Top 50 Quotes From Billy Butcher

The: I swear on my kids' lives.
Billy: You hate your fucking kids.
The: So would you, if you met them.

Billy: Oi, Hughie.
- Hughie.

[Butcher finds Homelander standing on his balcony]
Billy: If you wanna watch me have a wank, it'll cost you a tenner.
Homelander: May I come in?

Mother's: How could anybody be such a complete asshole?
Billy: Practice.

Hughie: You're a fed? You don't sound like a fed.
Billy: What, I can't immigrate? There's a giant green slapper with her ass in the harbor that says different.
Hughie: You don't really look like one, either.
Billy: No? What do I look like?
Hughie: Like you're starring in the porn version of The Matrix.

Hughie: Oh, okay. So, this-this is an actual orgy. That's what this is.
Billy: Fucking Herogasm. Still a thing, eh?
Soldier: It's my thing. I founded it in '52. Me and this other Supe, Liberty. Man, was she a firecracker.
Billy: Frenchie's gonna be real heartbroken he missed this.

Pastor: I'm- I'm not really sure what you're saying, son.
Billy: I'm saying that if there is some geezer up there with a big white beard, he's a world heavyweight cunt.
Mother's: What?
Pastor: I-I'm sorry, did you just call God a C-word?
Billy: Yeah. He's got a hard-on for mass murder and giving kids cancer, and his big old answer, to the existential clusterfuck that is humanity, is to nail his own bleeding son to a plank. That is a cunt move. Come on, even you got to agree with me there.
Mother's: Hey, hey, hey, please...
Billy: We should lob a fucking nuke at him, get it over and done with. You know what I'm saying?
Mother's: We're sorry, sir. We apologize. My man...
Billy: All right. Good talk. Think about it. I'm here all day, all right?

Hughie: I'm not a murderer.
Billy: That's all right. I am.

Billy: Never go into shark-infested waters without chum.

Soldier: What the fuck are you doing?
Billy: Not the kid.
Soldier: Oh, I thought you said blood didn't matter. Thought that was the whole fucking point.
Billy: He's my wife's son.
Soldier: Wait, Homelander fucked your wife? And you wanna save the brat? The hell's wrong with you?
Billy: I made a promise.
Soldier: So this is it. Everything you wanted, he's right fucking there -- and now you blink?
Billy: Stand down.
Soldier: Fuck you! You're weaker than he is.

Billy: Security's tighter than a choir boy's asshole.

Mother's: Who's this guy?
Billy: The new lad. Hughie. Hughie, Mother's Milk.
Hughie: That's a... nickname?
Mother's: No, my mother actually named me Mother's Milk.
Hughie: Did-did she?
Mother's: So we got a French whore and a Stephen fucking Hawking. Great job, Butcher.
Billy: Well, it was Stephen fucking Hawking who dusted the Supe.

Billy: Congress? Please. What a bunch of corrupting fucking cunts they are.
Victoria: Come on, you're not the first person to call me a "cunt", Mr. Butcher. I'm starting to think it's like a badge of honor.

Soldier: You're that asshole from the lab.
Billy: That's right. I'm the arsehole that let you out. Russian Porta-Loos, eh? You want the Countess's head on a spike, don't you? Well, she's in there, yours for the taking. Consider it a gesture of good faith.
Soldier: Good faith for what?
Billy: I was thinking that you and I could come to a little arrangement. What you lot call a team up.

Billy: Remember what I told ya?
Ryan: Don't be a cunt.

Hughie: Butcher, can I uh...
[Butcher breathing heavily]
Hughie: What are you doing?
Billy: Contingency. In case things go ass over tit at the lab.
[Hughie starts closing the door]
Hughie: I want to try some.
Billy: [looks at Hughie] Don't be daft. This shit is poison, Hughie. A lad like you don't want no part of it.
Hughie: What, you mean like a loser? A fuckup?
Billy: Sooner or later, Homelander will find Ryan. Okay? It's just a matter of time. I have to do this, all right? You don't.
Hughie: Annie's in just as much danger. Homelander almost lasered me in half in front of her, and it was like... it was like I was back with every bully that I ever had, just taking it. And then she had to SAVE me AGAIN.
[Butcher puts on his vest, Hughie was suspicious]
Hughie: Butcher, please. Please. Please. Because right now, I am so angry that I can't even BREATH.
[Hughie exhales]
Billy: It's shittier. It's not power. It's punishment. You don't deserve none of it.
[he walks out and opens the door]
Hughie: What, and you do?
Billy: Get ready to go.
[he starts closing the door]

Billy: Hey, Frenchie. Don't get caught.
Frenchie: I never do.

