The Best Catherine Durant Quotes

- Grayson: You're in over your head.
- Tell me what you know or move along.
Sean: No.
Catherine: [Over speakers]
- We don't, Mr. Hammerschmidt.
- Whatever information you have...
- Don't call me again.

Catherine: A lot of innocent people are trying to get into this country. They could be hurt by this. A change in policy this big, I want it done right.
Francis: I want you to let the world know that if they want to continue coming to this country for our hospitals, our colleges, our golf courses and God knows what else... they're going to have to deliver more than my head on the end of a burning stick.

Catherine: [to Donald Blythe] We could resign our posts, you know, in protest. I bet we could convince others of the cabinet to do the same thing.

Catherine: I agree with General Braegher. While a succesful air strike against Ahmadi would play out well...
Claire: This isn't about the election, Cathy.
Catherine: No, of course not. I mean, if we do this correctly, we can begin the process of dismantling ICO's network.
Francis: Take him out. If the president agrees, I think it's the best thing for the country.
Claire: I think it would send a very clear message to ICO.
Col. Max Braegher: In the short term, yes, but...
Francis: No other term is relevant.

Francis: It's all true.
Catherine: What is?
Francis: Everything Lucas Goodwin claimed. I killed them both, just like he said I did.
[Catherine looks at Francis in horror]
Francis: But of course, nobody believes it, and nobody ever will. Because that's how good we are... at making things... disappear.
[Francis points a letter opener at Catherine's stomach. Francis laughs as he turns the letter opener away. Catherine exhales deeply in relief]
Francis: No, we didn't kill anybody.
[Francis laughs again, then sighs]
Francis: But we would have... if it was necessary,

[first lines]
Francis: I really wish I could have changed your mind, Cathy.
Catherine: I just...
Francis: Because, you know you know, this is just not good for you.
Catherine: The negotiations with the committee are just too far down the road.
Francis: Well, you agreed to see me because you're smart. Because doubt is what you should be having. Look, Cathy, I respect you. We wouldn't have lasted as long together if I didn't.
Catherine: My husband's waiting for me.
Francis: But you're gonna be made to look a fool.
Catherine: There's no need to insult me, Francis.
Francis: Witness after witness is gonna rebut whatever you have to say.
Catherine: My testimony is what it is. It'll all be resolved in the court of public opinion.
Francis: Yes, but who is the public going to believe? You or explosive residue on a terrorist's computer? Look, Cathy, your testimony's gonna seem petty and vengeful. And then where is that gonna leave you? What prospects?
Catherine: It's too late.
Francis: You need to take a fall.
Catherine: Excuse me?
Francis: Look, the committee is just gonna have to wait. In two weeks, it's gonna be over anyway, and you're gonna be on the wrong side of this thing.
Catherine: Well, we'll see.
Francis: Yes, we will. After you... But I meant what I said, Cathy.
[gives her a hard push down the stairs]
Francis: Cathy? Cathy? Help! Help! The secretary has fallen!

Catherine: Sometimes my delegates try to read between the lines. They know that I need plausible deniability, but diplomatic purpose.

Catherine: Imagine my surprise when the NSA called me about Muhammed Kalabi just moments before you did.
Francis: Situation is still unfolding.
Catherine: On election day?
[Dissatisfied Francis shakes his head]
Catherine: Francis, it's been quite a journey working with you.
Francis: Kalabi slipped into the country, and he's planning a terrorist attack against a voting centre in Tennessee.
Catherine: And that is a terrifying proposition.
Francis: Well, I may need you to stay around the White House a bit longer, Cathy, until this situation is resolved.
Catherine: Of course. I was only saying, it's been a good run.

Francis: So why are you bringing me all this?
Catherine: You asked for options, sir.
Francis: To arrest Muhammed Kalabi on election day? Cathy... What's gonna happen when he tells the authorities he's the wrong one?
Catherine: But that would be after the election...
Francis: Well, that might have played three or four days ago, Cathy, but now it's too late. Did you have this three or four days ago?
Catherine: I would have brought it to you, sir.
Francis: All right, well, let's leave it at that.