The Best A-Train Quotes

A: I want back in the Seven. And I need Stormfront gone. Fuck that nazi bitch.

A: My deepest condolences to Robin's family. She just stepped in the middle of the street
Hughie: She was a half step off the fucking curb!

A: Hughie... you killed the only woman I ever loved.
Hughie: I didn't kill her.
A: [sweating, breathing heavily] I know... I did... But it was your fault...

A: We're going to lose everything. Cars, houses. Bonuses.
Starlight: There are more important things.
A: You know, the only people that say that are the people who grew up with money.

Seth: You couldn't care less about your African roots. You know it, and she knows it, and frankly, Africa knows it
A: Yeah? You don't have a fucking dick.

Translucent: These assholes pirated my movie three weeks before release, and you can't walk down Fifth Avenue without bumping into a table of unlicensed Homelander shirts. Copyright infringement is costing Vought $1.2 billion per year. That's money out of our pockets. We've all got, what, four points each?
A: What the fuck? You got four points?
Queen: And clearly, better lawyers.

- But, actually, he failed the program.
- -He doesn't exist, understand?
- -Of course.
A: Ah.
- Oh, come on.
- I think they're gonna do the limbo.
- -Come on.
- -Oh, yeah?

A: All right, where is it?
Hughie: You know... this shit must be pretty good if it's worth running through a human being for.
A: Oh my God, that was an accident, man. Where the fuck is the V?
Hughie: That accident had a name.
A: And what about Popclaw? She had a name, too! Charlotte! The only good thing in my life is gone now. What is this, man? I kill your girlfriend and you kill mine?
Hughie: [confused] I didn't kill your girlfriend.
A: You used her! You put her in danger and then you threw her out like she was fucking garbage! How does this not all start with you, Hughie? The only difference between you and me is that I made a mistake. The shit that you did was on purpose! So who's worse?

A: [spots Blue Hawk trying to flee from the carnage] Blue Hawk!
Blue: What?
A: We gotta talk.
Blue: Jesus Christ, not right now! There's a psycho back there!
[A-Train grabs Blue Hawk by the throat]
Blue: Get your fucking hands off me.
A: You hurt a lot of people. You hurt my brother. You're not gonna get away with it. Not this time.
[slams Blue Hawk to the ground then runs off and brutally drags Blue Hawk to his death]