- How about some Jiffy Pop?
- Halothane shot.
- I only got two of these, so...
Billy: Well, we better make it count.
Frenchie: What if it doesn't work on the terrorist inside?
- Then we're right and well fucked.

Billy: It's like Hughie's infected you both with a raging case of vagina.

Hughie: Wait, wait, d-d-do the others know?
Billy: No, they do not. And if they find out, I'll put you in a fucking coma.

Billy: If you knew half the shit they get up to? Fucking diabolical.

Mother's: Any idea what this Supe gun is supposed to look like?
Billy: Ain't the joy in the discovery, eh?

Hughie: What are we, uh... what are we doing here?
Billy: Well, you got to go to work, don't you?
Hughie: Yeah, but, um, I don't, uh...
Billy: Well, I mean, that's all I need you for right now, yeah?
Hughie: Yeah, I mean, but, I-I can... I can help with other stuff, you know? I could... I could be, like, your tech guy. You know? Like, I could be in the van with the thing and, like, you know, "He's down the hall to the left." Like, I can...
Billy: Yeah, look, son, I, uh... I think it's best that I take it from here. You know what I mean?
Hughie: Yeah, but I can... I can really help.
Billy: I know you can help. I got it.
Hughie: [getting out of the car] Oh, w... oh, hey, wait. You ever see an asshole tear up $45k?
Billy: [he rips the check in half] Hughie. You're a good lad.

[last lines]
Billy: Don't worry. Daddy's home.

Billy: What's Sporty Spice up to?
Mother's: Who?
Billy: Sporty fucking Spice. What is she up to?
Mother's: I don't know.
Billy: Exactly. How about Posh? You know what she's doing?
Frenchie: I don't understand.
Billy: Making clothes for anorexics. Right? Not exactly a growth market. And Baby? You know what she's doing? Fuck all. Not even page six of the Daily Mail. And Scary Spice? Up to her eyeballs in lawsuits and sex tapes. Ginger, on the other hand, has released three albums. 'Passion', 'Schizophonic', and 'Scream If You Want To Go Faster'. They'll all make your ears bleed. You see, when they're apart, they're absolute fucking rubbish. But, you put them together... they're the goddamn fucking Spice Girls.
Mother's: How do you know so much about the Spice Girls?

Billy: So it's just business then, 'ey?
Stan: When, Mr. Butcher, in history has it ever been about anything different?

Billy: Well well well, if it ain't the invisible cunt

Hughie: Is he... is he dead? Is he...
Billy: Well, he ain't movin'.
Hughie: Oh, fuck. Oh, shit.
Billy: How'd you know the electric could do the job?
Hughie: Skin's carbon. Highly conductive. Saw it on, uh, Jimmy Fallon.
Billy: That would've taken me forever to work that one out. Good job. Let's get him in the boot.
Hughie: Wait, what? Wait, what? What?
Billy: The trunk.
Hughie: No, I mean, what are we... what are we doing with him?
Billy: Well, Hughie, you just offed one of the Seven, mate.
Hughie: Me? I... you-you hit him with a fucking car!
Billy: Look, potato, fuckin' po-tah-to. We're both in a shitload of trouble.
Hughie: No, no, no, we're not! It's... it... he-he attacked us, okay? And you're-you're a federal officer, you know? Just-just call the fucking FBI.
Billy: Yeah, o-okay, so, look, technically, I'm not a fed.
Hughie: WHAT? Then who the fuck are you?

Billy: Expecting a happy ending were we? Well, I'm sorry,. Hughie. It ain't that kind of massage parlor.

Billy: You'll love it.

Billy: Now, there's fuck-all security to worry about. In fact, they're a bunch of Muppets. And the metal detector won't pick this up, right? And what they'll probably do is take you through the security and then up into the boardroom. Sit down, be nice, congenial. Then, real polite-like, tell 'em you're gonna take a fake shit. Go into the bog, take the bug out, peel back the plastic bit to reveal the sticky side. Put the plastic bit in the bog, flush it. Then go back into the boardroom, sit down - big smiles - plant the bug underneath the table. Easy-peasy, Japanesey. Bob's your uncle. That's that.
Hughie: That's that?
Billy: Yeah.
Hughie: That was... that was a lot. Th-I've... Hold on, can you just... can you repeat it again?

Hughie: Who is the contact? What is their actual name?
Billy: You'll love it.
Hughie: No, I won't. I won't love it, I never love it. Never fucking love it!

