30 Best Erin Moriarty Quotes

Starlight: Hey. Get some sleep.
Hughie: I'll sleep when I know you're safe.

Annie: If you jump ship and let the assholes steer, then you're part of the problem.

Starlight: Butcher isn't gonna like it.
Frenchie: Butcher can suck my shit.

Hughie: Literally every neuron in your brain is screaming "I told you so," so why don't you just say it before your head explodes.
Starlight: Oh, my God! I fucking told you so.
Hughie: Feel good to get that out?
Starlight: So satisfying.

Starlight: You fired Ashley?
Madelyn: It was actually a mutual decision. She wanted to explore different career paths and, um, we wished her well.
Madelyn: So, I would like you to take this in the constructive spirit that it is intended.
Starlight: [frowns] Okay.
Madelyn: You are a selfish, arrogant child.
Starlight: Wow.
Madelyn: Back in Iowa, I bet you watched a lot of Queen Maeve's movies, right?
Starlight: I did.
Madelyn: She was a rebel. Didn't take anyone's shit, didn't play by the rules. That's what you wanted to be. That's what American heroes are. But it's a myth. I should know, because I wrote it. The truth is, dozens of people in this company spent hundreds of hours to create the thing that is you.
Starlight: I never asked for that.
Madelyn: Then why don't you burn the sparkly outfit and become a cop? You want to be a superhero. You want to be famous. But nobody's famous alone. So why don't you cut the petulant diva shit, show a little fucking gratitude, and let us do our job?
Starlight: No.
Madelyn: I'm sorry?
Starlight: I mean, I don't mean to be ungrateful. But no red carpets, no reality TV, and no Noxzema commercials. And I want my old outfit back. I'm gonna save people.
Madelyn: Then I think we may need to reconsider your position in The Seven.
Starlight: And I think that firing an employee after she reported sexual assault on live TV might tank your stock price.
Madelyn: [taken aback] Well, I hope we can count on your discretion.
Starlight: I'm sorry, I don't do discretion anymore. If anyone asks me who did it, I'm going to answer honestly.
Madelyn: Well, it's great that you want to tell the truth. I just don't know to whom you're referring.
Starlight: Oh, I think you know. I think you've known for a long time.
Madelyn: [unsettled] Thank you so much for coming, Starlight. I have a lot to think about.

Hughie: You came.
Starlight: Like you said, I'm a fucking superhero.

Starlight: [toasting] To fathers and sugar.
Mother's: To fathers and sugar.

Starlight: I really thought that deep down you were a hero.
Queen: Well, you were wrong. There's no such thing.

Kilgrave: First-time caller, longtime listener. Trish, I want to applaud your courage. You've always been a hero to the downtrodden. Self-preservation be damned. It's admirable. But my question is, if there really is a man with the abilities you've described, someone who could make anyone, anywhere, do whatever he wanted them to do... seems to me that insulting him would be wildly dangerous. Or, let's just say it, stupid in the extreme. Everyone has feelings, even, um, how did you put it? Sadistic, corrosive men.
Hope: [recognizing the sound of his voice] No! No!
Kilgrave: Are you worried he might, I don't know, make you kill yourself? Or worse? I'll take my answer off the air.

[last lines]
Annie: [being live-streamed] I'm in Montpellier, in Vermont. 12 heroes and civilians are dead. A lot more are wounded. Now Homelander and Vought are going to tell you that it was the super villain and that they have it handled. They don't. It was Soldier Boy. I know I sound insane. But Soldier Boy doesn't care about protecting Americans and he probably never has. Most heroes don't care about you. They only care about their image. And Homelander is the worst of them. He's hurt people. He's done something to Maeve. I don't know what they're going to do to me for telling the truth. But I'm going to keep doing it and I should have done it sooner and I'm sorry. And one more thing - I'm not Starlight any more. My name is Annie January and I fucking quit.

Starlight: See I asked around. You're not number two around here. You're just the fish guy. Everyone thinks you're a joke. Me most of all. I cannot believe I fell for your crap.
The: You stuck-up little...
Starlight: You ever... touch me again,
[her eyes glow up]
Starlight: I will burn your eyes out. You understand me?

Starlight: Oh, gosh, moms. The gift that keeps on giving. Forever.

Starlight: We're all alone. That's the truth.

Starlight: You're a murderer.
Hughie: I didn't have a choice...
Starlight: There's always a choice!

Annie: Every single word that I say up here, I'm reading from a script. I didn't write any of these words. I don't even know if I believe in them. I mean, I believe in God, I love God so much, but... honestly, it's... it's just how goddamn...
[crowd gasps]
Annie: ...certain everyone is around here. I mean, tickets start at, what, 170 bucks, so that these people can tell you how to get into heaven? How do they know? How does anybody know? When the bible was written, life expectancy was 30 years old. I mean, I'm not so sure you're supposed to take it literally. It also says that it's a sin to eat shrimp. What, if... if you're gay or if you're... Gandhi you're going to hell? I mean... And if you have sex before marriage, that's... that's not immoral. That's human. What's immoral is the guy who shoved his dick in my face.
[crowd gasps again]
The: [watching from the Seven's meeting room] Shit.
Madelyn: [watching from her office] Shit.
Annie: [Looks over at her mom and then back to the crowd] Here's the truth. Anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying. And I know, I know, I'm supposed to be this hero-idol-symbol-whatever, but... I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm just as scared and confused as the rest of you. I'm done pretending, and I'm done taking any more shit.
Annie: Thank you.

