not for any good reason. His daddy didn't beat him. He had clothes on his back. The Wrysons had way more money than we did, but run away he would, at least once a month and come straight to our place. Now, usually, my mother would call his mother and she'd come and fetch him. But about the ninth or tenth time this happened, Walter ran outside, climbed up into a tree in our backyard, and wouldn't come down for nothin'. Now, my mama said to his mama, "Why don't you let us keep him for a while, until he feels like coming home?" But man, oh, man, that boy was stubborn.
Francis: Night came, and he was still up there. No food, no water, no toilet. And just before I went to bed, I looked out my window and I heard him crying. And I said, "Walter, why don't you come on down?" And he just shook his head no.
Francis: Well, the next morning, I woke up, I looked out the window and Walter was still up in that tree. So after breakfast, I walked over with a plate of eggs and I asked him if he wanted some. And again, he just shook his head. And I got angry. That boy had a good house, a good family, the sort I would've killed for, and he didn't even realize it. So I went into the tool shed and I took out an ax. And I said to Walter "You want to know what it's really like to live at my house?" And I gave that tree a good whack. And Walter cried out, but I kept on. I mean, you've never heard screams like the one coming from Walter as I chopped at that tree. He pissed his pants, and it came raining down on the ground, but I didn't pay it no mind. I just kept whacking away. Well it didn't take long before Walter was on the ground and running back to his house. You see, all he needed was a little motivation.
Francis: You didn't tell me you were sick!So I'll give Claire some time. But for her sake, I hope she comes out of her tree before I have to bring out my ax.

Francis: I think you're excellent at running for the president, but I don't think you're equipped to actually be one.
Will: Don't be condescending. I'm the Governor of New York.
Francis: Ooh, Albany, really? You're a prentender, Will. And if you win, you'll go from pretender to fraud.

[first lines]
Claire: [her hand on the Bible] I, Claire Hale Underwood, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States
Francis: [to the camera] I'm proud of her. She deserves this. Even if it only lasts for a couple of weeks.
Claire: ...and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.
[camera shutter clicking]
Francis: Congratulations, Madam Acting President.
[kisses her]

Francis: So why are you bringing me all this?
Catherine: You asked for options, sir.
Francis: To arrest Muhammed Kalabi on election day? Cathy... What's gonna happen when he tells the authorities he's the wrong one?
Catherine: But that would be after the election...
Francis: Well, that might have played three or four days ago, Cathy, but now it's too late. Did you have this three or four days ago?
Catherine: I would have brought it to you, sir.
Francis: All right, well, let's leave it at that.

Freddy: I don't know how Claire does it.
Francis: What did you just say?
Freddy: Is this how you treat her? She part of the collection, too?
Francis: I don't know where all this is coming from, but it's extremely ungrateful, given all that I have done for you.
Freddy: [sighs] What did you do for me, Frank?
Francis: This is the White House. You will call me, Mr. President!
Freddy: You're a motherfucker!
Francis: Get out!
Freddy: My bad, my bad. You're a motherfucker, Mr. President!

Jane: Your future in doubt.
Francis: Oh, don't threaten me, Ms. Davis.
Jane: I don't threaten. I just try to remain as clear as possible. You offered me your services, and I offered you mine. You know, I was here before you and I'll be here after you.
Francis: [nose-to-nose] And regardless of that, let me remind you that nothing is more dangerous than me.

Francis: Congressman Romero, do you have good news for me? Have your progressives seen the light?
Alex: I did what I could, Mr President. I couldn't sway the bloc.
Francis: Couldn't or wouldn't?
Alex: Maine and New Hampshire are noncommittal. Congressman Wolcott is turning Wisconsin for Conway.
Francis: Tell me a different truth.
Alex: They aren't listening to me. They believe supporting you would do more damage to the Democratic Party and the country than a Conway presidency.

Francis: You can't turn a "no" to a "yes" without a "maybe" in between.