Homelander: Where's Ryan?
Billy: He's at 673 Nosh My Bollocks Ave. You want a pen and paper?
Homelander: You know, I could just... pull you apart, limb by limb. Make you tell me.
Billy: Nah, that'd be worthless. Victim always goes into shock, you gotta start small. Fingers, toenails, ears...
Homelander: He's my son, William. My family. I'm gonna find him, sooner or later.
Billy: Look, uh... I don't mean to be rude, but can we just skip to the part where you laser my fucking brains out?
Homelander: Oh, for chrissakes. Where's the sport in that? I mean, look at you. Be like putting down a wounded dog.
Billy: You're the one with your tail between your legs on all them fucking talk shows. And then they go and make Starlight co-captain? Tsk-tsk-tsk. That's gotta sting.
Homelander: Touché, William. Touché.
Billy: What are you doing here?
Homelander: [disgusted] Vought. And the fucking Bureau. The wheeling and dealing, and-and-and-and giving and taking, just to keep everything... *exactly* the same. And you and me? Well, they treat us like old playthings and put us up on the fucking shelf. Hmm? Treat us like we're obsolete. Doesn't that make you angry?
Billy: Yeah. It does.
Homelander: What if... what if it doesn't have to be that way? What if you and I... well, what if we share a different destiny? Something a little more... scorched earth. Shock and awe. Blood and bone. And in the end, only one of us left standing. Isn't that what you want?
Billy: Too fucking right. More than anything.
Homelander: I look forward to it.

Billy: [while approaching to save Hughie from Translucent] Translucent. If ain't the invisible cunt.

Mother's: And Hughie?
Billy: Kid's a weeper. Don't want him to get snot on me jacket.

Billy: Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt.

Hughie: Fuck you. What, am I supposed to be this blaze-of-glory jerkoff shit?
Billy: Guess not.

Billy: Translucent doesn't even mean invisible. It means transparent.

Billy: People love that cozy feeling that Supes give them. Some golden c**t to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don't got to do it yourself.

Billy: I'm sorry.
Grace: Christ, I don't want to hear "sorry". Sorry's not an option.

Billy: We'll cross that bridge when we burn it.

Billy: With great power comes the absolute certainty that you'll turn into a right cunt.

Hughie: If Soldier Boy goes through with this, thousands will die. Help us stop him.
Billy: This ain't a bloody kinder care we're on about, son. It's Vought fucking Tower.
Frenchie: Becca worked in the Tower.
Billy: You shut your fucking cake hole, Frenchie.
Frenchie: No. No! No, my cake hole will remain open! You will never command me again. I am done with your cruelty! I deserve respect! And we all deserve paid vacation days, and a dental plan!

Billy: Remember what I told you.
Ryan: Don't be a cunt.

Hughie: Sorry, we're closing up.
[seeing no one is there]
Hughie: Hello?
Translucent: Who are you?
Hughie: [jumping to his feet] What the fuck?
Translucent: Right in front of you, prick. You think I wouldn't find this thing?
[dropping the bug Hughie planted on the countertop, then taking hold of his ID badge]
Translucent: Hughie.
[slamming his head on the counter]
Translucent: You pussy, I followed you from the fucking Tower.
Hughie: [getting picked up and thrown into the door] No, no, no!
Translucent: Who's that guy you were with, in the car? Who was he?
Hughie: I don't...
Translucent: He put you up to this?
Hughie: I don't know! He was just some Uber driver, okay?
Translucent: Don't give me some bullshit! Uber driver.
[yanking a TV off its display]
Translucent: Do you think I'm a fucking idiot? Why'd you plant the bug?
Hughie: Please. Please, please, please. No, please.
Translucent: We're the Seven, Earth's most mighty, champions of the innocent, motherfucker!
Billy: [hitting him as he crashes his car through the front window] Sorry about the mess. You should fuck off, Hughie.

Billy: Maybe you should take a look in the mirror, mate. 'Cause that bitch should bother you.
Stan: Of course she does. But it's not about me. I can't lash out like some raging, entitled maniac. That's a white man's luxury.

Billy: [to Homelander] Oi, cunt!

Stan: Homelander's a friend. Why would I betray him?
Billy: Because you're a ruthless bastard.
Stan: That's hurtful.

Mother's: This kid needs to be trained up, Butcher.
Hughie: Yeah. Yeah, what he said. I-I don't know how to blackmail anyone.
Billy: Hughie, you've done a murder. Comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.

Billy: That cunt's gotta go.