The Best Donald Blythe Quotes

Claire: You're a fool, Donald. You always were. You and your dumb, dead wife that you never, ever shut up about. Principled? Idealistic? A champion for the people? What did you ever actually do? Nothing. The great crusader? I don't think so. You just liked the position of the bumbling idiot that you are. The optimist. The idealist. You loved it so much that you couldn't even make a deal or move a single thing forward. You have a legacy of nothing. Sign the measure, get the Republicans off the floor, start the vote now.
Donald: Do you know what I just realized? Your initials they're missing an "n" and a "t".

Claire: When my father died, it destroyed me, but when I think about Mother, I feel nothing.
Donald: You two aren't close?
Claire: No. And I feel the same about Francis. Nothing.