Top 50 Quotes From Claire Underwood

Claire: You're a fool, Donald. You always were. You and your dumb, dead wife that you never, ever shut up about. Principled? Idealistic? A champion for the people? What did you ever actually do? Nothing. The great crusader? I don't think so. You just liked the position of the bumbling idiot that you are. The optimist. The idealist. You loved it so much that you couldn't even make a deal or move a single thing forward. You have a legacy of nothing. Sign the measure, get the Republicans off the floor, start the vote now.
Donald: Do you know what I just realized? Your initials they're missing an "n" and a "t".

[last lines]
Francis: [on the phone] That was before everything.
Claire: I know...
Francis: [sets down the phone and crosses the hall to her room]
Claire: Francis, are you there?
Francis: [opens her door] We're going to destroy them.
Claire: Yes, we are.

Claire: But he's a dangerous man, isn't he? Raymond?
Francis: We can be dangerous too. When we need to be.

Claire: Doug, it's Claire.
- I'm sorry, I...
- Francis and I were wondering if you could come up to the residence tomorrow evening for dinner.
- It'll give us a chance to take a breath with all that's been happening.

Claire: I said I'll take care of it.
Francis: No, I'll take care of it. You stay a million miles away from this. How could you be so stupid... to fall in love?

[last lines]
Francis: I said you were nothing, in the Oval, without me. It's the other way around.
Claire: It would have to be different.
Francis: I know. That's what I'm saying.
Claire: Come on. Let's see if you can make it to the end of the hall...

- There's not gonna be any new damage.
Frank's Secret Service: Well, we don't know that for sure.
Claire: Let's get Usher.
Frank's Secret Service: Well, you can bet
- I'm gonna talk to him in the morning.
Claire: Where are you going?
- To get some goddamn space in this house!

Claire: Someone close to senator Mitchell woke me up with the news.
Francis: Get me the vice president on the phone.
Claire: That is not going to help.
Francis: Well, how do you intend on dealing with it?

- Let it go down.
- And whatever Petrov has on it?
- We're doing the right thing, Cathy.
Claire: You got what you wanted, Viktor.
- The boat is gone.
- Now, let's get back to where we left off.
- What will it take to get
- Aidan macallan back on American soil?
- He likes it here.

- What are you reading?
Claire: She can write.
- She can.
- And you can raise money.
- Always, for a good cause.
- Thank you.

[last lines]
Francis: I'm not the first politician that some people don't trust.
Claire: We've been lying for a long time, Francis.
Francis: Of course we have. Imagine what the voters would think if we started telling the truth.
Claire: Not to them. To each other.

Claire: We can't fight everything off one by one, Francis. But if we make this - we make it work for us.
Francis: Create chaos...
Claire: More than chaos.
Francis: War...
Claire: Fear.
Francis: Fear. Brutal. Total.
Claire: I'm done trying to win over people's hearts.
Francis: Let's attack their hearts.
Claire: We can *work* with fear.
Francis: Yes, we can.
Claire: You should put on a fresh suit.
Francis: The navy blue.
Claire: Yes, the navy blue.

Francis: I don't know, Claire. You know these types of people. You should have been there. Why would they hand me... He just handed me this. Why? When they've never wanted me, not from the beginning, no matter what I do!
Claire: Fuck 'em.
Francis: I intend to.

Francis: I know what I have to do.
Claire: Good.
Francis: We'll have a lot of nights like this- Making plans, very little sleep.
Claire: I expected that. It doesn't worry me.
Francis: I better get to work.

Claire: You know what Francis said to me when he proposed? I remember his exact words. He said, 'Claire, if all you want is happiness, say no. I'm not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement. I promise you freedom from that. I promise you'll never be bored.' You know, he was the only man - and there were a lot of others who proposed - but he was the only one who understood me. He didn't put me on some pedestal. He knew that I didn't want to be adored or coddled. So he took my hand and put a ring on it. Because he knew I'd say yes.

Catherine: I agree with General Braegher. While a succesful air strike against Ahmadi would play out well...
Claire: This isn't about the election, Cathy.
Catherine: No, of course not. I mean, if we do this correctly, we can begin the process of dismantling ICO's network.
Francis: Take him out. If the president agrees, I think it's the best thing for the country.
Claire: I think it would send a very clear message to ICO.
Col. Max Braegher: In the short term, yes, but...
Francis: No other term is relevant.

Francis: Do you hate it here?
Claire: Oh, you know I don't like hotels.
Francis: An approximation of home just to remind you you're not there.
Claire: Well, we don't live in a home. We live in a house, borrowed and temporary.

Claire: We brought this on ourselves. We pushed too hard.
Francis: We've survived.
Claire: We isolated ourselves, Francis.
Francis: So what? We both know something the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge. There is no justice, only conquest. And let me tell you, we let them evacuate DC, we are done, Claire. We've lost.

[first lines]
Claire: [entering] Why do you keep playing with that?
Francis: [playing with software that morphs her face into his] Because I'm skeptical. Do you think this really works?
Claire: It's just about making the candidate seem familiar, so that the voter sees herself in him. But you've gone too far.
[moves the dial toward her own image]
Claire: There. Congratulations, Francis. You have my vote.

[last lines]
Claire: Such a shame, all of that hard work.
Francis: I want to know who lied.

Thomas: You mad at me?
Claire: [sighs] You shouldn't have said that.
Thomas: I know. I know we need to be careful.
Claire: [sighs]
Claire: Careful is far too small a word for what we need to be.
Thomas: [closing the door behind them] Okay. But don't you get tired of being far bigger than careful all the time?