Francis: [aside to the camera] Conscience has an unmistakable stink to it; sort of like raw onions and morning breath. But a lie stinks even more when it's coming from someone who isn't used to lying. It's more like rotten eggs and horseshit.

Catherine: A lot of innocent people are trying to get into this country. They could be hurt by this. A change in policy this big, I want it done right.
Francis: I want you to let the world know that if they want to continue coming to this country for our hospitals, our colleges, our golf courses and God knows what else... they're going to have to deliver more than my head on the end of a burning stick.

Francis: Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power. In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference.

Francis: [pushing through a throng of reporters] From the lion's den to the pack of wolves. When you're fresh meat, kill, and throw something fresher.

Francis: Do not talk to my wife that way.
Adam: Oh, your wife. What does that even mean to you?
Francis: Do not mistake the history you have shared for the slightest understanding of what our marriage is, or how insignificant you are in comparison.

Francis: Did you think I didn't already have him, that I would have left him out there somewhere? I thought you knew me

[last lines]
Francis: I'm not the first politician that some people don't trust.
Claire: We've been lying for a long time, Francis.
Francis: Of course we have. Imagine what the voters would think if we started telling the truth.
Claire: Not to them. To each other.

Jane: I just want peace.
Francis: Yes, there's nothing that makes profits like peace.

Freddy: Look, I should go.
Francis: No, Freddy, sit down.
Remy: Do you remember when talk about how you treat your staff? You wanna win? You sure as hell won't do it without any of them. And if you keep on like this, you won't have anything left.
Francis: Are you talking about loyalty? 'Cause the only brand of that I accept is unconditional. Anything less...
Freddy: They should put this on pay-per-view.

Francis: It only takes 10 seconds to crush a man's ambitions.

Raymond: When they put you in that box barely bigger than a coffin,
[glancing up toward the opera hall]
Raymond: remember how beautiful the music was tonight. Doesn't it give you some small degree of comfort?
Francis: Puccini's a downer. I prefer something much more optimistic.
[walks away humming Hail to the Chief]

David: What did you think would happen when you came in here, Francis? That you could threaten me, tell me the DNC'll throw money at my primary opponent next cycle if I don't play ball? Or were you gonna flatter me? "Elder of the party" this, "bellwether senior member" that.
Francis: [getting nose-to-nose] You know, I'm somewhat delighted that you developed a personality at this late date. But I would ask you to rethink this. To come out this way on this thing in the twilight of your career will do nothing but sully your Wikipedia page.

Peter: You don't understand, I'm not afraid of you anymore, Frank.
Francis: Then you're misguided.

Francis: I don't want a version. I want a vision.

Raymond: I'm must say, I'm surprised, Frank. You have a reputation for pragmatism.
Francis: And I've also avoided a reputation for indentured servitude.
Raymond: I never make an offer more than twice, Frank. Tell me now if I can count on your cooperation.
Francis: You're not offering cooperation, you demanding tutelage. So let me make *you* a proposal. I am absolutely willing to work together as equals. I will take your opinions seriously, just as the president does. But I will not bind myself to them in advance. If that doesn't interest you, fair enough. Good luck finding a vice president in the next four days who will prove as pragmatic as I. You can't purchase loyalty Raymond. Not the sort I have in mind. If you want to earn my loyalty, then you have to offer yours in return. And if we can agree to that - well, you're a man with imagination.

Francis: You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.

Francis: If we never did anything we shouldn't do, we'd never feel good about doing the things we should.

