The Best Jackie Sharp Quotes

Jackie: Don't you appreciate having an ear in the White House?
Remy: I would, if I had an ear. But lately all I've got is a mouth.

Jackie: I'm not comfortable with the dynamic we've established.
Francis: What dynamic is that?
Jackie: The leash you have me on. How I'm supposed to roll over and do any trick you want. You're taking me for granted.
Francis: What, am I supposed to be appreciative of your lack luster enthusiasm?
[raising and walking around his desk]
Francis: How fortunate I am to have you sort-of on my team? You not "happy" with our "dynamic"? Well, I'm not happy with your attitude. If anything, you're taking *me* for granted.
Jackie: Sir...
Francis: We had a deal, Jackie. And I am perfectly willing to hold up my end of the bargain. But do not be under any illusion. This is not a partnership of equals. Nothing close to it. If you were to be my Vice President, you will do what I ask. And we will not have this conversation every time you feel "uncomfortable" with what I ask you to do. Or how I choose to conduct myself. That's our "dynamic".

Jackie: I'm surprised you didn't go for the waitress.
Remy: You're much sexier.
Jackie: [Scoffs] Yeah, okay.
Remy: She works for tips. You run Congress.

Remy: Don't go to California.
Jackie: Hmm, it'd be nice to be reelected.
Remy: You're gonna win.
- Not if I don't give the voters more face time.