The Best Soldier Boy Quotes

Soldier: What the fuck are you doing?
Billy: Not the kid.
Soldier: Oh, I thought you said blood didn't matter. Thought that was the whole fucking point.
Billy: He's my wife's son.
Soldier: Wait, Homelander fucked your wife? And you wanna save the brat? The hell's wrong with you?
Billy: I made a promise.
Soldier: So this is it. Everything you wanted, he's right fucking there -- and now you blink?
Billy: Stand down.
Soldier: Fuck you! You're weaker than he is.

Crimson: Ben? Is that really you? You look so young.
Soldier: You don't.
Crimson: I'm so, so sorry. It wasn't my idea. God, you got to believe me. I-I...
Soldier: How much the the Russians pay you? Hmm?
Crimson: They didn't.
Soldier: What? They didn't pay you anything? I loved you. All those years... that they burned me and that they pumped me full of poison, I held onto the hope that you would come. That you would save me. Because I still loved you.
Crimson: I didn't love you. I hated you. We all did.

Soldier: Do men really walk around like that?
Hughie: Yeah. I mean, dads do.
Soldier: Okay, well... Bill Cosby is America's dad, and, I tell you one thing, he wouldn't be caught dead in that pussy gear.
Hughie: Lot to unpack there. Uh...
Soldier: The Cos. That's a real man. Holy shit, did he make some strong drinks.
Hughie: [whispers] Holy fucking shit.
Soldier: But, seriously, what passes as a man today? Christ on a cross.

Mother's: You killed my family.
Soldier: Which one?

Soldier: [after shooting a priest] What's black and white and red all over?

Soldier: I read up that we were ass up in Afghanistan. The fuck is up with that? Those were the good guys.
Hughie: Yeah, you know...
Soldier: I mean, when I left, it was uh... I mean, goddamn it. We-we were ten and one, you know? I lead the 116th onto Omaha Beach. I was in the fucking Eagles Nest. I fought for this country. I fought for this country. And what did I get for it? Forgotten. Left to rot by my own team.

Hughie: Oh, okay. So, this-this is an actual orgy. That's what this is.
Billy: Fucking Herogasm. Still a thing, eh?
Soldier: It's my thing. I founded it in '52. Me and this other Supe, Liberty. Man, was she a firecracker.
Billy: Frenchie's gonna be real heartbroken he missed this.

Soldier: You're that asshole from the lab.
Billy: That's right. I'm the arsehole that let you out. Russian Porta-Loos, eh? You want the Countess's head on a spike, don't you? Well, she's in there, yours for the taking. Consider it a gesture of good faith.
Soldier: Good faith for what?
Billy: I was thinking that you and I could come to a little arrangement. What you lot call a team up.

Soldier: [to Sheep Black Noir after brutalizing him] You think you can be me? You're not a movie star. You're not shit. I see you getting out of line again, trying to move on up, I will put you in the fucking ground. Understood?

Homelander: You were my hero growing up. I watched all your movies, hundreds of times. You were the only one that was nearly as strong as me.
Soldier: Buddy, you think you look strong? You're wearing a cape. You're just a cheap fucking knockoff.
Homelander: Oh, no, no, no. I'm the upgrade.

Soldier: I'm not going back in that fucking box!

Soldier: If you're gonna act hysterical, I'm gonna slap you like I'm Connery.

Soldier: How hard did Butcher suck your dick that you miss him that much? Hmm? His mouth must feel like a Hoover Deluxe.
Hughie: God, every single thing you say is so gross.

Hughie: You might want to lay off the weed, huh?
Soldier: And you might want to gargle my ball sack.

Soldier: Hiya, kids. That poop chute's had a workout, huh? Looks like the Lincoln Tunnel.