Jackie: I'm not comfortable with the dynamic we've established.
Francis: What dynamic is that?
Jackie: The leash you have me on. How I'm supposed to roll over and do any trick you want. You're taking me for granted.
Francis: What, am I supposed to be appreciative of your lack luster enthusiasm?
[raising and walking around his desk]
Francis: How fortunate I am to have you sort-of on my team? You not "happy" with our "dynamic"? Well, I'm not happy with your attitude. If anything, you're taking *me* for granted.
Jackie: Sir...
Francis: We had a deal, Jackie. And I am perfectly willing to hold up my end of the bargain. But do not be under any illusion. This is not a partnership of equals. Nothing close to it. If you were to be my Vice President, you will do what I ask. And we will not have this conversation every time you feel "uncomfortable" with what I ask you to do. Or how I choose to conduct myself. That's our "dynamic".

Francis: [giving his radio address] We honor the dead for giving us the world we inherited. However, we must recognized we are doomed if we allow the dead to govern us.

[first lines]
Francis: I have zero tolerance for betrayal, which they will soon indelibly learn.

Francis: How many protestors are out there today?
Doug: More than yesterday. But they're doing their best to divert them away from the White House.
Francis: I don't know what's worse, the sound of their chanting or the sound of silence when they're not.

Alex: You know, we did meet once before, Mr. President. At a dinner, during the 2012 convention. - I tried to introduce myself to you...
Francis: And?
Alex: You don't remember, do you?
Francis: Why would I?

Francis: [as narrator] I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts the most powerful men on their backs.

Francis: Take a step back. Look at the bigger picture.

[first lines]
Claire: [entering] Why do you keep playing with that?
Francis: [playing with software that morphs her face into his] Because I'm skeptical. Do you think this really works?
Claire: It's just about making the candidate seem familiar, so that the voter sees herself in him. But you've gone too far.
[moves the dial toward her own image]
Claire: There. Congratulations, Francis. You have my vote.

Francis: When the tit's that big, everybody gets in line.

Francis: I will not be satisfied by blocking the serpent's path, gentlemen. I wanna cut off its goddamn head.

Raymond: Can I ask why you do that?
Francis: Do what?
Raymond: Tap your ring like that. I've seen you do it on TV. Two taps every time you get up from a table or leave a lectern.
Francis: Something my father taught me. It's meant to harden your knuckles so you don't break them if you get into a fight. It also had the added benefit of knocking on wood. My father believed that success is a mixture of preparation and luck. Tapping the table kills both birds with one stone.

Francis: One heartbeat away from the presidency and not a single vote cast in my name. Democracy is so overrated.

Claire: We brought this on ourselves. We pushed too hard.
Francis: We've survived.
Claire: We isolated ourselves, Francis.
Francis: So what? We both know something the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge. There is no justice, only conquest. And let me tell you, we let them evacuate DC, we are done, Claire. We've lost.

Francis: I never make such big decisions so long after sunset and so far from dawn.

Thomas: How's the, uh...
Francis: Oh You know, if it weren't for the pills, I could go through entire days without even thinking about it.
Thomas: I wonder what that kid would think if he knew that part of him was inside of the president's body.
Francis: Tragic, huh? But, then again, one man's tragedy is another man's treasure, isn't that right?
Thomas: Trash.
Francis: What?
Thomas: "One man's trash." That's how the saying goes.
Francis: Oh, right.

Francis: You can't purchase loyalty Raymond. Not the sort I have in mind. If you want to earn my loyalty then you have to offer yours in return. And if we can agree to that - well, you're a man with imagination.

Francis: For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.

[last lines]
Francis: Did you think that I'd forgotten you? Perhaps you hoped I had. Don't waste a breath mourning Miss Barnes, every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first. Small, quiet, lapping up their saucer of milk. But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood. Sometimes from the hand that feeds them. For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted. Welcome back.

Francis: Oh, to hell with the buzzing bees. No one else is heeding it. A network president, a telecom CEO, the vice presidential candidate. What do you think they're all talking about, the last book they read?

Francis: Every time I've spoken to you, you've never spoken back, although given our mutual disdain, I can't blame you for the silent treatment. Perhaps I'm speaking to the wrong audience. Can you hear me? Are you even capable of language, or do you only understand depravity? Peter, is that you? Stop hiding in my thoughts and come out. Have the courage in death that you never had in life. Come out, look me in the eye and say what you need to say. There is no solace above or below. Only us - small, solitary, striving, battling one another. I pray to myself, for myself.

