The Best Tom Hammerschmidt Quotes

Seth: Those folks out there love their president.
Tom: I love pound cake. Doesn't mean it's good for me.

Tom: Were you ever interested in investigative journalism?
Sean: If you ask me, if it's not investigating, it's not journalism.

Tom: Your party? It's rotten to the core. And the core is Underwood. Aren't you angry that he stole your presidency?
President: I'm angry. I'm angry at myself... for not seeing it. And for not fighting it.

Francis: Do you trust your instincts, Tom?
Tom: I always have.
Francis: Then look me in the eye. I've told you the truth. What you said is it on the record now? Do you believe me?
Tom: Not for a second.

- When the police asked if I thought she was suicidal, I said, "maybe."
- I didn't know her, really.
Tom: Neither did I.
- I'll look into this.
- Okay.
- Thank you.

Francis: So what is the story? That I'm some sort of psychopath? That I'm a killer?
Tom: Oh, I never believed you were a murderer, and I still don't. But it's becoming harder not to entertain the thought.

Tom: [live on CNN] Yes. Whenever it happens, this appointment would break the court's deadlock. And we would get this election going again. But let's step back a minute. Tennessee is out of the equation. Whoever wins that state, it's not enough. It's come down to one state. Ohio. One state is about to choose the next president of these United States. How did we let this happen? And it keeps happening. This is an administration that operates behind closed doors, out of the public eye. Today's sudden postponement is typical. With no announcement in the Rose Garden, and literally zero news coming from the White House, one has to wonder what is going on behind the scenes to cause this unexpected delay. The silence is deafening. After such a protracted, confusing and frankly chaotic election, we deserve clarity. Instead, here we are again, left out of the loop and on the edge of our seats. I just hope America isn't getting used to this.

Tom: When I was single, I always picked the loser's party. I met the last Mrs Hammerschmidt drowning in tequilla shots at the Bob Dole ballroom. And here I am, single again.

Tom: Here we are.
- The night of Zoe's death.
- Who does that look like to you?
- Just another white guy waiting for the train.
- Look closer.
- I know who you think it might be, but I'm really not sure.

Tom: What is this job?
Angela: Not what it used to be.

Tom: He was right about your soul. What's in your bones. That you're ruthless. You're corrupt. You destroy whatever's in your path.
Francis: Hmm. Name me a president you wouldn't describe in exactly the same way. We're all ruthless. We all destroy. But corruption? That's a matter of perspective.
Tom: No. It's a matter of law.

Zoe: Okay, so you think when a woman asks to be treated with respect, that's arrogance?
Tom: Are you accusing me of sexism?
Zoe: Just making an observation.
Tom: No TV for a month.
Zoe: What?
Tom: You heard me. No interviews.
Zoe: That's completely unfair.
Tom: You want to make it no TV indefinitely?