The Best Terry Womack Quotes

Terry: So, does anyone else have any questions for the governor?
Will: Well, I have a question. What has Francis Underwood ever done for you? This little charade this morning... Well done.
Mark: [interrupting] Will.
Will: Quite an act...
Mark: Governor.
Will: No, but really. See, you may have differences with me... You may have genuine differences with me. But see, that's the operative word, genuine. Can someone here please explain to me why you all are still loyal to Francis Underwood and the Democrats? One of these days the members of this room will realise how much you actually prop up the status quo. And how's that working for you?

Terry: [muscling her] The House should and will decide!
Claire: Delaware has one congressman. How will that play in Austin when your opponent in two years tells voters that you allowed a state like Delaware to have the same influence as Texas? A lot of your incumbents will be in danger of losing their seats. And there it is.
Francis: [to the camera] Look. Look at them. That is the look of contemplating loss. Loss, the only constituent that anyone in this room really listens to.

Terry: You know, Doug... you and I, we've been around long enough to see the guard change. And it changes because the people at the top forget how they got there.