Francis: Do you hate it here?
Claire: Oh, you know I don't like hotels.
Francis: An approximation of home just to remind you you're not there.
Claire: Well, we don't live in a home. We live in a house, borrowed and temporary.

Francis: I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.

Francis: [aside to the camera] When the Roman general Sulla - who was about the same age as I am now - marched on Rome to purge the city of usurpers, it was a bloodbath. His greatest rival was a young man named Marius - who was just twenty-six years old - and after Sulla had him killed, he held up his head in the Forum and looked into the boy's dead eyes and said "First, you must learn to pull an oar. Only then can you take the helm."

Francis: That's how you devour a whale, Doug, one bite at a time.

[last lines]
Francis: I said you were nothing, in the Oval, without me. It's the other way around.
Claire: It would have to be different.
Francis: I know. That's what I'm saying.
Claire: Come on. Let's see if you can make it to the end of the hall...

Francis: I'm not going to lie. I despise children. There. I've said it.

- Petrov: Before we begin,
- I'd just like you to know that the president and the former president are on the line.
Francis: Cathy...
- Petrov: You can pick up the phone, if you like.
- Mr. President.
Francis: It's best you come back to Washington.

Francis: What I like about the Senate is what I hate. It's contagious. One of 'em gets an idea, and it spreads through the body like a flu.

[to Doug]
Francis: We're not young men. If we fail, we'll die in a cage.

President: Nobody walks away from something like this without bruises.
Francis: Well, bruises you can survive. I just don't know how we can avoid it at this point.

Francis: I personally take no pride in the confederacy. Avoid wars you can't win, and never raise your flag for an asinine cause like slavery.

Francis: Were the men before us any more moral? Any more worthy of the power and position that they had found themselves in? Any more capable of doing a single goddamn thing for the public? Well, yes and no. History has a way of looking better than it was. Or perhaps Shakespeare was right. We're all just madmen leading the blind.

Francis: [ending a bathroom squabble] I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Bob, it's impressive. But as big as it is, Linda can still shut the door on it.

Claire: Someone close to senator Mitchell woke me up with the news.
Francis: Get me the vice president on the phone.
Claire: That is not going to help.
Francis: Well, how do you intend on dealing with it?

Francis: Well, I know Claire is delighted to have you back in her office. Will you let me know as soon as the vice president's meeting is done?
Leann: Yes, sir.
Francis: I hate having her back. She's a liar.

Francis: Donald, if anything should happen to me...
Rep. Donald Blythe: I am prepared.
Francis: May god help us.

Viktor: Do you know what the best part of the fall of the Soviet Union was? The cars. Have you ever been in a, um... a Lada?
Francis: Lada? No, I haven't.
Viktor: No? Oh, it's the worst car ever built. Tiny little thing, you know. Your head would hit the ceiling when you hit a pothole. And the heat? Never worked.
[he chuckles]
Viktor: And no air conditioning, you know, your skin would stick to the seats in the summer. It was a coffin on wheels. But then, after the fall, we got the Lexus. Temperature control. Automatic windows. And, and so much room. First time I fucked my ex-wife? In a Lexus.
[Frank laughs]
Viktor: You could never do that in a Lada, no space, huh?
[he laughs, then quickly becomes serious]
Viktor: You see, Mr. President... I want the Lexus. And you're trying to sell me a Lada.

Mark: Romero said no, and the usual offers don't interest him.
Francis: Oh, he's interested. He just hates himself for it.

- Mr. Vice president.
Francis: Did the plumber finally come?
- No. I fixed it.
- Francis.
- So proud of you, Francis.
- But I didn't do it alone.

