The Best Hannah Conway Quotes

Hannah: Do you regret it, not having children? Oh, I'm sorry. That's too personal.
Claire: Do you ever regret having them?

Hannah: What happens after he gets there? To Will? What happens?
Mark: We'll be there for him.
Hannah: You and General Brockhart?
Mark: Yes.
Hannah: What will Will's role be?
Mark: I will continue to support your husband.
Hannah: Give me a real answer. You owe me that.
Mark: His role will be president of the United States.

[first lines]
Hannah: I just love your writing, Tom, ever since Scorpio. I think it just gets better and better.
Thomas: Oh, yeah? What else have you read?
Hannah: All of them. I thought the latest was brilliant: God's Cauldron.
Thomas: You read that?
Hannah: In one sitting.
Will: But what we'd really love to read is your book on the Underwoods.
Thomas: Well, it's changed. It's fiction now.
Will: But based on them.
Thomas: People might draw parallels.
Hannah: Would the Underwoods find it flattering?
Thomas: I don't think they'd be too happy with it.

Hannah: [Softly] Okay.
- What kind of kiss do you want?
Charlie: [Whispers] Eskimo.
Hannah: In and out.
- I'll be right back.