The Best Jim Matthews Quotes

Francis: When, and if, Garrett Walker appears before this committee, do you think he'll betray the party?
Jim: You mean you?
Francis: Well, that *would* be the same thing.

Jim: You want the thruth?
Doug: Not interested. I had that coming in.
Jim: It's over. Underwood's gonna lose tomorrow. He's done. And when he's done, you're done. You'll have nothing left. And then you'll just disappear.
Doug: Thank you for your time, Governor.

Jim: Now, I don't know what really happened on your journey to replace me as vice president and then Garrett as president. I only know what my gut tells me. But I'm willing to say fuck my gut. Bottom line is I can help you with this committee or I can hurt you. Now, I can say that I know nothing, and that what I saw in Garrett Walker was a troubled man. And I can leave it at that.