Claire: Are you unsatisfied?
Francis: There's just too much at stake now. No one we can trust. We don't have the freedom we once did.
Claire: Maybe it's better this way. No room for distractions. I don't mind the sacrifice.

Francis: [over the phone] Heather.
Heather: Mr. President?
Francis: Doug Stamper is my friend and you came very close to killing him.
Heather: Excuse me?
Francis: You're aware he's an alcoholic?
Heather: Yes.
Francis: And how serious his injuries were?
Heather: Mr. President...
Francis: But you still put him to work. A man who's trying to recover. Who's trying to get back his life. Did you honestly think that he could handle that?
Heather: Douglas came to us.
Francis: And you should have turned him away if you had one ounce of decency.
Heather: What's happened? Is he okay?
Francis: You don't have the right to ask me that question, and if you do anything that endangers his health again I swear to God I will put you in your fucking grave!

Francis: The road to power is paved with hypocrisy. And casualties.

Francis: What you have to understand about my people is that they are a noble people. Humility is their form of pride. It is their strength; it is their weakness. And if you can humble yourself before them they will do anything you ask.

Francis: We have a full term ahead of us. There's going to be a great deal that we're going to be able to accomplish, the three of us.
Doug: I appreciate that, sir. But Mark Usher will become a problem.
Francis: Well, everyone becomes a problem, eventually.

Doug: Make me your Chief of Staff. You promised. You promised there'd be a place for me here when I was ready.
Francis: That was before you fell off the wagon and walked in here with that journal.
Doug: I've made mistakes. I've fallen down more than once, and you've always been there to pick me up. But you've been falling down for the past year, too, and you need someone to pick you up this time. It's not Remy. It's not Seth. It's me, Frank.
Francis: And how can I know I can ever trust you again?
Doug: Because I just lit two million dollars on fire.

Claire: What if you lose?
Francis: I will not be a placeholder president, Claire. I will win. And I will leave a legacy.
Claire: You mean, "we" will.

Francis: Where does the real power lie? The power behind the power. And I understood, Claire, that we have to think and act differently than we ever have. Because it's no longer about who *lives* in the White House, it's about who *owns* the White House.
Claire: This is the presidency. How much higher can a politician go?
Francis: The real power isn't here. It's beyond here. It's above it, but still working in conjunction with it. Look, Claire, you and I have always been on the inside. Trapped. In the bubble. But going forward, with my operating on the outside, in the private sector, and you working from here, we can *own* this house together. Don't you see? I've designed this. I wanted you to be the president. I've *made* you the president.
Claire: Am I supposed to say thank you?
Francis: No. But you will have to pardon me. Pardon me for all of my crimes. As the president, you're the only one who can.

[last lines]
Francis: [leaning against the desk in the Oval Office] So what do we do about LeAnn? She's been involved in election fraud, for Christ's sake. She's made a lot of mistakes.
Claire: Yes, lots of people have.
Francis: Yes, but some people run their course.
Claire: It's hard to know who to trust these days.
Francis: Isn't it?
[they turn and look at each other]

Francis: The library is a sham. Higgins asked me a favor. I asked someone else a favor. They slapped my name on it. Politics. Like everything else.

Francis: The only thing more satisfying than convincing someone to do what I want, is failing to persuade them on purpose. It's like a "do not enter" sign, it just begs you to walk though the door.

- I come out for webb.
Francis: I'll stay out of the fray. I give you my word.
- Same goes for you, Terry.
- Thank you, Christina.
Walker: Gentlemen.
- Mr. President, how was Pennsylvania?

Florida: Mr. President. This is beyond the norm.
Francis: [seizing the podium] I don't care!

Francis: Bob, I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but politics is no longer just theater, it's show business.