Claire: Who are you to me?
Jane: Who do you want me to be?
Claire: [chuckles] That's not a good answer.
Jane: You're the first woman President of the United States. All you've had to swallow, the sacrifices, the compromises. You're gonna want to isolate yourself. Not trust anyone. But that's exactly what you're gonna need. Someone to tell you what's what.

Francis: [livid about her actions] You're not only the First Lady, and an Ambassador, you're also my wife.
Claire: In what order?

- Hi, Adam, it's me.
- I know it's late, but...
- Well, I was really just calling to thank you again for the photographs.
- I'm sure they're gonna be a big hit at the auction.
- Hope you're well.
Claire: I'm sure they're gonna be a big hit at the auction.
- Hope you're well.

Claire: I've thought long and hard, Francis. Barely slept.
Francis: That's the job.

[last lines]
Claire: [having ignored Francis' phone call] My turn.

- Because I've done all I can.
- Everything you told me to. You know that.
- They know that, don't they?
- Mrs. Underwood.
Claire: I was hoping to speak to Ms. Masterson.
- Just the two of us.

Claire: What if you lose?
Francis: I will not be a placeholder president, Claire. I will win. And I will leave a legacy.
Claire: You mean, "we" will.

[last lines]
Claire: I'm asking for your help. If you refuse to give it...
Elizabeth: Help? You didn't lift a finger to help me when I got sick.
Claire: You didn't tell me you were sick!
Elizabeth: Because you had turned your back on me! Oh, you are such a disappointment.
Claire: You don't want me to sell this house out from under you, but I will.
Elizabeth: [pulling off her chemo wig] I am the mother. I am the mother!

[last lines]
Joshua: We do this in the name of the Islamic Caliphate, in the name of Yusuf Al Ahmadi, in the name of God.
James: [his head being pulled back] Melissa, I love you. Caroline, I love you. Please, dear God, look out...
Claire: [watching from Whitehouse situation room] Turn off the sound.
Francis: That's right. We don't submit to terror. We *make* the terror.

[last lines]
Claire: I'm leaving you.
Francis: Claire...

Claire: Thank you. I'm going to bed.
Francis: No one will ever love you as much as I do. I hope you know that. Just as I know that no one will ever love me... like you.

Claire: When my father died, it destroyed me, but when I think about Mother, I feel nothing.
Donald: You two aren't close?
Claire: No. And I feel the same about Francis. Nothing.

Francis: Where does the real power lie? The power behind the power. And I understood, Claire, that we have to think and act differently than we ever have. Because it's no longer about who *lives* in the White House, it's about who *owns* the White House.
Claire: This is the presidency. How much higher can a politician go?
Francis: The real power isn't here. It's beyond here. It's above it, but still working in conjunction with it. Look, Claire, you and I have always been on the inside. Trapped. In the bubble. But going forward, with my operating on the outside, in the private sector, and you working from here, we can *own* this house together. Don't you see? I've designed this. I wanted you to be the president. I've *made* you the president.
Claire: Am I supposed to say thank you?
Francis: No. But you will have to pardon me. Pardon me for all of my crimes. As the president, you're the only one who can.

Claire: Tell me what you see.
Thomas: Somebody who's lost. But I don't know, maybe it's all for the best. I'd rather imagine who you might be, than who you actually are.

- We, uh, have several people in mind.
- I want you to appoint Elizabeth Benson.
- Well, she's liberal enough for you to swallow, and conservative enough when it counts.
Claire: Yes, but we don't have time for senate hearings.
Mark: I can make a recess happen.

Francis: I am the president of the United States, for Chist's sake. I'm a bit busy.
Claire: The past doesn't disappear on command, Francis. Not even for presidents.

[last lines]
Francis: I should have never made you Ambassador.
Claire: I should have never made you President.
[walks out]
Francis: [to camera] What are you looking at?

Claire: You don't have to mean it. You just have to say it.

Terry: [muscling her] The House should and will decide!
Claire: Delaware has one congressman. How will that play in Austin when your opponent in two years tells voters that you allowed a state like Delaware to have the same influence as Texas? A lot of your incumbents will be in danger of losing their seats. And there it is.
Francis: [to the camera] Look. Look at them. That is the look of contemplating loss. Loss, the only constituent that anyone in this room really listens to.

- Keep an eye on him. I plan to.
- As for Raymond, we have to strike back hard and fast.
- I want him obliterated.
Claire: More than that.
- Let's make him suffer.
- I don't know whether to be proud or terrified.
- Perhaps both.

Claire: We need to dial up the terror.

Thomas: What's my role?
Claire: What?
Thomas: What am I to you, anyway? Or you, to me? I mean, are you my girlfriend? And when you win does that make me, like, First Boyfriend? First Concubine?

Claire: What should we serve the Walkers?
Francis: Cyanide.
Claire: I'm saving that for dessert. What about a main course.

Francis: [to Doug] As for Raymond, we have to strike back hard and fast. I want him obliterated.
Claire: More than that. Let's make him suffer.
Francis: I don't know whether to be proud or terrified. Perhaps both.

Claire: You can have a plate of ribs. Yes, you can.
- Come on. Yes, you can. I can't.
- Thank you, Claire, butlcannot you can do it.
- Come on, Marty! Come on.
- I can't. Thank you. Thank you.
- Freddy's.
- You should go to Freddy's.

Thomas: Is it true? What Hammerschmidt wrote? Is it?
Claire: No.
Thomas: That's the first time you've lied to me - since you stopped lying to me.

Claire: The older I get, I learn that assumptions are dangerous.

Claire: We don't barter goodwill for the freedom of American citizens.

Claire: I actually hate Madam. Makes me sound like I'm running a brothel and not a country.