Annie: If Billy Butcher can do the right thing, then there's GOT to be some kind of higher power.

Queen: [finds Starlight throwing up in the bathroom] You want me to hold your hair back?
Starlight: Don't touch. Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood.
Queen: Not in the mood for what?
Starlight: Your bottomless casual cruelty. So just make whatever shitty comment you're gonna make and then go.
Queen: [holds up her wrist] Look.
Starlight: What am I supposed to be looking at?
Queen: My radius never healed straight. I really did break every bone in my right arm.
Starlight: What?
Queen: Stopping that bus from falling. You said the marketing guys made it up. It was me. 23-year old, bright-eyed, ass you could bounce a quarter off of me. I really did want to make a difference. I really did care. I was just like you. And then I started giving pieces of myself away, and I guess I gave away everything. So you know what? Be... just be original. For fuck's sake. My position is already taken. Be the annoying, goody two-shoes asshole that you are. One of us has to be.

Seth: So, we're thinking slot one goes to Supersonic. For girls 11 to 14, he's a real panty-dropper.
Starlight: That's horrifying. Please never say that again.

Starlight: The good guys don't win. The bad guys don't get punished. What we do means nothing. It's just all for money and... I am in the middle of all of it. Alone.

Love: You are not Supe.
Mother's: I'm with her. For the fuck party.
Annie: Yeah. Um, mm-hmm. No, he's very good at cunnilingus. Yeah, his tongue is just...
Love: Oh, yeah?
Annie: Yeah. He just gobbles that vagina right up. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Annie: I think Soldier Boy is bulletproof.
Mother's: This ain't for Soldier Boy.
Annie: Look, I'm pissed at those guys, too, but we have to keep our heads on.
Mother's: Why? Why do I always have to take the high road? You know, when white folks get mad, y'all motherfuckers go berserk, but I got to turn the other cheek? Fuck the high road, fuck Butcher, and fuck Hughie.
Annie: Hughie is not himself right now.
Mother's: Hughie is a grown-ass man that's made his own choices.
Annie: M.M.! Please. Soldier Boy is gonna kill more people. I mean, fuck. Kimiko is in the hospital. She lost her powers. Frenchie isn't answering, Alex is dead, and Maeve...
Annie: We're all we got. It's up to us.

Starlight: [Homelander grabs Starlight by the throat] What did I do?
Homelander: I told you to kill Hughie and you hesitated.
Starlight: I said we should go to the police!
Homelander: You disobeyed my orders because you're with him.
Starlight: Fuck you! Hughie Campbell broke my fucking heart. Worse than anyone ever has. And a part of me wants to blast his fucking face off, so no I am not "with him". But if you want to kill me because I'm not a murderer and I won't straight up execute someone, then go ahead. So tell me, am I lying?
Homelander: [he leaves her] You're not lying.

Starlight: This is where you're living?
Hughie: Yeah, it has its charms. The rats are like Pokemon. With Hep C.

Starlight: [after Starlight is presented with a revealing new costume] Look I appreciate the effort, I really do. But I prefer my old outfit.
Madelyn: We're not.
Starlight: Excuse me?
Madelyn: Starlight, like I said before, this is a partnership. And in a partnership we give and we take.
Starlight: It's my body. I have the right to choose how much of it I show.
Madelyn: That is true, you do. You just won't be doing it in The Seven, unless it is wrapped in that.

Mother's: [Annie hands Mother's Milk her smartphone] This is a bad idea.
Annie: Homelander helped make me America's Sweetheart. He's gonna regret that.

Annie: Since when did hopeful and naive become the same thing?

Starlight: So we risked our lives just to make the world way worse.
Hughie: No. No, no, Annie. These things just take time.
Starlight: How much time?

Starlight: Well, you, uh... you look like shit.
Queen: [jokingly] Fuck off, Smurfette.

Starlight: Thank you. For everything.
Queen: First time your prissy ass showed up at the Tower, crying in that bathroom... You saved me. Truth is, you... you don't need me anymore. I could jump. But you can fucking fly.

Starlight: Uh, who invited you? Exactly?
The: Starlight. Look, what I did was unforgivable. I'm going to do whatever in my power to renew my light. Not just for you, but for all the female people that I've offended.
Stormfront: Renew your light? Did you just fucking join The Church of the Collective?
The: Maybe.
Stormfront: You're an idiot.
The: Hey, easy on the religious persecution. OK new girl? Starlight, maybe one day you can welcome me back into the Seven. I know my road is long and hard.
Starlight: Are you serious? There is no FUCKING way you're coming back!
The: There's no need for language.