Francis: [cavalierly walks up along side] The tour guide?
Thomas: What?
Francis: Yes. WTF. What am I supposed to do about the tour guide?
[turning to him]
Francis: The press briefing room, Tom? Really?
Thomas: I didn't think anyone would care.
Francis: Well, should I keep her on or let her go? I mean, it was rather unprofessional on her part.
Thomas: She's good at her job...
Francis: [in a confidential tone] Tom, don't cheat on my wife.
[walks away]
Thomas: [exhales deeply]

Francis: But you can never erase an e-mail, even my dead aunt knows that.

Francis: Do you think I'm a hypocrite? Well, you should. I wouldn't disagree with you. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy. And casualties. Never regret.

Francis: For her sake, I hope she comes out of her tree before I have to bring out my axe.

Francis: [to Doug] As for Raymond, we have to strike back hard and fast. I want him obliterated.
Claire: More than that. Let's make him suffer.
Francis: I don't know whether to be proud or terrified. Perhaps both.

[last lines]
Francis: [on the phone] That was before everything.
Claire: I know...
Francis: [sets down the phone and crosses the hall to her room]
Claire: Francis, are you there?
Francis: [opens her door] We're going to destroy them.
Claire: Yes, we are.

Francis: Fear is un-American.

[first lines]
Protesters: [chanting outside the Whitehouse] Not my president! Not my president! Not my president! Not my president! Not my president! Not my president!
[chanting continues]
Francis: [strolling between the protesdors talking to the camera] The people are angry. Nine weeks ago, we had an election in this country, but because two states refused to certify, neither Conway nor myself received the 270 electoral votes required for victory. So they gather here every morning to exercise their magnificent right, guaranteed by the First Amendment, to let their angry voices be heard.
Francis: [now walking on the Capitpol Mall] And so, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and half of January have come and gone, and all three branches of government are in crisis. The Congress is in disarray, the Supreme Court is doubting justice and doomed to deadlock, and the executive branch is without a boss.
Francis: [looking out across the Reflecting Pond] You see, my feeling is, I think the Founding Fathers, they just got tired. And really, can you blame them? I mean, you can't think of everything. Black swans, Murphy's Law. I mean, at a certain point, you just have to sign off and cross your goddamn fingers and hope for the best. Or adopt "flipism," a pseudo-philosophy of life in which the most important decisions are made by the flipping of a coin. It was first introduced in the Disney comic book Flip Decision - one of my favorites - in which Donald Duck is persuaded by Professor Batty to make all the most important decisions based on the flipping of a coin."Life is but a gamble. Let flipism guide your ramble."
Francis: [now standing inside the Jefferson Memorial] We've had this sort of trouble before. The election of 1800, Jefferson versus Burr. They wound up in a tie. 73 electoral votes each. That was the number required then, and that's when Congress tried to address what the Founding Fathers just couldn't imagine. And, poof, the Twelfth Amendment was born. And it says that if the states don't certify, it's the House that chooses the president and the Senate that chooses the vice president. Now the House is a bit of a mess, but the Senate is rather democratic in how they choose the VP. One person, one vote. But if there's a tie - and this is where Donald Duck comes in - it's resolved by the toss of a coin. A solution that's elegant as hell. But then there's no elegance in modern politics. It's mostly hell.
Francis: [emerging from the Lincoln Memorial] The identity of the next President of these United States is once again in the hands of a bunch of self-serving, money-hungry, boot-licking, power-seeking politicians who can be seduced or sucker punched or blackmailed into submission. And all I need is just one more vote than the other guy.
Francis: As you can see, the Founding Fathers didn't plan for this.
[flips a coin high into the air]
Francis: But I did.
[tosses the coin it into the Potomac, then looks into the camera]
Francis: Meet your new daddy.
[theme music begins playing]

Francis: You're a New York Republican. That's an attractive fiction, isn't it?
Will: And you're a Democrat from South Carolina, that's even bigger fiction.
Francis: Well, there you go.
Will: And I'm a New York Republican, which is basically a Democrat.
Francis: If you were a Democrat, you'd be unstoppable. You'd be the new JFK.
Will: [chuckles] And if you were a Republican, who'd you be? Nixon?
Francis: Nixon was a far more effective president. The only reason people glorify Kennedy is because he got shot.
Will: Well, you've got that going for you, too, now, don't you?

