The Best Ted Brockhart Quotes

Ted: Do you have an extra pair of socks, Raymond? After 30 years of military service, you'd think I'd arrive prepared.
Francis: Oh, I'm sure someone around here could find you a *pair*.

Francis: I like dirt - and rocks - and facts.
Ted: No argument here. I trust only what I can hold in my hand or see on my horizon.
Francis: Well, but you can't just sit back and admire the view. I've learned you've got to grab the present by the balls. That's where the American people live.
Ted: You sound more like a salesman than a president, Mr. President.
Francis: Well, if we're Americans, then we are salesmen, right? That's our birthright. Cars and phones and a gallon of gas.
Ted: That's not how I see America. I'm a patriot. I serve.
Francis: Well, then, we salute you, General. But you serve to what purpose? So the rest of America can sell. I mean, you and I, right now, this weekend, we're here at this camp selling ourselves.
Ted: Character speaks for itself. People want a president they can trust.
Francis: No, they don't. They want a president they know. And I know *them*. The only future I'm interested in is the next four years. So, yes, I'm selling tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. I'm selling a boy who used to live on a peach farm who now lives in the White House. I'm selling a tomorrow that you can see and touch and feel. Now, you take that away, and I don't know what this country has left. Except a group of grown men standing around in a circle, all staring at a small screen. Looking in instead of looking out. Heck, give me a peck of dirt any day of the week.