Francis: Have you thought about what we discussed?
- I think you're right. We should start with a clean slate.
- What about our text messages?

Elizabeth: You know, when she got married, I was sure she would wake up in a year or two. I had no idea it was gonna take her 30.
Francis: Claire is the First Lady of the United States, and you still think she made the wrong choice.
Elizabeth: Reduced to tabloid gossip? She might as well be living in that trailer park you come from.
Francis: Well, it was a peach farm. But you're right, I am still white trash. I just happen to be white trash that lives in the White House.

Francis: I'm leaving.
Mark: You don't have to go.
Francis: No, I know, I don't have to do anything. Do you remember when we first met? You almost joined my second campaign. We sat down at that little greasy spoon in Gaffney.
Mark: Yes, if you'd signed me on, you would have won by a landslide.
Francis: I won anyway, because I never lose. You know why I didn't hire you back then? Because when you went to pick up the check, you told me I didn't have to pay you. That you would work for free. I don't trust that. Because no one works for free.

Francis: He just might. But first, I want to know what you have on Romero.
Mark: I don't have a thing.
Doug: Please.
Francis: Doug, let's not be rude.

Francis: No writer worth his salt can resist a good story, just as a politician can't resist making promises he can't keep.

Claire: [reading from Yates' book] A cold fusion of two universal elements. Identical in weight, equal in force. United they stand. A union like none other. The un-splittable atom of American politics.
Francis: Well, he was right about some things.

Linda: I understand we made you a promise Frank. But circumstances have changed.
Francis: The nature of promises Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.

[first lines]
Francis: Oh, Congressman Romero, I just wanted to see you one last time before I leave.
Alex: I don't believe there's anything left to be said.
Francis: No, not between us. Not any longer. I just wanted to thank you for your tenacity.
Alex: [chuckles arms folded] Whatever you're up to, you won't get away with it.
Francis: Maybe I already have.
Alex: The committee will continue its work. We'll recommend charges to DOJ.
[moves toward the door]
Francis: Rochelle.
[waits for him to turn back around]
Francis: Rochelle. Such a lovely name. Tell me how much you don't want that to end up in the press. And then shut this committee down. No deals.
[walks swiftly out of the room]

Francis: What is the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from a battle!

[last lines]
Francis: [in the Oval Office] There's no coming back from this.
Claire: Oh, I know exactly what we're about to do.
Francis: If we fail, it's on both of us. I won't be able to protect you.
Claire: [takes deep breath] And what a relief that will be - for both of us.
Francis: The American people don't know what's best for them. I do. I know exactly what they need. They're like little children, Claire. Children we never had. We have to hold their sticky fingers and wipe their filthy mouths. Teach them right from wrong. Tell them what to think and how to feel and what to want. They even need help writing their wildest dreams, crafting their worst fears. Lucky for them they have me, they have you.
[takes deep breath]
Francis: Underwood, Underwood, 2016... 2020... 2024... 2028... 2032... 2036... One nation, Underwood.
Claire: [opens the door] Doug, LeAnn, do you have a moment?

Xander: Mr. Tusk and I have great resources at our disposal.
Francis: Add up all your billions together and you get the GDP of Slovakia. I have the Federal Government of the United States of America. You money doesn't intimidate me. The most that you can buy is influence. But I wield Constitutional authority.
Xander: The strongest army doesn't always win. Mao started out with only a few thousand men. He took over half a continent.
Francis: Mao is dead, and so is his China.
Xander: But I'm not.
Francis: Not yet.
Xander: Don't forget, your ancestor fought for the losing side. There is no sacred ground for the conquered.
[spits on the ground]

Francis: [to the camera] Do you know the main thing that separates a politician from the rest of the species? A politician is the one who would drown a litter of kittens for ten minutes of prime time.

Francis: Well, I'm so sorry to hear that, Will. And I wanted to wish you the very best.
Will: You and your wishes can go fuck yourselves!

Francis: [to his bodyguard] From this moment on you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you saying nothing, and nothing breaks you.

Claire: Don't get paranoid, Francis.
Francis: If not now, when?

Francis: Do you trust your instincts, Tom?
Tom: I always have.
Francis: Then look me in the eye. I've told you the truth. What you said is it on the record now? Do you believe me?
Tom: Not for a second.

Francis: What is the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs through the battle.

Linda: I know we made you a promise, but circumstances have changed.
Francis: The nature of promises Linda, is that they remain immune do to changing circumstances.

- We have to.
- The alternative is...
- It's unlivable.
- You should go to sleep.
Francis: I'm not sure if I can.
- Then you should go back downstairs.

Francis: You don't know what it's like to go through life looking over your shoulder, having secrets no one would understand.
Thomas: I didn't write my first book. My friend, the one who died...
Francis: He wrote it?
Thomas: The first half. He didn't show it to anyone except me. In the hospital, he asked me to destroy it. I told him I would. It was too good. It needed to be finished. So I finished it.
Francis: And took all the credit.
Thomas: Oh yeah. It's my part, the ending, that's what people remember. But the book, my entire career... It's all based on a lie. You don't have a monopoly on secrets.

Francis: Treading water is the same as drowning for people like you and me.

Francis: I think people underestimate... the importance of detail to the overall impact.

Donald: [counting off on his fingers] Negligence - nepotism - misappropriation of federal funds - a foreign policy fiasco - and loose with the truth. What do these five fingers have in common? Francis J. Underwood.
Francis: Mr. King, I would like to respond to that.
Donald: This is a man that believes in the rule of law - ish. The legislative process - ish. The constitution - ish. Is this the man who should be president?
Francis: Miss. Dunbar, like any good lawyer, you have a knack for rhetoric - ish. But the American people are tired of words. What they crave is action.

Francis: [narrating] The only problem with common sense is that it's so...
Francis: ... common.

Francis: Acknowledging defeat is never easy. Doing it in public is a living hell.

Daniel: I don't place my faith in any white man. Especially one that works for federal government.
Francis: I am just like you, Dan. I know what it means to start from nothing, to have to fight your way...
Daniel: You know nothing about what it means to be me. Your version of nothing was light years ahead of where I started.

Francis: Nothing ever really dies in the House. It just plays in front of a smaller and smaller audience.

Francis: There is no solace above or below. Only us - small, solitary, striving, battling one another. I pray to myself, for myself.

Francis: Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power - in this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.

Francis: Must I destroy this man?

Doug: I'll call him right now.
Francis: And keep your eye on Janine Skorsky while I'm away. She's been prying into Russo.
Doug: What does she know?
Francis: She knows the right questions to ask. I want to make sure she doesn't get the right answers.

Francis: If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table.

Francis: [on the phone] I wanted to be the first to tell you congratulations, Mr. President-elect.
Will: Well, thank you, Mr. President.
Francis: [to the camera] Oh, what, you think I learned nothing from Al Gore?

Claire: Thank you. I'm going to bed.
Francis: No one will ever love you as much as I do. I hope you know that. Just as I know that no one will ever love me... like you.

- But maybe I misjudged you.
- Ted is family to me.
- An adopted daughter in lieu of a real one.
- Sir, the secretary is here.
Francis: Thank you. Send her in.
- Excuse us.

Francis: History is earned. You win the day. And then you win the day after. And then you do the same thing every day until you're dead. And you're remembered not for the winning, but because you never lost.

Francis: I am the president of the United States, for Chist's sake. I'm a bit busy.
Claire: The past doesn't disappear on command, Francis. Not even for presidents.